Do You Know What I Did?

Congrats!! Your BC came out great. :yep: I'm glad I took the time to click on this thread and scroll down (you do know how we roll :lachen:).
you do look cute w/ short hair.. i was just in complete shock w/ the drastic change.. i'm happy for you!!!!.. very brave, but again, you look great!!!!
Exsqueeze me....where are the pix missy?

They are in my first post Whimsy.

Thank you so much ladies. I appreciate all the love. :yep: I CWed my hair today with Suave coconut and it sucked that I could not smell my hair. :lachen:
I'm on this site everyday so I dont know how I missed this. But anywho- You look absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!
:thud: :thud:

Ok. :lol: Wow! I like it.

I second this post. I love the look on you. Pretty faces look SO good in short cuts. You look amazing!! But, in ANYbody getting that much hair cut off, my reaction is always :thud:. I still feel a little wobbly now.
PITIT Congratulations!! The BC really brought out your features! I just decided that I'm transitioning but I'm building up the guts to do the BC.

And yeah, where is the "Thanks" button lol?
PITIT Congratulations!! The BC really brought out your features! I just decided that I'm transitioning but I'm building up the guts to do the BC.

And yeah, where is the "Thanks" button lol?

Thanks!!! Yo no se donde esta el GRACIAS buttones! :lachen: :nono: :lachen:
How did my nosy butt miss this thread? Lucie you look BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely stunning! If it were up to me, you'd never grow long hair. I can't get over how purrty you look. I knew you were a cutie but this just made me stop and stare. :notworthy:


:lol: @ "no mami, no es extensions!"