Do you hide your hair products from your friends

Do you hide your "good" hair products from friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 119 49.4%
  • It depends on what product it is

    Votes: 43 17.8%
  • It depends on what kinda friends we are

    Votes: 39 16.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
I was so upset earlier. I'm stayin over a friend's hair. She was going to do my hair last night, but ran out of time so I'm doing it myself today. I told her to leave her con and poo out so I could wash. She jokingly said, you aren't going to use my Keracare are you? I don't let anyone use it and it's too expensive. Keep in mind I'm the one who made her buy Keracare. Before it was "too expensive" but anyway this gurl hid all her keracare stuff to make sure I only used her motions shampoo or some 2 in 1 mess. Shoot, she dunno me. I went into the kitchen grabbed some olive oil, pre pooed with that, washed it out with plain water and massaged my scalp to get rid of some dirt (I cowashed two days ago) and set my hair ith soem Elasta deisgn mold. Voila, my hair came out kute without any con or poo. Then she came in smilin after work...askin me what poo and con did i use....

I should have punched her...
But friends we are....LOL:lachen:
Most of my friends are guys, so no, I don't show them my products because even my own SO looks in the bathroom closet and goes "All of this ish is yours, I can't believe this- we don't even have a place to put towels! Why does it smell like Indian people in here!? Blah Blah Blah!"

With a close female friend though, I'll definitely share tips and show her what I've got. I have to be careful with some broads though- I've had chicks come over and disappear into my bathroom for a minute; come back out and their hair smells just like mine. Leaving me like WTF?
LOL I don't either...but DANG...A BEST FRIEND? And at least I give them choices lol. My guests use ORS Poo and Prolly motions Con or vo5! See I hook them up with the nice stuff! lol Even though I don't have guests THAT often.
Most of my friends are guys, so no, I don't show them my products because even my own SO looks in the bathroom closet and goes "All of this ish is yours, I can't believe this- we don't even have a place to put towels! Why does it smell like Indian people in here!? Blah Blah Blah!"

With a close female friend though, I'll definitely share tips and show her what I've got. I have to be careful with some broads though- I've had chicks come over and disappear into my bathroom for a minute; come back out and their hair smells just like mine. Leaving me like WTF?

.....:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:.......NOW THATS FUNNY TO ME lol Dunno why
Maybe, possibly when I was in your age range. However, at 37 years old, it's rare that my friends would try to use my hair products. If I have out of town guests come in, they either get their hair done before they arrive, bring their own products, or go to a salon here.
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I don't have freinds trying to use my stuff like that...but if a friend needed some shampoo expensive or not I would let them use it...Now if they were trying to use products every week that would be a problem... seriously how much shampoo can one person use one time?..I thought that was stingy of her...
No, because my friends and I talk about stuff like this all the time. When they find a product that's good they recommend and vice versa. I think that's some serious craziness/hateration if you got to hide your hair products from your friends...what you (not you literally) don't want their hair to be as bangin as yours... I hate people like that. I want all my friends to look good and have healthy hair...

I once had a friend whose hair was always great...she had a great stylist... do you know she would not give me that stylist's number for nothing? Like she was serious. So I had to pull a covert mission and get the stylist's number from elsewhere..I mean this was like my BFF (or so I thought). But in the end; that stylist did my hair well; but ended up cutting 4" off... so I shoulda left her tail alone.
Nope! I don't mind if they use my "good" hair products. I'm too busy trying to tell them the good products to use anyway...what better way of showing the importance of using quality products by letting them see for themselves:yep:
:lol: My friends aren't into hair like I am, so I don't have the stuff they would want to use, anyhow.
I used to be allow the whole "sharing" thing, until I realised that some women are like leeches and will literally eat through your good-hearted heart :nono:

Two of my friends used to jus wanna "sample" and I would end up with half a bottle gone or my tubs of moisturizer with HANDFUL imprints in them. I couldnt afford to care for thier hair and mine, so I had to hide them.

Now they ask "aww Mims where's that nice whipped cream or con u used to have?"

I'm like yea **** its gone now :rolleyes:
I only have one close girlfriend and I don't mind sharing. If it was really expensive, I make sure that I pay very close attention to how much they (my sisters included :giggle:) use, but I never resort to hiding it.

As for random folks (like cousins and associates) , I just say :nono: and keep it moving. I will tell them where they can go buy their own or I give them the cheap stuff.
Nope, I'm free with my stuff. And maybe that's why my 2 bottles of Kenra shampoo and conditioner are still sitting across the street at my neighbors house, never returned a YEAR later. :ohwell:

Neighbor: Girl, can I borrow some shampoo and conditioner? I'll bring it right back. October 2007. :ohwell:
Yes I do, BUT ONLY the Horse ones - and my bottom cabinet filled with hair vitamins.
Well I don't invite people over to my house so I don't have that problem. I have one friend that I'm close to but she lives down the block from me, but we share everything so that's okay. My bff is in Vegas, so I'm trying to MAKE her use some of the things I do! My niece stays at my house but she'll get cut if she touches my ish without asking.
I'm 37 so my friends don't exactly sleep over. I don't hide my hair products from my friends, I hide them from my kids & husband! They're not allowed to touch my stuff. I do show my sister and some friends what I use and occasionally do their hair for free.
Well I don't invite people over to my house so I don't have that problem. I have one friend that I'm close to but she lives down the block from me, but we share everything so that's okay. My bff is in Vegas, so I'm trying to MAKE her use some of the things I do! My niece stays at my house but she'll get cut if she touches my ish without asking.

If I tried to take your products I'd have to bring a truck with me LOL
Nope, I'm free with my stuff. And maybe that's why my 2 bottles of Kenra shampoo and conditioner are still sitting across the street at my neighbors house, never returned a YEAR later. :ohwell:

Neighbor: Girl, can I borrow some shampoo and conditioner? I'll bring it right back. October 2007. :ohwell:

Shoot Sistaslick! Look at all that beautiful hair! look at how healthy it is! They prolly thought you used something "special" to get it to that length! I wouldn't give it back eitha LOL :lachen:

But yea the situation ticked me off because think about it. We are best friends. I would let her borrow ANYTHING of mine. AND I DO! I EVEN LET HER BORROW MY SHIRT I HADNT WORN YET! Now when it comes to me borrowing her stuff, she's VERY stingy. And I'm like DANG it's just haircare products. I dun buy those lil bitty bottles she buys of Keracare. I buy the biiig bottles so I don't have to continue going back to the store for staples. I CAN GIVE HER POO AND CON! And she KNOWS I know how much to use. Shoot I'm the person who told her to try it. So why the heck would you hide your stuff from me. I should do that ish when she wanna borrow a shirt. I'ma act like I dunno where the heck NONE of my ish is. Just clothesless. I'll leave out the too big clothes and old stuff for her to wear :perplexed
My best friend and I are both in this hair journey together. We even use a lot of the same products. We don't hide our products from each other, but we know our boundaries. If I'm running low on something or she's running low on something I have no problem with letting her use some of mine (if I have enough) and the same goes for her. Even when we're shopping for conditioner we're always on the lookout for what each other needs. We'll be like "Did you see this conditioiner?" or "Do you have conditioner left. There's some here." Both of us are picky about ingredients in our conditioner and we only trust one another to pick out ones that only have natural ones. I definitely appreciate that.
Nope, I'm free with my stuff. And maybe that's why my 2 bottles of Kenra shampoo and conditioner are still sitting across the street at my neighbors house, never returned a YEAR later. :ohwell:

Neighbor: Girl, can I borrow some shampoo and conditioner? I'll bring it right back. October 2007. :ohwell:

You fell for that? She was probably itchin' to get into your bathroom since the moment she saw your hair swangin' in the breeze :lachen:! I would go to her house, knock on her door and be like "Hey Girl! How you been doing? That's nice. By the way, you still got those Kenra products I loaned you a year ago? Yeah, you didn't think I remembered that, did you? You gone pay what you owe!" :grin:
I would share my expensive products with my mom, my bff, and my sister with no problem,but my in laws are a different story. My mil would want to use it for her, her man and anybody else, but is too cheap to buy the products for herself, and won't help ypu replace yours when its all gone. So like Mimi said. I would have to foot the bill for everybody's haircare. (Can't afford it!)
When I was doing sleepovers it was nothing to share any and everything. None of my close girlfriends have the same hairtype as me, so my needs are usually a bit different.

When me and my bestie went on a vacation together she made sure to buy full bottles of our Redken staples and we just shared them. There's no stinginess. I've allowed people to use my CHI for months at a time with no issue because they share with me as well.
Most of my friends are guys, so no, I don't show them my products because even my own SO looks in the bathroom closet and goes "All of this ish is yours, I can't believe this- we don't even have a place to put towels! Why does it smell like Indian people in here!? Blah Blah Blah!"

With a close female friend though, I'll definitely share tips and show her what I've got. I have to be careful with some broads though- I've had chicks come over and disappear into my bathroom for a minute; come back out and their hair smells just like mine. Leaving me like WTF?
I don't mind my friends using my stuff. I sometimes encourage them to if they need to use some shampoo/conditioner to see if they like it, especially if I know that what they're already using might not be as good.

Now if one of them was always using my products, then I'd say something about that. But just using it once every once in a while is fine with me.

ETA: I love sharing hair tips with people.
I don't mind my friends using my stuff. I sometimes encourage them to if they need to use some shampoo/conditioner to see if they like it, especially if I know that what they're already using might not be as good.

Now if one of them was always using my products, then I'd say something about that. But just using it once every once in a while is fine with me.

ETA: I love sharing hair tips with people. [/quote]

Me too! I mean that's what we are here for right? To help others!
Shoot Sistaslick! Look at all that beautiful hair! look at how healthy it is! They prolly thought you used something "special" to get it to that length! I wouldn't give it back eitha LOL :lachen:

But yea the situation ticked me off because think about it. We are best friends. I would let her borrow ANYTHING of mine. AND I DO! I EVEN LET HER BORROW MY SHIRT I HADNT WORN YET! Now when it comes to me borrowing her stuff, she's VERY stingy. And I'm like DANG it's just haircare products. I dun buy those lil bitty bottles she buys of Keracare. I buy the biiig bottles so I don't have to continue going back to the store for staples. I CAN GIVE HER POO AND CON! And she KNOWS I know how much to use. Shoot I'm the person who told her to try it. So why the heck would you hide your stuff from me. I should do that ish when she wanna borrow a shirt. I'ma act like I dunno where the heck NONE of my ish is. Just clothesless. I'll leave out the too big clothes and old stuff for her to wear :perplexed

Maybe you should tell her about herself. Could it be she's not aware of her stinginess?
I would share my expensive products with my mom, my bff, and my sister with no problem,but my in laws are a different story. My mil would want to use it for her, her man and anybody else, but is too cheap to buy the products for herself, and won't help ypu replace yours when its all gone. So like Mimi said. I would have to foot the bill for everybody's haircare. (Can't afford it!)

I agree with the bolded information. No one really comes over except my family, so I don't have to hide anything. I will let my mother and sister try it for a while, just so they can get an idea of what the product line is like. Then I would recommend that they buy the basic kit.

We're living in tough economic times, and times are too hard to be letting friends use my expensive hair care products. However, with some friends I will give them the information to order it.:yep:
I don't have ppl over. My sis and niece do come over though. I don't have to worry about hiding my products. Speaking of, I did a rollerset for her two weeks ago...i need my rollers and DVDs back.
Na, I don't care. It is just hair stuff. My friendship is more important. Besides, some of my friends "need" to use some good hair products in their hair and to let it "breath" from those weaves.
i dont hide my products becuase my girls no not to use anything unlesss they ask. they dont know much about hair care anyway so anything i give them is good to them. with that said all off my products are good i just like some more than others so anything i give them is atleast and 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.