Do you hide your hair products from your friends

Do you hide your "good" hair products from friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 119 49.4%
  • It depends on what product it is

    Votes: 43 17.8%
  • It depends on what kinda friends we are

    Votes: 39 16.2%

  • Total voters
Yeah I'd let them use it, hceck I have too much stuff to hide and not enough storage space. My family are the ones you gotta worry about. My sister will straight jack you if she likes a product and my mom will use all you ish when she's not in kinky twist.
The only things I hide are the sulfur products because some people have no idea that they are allergic and I'm not trying to rush anyone to the hospital.

Other stuff is willingly shared.
I had to hide stuff from my ex. That bald headed fool would take a handful of expensive stuff then throw the excess on the shower floor. :arguing:

I also had a white friend over and she used my relaxed and natural poo and con and said "i don't know what that stuff is gonna do to my hair." i was put off by that statement so i keep my "universal" products in the bathroom and the "ethnic" stuff i take out when i need.
I only hide my MT. The other products I use are natural or organic and not so expensive so I let them use it. It's very unlikely they will want to use your products every single day so it's ok to let them use it on occassion
I voted it depends on what product it is...nobody that I know is into hair as much as I am but my sister and I always tell her what I use and what she should try so I really should've voted no b/c I wouldn't hide my products from anyone. I do notice however a lot of women will not tell you their main products...I've seen this happen all the time when women are in the salon getting their hair washed and their products they bring in the labels are all covered in their hiding it so nobody will know what they use...I just don't get it....why would someone mind if a product they have works for them for someone else to buy it...
My cousin and my friend would want me to do their hair for them, so I would charge them a couple of dollars for the products. My cousin literally was trying to get it done every 2 weeks, and didn't want to pay, so she eventually got her own stuff.
No point hiding my stuff, to be honest, my friends would probably quit after a couple of weeks. It is all I can do not to fall off the wagon myself!
I don't have alot of people to my house. I don't mind people using my stuff. The only ones that I share with anyway is my sister, my mom, my godsister and my DH. Matter of fact, I need to go and get DH some cheap conditioner because I caught him using my good conditioner for shaving cream.:nono: Granted his face was softer from it.:yep: But still.....
I don't care if people use my products, but I do get miffed if they use extreme amounts of my good stuff.

Ex: My dear sister is heavy handed with everything, while I on the other hand am quite frugal/cheap with my pricier products. So when she starts squeezing globs of my Humectress or AO into her hand, I can't help but feel that inner constriction in my chest, like "girl, you besta leave my stuff alone!".
Never. My sister is heavy handed as well, but if she likes a product, she'll go buy it herself and if she doesn't, she just wont use it again.

I told a close friend of mine about BKT...we both want to try it, so we are going half on the bottle. And will do the process on each other. We have similar hair length and thickness. So all is good.

I've never had to hide products from my friends...if they see a product that intrigues them, they'll ask me about it and where THEY can buy it.
No I don't hide my products (bc I don't have people over my house, i'm more apt to go over their house with my stuff in tow). They always comment or compliment my hair, so I don't see a problem letting them in on my "secrets"...however, i have one bff thats about to get demoted, that always act nasty towards me whenever I mention hair or hair products. the rest of my friends are cool with my regime (as if they had a choice in the matter) but i don't see them ever trying my regime or any products that i use.
hmmmm....only the unique stuff like my Mane and Tail products or natural powders/oils because I don't want to answer any sarcastic questions.

I'm always up to help but the minute you toss a cynical, sarcastic or insulting comment in your questioning i make a mental note not to keep my things around you or discuss haircare. you're on your own at that point!
My friends aren't like that...If they see something in my closet that they are interested in, they will ask me and I'm a generous person, so I don't mind sharing.
Yes. I have friends who don't know suave from herbal essences to anything else. And they're heavy handed with product. Specialty/boutique products are way more concentrated than drugstore so you don't need to wash half a bottle down the drain. I'm not selfish but when you know someone is going to take limited edition or discontinued product and use it up like it's v05 then it's better not to allow unsupervised useage :).
Only my mom would be in the position to use my products and no I don't hide it BUT she is heavy handed with product so I'm not entirely willing:( Hey - I was raised as an only child - I can't be blamed for not wanting to share:)
I don't have any friends or family that get into hair and hair products like that. I actually try to offer them samples of stuff without them asking, trying to help them out.

Only thing I've ever hidden was MTG:lachen:
Ive never had to hide any hair products from my friends... they either wear lf's or have no clue about hair products.. now my DH and DD?? THEY are a different story!!! DH came out of the bathroom the other day w/my neutrogena triple moisture mask on his head looking all innocent like 'What??' *shrugs* then he proceeded to tell me how long it needed to stay in his hair SMH! I'd forgottne to put it back up after I used it
I plan to buy Mega Tek soon, and will tranfer it to another generic (with not references to horses) bottle! :spinning:
I put yes, but I have my reasons why. First I will allow them to use it if I'm able to monitor what they're grabbing or asking to use (I have a system). And I don't want anything opened that I haven't tried or opened yet.

Secondly, its mainly my sister and nieces that wants to use it and the only reason why I feel that they should use their own is because they're damaging their hair. My sister relaxes and then GLUES tracks in there hair. She has ton of patches missing in her head from the glue. Now why should come use my hairveda and you're doing that mess to your hair. Its a waist. My niece are natural but they style their hair in crazy Bee's wax updo's.
Ive never had to hide any hair products from my friends... they either wear lf's or have no clue about hair products.. now my DH and DD?? THEY are a different story!!! DH came out of the bathroom the other day w/my neutrogena triple moisture mask on his head looking all innocent like 'What??' *shrugs* then he proceeded to tell me how long it needed to stay in his hair SMH! I'd forgottne to put it back up after I used it

Aww, that was so cute and HILARIOUS at the same time. I had to stifle a huge laugh just now. I think men are more interested in hair care than they admit :look:
I dont have a problem with friends using my hair products if they stay over. I tend to end up washing peoples hair anyway for some reason my best guy friend, SO and my neice all have gotten the treatment. I would even have them sitting around with plastic baggies on their head DC'in lol. But they dont start eating into my supply or they would have to come up off some money. What I will hide is my makeup I am a makeup junky I have a massive amount of MAC and high end department store makeup. My BF will come over and be all in my stuff with fingers and my brushes. It is expensive (and she refuse's to buy any of her own she will buy $1LA looks eyeshadow) and also I just think sharing makeup is unhygenic so yes I will hide the makeup but not the hair stuff
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My friends believe i'm hair crazy anyway and wont bother goin near my stash. They think they will be overwhelmed with what's in it (they The only person I can say I would have to hide stuff from is my sister, but she gets her hair done by a stylist every 2 weeks faithfully so My stuff is MINEEEEE...
I keep my hair products in the linen closet so there is really no reason for anyone other than my hubby n I to go in there. But the products that I do keep out like my frenchees, and hair oils, I don't really care about them seeing it. My friends are not into hair care, and they think I'm "crazy". They love their weaves, ponies, and short cuts. Hey, if they like it, i love it!!
uhm....i know i sometimes hide my expensive stuff from my sis lol and she'll do the same sometimes but we both know that we still use each other's stuff when the other's gone lmao. That's when she was @ home, now she's married. With a friend who would only be there occasionally to use hair product (never happened) id let her use it cuz it would be a once in a blue moon thing. But this is cuz m broke! If i was balling then it'd b a diff story...i'm nt stingy (i think lol)
I don't hide anything because anyone who walks through my door and needs their hair done :look: at me like.... "Can you do my hair?" so I am cool with that. If they come every week (after four uses) I let them know what they need. The Mr. don't care if I washed 100 peoples head but he will :nono: at me washing the same persons hair 100 times. It is time to self support. Once in a blue moon is fine though.
I hide my stuff, because I don't want people to know I am a PJ. I love to share information with my friends on products and taking care of their hair. I will let them use some of my hair care products expensive or not, but if the products work on my hair type then "no" I won't let them use it. Okay, maybe it depends on what kind of the expensive product.
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No, I don't have that many people over my house, but when I do I don't hide any of my hair products from them.
Wow! Some of these stories are pretty funny :giggle: Majority of my friends/family ARE not interested about good hair care as they are programmed by these sayings: "If you can't achieve it, weave it!" .. "If you can't grow it, Sew it!" or "Water is not good for hair" :rolleyes: with that being said, I know once they see my hair lookin GLORIOUS I know I'll be getting jumped for my stash :lachen: ...

The reason why I will be hiding my stuff is cause I have taken my time to do my OWN research by subscribing to LHCF, and paid for my hair stuff which has burnt the whole in my purse. I will however tell them what I'm using and where I got it, but I won't allow them to use it, cause knowing me I DON'T have the guts to say "No, that's enough now". I've always been a people pleaser and more time I don't get a "thank you" ..even a "please" at that. And i'm big on manners.

I hope this doesn't seem mean but I am far too kind for my own good, so it's just me breaking a habit and connecting what I feel + what I say.
I do tell them as many are now asking...I no longer push product advice without them asking. WEN should have a few new customers.