Do you hide your hair products from your friends

Do you hide your "good" hair products from friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 119 49.4%
  • It depends on what product it is

    Votes: 43 17.8%
  • It depends on what kinda friends we are

    Votes: 39 16.2%

  • Total voters
I don't really hide my hair stuff, I sort of try not to bring attention to them. You say how? Well my stuff is mostly Indian oils and stuff you find around the house. I think they would laugh if they knew how basic my hair stuff is even though they compliment my naps from time to time. Most people don't want to hear about natural stuff, as if this stuff is worthless. Duh, what do you think most companies are trying to mimic??? Anyway,
my friend that has locs has used natural stuff and she asks me about hair stuff now, so for her, I don't hide them. If someone seriously wanted to see what I use and how it works AND willing to give it a try, come on. Besides, the natural stuff is a lot less expensive so I'm willing to give some to the sincere.
I'm generally very generous with my things and hair advice but if it's expensive I'd be leery and might hide it. Some of them ungrateful heiffers would use up everything and still not listen to my hair advice so I designated the cheapies for them.
That's a negative. I use my friends product when I am out and vise versa. I think friends, especially good ones should be like family, no?

BK ^_^
Most of my friends wear horrible weaves and use Dr. Miracle like its the answer to all of their problems....they wouldnt even look twice at any of my hair products.
No, I wouldn't care about sharing the wealth, because that's what friends are for. If I knew them using my stuff would help them get their own and learn what works, I don't mind sharing.
No, my friends never need to borrow stuff, most of them don't even do their own hair or they will not need to borrow stuff. My cousin I am closest to here is loced, so she ain't trying to use my products. I would let her use anything she wanted though.
WELL................. I do with this one specific girl the rest of my friend are cool too use anything I have. This particular girl is really annoying , im not hiding them cause I dont want her to use it but I find shes one of those vistors who will use your washroom just to take a look in your medincine cabinet. She's always asking me why do I have this and putting me down but everytime I go to her house this girl is buying the same exact stuff as me down to the teeth. It's kind of creppy sadly it's not only with hair products but with my kin care stuff and even my clothes....
Well. First people arent over my house like that, secondly they have to be taking care of their hair first.

If their putting ampro and spritz on their hair daily, and i have a budget for my hair stuff....then I dont really see the need of my stuff going on your hair. Especially when they are usually heavy handed and would complain/comment on the products anway. And Especially when you dont come over but once in a blue moon. You can use the products that i've tried and dont really like, and take those home, and i'll try to help you out with a hair regimen again so you dont think my stuff is "magic", and when you come back and know whats going on we can share all day long.

That probally sound mean :ohwell:
Well. First people arent over my house like that, secondly they have to be taking care of their hair first.

If their putting ampro and spritz on their hair daily, and i have a budget for my hair stuff....then I dont really see the need of my stuff going on your hair. Especially when they are usually heavy handed and would complain/comment on the products anway. And Especially when you dont come over but once in a blue moon. You can use the products that i've tried and dont really like, and take those home, and i'll try to help you out with a hair regimen again so you dont think my stuff is "magic", and when you come back and know whats going on we can share all day long.

That probally sound mean :ohwell:

Lol Not mean at all. I want to know you're at least going to make an EFFORT to do your hair when I give you stuff!
If I tried to take your products I'd have to bring a truck with me LOL

If anyone tried to take my products they'd leave my house missing limbs!!! I don't play that! My nephew is on punishment right now for a month for going in my closet and literally stealing handfuls of airheads out the big box I got from costco and stuffing it in his pants, trying to walk properly so my mother didn't notice.

yeah right! I'm gonna break him out of that right now! lol
If anyone tried to take my products they'd leave my house missing limbs!!! I don't play that! My nephew is on punishment right now for a month for going in my closet and literally stealing handfuls of airheads out the big box I got from costco and stuffing it in his pants, trying to walk properly so my mother didn't notice.

yeah right! I'm gonna break him out of that right now! lol

:sad: I'm skeered LOL :lachen:Sharing is caring!

Oh and BTW, I would say that I did take my MegaTek with me to Arizona when I was there in August. I didn't let my friends go in my hotel room (I was at a conference) cuz I was afraid they'd see the MT bottle and ask me where I was hiding the horse LOL Other than that, can't see why I'd hide my products from anybody else.
You fell for that? She was probably itchin' to get into your bathroom since the moment she saw your hair swangin' in the breeze :lachen:! I would go to her house, knock on her door and be like "Hey Girl! How you been doing? That's nice. By the way, you still got those Kenra products I loaned you a year ago? Yeah, you didn't think I remembered that, did you? You gone pay what you owe!" :grin:
I was laughing so hard, I was crying.....Muffin you are too funny girl.
I let my friends use whatever they like regardless of if they would do the same for me. I love my friends, so I like to look out for them and their tresses as much as I can.
WELL................. I do with this one specific girl the rest of my friend are cool too use anything I have. This particular girl is really annoying , im not hiding them cause I dont want her to use it but I find shes one of those vistors who will use your washroom just to take a look in your medincine cabinet. She's always asking me why do I have this and putting me down but everytime I go to her house this girl is buying the same exact stuff as me down to the teeth. It's kind of creppy sadly it's not only with hair products but with my kin care stuff and even my clothes....
It's a girl like that in my life. She always puts me down and talks about how she doesn't like this or that when I wear it.....1 month later she has on the same fit :wallbash:
Mm... I'm at school right now and i have 2 roommates and one is always watching what i do to my hair then she would say some smart comments, i just told her done come ever asking to use anything...NOWW she is always beginning to blow dry my hair and she wanna pin curl it, anything to touch it now she stopped being a hater and started congratulating my hair grew a few inches and im still stretching. She has very very fine hair and mine is very thick and coarse. now she begging i try to tell her stuff she just laughed when i told her about cowashing 3 x's a she on her own. I took my MT out of the container and put it in an application bottle and she loves the smell so much she been asking to use it....i told her NO. sorry i tried to help and she laughed and talked her mess, so she gonna deal on her own.
I don't have a problem with my friends using or seeing my stuff. Majority of them know Im into healthy hair growth and always trying to share some knowledge with them.

But yeah she was kind of nonfriendish to do some stuff like that. Expecially if you hooked her on it.
Hmmm, none of my friends have ever asked to use my hair products.... and I guess that's a good thing because when my family wants to use something I don't want them to use the good stuff. :grin:
I don't let them use things I can only order online, but I let them use whatever I buy at stores.
I let my friends and or family use whatever they want, whenever they want...I have never been ummm selfish with anything that I own.I guess that's why I have never had a problem personally or financially replacing and obtaining various products and or things...
Most of my friends are stuck on their products..and their weaves and 99% of the things I use on my hair have to be used when your hair is wet.. and we know how black girl feel about getting their hair wet :look: so I never worry. If my family wants to use it I don't care, even if its expensive I wouldn't mind.. I'm the 2nd yongest of the girl cousins so I pretty much leeched off of them for 19years.. might as well pay tribute :grin:
Nope never hide my products. My friends use the same products anyway and they have a lot a more sense not to use my things and bring your own.
I learned to hide my stuff yeeeeeears ago when I discovered my spouse was cleaning the bathroom with it 'cause " you've got so much anyway ". :wallbash:

I almost caught a case.

When I was at the college with all of high school friends I had to hide hair products. They would bust in and use my stuff without asking. On top of that they were heavy handed. I was very pissed. In hinde site it really wasn't that bad. I rarely ever finish a product. I transfered school now and I dont even know what hair products my suite mates use.
never, but I caught my husband using my kerastase oleo relax shampoo and I yelled at him,lol (and he's a baldie,so go figure) his answer was you have so many,what's so special about this one.I bought him some cheap shampoo to tide him over, I let him use my coconut oil in the winter for his scalp.