Do you hide your hair products from your friends

Do you hide your "good" hair products from friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 119 49.4%
  • It depends on what product it is

    Votes: 43 17.8%
  • It depends on what kinda friends we are

    Votes: 39 16.2%

  • Total voters
none of my prods are expensive so i dont mind sharing... but most of my friends wont use my prods cause "that's some white mess! where's all your stuff with a black girl on it or a picture of africa?!?!?"

ok, maybe not those words exactly but you know what i mean lol
If I paid upwards of 16 dollars for my conditioner, no one can use it but me. Maybe my mom can...maybe. And that's just cuz she birthed me...
My sister is a mooch. She will spend all her money on expensive things for herself and come by my house to get hair products. She continuously lives beyond her means. I have been known to be generous and give her things. My hair is my habit. I support my own habits. I order products and have them shipped. I work to buy the things I need for my hair to grow. I pay for my own gasoline and stamps and food. She tries to take what she needs from others so she can go out and attend concerts and clubs.:nono:
Oh heck no! I hide stuff and keep stuff in mis-labeled bottles. My girls know they can't trust the labels anymore, both of them have gotten hold of some mystery concoction, and lived to regret it, lol. If they ask now, I usually say, umm, that's bat urine, but it will thicken up yo' hurr!
My mom uses absolutely everything I own. From shoulder bags to hair products. I found this hempseed oil, which is pretty rare where I live, and she took one third of the bottle to mix with MY other oils for her hair. I don't hide anything at all. Everything is just in the bathroom. But once she got the surprise of her life when she used my Sally hansen hair removal cream on her face. READ THE LABELS MOM! Now she asks before using... Sometimes.
I've run out of space under my double vanities, my counter space, my shower and my closet to hide my products so they are located everywhere, all out in the open too. i don't offer product suggestions until I'm asked and then I'll rave about the vendors I use which I personally think I should be paid commission for all my promoting. I'm bad though, I've told my roommate who wears a weave several times that I would let her sample my amazing DCs when she takes her weave out but then all of a sudden day of her wash day I and/or my product happen to be nowhere to be found. I hate saying no to people even though I ought to so I say yes initially and then hide myself.. Honestly, my DCs would go to waste on her because she would never take the HHJ. But for people I'm close to and that are serious about starting a HHJ, my mother especially, I will let them sample products without hesitation.
I hide my hair products from my sister. She does not believe that she should buy her own. Her own anything...
Nope but I hide my products for my dh but somehow he always know when its an new item in my
I'm afraid so because they don't wash their hair like that at home but because I have a closet full of hair products now you want to wash and deep condition and ask to take some home. Um, no buy your own stuff. I literally had friends come over every week to wash and dc:look: until my shhh was ghost:lachen: so yea, I hide the good stuff:yep:
Most friends don't come over to do their hair so its a non issue. The most they can do is ask about a certain product I have.

I have to tell my DH what to use and what not to use. :lol: Yes: ORS Shampoo (which he loves) and a few others and "no" to some that cost too much $$. His hair is straight and shorter so he can use dish-washing liquid and it will be OK. We use a lot of the same gel but its pretty inexpensive so its a non-issue.
I hide my stuff from my BF, she seems to believe the products I use will give her BSL hair by Monday. I try telling her its a journey and visit LHCF and do some research but she is not trying to hear all of that. Whenever she visit I have to do inventory. Its not so much her taking my products that bothers me. its the fact she will take the item use it and expect the one time usage to cure all her hair aliments. When it doesn't she will trash the stolen item.
I don't but my friends have their own stuff. My aunt likes to use my stuff on my lil cousin's hair, but I encourage it
I need to start hiding mine. My momma, sister and sister-in-law have come "shopping" at my house for hair products.