Do you have crossover appeal?

I have cross over appeal. All types of guys approach me and flirt w/me. I don't mind since I like all types. :love:
I do now but I didn't when I was younger (I'm guessing that was in part because being with a black girl was soooo taboo for non blacks then-you never saw it recognized in the main stream). It's not just being attractive, it's having a look that just seems friendly and approachable (you know how some people just look nice and sweet?*evil grin*). I tend to smile a lot when meeting people. It might also have to do with the way I talk (I try and usually fail to suppress the valleyness). I'm sure it makes people assume that I'd be the type to go for other races.
Blossssom said:
Um hmmm... VERY!

Especially if you're not loud, ignorant-acting and a hoochie momma!

Some black guys seem to FLOCK to that!

And then the professional, "sophisticated" black men aren't interested because you don't fit into a certain size box.

I have this same problem :ohwell: glad to see I am not alone.
I didn't in my puberty akward years but now? Damn! I have no clue what it is. I get hit on by Black men, Hispanic ( Puerto Rican, Domican, Mexican you name it), Pakastinian (sp?) men, recently Asian men. But get this, the other day I was at the ATM and I heard "Pssss, Pssss" towards me. First I ignore it and then I hear it a bit louder. I turn around and see a Hasidic Jew looking at me. He says " Whut up, can we talk or go out?" I'm trying to get over my shock and not laugh ,when I tell him that I'm not available. He then gives me his number in case I change my mind. I'm still cracking up because I thought I never see the day especially with the Crown Heights riots that happened not too long ago. And I don't fit the so- call standard beauty at all; darkskinned, nappy hair, ethnic nose ( not Bobo the clown, though) big booty...maybe that was it, LOL!
If there is a such thing as crossover appeal, then I have it. I am married to a BLACK BROTHA but all men check me out,a nd come on to me...I perfer chocolate um um :p
i do and i'm not really sure why but heres what i think:

i have a big chest and a big butt
i smile alot i show my mr ed's with pride
i dress cute (when i feel like it)
i wear cute shoes ALMOST ALWAYS with my toes out(MEN LUV MY FEET :look: )
Well I for one don't have cross over appeal. I live in a country with about 95% white people and I have only had 1 white man. One white guy from Argentina, too. That's it! And I don't mind at all... :D I just don't attract white guys.
A girl I used to work with told me that guys of of other races never try to approach her and she has seen several that she was attracted to. My ex-boyfriend, a white guy, met her at a party we had. Later when I told him about her concern, he told me that she is just not approachable. She comes off like a woman with the stereotypical "black girl I-am-so-fly attitude". I never told her that he said that. :ohwell:
I am realizing more and more that men of other races are totally feeling black women. It's just that they're afraid of getting rejected. I went out recently with a bunch of people from my class, and once those dudes got some liquor up in them, they hovered aroundd our circle of black girls like a honeybees to a hive! I mean, dudes I never spoke to or though even noticed me were dancing with me. And they were self conscious! They kept making comments about us dancing with "the white guys" like we would spit in their face or something if they missed a beat. :lol:

I think it's confidence and being approachable. I know that I'm not always approachable but I do carry myself with a lot of self respect and pride. Sometimes, though, confidence can come off as arrogance or that "I'm too fly attitude" that someone else mentioned. And guys can be scared to approach for that reason too.
kristina said:
I do now but I didn't when I was younger (I'm guessing that was in part because being with a black girl was soooo taboo for non blacks then-you never saw it recognized in the main stream). It's not just being attractive, it's having a look that just seems friendly and approachable (you know how some people just look nice and sweet?*evil grin*). I tend to smile a lot when meeting people. It might also have to do with the way I talk (I try and usually fail to suppress the valleyness). I'm sure it makes people assume that I'd be the type to go for other races.

I have the "valley girl" thing going on to, but I can't help it! I grew up in California! As soon as I open my mouth, white guys are like a moth to a flame. I'm not gonna even try to be modest. I think brown skin turns guys on.
Bklynqueen said:
I didn't in my puberty akward years but now? Damn! I have no clue what it is. I get hit on by Black men, Hispanic ( Puerto Rican, Domican, Mexican you name it), Pakastinian (sp?) men, recently Asian men. But get this, the other day I was at the ATM and I heard "Pssss, Pssss" towards me. First I ignore it and then I hear it a bit louder. I turn around and see a Hasidic Jew looking at me. He says " Whut up, can we talk or go out?" I'm trying to get over my shock and not laugh ,when I tell him that I'm not available. He then gives me his number in case I change my mind. I'm still cracking up because I thought I never see the day especially with the Crown Heights riots that happened not too long ago. And I don't fit the so- call standard beauty at all; darkskinned, nappy hair, ethnic nose ( not Bobo the clown, though) big booty...maybe that was it, LOL!

A HASIDIC JEW? OMIGOD, I have officially heard it all. That's so funny!
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I've been accused of sending out some type of 'white boy signal' before. Used to drive my girlfriends crazy, but they'd be all over me. I think its because I've always been friends with white guys so I'm comfortable with them. Plus, I'm a hella flirt and love men. Hell, sometimes I would flirt just because I was bored! So yeah, I definitely have crossover appeal.
I'm not too sure. I've had latino guys approach me and the white guys that do approach me are the ones that act black (I know that's not correct, but I dont' know how else to say it). So I don't know how much crossover appeal I actually have.
I have it. During the summer, I dated a Japanese guy. First time I had an Asian guy attracted to me as far as I know. I was shocked when he gave me his number. Hispanic guys, yeah, a pretty good number. White guys, not that often, because heck i hardly see them. I go to a predominantly hispanic school. Indian men... the creepy ones. The main thing is looking approachable. It's 2005 and everyone wants a little flava' :lol:

I have felt a bit down a few times though, if i like someone who's not black and am not sure if he would be attracted to me, bc sometimes u never know someone's preference, and it doesn't work out.

haha, i went to Boston recently, and I was like 'hmm...where are the black people?' i hadn't seen that many white people in a while! :lol: I like all types but u gotta have some COLOR. Even if he's white, I'd like him to be a little tan :look:
Bmm said:
If there is a such thing as crossover appeal, then I have it. I am married to a BLACK BROTHA but all men check me out,a nd come on to me...I perfer chocolate um um :p

Ditto. I don't know if I have crossover appeal..because I have always focused on the BROTHAS only.
MzTami said:
Ditto. I don't know if I have crossover appeal..because I have always focused on the BROTHAS only.

Thats the same for me too! I believe I would have more cross over appeal if i would smile more, but sometimes I really don't want to be bother by any men.
I'm not the type of person who feels something is wrong with me if men are not starting at me when I enter a room, I could care less.
mahogany said:
Thats the same for me too! I believe I would have more cross over appeal if i would smile more, but sometimes I really don't want to be bother by any men.
I'm not the type of person who feels something is wrong with me if men are not starting at me when I enter a room, I could care less.

Amen to that..I feel you truly!! I thought I was the only one that don't like to be hit on by men. I hate it with a passion!
I guess I have it, I get hit on by all colors of the rainbow, I'm not particularly super confident either. Whatever it is it does nothing for me cause I only want my black men...ofcourse lol
ill step out and say tht guys of all races holler at me, but i never thought i had "crossover appeal." i was usually under the impression crossover appeal had to do with the combination of fine "delicate" features, a long, thinner nose, light skin and long straight or curly hair. as much as many types of guys are attracted to me (ive had a hasidic jew encounter as well, as well as some strange incidents with complete strangers) ive noticed its a given that women with abovementioned features are immediately considered beautiful or attractive by men of other races.
I thought that I was the only one who got hit on by a hasidic jew... lol

I'm not alone!

That happeneed recently too...

I find that men of all races are attracted to me. Black men will talk to me... but less than other races. I'm not gpoing to say that I "act white" but the especially ingnorant say so. I'm blackity black black... WITHOUT being ghetto. That doesn't mean that I act white.

I've dated white, black, chinese, filipino, jewish, afghani, yemish (IS this what you call a person from yemen??? lol), puerto rican, dominican and indian... possibly more... don't really keep tabs. Hey, I date a lot :)

I am a complete JEW, RUSSIAN and CHINESE magnet.... lol don't ask me WHY. 70% of the time the men that are interested in me are in one or more of those three groups.

I don't think that men of other races are attracted to me becuase of my muddled features, or medium-light skin. They just as easily are turned on by darker women. I think that it has more to do with personality. They see beautiful black women all the time, but sadly, many times they are ghetto, or unapprachable for some other reason... and black men I think are often intimidated by me. I'm a black woman that *gasp* uses big words. The good black men are usually dating the white/asian girls in my experience.

Just my opinion.
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chocolat79 said:
Unfortunately, I don't I do. I hardly get approached by anyone, black or otherwise. Oh well, I've heard that I look unapproachable. Don't know why!

I've heard the same thing. I try to smile but my look comes across as don't bother me.

That's why I'm alone.....

The fridge and I are getting married soon.....I love you my fridga fo real tho!
nikki1971 said:
I have this same problem :ohwell: glad to see I am not alone.

Me too, as far as the professional black male thing is concerned. Wanted to get with this guy I'm currently trying to break away from. He has a light skin, other race complex. Will not seriously date or marry anyone as dark or darker than he is. Just sad. An architect making at least 95K+ a year. He is determined to find his light, white or other bride!

But he'll do ya!!
Because we're all black in the dark anyway!!!
Hasidic Jews wear the black suits.... and have the little curlies in the sides of their heads...

Not common at all for them to look outside of the community for a mate.\

"Regular" Jews are good for me :)

Feelin it... white people aren't black in the dark... I swear I got the sh*T scared out of me... white family member walking around in the dark with her gleaming white face reflecting light. Now... what is white that floats around in the dark? A ghost.. I swear I jumped out of my skin that night. :lol:

It's just a joke btw... I get your point. :)
God I wish I knew what the secret is to having a crossover appeal........I only get hit on by black men and hispanic men. I personally would like to experience dating outside of my race
FeelinIt said:
I've heard the same thing. I try to smile but my look comes across as don't bother me.

That's why I'm alone.....

The fridge and I are getting married soon.....I love you my fridga fo real tho!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't get hit on at all by decent men- only the bums (literally) and the thugs and I am FAR from Ghetto!!