Do you give your DH encouraging words?


Well-Known Member
via e-mail,text, phone, face to face etc?

I do. I'll send him notes at work via email or text, which he opens when he gets to his desk. I find it gives him a boost and makes him feel better about himself. In turn he treats me like a Queen. I just love to see his chest puffed out after a good ego stroke :lachen:.

I didn't realize how effective this was until I got married.
I'm not married yet, but I think it is very important to encourage your man and speak kind words to him. That DayStar...That note you wrote your hubby was uber-sweet, and I know it made him feel good.
I'm not married yet, but I think it is very important to encourage your man and speak kind words to him. That @DayStar...That note you wrote your hubby was uber-sweet, and I know it made him feel good.

Definitely agree!!! I am always encouraging my SO. I try to be his biggest cheerleader.:yep:
i do all the time. My DH is deployed right now, so every so often I tell him what a great job he is doing for us. And I tell how much it means to me that he is willing to do all these things for us. Even though he was in the military before he met me, I still let him know that it is appreciated. It helps a lot so that the only thing he hears from me isn't complaining about bills or nagging about something. He appreciates it I can tell how much he mood is lifted even in an email.
I'm married to a strong, silent type. He's not the one to vent or express worries and fears, but I know he gets stressed and I try to encourage him. I'll write notes on our whiteboard on the fridge so he sees it in the morning, text/email him, etc.

One thing I have learned over the years is not to be stingy with compliments, which I guess could be bundled under encouraging. Before, in my mind, it was *obvious* that I thought dh was fantastic in so many ways. And from a practical standpoint, the proof is all around us that he's awesome, that he's supported me in everything I have ever wanted to do, that we live a great life because he works so hard, etc. But my goodness, the effect it has on him when I actually tell him! I tell him how much I believe in him, I get up with him in the morning before important meetings and deals so he can talk out his strategy with me, stuff like that. It gives him a little extra pep in his step.

All of this exactly. He's not a big talker type so he will suffer in silence if you let him. I try to make it a point to encourage or compliment him just so he knows I do admire him for so much. And once it's actually said, it's like that encourages him to do more once he realizes how much it's appreciated.
I compliment and encourage as if my relationship depends on it. :)

I am also am not stingy when it comes to compliments to family, friends and strangers.
I encourge my FH all the time. I he comes to me with just about everything (I hope) and I try to be the best comforter, cheerleader, encourager. I want him to always know I'm his biggest fan. That's my heart right there. I know how to calm him, excite him, love him and yes upset him :lol:
I send my DH notes such as:

You are my dream come true! (It's true)

You are the best part of my day! (It's true)

You are so amazing. I'm still thinking about just how amazing. (true!)

I just have to remember to do this MORE often. He deserves the best from me. This is the same man that kissed my feet the last time I was PMSing. (lol) He sat me on the counter and kissed the tops of my feet. (sigh)
He loves various (rated G) body parts on me-my hands, my feet, the shape of my eyes, how soft my elbows are, etc. So I will send him little pics of these rated G body parts with an uplifting caption or message. I sent him a pic, after a pedicure with his favorite color, of my toes holding a note saying, 'We miss you!'. Sounds corny, but he loved it. Or one of just my eyes with the caption 'Can't wait until you see yourself in them.' I have a big foam hand that has the index finger sticking up and #1 across the flexed hand. I sent him a pic of it. We both work a lot so we gotta keep it creative.