honestly i hate doing my own hair because i really don't know what to do with it, especially since i am natural
i was raised not to go to a salon (my mom went but i rarely got to go) so i never really got into going and spending money to get my hair hair done. i think the most i've been to salon is 10 times and that's stretching it. i probably do save a ton of money but i am still not satified
usually i just to pony ponys, wigs, and buns (most ponys and buns now) and honestly i am tired of them
natural hair is supposed to give you more options but what do you do if most of the styles that fit your face need a lot of length you don't currently have to make it look good? sorry but with my current length and the amount of shrinkage i get with certain styles my hair just don't look right. then i really don't have time to see how certain styles work my hair either. the thought of doing a 2 strand twist all day only to find out it doesn't look "right" and has to be taken down is just stressful.
i look better with straighter hair and since it is summer no sense in pulling out the flat iron for a style that won't last.
erplexed i have been seriously considering doing roller sets to see how it looks but i haven't had the extra money to invest in the stuff i need to do it properly since i changed jobs.
i love that my hair is longer, thicker, and stronger but i hate the fact that i can't do anything with my hair. it's depressing to me