Is it just me or do you ever get sick of having braids in to grow your hair??

Wow ladies...this is the last thing I need right now :nono:. I'm in the C&G 6 months challenge yet I'm only in my 3rd week in braids . Now if you think braids are sickening...just add Mac itchy MN to the mix and you've got a perfect roadmap to bonkershood :dizzy:. But gotta stay focused..keep my eye on the price :lick: but heeeeeck :eek2:!!!!!....somebody please wake me up in 04/2008 :ill:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You'll probably be happy in the end, though.
Sometimes I get sick of wearing braids but it seems that right now this is the only thing giving me good growth. Since my hair has grown longer I would rather not be in it everyday, or I'm afraid that I may hinder my growth progress. Right now I am challenging my self to keep wearing these so I can see how long my hair can really get. I get all kinds of compliments on the growth and thickness of my hair.
Yup, I started braids in March and finished 2 weeks ago. When I had my hair blown out it was past bra-strap. But the stupid stylist didn't cut where I told him to cut and now its a little shorter than my avatar!:wallbash:

I'm :wallbash: right with you. That's got to be painful.
I used to wear braids, but I got tired of the time it took to put them in/take them down. Blargh.

Girl I feel took me 3 days to take down my simple box braids the last ex-boyfriend even felt sorry for me and helped me take them out. I was like :wallbash:
I wore braids pretty much continuously from December 06 until August 07 and the last 3 months were so hard. The only thing I hated more were buns. I'm having a lot of success with wearing my hair down everyday but with low manipulation.

Oh wow...I do braids for about 2 months and then I take them out, deep condition on a regular and treat my hair for about a month wear a stupid fake bun thingie that I hate hate hate! I am transitioning...well now, I am 100% natural...but I don't know what to do with my hair! I visit albums and fotki's but I am not "hair" person. I like to get up and go and I love low/no maintenance! I really don't want to perm and I have not learned what my hair likes (guess I won't if I keep slapping braids in)...But to answer the question, yes I am sick of braids! I am considering texlaxing but don't really want to do ANY chemicals in my hair at all....

Dilemma, Dilemma!
I wish I was sick of my braids but I'm not. I love braids. I went one year without wearing braids and It was killing me. I will never do that to my self again. I don't care if it's my own hair or fake hair as long as I have braids I'm happy. I need braids during the winter to protect my hair. At least that's what I keep telling my self.

I'm not sure if I could be considered "apart of the group" on this one but I
do know I do my own braids- nothing too serious (just regular box braids)
all over my head and they have the same effect but you can do SO many
things to dress them up and look sexy. I strongly recommend:
-doing braids all over your head and then pulling into a cute little
bun at the nape
-pulling a couple braids to the front and doing another bun at the
-braiding the braids into one large box braid
pull a couple braids across the top of the head and pinning and letting the
rest of the braids run free.....
Braids don't have to be boring or annoying at all- just play with the styles
and see what you come up with.... I just know I don't use weave (apart
from the cost) because of it being less easy to remove and deal with (so
to speak)..... also I love working with my hair and lately since i've been
doing the braids myself and leaving them in with a nice thick pomade
for 4 days i've noticed my hair stronger than ever before. HTH


btw. try them without the weave from now on.... you can have so much more freedom
you'd be shocked!
ITA! Coworkers have even commented that they like how I can style my braids different when I want to.