Do You Also Stop Traffic With Your Long Hair?

My story: Not a traffic-stopper, but here goes...While at work, this week, my board president said to me, "You must have Indian in you." I said, No, I don't think so." His response was, "I betchu do...I betchu do!" I took that as a compliment!!!:lachen:
Haven't stopped traffice but I think because of where I live I get a lot of women of color asking me where do I go to get my hair done.

One lady in my church choir told me she was about to jump out of the choir stand just to get to me to find out who did my hair (Like the Avatar pic) I didn't see her for two weeks but she tracked me down Easter and said I want my hair like yours was. She kept trying to describe it and I finally realized she meant the twist out.

She has my name, number and will be calling soon. I am now hair advisor to quite a few women in the area. Where do I live....Orange County, California. Now you understand. There is a tiny percentage of us in this county and a handful of salons. No one in this county does natural hair. I would love to open up a natural hair care salon here with some natural stylists. We would make a mint here.....hmmmmm
My hair tends to "stop traffic" at times. Not because of the length but because of its texture. It's grown into a very curly, krinkly mass and a lot of people assume I have a texturizer in it. I get a lot of nice compliments as well as questions about how I take care of it.
no stopping anything for me,:( especially since its mostly hidden. But i'm praying that this time next year i would have reached my first hair goal and can come on here with some good stories to tell!!!

The only thing i could contribute now is, (especially when wearing some natural looking tracks:lol: ) i've been asked "what are you"? and i'd be like :confused: WTF you mean 'what am i'? And they'd be like :lol: , "what race are you"? and i'd be like "black, whatever black is, as far as i'm concerned" and they'd be like, "you sure? You sure you dont got nothin else mixed up in there? maybe on your daddy's side? Grandmas side? White, indian, mexican?" i'd be like :confused: :mad: , they would be like "your hair is so pretty, and since your light skinned, i just thought you were mixed" then i'd be like :ohwell: :look: :grin: uhhh thanks!:lol:

I guess its a complement, but then i get to thinking (which i do wayyyy to much of), why cant they be satisfied if i tell them i'm black? why cant "black" hair be pretty????? why is that not good enough? but like i said, i think too much...
Here's my little story :) :

Last night I was out with one of my girlfriends at a bar/restaurant and we decided to go check out the upstairs since a band was playing. As I was walking upstairs I that noticed about 3 or 4 bouncers (all white) stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I played it off and acted like I didn't see anything while I kept talking to my friend. We left shortly thereafter because I was tired and as I was leaving an employee stopped me and said, "I just want to let you know that you have beautiful hair and a beautiful body, especially your back side. Did you know that when you walked up those stairs every god damn bouncer on the stairs was drooling?" I didn't know what to say to so I said, "I try to keep myself looking nice." and he replied, "Girl, you don't have to try. You've got IT!"

I try not to take those compliments to heart, but it made me feel VERY good!:D
I shared in another thread how my uh backside used to attract alot of unwanted attention, and actually what made me dress completely different was a car accident - a guy stopped short in he street to yell at me and the car behind him smacked right into him.:ohwell:

sometime around that time period....this is eons ago....I was at a street fair in Brooklyn..and yeah, people looking at me but whatever. I saw an older Latino man staring hard at me, almost mean like, but he didnt say anything. A few minutes later I felt someone bump me hard and a tug...I was turning around like WTF??? My sister told me he pulled your hair!:eek: I was so upset and perplexed, I felt like I was assaulted or something, until she could stop laughing and tell me it wasnt all THAT serious.

I couldnt believe I got weave checked - I was horrified!

And then a vendor asked me what dye I use in my hair (my hair is very black almost blue in light)- I said none - she got an attitude and said some people always want to act like they cant tell anyone anything, blah blah...:confused:

I dont know what was going on that day, but it was like a mini disruption going on and I was ready to leave!:lol:

I am braided up now, trying to get that length back. These stories are cute and helping me to perservere!:)
bluwatersoul said:
I shared in another thread how my uh backside used to attract alot of unwanted attention, and actually what made me dress completely different was a car accident - a guy stopped short in he street to yell at me and the car behind him smacked right into him.:ohwell:

sometime around that time period....this is eons ago....I was at a street fair in Brooklyn..and yeah, people looking at me but whatever. I saw an older Latino man staring hard at me, almost mean like, but he didnt say anything. A few minutes later I felt someone bump me hard and a tug...I was turning around like WTF??? My sister told me he pulled your hair!:eek: I was so upset and perplexed, I felt like I was assaulted or something, until she could stop laughing and tell me it wasnt all THAT serious.

I couldnt believe I got weave checked - I was horrified!

And then a vendor asked me what dye I use in my hair (my hair is very black almost blue in light)- I said none - she got an attitude and said some people always want to act like they cant tell anyone anything, blah blah...:confused:

I dont know what was going on that day, but it was like a mini disruption going on and I was ready to leave!:lol:

I am braided up now, trying to get that length back. These stories are cute and helping me to perservere!:)

Not only did you stop traffic, but you went a step further. I am scared of you!!!
another cute thread .. bumping and adding my own

I got my hair relaxed last November, and I have worn my hair down twice since then .. the day of my relaxer and Christmas. Christmas Day I went to a club and the guy infront of me at the bar .. turned around , did a double take and just stared for like 6 seconds .. turned back to the bar .. looked back at me .. ( i was thinking in my head .. ughhh please dont spill anything on me .. he looked a lil tipsy). Then he said .. i realllly love your hair (mind you my hair is nowhere close to long and it had felt thin and straggly that day but he made me feel so much better) BTW he was white and the girl he was with was also white, with BSL blonde pretty hair ... if you saw the look she gave me when he spoke to me ... ouch .. if looks could kill i would be in hair heaven all now
I've also noticed that our long hair intimidates white women sometimes because they see that they ain't got nothin' on us. What are your thoughts/feelings/etc.???

First, I don't consider my hair long right now, but compared to what's going on around here yes it is. I have gotten Native Indian people all up in my scalp as well as White and it's not friendly gesture either. I have seen some of the White females flip their hair after they have been all up in my scalp, even if their hair is short :rolleyes: Black women here have looked at my hair but smile atleast when I catch them.
Well, I am certainly not long like most of you, but this is the first time I have straightened my hair in a year. When I went to work today and parked, the parkers didn't even know who I was and was going to give me a ticket instead of parking my car in the monthly spot. When I walked to work and got on the elevator, several WW that don't even talk to me was like "WOW, you changed your hair and it is beautiful. We didn't know your hair was that long, you should wear it like that more often" like my hair looks like crap when I wear it in my naturally braided hair. IDIOTS!

BUT- I will be glad when I can stop traffic with my hair past SL all the way around because right now, it is various lengths and driving me nuts:drunk:
another cute thread .. bumping and adding my own

I got my hair relaxed last November, and I have worn my hair down twice since then .. the day of my relaxer and Christmas. Christmas Day I went to a club and the guy infront of me at the bar .. turned around , did a double take and just stared for like 6 seconds .. turned back to the bar .. looked back at me .. ( i was thinking in my head .. ughhh please dont spill anything on me .. he looked a lil tipsy). Then he said .. i realllly love your hair (mind you my hair is nowhere close to long and it had felt thin and straggly that day but he made me feel so much better) BTW he was white and the girl he was with was also white, with BSL blonde pretty hair ... if you saw the look she gave me when he spoke to me ... ouch .. if looks could kill i would be in hair heaven all now

Great story! I bet she was maaaaadd:mad:!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
Men reeeeaaaaally love hair apparently. I didn't really notice this until....

1. A guy I had just started spending time with looked over at me when we were driving in his car and said "yeah, your hair is long enough for me to date you". :ohwell: AND he said it with a straight face, like he was serious!

2. After I cut my hair about 12 yrs ago into a Halle Berry type style (I think I've done just about EVERYTHING with my hair), I became bored with it and got a weave. Walking into the salon, nobody paid me any mind and it was a salon/barber shop and I had to walk past the guys first. Couple hours later as I was leaving, dudes were FALLING OVER THEMSELVES to talk to me in the shop and on the 20 second walk to my car. All the while I'm thinking, didn't these fools just see me walk in here? :rolleyes:

3. I'm friends with my ex-boyfriend, but I only see him like 2 or 3 times a year. EVERY time he sees me now, his eyes look like they glaze over when he admires my hair. The entire time we dated, my hair was in a short cut. It's as if he's enamored with my hair or something.

4. My business partner is partial to longer hair on women. I'm about an inch from APL and he's a BSL and longer monger, but he is always looking at my hair when I do it and finds always some excuse to flip it and stuff. :blush:

5. My clients are particularly more lecherous now :perplexed

6. My SO can't keep his hands and nose out of my hair. Sometimes he's a little rough :nono: but he loves to play in it.

I guess I'd forgotten how big they were on hair considering I wore my hair short and shorter for 12 consecutive years.

BTW, I have stopped traffic before, but unless he was checking for hair on my assets, I don't think that's why dude almost caused and accident :lachen:
Alli77 said:
I see what you mean. I think it's a situation where we're almost expected to be bald-headed, so when one of us "has some hair" it cuts into their beauty "qualities" their known for and they get jealous. How many of us get pissed when we see White, Asian, or Hispanic women with rounder butts than us???

LOL, Actually hispanic/latina women with butts dont surprise me anymore I guess because of where i live...Im still trying to finish reading this thread but that's funny you said that because i know a Asian mami who these dudes will be like "J-lo who?" when they see her walkin by. I Also have known a few white ladies that I have been friends with or acquainted with that had some "junk."
Here is a picture that my little girl took of me, the wind was cuttun up
that day!!!!!

I felt fabo!!!! One of my good friends said this picture looks like an album cover.:grin:

Here is a picture that my little girl took of me, the wind was cuttun up
that day!!!!!

I felt fabo!!!! One of my good friends said this picture looks like an album cover.:grin:

who you think you are? the wind blowin your hair, easy breezy beautiful...
it makes me feel sexy too when the wind blows through my wig hair (its around APL), lol--dont like a real strong breeze though :lol: then my hair looks a mess and i try my best to smooth it down and finger comb it into place but it doesn't quite get the job done.
Well my case is so sad, most of the people think is just a wig:mad: :lol: :lol: they think is very pretty and then......... the question........It has to be expensive?:eek:

I guess is a good thing after all :grin: :grin:

Don't take this wrong, hun, but you DO have doll hair.
Humans tend not to have hair that perfect. It's only fair. :look:
You and your daughter's hair is so pretty. :yep: Been meaning to tell you that.

Here is a picture that my little girl took of me, the wind was cuttun up
that day!!!!!

I felt fabo!!!! One of my good friends said this picture looks like an album cover.:grin:

I have to agree some other ladies on here- almost everyone assumes my hair is a weave or when it is braided in individuals they assume I have extensions. It's kind of sad. Even my friends who know me tell me it looks like a weave.

The only thing that recently made me feel good was when an older black man, I would say early 40s saw me in the grocery store and said - "You have some beautiful hair lady! I was so happy! Other guys tend to threaten me if I ever cut it. lol
when I wear a BAA, everybody is looking. who knows what they're thinking, but it's definitely true that everybody is looking. in the stores, at the bus stop, as they ride by in their cars. hmm, i think it might be time to bring the BAA back again. that attention is addicting . . . But this thread is really making me want to straighten my hair.

pistachio said:
I've never seen an Asian girl with a round butt! Never! Now, they do have the bigger pouty lips thing going on...

One of my closest friends is Korean and she has a cute little nice sized round butt. She says the girls tease her and call her "duck butt" (which, coincidentally, used to be my mother's nickname for me and my butt!). But one of her male Korean friends was with us when she said it and he agreed, no guy likes a flat butt, ignore those girls!
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Even my mother tells me my hair looks like a wig when it's straight, but I take it as a compliment! One time I left the Dominican salon and they have a Latin/Caribe grocery right next door. I went in to stock up on things I can't buy around my way and the men in there were just chatting me up. The stock boy kept following me and asking did I need him to push my cart. I let him :yep:. I get to the counter to check out and this FINE older man was standing there talking to the cashier and he looked at what I was buying and said "what you know about Goya? where you from baby?" When I told him of my Haitian/Cuban/AA heritage he was like "I'm Dominican. We love Haiti, but I didn't know they made women so beautiful there." :look: I said thanks then he was like "I'm the Goya rep for this region. Anything else you need get it, it's on me." I told him that was okay, but after some insistance, I grabbed some more stuff and he took care of the Goya which I'm assuming he got for free anyway, but he bought my other groceries! He said "Call me when you come back in town, we'll do breakfast or something." Those Caribbean men get me every time! Nobody has game like them...did I mention he was fine???
I don't attribute my traffic stopping to my hair. I think it's my swagger. I get a kick out of showing that I take care of myself.

But, I have noticed:

-Eyes rolling and teeth sucking by a check-out lady at the supermarket.
-Guys have asked: dang, 'all day your hur'. I only tell the truth if he's cute.
-A few of my non-AfAm co-workers have beat me in the head for my regime. I even heard one of them say that their hair won't grow (bleach blonde). One of my non half-black co-workers will not look at me if I have my hair down.
-This white guy did a weave-check on me after I did a hairstyle switch-a-roo. I still wanna know who taught him that ****.
-Some people will act mad different when I go from bun to straight.
-And this crazy white chick tried to knock off my 'hair piece' when she was walking to her seat in the row behind me. She was mad convinced that my hair wasn't real. I just pinned it up and kept it movin'.

I like wearing buns, because I can do without the drama.
I am adding to this thread. I blew out my hair on Sunday evening and shortly after that it began reverting so its not stick straight but straight enough to touch just below my brastrap. I have it all in a banana clip so the hair hanging out of it looks ENORMOUS. You would have thought I had an animal on top of my hair the way the people were looking. They are more in shock that my hair was long in the first place because they never see it.

I had a 19 year old hit on me. lolol.
these stories are too much!!

folks getting mad menfolk, getting free stuff, causing a car to crash, and getting endless hate from the ladies...all because of some hair and swagger to boot!

well dayumm, I can't wait until I have a story to tell...
I don't attribute my traffic stopping to my hair. I think it's my swagger. I get a kick out of showing that I take care of myself.

But, I have noticed:

-Eyes rolling and teeth sucking by a check-out lady at the supermarket.
-Guys have asked: dang, 'all day your hur'. I only tell the truth if he's cute.
-A few of my non-AfAm co-workers have beat me in the head for my regime. I even heard one of them say that their hair won't grow (bleach blonde). One of my non half-black co-workers will not look at me if I have my hair down.
-This white guy did a weave-check on me after I did a hairstyle switch-a-roo. I still wanna know who taught him that ****.
-Some people will act mad different when I go from bun to straight.
-And this crazy white chick tried to knock off my 'hair piece' when she was walking to her seat in the row behind me. She was mad convinced that my hair wasn't real. I just pinned it up and kept it movin'.

I like wearing buns, because I can do without the drama.
I know that's right!:lachen:
these stories are too much!!

folks getting mad menfolk, getting free stuff, causing a car to crash, and getting endless hate from the ladies...all because of some hair and swagger to boot!

well dayumm, I can't wait until I have a story to tell...
Shoooo, me too! :lachen:
I think when I wear it straight they all assume it's a weave.

I think they think the same thing about mine. When I was at the salon getting it flatironed, when I was done the people there said my hair lookd too long, too perfect, too full...just like a wig! I am thinking if people that actually sat in the salon with me and saw that it was my hair, I can't imagine what people who hadn't seen my hair get done think!
If I attracted attention with my short do', I can't wait to see what I'll get with my real longer hair. The suspense is killing me!:lick:
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