Do You Also Stop Traffic With Your Long Hair?

I live for the day when I can stop traffic, conversations, and everything else with my long hair (once I grow it) and a banging body (once I lose more weight). No one wouldn't be able to tell me NOTHING!
ME ME! I have a story!!

My hair is a little longer than SL so of course it's not long by any standard. I got my hair colored and flatironed 2 weeks ago for the first time since I went natural. My hair was looking good! Full of body and swangin' (If I do say so myself!). Even my stylist was shocked by how long my hair was compared to my TWA.

Anyway, after I left the salon, I was leaving a store. I walked to my car just as the wind is blowing, and blowing my hair behind me :gorgeous:. I got into my car and was about to pull into traffic when this white man comes running toward my car flagging me down. Of course I thought there was something wrong with my car. So I stopped, rolled down my windows and asked him what's going on. He said: "I just had to tell that you are hot! I hope you're not offended or anything. That's all." and with that he waved and kept on walking. That made my week!

Love it!!!!!!!!!
Umkay, so I'm about to resurrect this thread to share this story:

Sooo first off, I haven't felt-ironed my hair for about 5 months. the very first weekend 5 months ago, I wore my hair in a curly fro I kinda felt insecure about it because I had NEVER EVER worn my unstraightened hair out in the world.

So, I was home from la universidad and I went to costco with my family. I was getting stares like crazy which at the time made me feel even more insecure :/.

Until of course, this one white guy who was walking with a crew of his friends behind me in the store boldly and I mean boldly came up to talk to me while I'm there walking with my Daddy and my sister. Kid you not! He proceeds to tell me how beautiful my hair is and how nice it looks, while asking me how my afternoon was etc. lol.

When he left, My dad and sister were like :grin: and I was like :blush::look:

Soon after, an indian girl was like "OMG you are just so pretty, and I love your hair, you look like you're not all black, are you mixed with anything?" Lol I didn't take offense, I thought it was nice and we've been friends ever since. It didn't take long for this other lady with a synthetic wig to come up and interrupt our conversation asking me about products and such.

Then this other girl asked me how I did my hair as I was leaving. Twas a great day and it gave me confidence in my natural God given hair lol.

Hopefully, I'll have a more dramatic story to tell when I finally flat iron my hair this summer. :yep:
Girrrrrl you had me laugh hard on the first bolded!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I know it all too well, I had this girl just totally stop talking to me after she saw my hair out one day.

Same here. 2 of my white coworkers act like I don't exist whenever I get my hair straight. It baffles me every time.
I've enjoyed reading all of the stories. Some are too funny!

I don't have a story and haven't stopped any traffic. Although I think it would be fun - it isn't necessary for me. Turning heads at skating and dancing is enough for me!:yep:
I was sitting here trying to remember if I had any experiences..

Then i remembered going to the bank, and there was this older blk male who was the teller, and he was like girl is that all you?? I was rocking my curly wash n go turned fro from the humidity here in TN. lol I said yep is all me! He said well keep it! I'm like, keep it?? He said most of these women, (he was basically meant black women), don't know how to take care of thier hair, neither do they like it natural. I said well, i do. It's work, but I love how full it is. He said (black) most women don't realize thier true beauty. I said thanks.
All the ppl in the bank were looking at me while he was stating these things, I felt placed on the spot. (in a good way)
I actually used to work for this bank a year ago, and the manager came out (my old supervisor) and sd gurl look at all that hair, thats' all your hair? I said yes ma'am! lol
I just felt sooo gurl walking out of there, it inspired me to keep going on this journey.
I will have to take a length pick when i take this beehive down. I wear wigs as my ps! : )
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Why yes! Yes I have. Last time my hair was laid I crossed a street and the black men were halting and stopping to give me compliments. My hair was only APL. Its amazing what confidence, flowing hair, a great dress and a nice walk can do.
Funny thread, thank you NuMe2004. I've had a few laughs reading through some of these posts. I thought of a funny story.

I once stopped traffic at the U.S. border, but in a different way, lol. Years ago a few friends and I drove across the Texas border into Juarez, Mexico for dinner and shopping. I wore my long hair bone straight, which I don't normally do. It was mid back length, thick, and parted down the middle. People sometimes said I looked "Latina" or Indian with my hair that way. Driving back into Texas later that evening, we reached the U.S. border patrol booth. They asked us to declare our citizenship and we all said United States. At first the border patrol guard just stared at me, and then he didn't want to let me back into the U.S.! He asked the driver of our car (referring to me); "Can SHE say anything else in English?" (he apparently thought I was Mexican, sneaking across the border and could not speak any English). I replied "Of course I speak English, I was BORN and RAISED in New York City!" The guard immediately let us through. The next time I went across the border years later I wore a different hairstyle; a big puffy curly ponytail, and had no trouble with the border patrol, lol.
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