Do You Also Stop Traffic With Your Long Hair?

SummerRain said:
Girl you sound like you've got it going on!! let us oogle you! show us your hair at least!!

Oh yeah, I would love to see. Since your hair is just the lil extra extra something. I wanna see that extra extra something.
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Spicey, please show us some hair. i'm loving these stories. Keep'em coming ladies! i don't have any stories to contribute yet.
caribeandiva said:
Spicey, please show us some hair. i'm loving these stories. Keep'em coming ladies! i don't have any stories to contribute yet.

I love your meez. she is so close to you. (I always love those most.) CUTE!!
Letitia said:
I love your meez. she is so close to you. (I always love those most.) CUTE!!

thanks! i had to get the meez with the biggest eyes cause i got teased for that as a child. Kids can be so cruel but i digress. where's your meez?
Well my case is so sad, most of the people think is just a wig:mad: :lol: :lol: they think is very pretty and then......... the question........It has to be expensive?:eek:

I guess is a good thing after all :grin: :grin:
la flaca said:
Well my case is so sad, most of the people think is just a wig:mad: :lol: :lol: they think is very pretty and then......... the question........It has to be expensive?:eek:

I guess is a good thing after all :grin: :grin:

Your hair is gorgeous and so are you!:) It's very full and lovely but I don't think it looks "wiggy". Your french braid is to die for, I wish I could make one so neatly!
caribeandiva said:
thanks! i had to get the meez with the biggest eyes cause i got teased for that as a child. Kids can be so cruel but i digress. where's your meez?

mine was kinda lame looking. :ohwell:
Evertime I come home after getting my hair done at the salon my DH always just stands and stares at me.....and then he says "Your pretty." Now the only thing that changed from when I left the house to go to the salon and when I come home is that my hair is all blown out.
spiceykitten said:
I know my hair stops traffic but it is my body too. I cannot say it is just my hair. My hair is just the toping on this shortcake! I am a cute hottie, what can I say!

You go, girl!

This is a nice thread. I don't have any stories to post yet, because I never wear my hair down.
Awww I love this thread. I love it love it!

I was ready to close out this thread after enjoying it then I remembered I have a story!:D

I was in Walgreens (in the hair isle, :look: I was just LOOKING okay...) and these black guys walked up to me mumbling. I ignored them as I usually do with these type of young guys. Then one of them said (yes it's ignorant but it damn shole made me feel good) " :eek: DAAAAAAAAMN girl, you got that pantene Pro-V shyt!"

That just made me feel all warm and tingly inside!:lol:
spiceykitten said:
I know my hair stops traffic but it is my body too. I cannot say it is just my hair. My hair is just the toping on this shortcake! I am a cute hottie, what can I say!

You go girl! Now that's the kind of confidence I like to hear!
la flaca said:
Well my case is so sad, most of the people think is just a wig:mad: :lol: :lol: they think is very pretty and then......... the question........It has to be expensive?:eek:

I guess is a good thing after all :grin: :grin:

Girl, you and your hair are gorgeous! If people think it's fake then that is a compliment, because they're basically saying that it seems too good to be true :).
LocksOfLuV said:
I was in Walgreens (in the hair isle, :look: I was just LOOKING okay...) and these black guys walked up to me mumbling. I ignored them as I usually do with these type of young guys. Then one of them said (yes it's ignorant but it damn shole made me feel good) " :eek: DAAAAAAAAMN girl, you got that pantene Pro-V shyt!"

Your story had me ROLLING! I can totally imagine some young boy saying that!
It actually happens alot to me whenever I wear my hair down, people just come up to me and compliment me or ask if its real, some just stare and some ask to touch it, and depending on how I'm feeling that day I may let them.

And for every time I'm baffled because I don't think its all that long, now when I reach waist length like both of my grandmothers then I'll be good :grin:

My dad was laughing at me the other day because when I got out of the hospital I was upset because my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy, so when he saw me with my hair down he was like "I thought you said your hair broke off" and I was like "It did! can't you see!" and he was like "chile if I was you I would keep that to myself before you get beat down by these girls who actually have messed up hair." lol men
foxy kc said:
It actually happens alot to me whenever I wear my hair down, people just come up to me and compliment me or ask if its real, some just stare and some ask to touch it, and depending on how I'm feeling that day I may let them.

And for every time I'm baffled because I don't think its all that long, now when I reach waist length like both of my grandmothers then I'll be good :grin:

My dad was laughing at me the other day because when I got out of the hospital I was upset because my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy, so when he saw me with my hair down he was like "I thought you said your hair broke off" and I was like "It did! can't you see!" and he was like "chile if I was you I would keep that to myself before you get beat down by these girls who actually have messed up hair." lol men

SandySea said:
It's funny because ladies keep saying that their hair isn't even long when we all know that the standard for "long hair" is very different in real life than on the forum--so all of you have long hair in real life :grin: .

i feel you... when i was relaxed my hair was usually between shoulder and armpit length (i cut and grew my hair out all the time) and people always said i had "long pretty hair." even then i knew it wasn't all that long, but like you said it's longer than most IRL.

but especially being on this website... i see brastrap and below as "long" hair, shoulder to brastrap as "medium" and above shoulder to be short. so as far as i'm concerned, i just recently crossed over from short to medium, LOL! :lol:
SvelteVelvet said:
I was going into a pizza shop once, double parked, so I ran to the door and when I opened it the wind blew my hair up and it fell down all graceful like. These guys were sitting at a table by the window and I noticed they seemed to stop talking when I walked in. One of them said "Can you do that again?" I turned and said "What?". He said, "Walk through that door again so your hair blows" His boy did a swish-swoosh sound and made a motion with his hand going back and forth. I just smiled and laughed it off.

My hair wasn't long, it was about 2-3 inchs past shoulder but it was feathery and healthy.

When I was in H.S. it seemed like everyone was getting hair cuts, shaved in the back bob like hair cuts and Halle Berry cuts and my hair was always a little past the shoulder, always. Getting of the bus walking me home one day I told a guy friend that I was thinking about cutting my hair. He stopped in his tracks and said "WHAT!? You know how many girls want your hair!!" Then he yoked me up and said "Don't EVER cut your hair, hear me? Promise me!" I was like 'OK! I was just thinking about it!" Then he calmed down and we kept walking and talking like nothing happened. :lol:

Wait till you get to waist length. All hell (so to speak) will break out then. God says that hair is a woman’s crowning glory. And the more you have of it, the more glory you have, I guess. I have had men stare me down and I have had many pass me on the streets while I am waiting for the metro bus and then come back and just stand there and stare. Now mind you, when the bus arrives, they don’t get on (Thank God. That would really freak me out.) I have learned to just look straight ahead and avoid men’s eyes most of the time.
Another time I am going to lunch with a colleague and these two white women are staring me down. I guess it was because I was with this fine, fine white man (I told you about him in one of the other forums. We’ve become good friends). Well it is a somewhat windy day and my hair starts blowing away from my face at an upward angle. As they pass, one of them says, “That’s no weave.” To tell you the truth, I was kind of embarrassed. Michael looks at me and say’s “Why would they think you were wearing a weave? You’re a stunning woman.” You’ve got to love him. Men are clueless.
I've been wearing my hair down more often (at work and home). This morning at work, a gentlemen that always speaks to me (from the doorway) came all the way into my office and right up to my chair. He said 'wow, how dramatic'. He even asked me if he could see the back of my hair. So, I just rolled my chair around. I definitely look totally different when my hair is down from my regular ole bun or French twist. He's always pleasant, so it didn't bother me or anything. About thirty seconds after he left, he came right back. :lol: He smiled, said 'dramatic' again and then left. I thought that was cute. :)
I didn't stop traffic per se...but this older grandpa-ish aged man...very innocently and sweetly made a comment to me when I was getting on the bus a few weeks ago. He said something to the effect of ..."her comes the girl with the pretty smile and the pretty hair" made my morning.
Guys always compliment me...:look: long hair or short hair.:look:

I think the stand out one came from this female in my class. I get haters everywhere I go but especially in this class. We were getting ready to start our final exam and the room was quiet. She tapped me on my shoulder and said (loud enough so the whole room could hear) Your hair is very pretty and so are you! Don't cut it..she just kept saying she likes how it looks shiny and if I dyed it that black. I just smiled and told her that is my natural color...which it is.

I tend to always get complimented in class from teachers and students more than I do in a club or public setting...:lol:

I do come off very intimidating in a public setting...:ohwell: :grin:

I don't play flirty games on the street.:nono: Besides, when I do go clubbing I like the attention and ignore everyone except my girls!;)
I remember once on the subway, there was a quiet lady sitting across from me. She looked to be in her early twenties. When most of the people had gotten off of the car we were on, she came and sat next to me. I noticed she was wearing a tag with her first and last named neatly written on it. She told me how pretty she thought my hair was, and I had my hair in a bun. I was really shocked, but I told her thank you and smiled. She asked me how I got my hair like that, and I told her. She even asked me if she could touch it. I smiled and told her yes. After she touched my hair, she said 'wow, thank you, your hair is so soft'. We talked about hair stuff until we got to the last stop on the subway. Once we stepped off the train, she told me to have a good evening and take good care of that hair. She was so nice. She even pointed my hair out to the person that was there to get her from the metro station.
I had a rotten time with straightening my hair the other week, because it rained, and I put my hair in braids and then took them out the next morning. It's the same hair as the one in my avatar. Anyway I was getting off the bus feeling pretty crappy because I had a planet on the side of my face(it was really bad), and a guy was standing waiting to get on in the back, and he stops and is like D***! And I'm looking around like who is he talking about, and he's like let me get this door for you, I love your hair. I was really embarassed b/c I didn't want anyone to see this thing on my face, so I mumbled thank you, and sped off to get my train. But I was flattered, because I try hard to have healthy hair, and it's nice when someone notices it.
Actually the guy I'm seeing now met me that same day, and a week later I was in twists for the hyh challenge, and everytime he sees me he's like where's the fro, how long is this challenge, and trying to make requests of when i should use my passes :lol: .
bLackButtaFly said:
I had a rotten time with straightening my hair the other week, because it rained, and I put my hair in braids and then took them out the next morning. It's the same hair as the one in my avatar. Anyway I was getting off the bus feeling pretty crappy because I had a planet on the side of my face(it was really bad), and a guy was standing waiting to get on in the back, and he stops and is like D***! And I'm looking around like who is he talking about, and he's like let me get this door for you, I love your hair. I was really embarassed b/c I didn't want anyone to see this thing on my face, so I mumbled thank you, and sped off to get my train. But I was flattered, because I try hard to have healthy hair, and it's nice when someone notices it.
Actually the guy I'm seeing now met me that same day, and a week later I was in twists for the hyh challenge, and everytime he sees me he's like where's the fro, how long is this challenge, and trying to make requests of when i should use my passes :lol: .
Wow. Your curls look A W E S O M E ! !
NuMe2004 said:
Hi ladies,

Anyway, I would LOVE to hear some of your stories about how you stopped traffic/turned heads with your long hair. BTW, I've also noticed that our long hair intimidates white women sometimes because they see that they ain't got nothin' on us. What are your thoughts/feelings/etc.???

i only have shoulder length hair but when I wear it curly I would catch black women staring at my hair. most likely trying to figure out if it is a weave. When I called myself silk wrapping (it was pretty good on first attempt) black men were staring at my hair when they said hi.

on white women -- last summer I got a second job and all three of the latin men that worked there was on my tip. One of them would even do my job for me and he told our boss (a white woman) that he wanted a black woman. After that it was pure hell, she was mad. I couldn't take it any more; I quit.
honeybadgirl said:
i noticed that white people react more when my hair is curly. they really trip over it and cant believe how soft it is. that just amazes them:) .
black people in general tend to react more to my str8 hair than curly. it seems, the more bone str8 the better:confused: . thats in my experience over the span of my life:D

This just goes to show that some white people are so ignorant when it comes to our hair among other things :confused: Why can't we have good hair and long hair that is ours, without people thinking it's a weave :confused: Then they have the nerve to be shocked when it's real lol. :lachen;
aurora3140 said:
A few years ago, I was waiting on a bus stop and an elderly, black gentleman comes up and tells me with complete earnesty, "Please don't ever cut your hair, sister". I was completely shocked and it made me smile from ear to ear. My hair was a little shorter than it is now and I was wearing two loose pigtails.

Another time while I was walking downtown, a woman came up to me and my friend and PULLED my hair and said that her relative wanted a weave the same length as my hair! My hair was the same length as it is now, but I didn't quite get the same fuzzy feeling inside after this incident :mad:.

Cool thread! I can't wait until my hair actually STOPS TRAFFIC :lol:!

Edited for spelling.

She probably would have gotten knocked out if she pulled my hair :mad: I know you were pissed :mad:
Edie said:
Wait till you get to waist length. All hell (so to speak) will break out then. God says that hair is a woman’s crowning glory. And the more you have of it, the more glory you have, I guess. I have had men stare me down and I have had many pass me on the streets while I am waiting for the metro bus and then come back and just stand there and stare. Now mind you, when the bus arrives, they don’t get on (Thank God. That would really freak me out.) I have learned to just look straight ahead and avoid men’s eyes most of the time.
Another time I am going to lunch with a colleague and these two white women are staring me down. I guess it was because I was with this fine, fine white man (I told you about him in one of the other forums. We’ve become good friends). Well it is a somewhat windy day and my hair starts blowing away from my face at an upward angle. As they pass, one of them says, “That’s no weave.” To tell you the truth, I was kind of embarrassed. Michael looks at me and say’s “Why would they think you were wearing a weave? You’re a stunning woman.” You’ve got to love him. Men are clueless.

Oh I can't wait to free all hell! :lol: . Why did I picture Storm from X-men when I read your story!? I really just want BSL, I don't think I'd cut if it it got longer that that, but that's the point where I'd really think I was the s*** :lol: