Do men look for "The One" or . . .

Most men . . .

  • ...wait for "the One."

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • ...just go ahead and "pick one."

    Votes: 56 83.6%

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Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . do they just "Pick One" when they decide they're ready to get married? :look:

More and more, I'm hearing from men that for them it's mostly a matter of timing . . . when they decide they want to get married, they see who's around and could be a good wife and go for it. No crying and carrying on about a "soulmate" or waiting for "the one." They just "pick one" and get on with their lives.

What do you think?
my ex told me, the next girl he get with he was going to marry...i just happen to be that girl
Well, dang - I guess we see why he's the EX! :lol:
the last part i added, but thats how i felt...he aint love me. i just happen to come along at the time in his life where he was ready to settle. its all good though...i didnt want t o come to ND alone:lachen:
Good thread topic Glib.. I've heard men say this too but it's still hard for me to completly wrap my around.

Here's an excerpt from an interesting article:

What makes men commit?

"What the hell is wrong with you?” a girl recently asked me, her face screwed up with concern and incomprehension. What prompted this question was my admission that I was still unmarried. Sadly, I’m now at the age where I need to have a ready excuse for not having settled down. The excuse that works best with women, I’ve learnt, is to shrug my shoulders and lament that I just haven’t met the right girl yet.

The truth is probably simpler than that and best summed up by the “New York taxi driver” theory. According to this idea, men — like New York taxi drivers — cruise around all day, picking up fares. They carry some for a long time, some for just a short while, without giving it all that much thought. But at a certain point, when they’re tired, maybe bored and have had their fill, the taxi driver decides it’s time to turn off his light and go home. Whoever is in the back of his metaphorical relationship taxi at that point is the one he marries.

It’s an unromantic theory that implies that marriage is more a matter of timing than of magic. But there’s something in it. I know of many relationships — including some of my own — that broke down when the women pushed for commitment, but succeeded only in being pushed out of the taxi. The New York taxi driver theory implies that the clever women are the ones who quietly cling on in there, monopolising the back seat, with the doors firmly locked, until the driver is ready to turn off his meter. Did you ever play pass the parcel as a child? The kids who won were the ones who passed it particularly slowly, maximising their time with the parcel.

Men don’t like to admit it, but we talk about relationships every bit as much as women. Especially as we get older. We don’t discuss them like women do: with wisdom and familiarity. Men discuss relationships like monkeys trying to decipher sheet music.One of the main themes of our analysis is: how do you know if she’s The One? What has emerged in my research is that “when” is every bit as important as “who”. This was illuminated the other night when a friend, after a few glasses of wine, confided in me: “If I’d met my wife even a year before I did, there’s no way I would have married her.” It’s not that he doesn’t love her. It’s just that, at that time, he simply wasn’t ready to settle down...

Click the link above to read the rest
Timing is huge, but just because timing plays a part in it doesn't mean a lot of men aren't also looking for the "One." To me, it's just a matter of whether or not they are READY to look for someone who could be the One. Also, in terms of just "picking one"...let's face it, men aren't as picky as women are. So, it makes sense to me that once they are ready to look for the one, as soon as a woman comes along who he really enjoys being with and think would be a good wife, she automatically gets that label (i.e. the "One").
I also agree about timing. It doesn't mean there was something "wrong" with the individuals before. But I also think if they really care about you and think you are the one, they will put a ring on it. I guess I was wrong. :ohwell:
I also agree about timing. It doesn't mean there was something "wrong" with the individuals before. But I also think if they really care about you and think you are the one, they will put a ring on it. I guess I was wrong. :ohwell:

You're not wrong. If they really do love you, then they will do what they need to do in order to feel ready. If they don't, then they were more concerned about themselves than you and your relationship.

I saw this with my best friend's husband. They were together for a number of years, and she was distressed about the fact that he wasn't talking marriage yet. One night, he was a smidge tipsy after hanging out with friends, and when they came home, they had a little bit of a argument. During that argument he admitted how he really felt - he was scared to ask her to marry him because he was scared he couldn't provide yet. But he also admitted that he was scared of losing her too if he didn't commit.

He worked hard on himself, and once he felt more solid, they got engaged and are now married.
My ex said something similar about not being able to provide, but I wasn't about to live in sin before he got it together. I know my prince charming is out there somewhere so I'll just continue to wait on God and live my life to the fullest.
All the men I know did this, picked one. They were ready to get married, the chick they were with fit the bill, and they got married. My brother said he knows it sux but that is just how it is.
In general, men have a shorter list of 'must haves" then women so lots of women fit the bill. That's why I think it's more about timing.
I really agree it is about "being in the right place at the right time" I asked a male friend what made him marry his wife and he just shrugged and said she just was the one I was dating at a time I was ready to get married. Now I know he really really loved his college sweetheart but he wasnt ready to be married when he was dating her years ago. So he didnt marry the true love of his life- he just married the women that fit the bill at a time he was ready to settle down. This kind of makes me feel like do I just want to be a "good timing" wife to a man??
Glib I hope you get a husband, baby and a happy marriage soon cuz you are kinda obsessed:lachen:. I know that clock is ticking but you overthink stuff instead of attempting to go with the flow and allowing nature to take its course. :grin: You gon drive that yt over the cliff so please don't tell him all your many thoughts:lachen:
. . . do they just "Pick One" when they decide they're ready to get married? :look:

More and more, I'm hearing from men that for them it's mostly a matter of timing . . . when they decide they want to get married, they see who's around and could be a good wife and go for it. No crying and carrying on about a "soulmate" or waiting for "the one." They just "pick one" and get on with their lives.

What do you think?

That's because they don't do the picking at the end of the day, women:bath2: do.
Glib I hope you get a husband, baby and a happy marriage soon cuz you are kinda obsessed:lachen:. I know that clock is ticking but you overthink stuff instead of attempting to go with the flow and allowing nature to take its course. :grin: You gon drive that yt over the cliff so please don't tell him all your many thoughts:lachen:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Got dayum... roflmao...

Anyway, GG, I think it depends on the man. I consider things in a situational perspective. There are men who are all about timing, and they seem to marry the first semi-suitable woman available. Other men want to sow their oats, and then "go find a good woman" (20 years younger than them).

Most of the time, I see guys who might have gotten with a chick and really like her... and because they know she's a keeper, they rearrange their feelings about "the right time" and make it the right time. When a solid-minded man knows he's got a keeper, he'll give her a ring and a title if that's what he knows it takes to hold on to her.
LOL Laurendoll I'm not dissing GG. She knows herself and by now should know my silly ignant upfront self. No harm no foul. She is a good catch but she shol got a load of whatchathankboutthisherre going down. You know most men want some peace and quiet til you puttin it on em! lol
Glib I hope you get a husband, baby and a happy marriage soon cuz you are kinda obsessed:lachen:. I know that clock is ticking but you overthink stuff instead of attempting to go with the flow and allowing nature to take its course. :grin: You gon drive that yt over the cliff so please don't tell him all your many thoughts:lachen:

Girl, once I get married and with a family, then the questions will REALLY start poppin' off. LOL! I definitely don't share as much with Dutch Chocolate as I do here - not by a long shot . . . shoot, even my real-life besties have declared a moratorium on my minute-by-minute updates . . . hence my reliance on LHCF. With several thousand folks, there's bound to be SOMEBODY willing to answer my questions :grin:
LOL Laurendoll I'm not dissing GG. She knows herself and by now should know my silly ignant upfront self. No harm no foul. She is a good catch but she shol got a load of whatchathankboutthisherre going down. You know most men want some peace and quiet til you puttin it on em! lol

I know. ;-) If I thought it was an attack I wouldn't respond. You're just wild as hell LOL but you're right... and @ the bolded she does that with a lot of topics, but it's interesting. LOL

Girl, once I get married and with a family, then the questions will REALLY start poppin' off. LOL! I definitely don't share as much with Dutch Chocolate as I do here - not by a long shot . . . shoot, even my real-life besties have declared a moratorium on my minute-by-minute updates . . . hence my reliance on LHCF. With several thousand folks, there's bound to be SOMEBODY willing to answer my questions :grin:

Girl, bye! LMFAO... but yea you're right. We have enough people here.

every married man that i know says that they knew their wife was "the one" when they saw/met her.
I think to a certain extent it's about timing with men, but I also believe some men have an idea or a perception (even if it's on the subconcious level) of who they'll marry and who they won't. I remember reading an article where this man had been dating his girlfriend for two or more years. He said that he liked his girlfriend, but he knew that she wasn't the one that he wanted to marry and that he wasn't that in-love with her. I think he ended up marrying someone else like less than a year later.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Got dayum... roflmao...

Anyway, GG, I think it depends on the man. I consider things in a situational perspective. There are men who are all about timing, and they seem to marry the first semi-suitable woman available. Other men want to sow their oats, and then "go find a good woman" (20 years younger than them).

Most of the time, I see guys who might have gotten with a chick and really like her... and because they know she's a keeper, they rearrange their feelings about "the right time" and make it the right time. When a solid-minded man knows he's got a keeper, he'll give her a ring and a title if that's what he knows it takes to hold on to her.
Funny you would ask this today. I think it's kinda a combo. As I was driving in to the office today my mom called and was telling me about a man who spoke yesterday at a church. He was ready for a wife. He made a specific list of qualities he wanted and asked God to help him find a wife with those qualities. He found her about a year or so later. I have heard other men say similar things. I think just like with anything else a person's personal beliefs come into effect here too. A man who has a personal relationship with God will use different seeking tools than one who does not. I have also know men who just randomly picked (don't ask how those relationships are doing). Plenty do just what LDoll said. If they are serious, they make a conscious decision to change old ways, thoughts, or trends, and make it the right time.
every married man that i know says that they knew their wife was "the one" when they saw/met her.

Had they already come to a place where they were ready to settle down?

Generally, I see it being about timing. Does that mean that if a man really likes a woman that he'll snatch her up? idk. Someone told me that in college he had dated a girl who "had everything I wanted." But he didn't want to be in a relationship at the time and wanted to experience that time "by myself" (i.e., sow wild oats). But when he did get to a settling down point years later, he tried pursuing her again, but this time around she was the one who was enjoying her singleness. It was pure timing in that instance, since he admitted that she was everything he would want in a woman, and he knew that the first time around. He didn't sound regretful, like he had messed up or anything. It just was what it was.

I do think that a person has to be ready on some level to find "the one" before being able to recognize someone as such. They don't have to be looking necessarily, just internally ready for something serious.
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LOL I don't mean to be rude OP but I'm starting to care less about "what men look for or want". If he's a good man, you don't have to guess. If he sees marriage material in you, he won't play games. Men are simple creatures and I think we spend to much time trying to figure them out. I've passed up too many good men while trying to figure out another "man".
I dont think they just pick any one. I believe there's alot more thought that goes behind it. However, in the grander scheme of things, when a man is ready for marriage, he will tolerate alot more than if he wasnt ready. Things dont scare him off as easy. He's open to being vulnerable with someone. And if the next girl, makes him feel comfortable enough, he'll take the plunge.
I DEF. believe in timing for men.
Women, who may not be looking for a husband at the time...will tend to bend the rules when we find the perfect guy.

Men on the other hand, if they meet the perfect girl. It doesn't matter. If they are NOT READY for that step. They're not bending any rules. You still maybe that perfect girl. But you have to be the perfect girl at the perfect time in their life (aka...when they're ready to settle down). atleast in my experience
Well, I do think that if a woman has been with a man for over a couple years and he keeps saying he's not ready, she needs to take that as her not being the right one for him. Men get ready pretty quickly if they feel they're with the right woman, especially if they fear losing her.

That said, men definitely don't romanticize the whole process the way women do. I don't think they think it through in terms of "the one." They tend to be more pragmatic about it and are aware that there are more than one "ones" out there and if he finds a woman whom he loves, is attracted to, shares goals with, etc., he doesn't need much more signaling.
Girl, once I get married and with a family, then the questions will REALLY start poppin' off. LOL! I definitely don't share as much with Dutch Chocolate as I do here - not by a long shot . . . shoot, even my real-life besties have declared a moratorium on my minute-by-minute updates . . . hence my reliance on LHCF. With several thousand folks, there's bound to be SOMEBODY willing to answer my questions :grin:
