Do i habe cold feet or do i have legitimate concerns


Simply Komplex
I'm so confused. We've gotten to the nitty gritty. It is ten months before our wedding and I don't frankly know if I want to go through with it or not.

I have a great man. He is smart. Great career. Ladies swooooon when they find out he's an engineer and tell me, "I did good." He treats me very well. He has never left me during my deepest times where I needed him the most. He is a family man. He loves being around my family and my family loves him. What I ask for he will get even if he doesn't have the funds

Buuuuut it's so many factors that I'm trying to figure out are they my deal breakers or am I just being a petty 26 year old that doesn't understand the world out there

He is not financially stable to me. I make roughly $1000 less than him monthly but he is the one that does not save, seems to have trouble with bills, and it seems really doesn't wang my help when it comes to finances. His credit is bad. Mine is good. He doesn't sabe well. The only reason I'm able to save tho is cause he splits our bills. I complain that as a married couple we need to talk finances and he seems open to the idea but we never go thru with it. We got into an argument months ago about me discovering he has less than 2000 in the bank despite him making over 50000 yearly. To this day he still doesn't save. The reasons he said is because he sacrificed a lot for me.

He moved out from his mothers house to a house with me. His job is 10 min from his mothers house but one hour from our house. He commutes. As soon as he got his nice job he bought a new car (not flashy but in my head to expensive for HIM) racking up 1000 of expenses ($400 note 150 insurance $300 in gas) he also pays half the mortgage and pay Adt comcast and water. When we moved he agreed he could pay these bills. Now I see he's behind on the Adt bill. The cable had a notice saying he's $200 behind and he just now is paying water it was due last week. Water and day are in my name. He still has to pay on my ring. He claims it's not he can't pay but he forgets to pay the bill.

I try not to b petty because many guys are not good with money. And I do realize he racked up a lot of bills for ME (200 monthly for the ring 400 mortgage 300 cable/Adt/water 300 gas commuting 400 reliable truck that's half of his paycheck for me) but I didn't ask him to. I was fine with us living separate. He chose to move here. In many relationships I see the man give the woman his portion if the money since she us usually better at these things than a man.

He's a slob. I have to ask him to help around the house. Not beg but ask. But I hate asking. You see the house is a mess just like I do. Why can't you help clean up without me asking? Instead of washing clothes he will wear the same pants days and days until I do them. He can see things broken around the house and they don't get fixed or mentioned about. Everything is fine UNTIL I SAY SOMETHING. He will do it or fix it when I say something but until then nada. I feel that without my voice all these little things would add up and make bigger things. He feels I don't give him a chance to do these things. He's not going to jump and do things as soon as it happens like me because frankly I don't thing he has the funds or know how.

Doesn't keep up appearance
I know a woman can't look for swag to pay the bills or be there but dang take care of yourself. I wang him to do the basics. Keep a haircut and iron his clothes. You are a professional. He is a country boy and his appearance matters to him but His money matters more. He'd rather do his own haircut rather than pay for it because it's "too expensive and his hair grows fast" but he doesn't know how to properly line or shape. So I can b slayed to the gods and he looks like a damn grizzly bear. It's embarrassing. My friends talk about him (like say dang u know u could have told him to get a haircut or wtf does he have on) and I never know what to say cuz it's true. Should I say my man looks good even though it's been three weeks since his last haircut?

He is a pushover in my head. We go bAck n forth about it. He says he is not a pushover but doesn't fight a battle that a girl doesn't want to b fought. Like I've had guys flirt with me in front of him. I don't want him to fight or b rude but instead give the impression I am his step off. His rebuttal is why would I say something and you're smiling when they flirt and don't verbally say something for yourself. Other instances are like when I have company over and they park in his spot. Instead of saying hey this is my spot. He says I should speak up and say this is my mans spot. Move. When I say I want to be taken out on a date he never plans it out it is always " whatever you want to do bae" when we went to counseling and times were rough and she would ask do u want to stay in the relationship he always says "well if depends in if she still wants me" he never has an opinion. It's whatever I want. He says he's assertive in other ways like when he tells me to do things around the house. I take it as whining. He is really unselfish though.

I mean that commendable right? But annoying? I want someone who is not that darn nice all the time and "unselfish" to actually have their own opinion about things around them.

Church. I have relocated because he claims my church wasn't inviting and he's in my life (moved to my city, my friends, my fam) but. It kinda like pulling teeth to get him to go even now. He makes excuses like "I wouldn't really know what to wear or I didn't know these clothes were appropriate or you weren't at the house so I assumed u weren't going. Like call me dude and ask. And I kinda want someone who will light fire to my butt and b assertive like Bad where are you? While u are out with your friends I hope u have on nice clothes so we can go to church. I want it a two way street not just a when PRISS goes to church I will too

I hTe being the leader in this relationship. He causes me to verbally mean to him and go "in" to small things such as him forgetting to take out the trash or forgetting to buy me a graduation present, or not speaking up but whining to me. We haven't planned the wedding. He waits on me. He doesn't even have any idea on his groomsmen. He doesn't have any friends. He has seriously two friends. They live an hour away and are bums to me. He always has to go to them. They never come here because of funds.

I see it all the time. You don't ask questions you already know the answer to but should I leave? It's hard tho. I've built this little life. The dog. The house. The couple together three years. I hate to pull away from it all and then figure out 5 years later I was being petty and won't find another that loves me unconditionally and would sacrifice anything to make me happy.

Should I just do more? Iron. Take on finances. Make him get a haircut. Remind him to take out the trash. Keep urging him to church.

Should I accept that guys do not exist and with the next guy he may b assertive but have other problems I don't like (kids, financial problems, not as high on the career pole as I)

Should I focus on me? But how do u do that and better myself while living with a guy.

Do I just have cold feet?

I absolutely don't know.
I'm not asking this to be smart, but why did you agree to marry him in the first place? These are major things it seems to you and likely they won't change. This would be your life. Are you ready to be married to him if things stay exactly like this?
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I'm not asking this to be smart, but why did you agree to marry him in the first place? These are major things it seems to you and likely they won't change. Thus would be your life. Are you ready to be married to him if things stay exactly like this?

Honestly Looking back I thought I was ready. I have a good relationship compared to my past nightmares but now I wonder was it all just for show. I could marry him but it would mean that I would suck some things up and have to learn not to blow it in his face. (Like pay bills, clean after him, get my friend guys to do favors and do stuff around the house and etc. )
The lack of accountability with finances and late payments would be a deal breaker for me. If it's a matter of forgetting then put all bills on autopilot. More concerning is his refusal to discuss and address his issues with his finances.

Then he is a slob, unkempt, and sounds lazy unless you prod him to do more.

Should you leave, if it were me yes. However, what do you get out of this relationship? Are there any redeeming qualities? If you are not enhancing my life and making me stressful, resentful and embarrassed would that be someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with.
Having been married for 17 years...I know that the best husband will try your patience...and that is an understatement!
Some of these things are par for the course (doesnt get a haircut, wont do anything without you asking, "whatever you want bae") with men/husbands.
Other things can be worked out (how to handle finances etc) with more premarital counseling.
Don't give up yet. Also talk to some old married ladies.
Good luck.
I'm not trying to be all lhcf elephant investigator, but you have always had concerns about him (IIRC) and the financial stuff mentioned in this post are important. Its not like these things will go away unless he makes a conscious effort to address his relationship with money. Otherwise, that's the recurring argument you guys will have.

I would never tell a stranger on the internet not to go through with an engagement but pleeeease get counseling and really think about it. He honestly sounds like a sweetheart, but your issues are valid and don't sound like petty cold feet to me. And, again, IIRC, you're too young to go into a marriage you're this unsure about. (Not that an older woman should either, but I'm saying. Pleeeease consult somebody's counsel.)
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There's something I'm missing right now... But maybe I'm thinking of another poster.

OP. if it was one thing I would say stay and try and work through it. But there are so many things and so early in your relationship. whatever you decide, all the best.
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I personally do not see those things as definite dealbreakers, they are issues that need addressing and need changing, but not really more than that. If you're really doubting I would just hold off on getting married. If you haven't given any deposits to any vendors, it should be easy.

Isn't there always one person that's cleaner in a couple? In my case it's my DH. He obsessively takes the trash out sometimes before it's even half full, grimaces if there's even one strand of hair on the floor and cleans the house right away, does our laundry like it were a ritual to the gods, etc. I'm not even a messy person but I'm definitely more carefree than him (or he would say careless :lol:) and it's just something we had to come to an agreement on. He had to bend my way some and I had to bend his way some.

Looking on point, church...those things are on him but you should definitely show how important it is for you. I once said to DH "I saw a really cute haircut on some guy today" and he was like "what really?? what haircut what did it look like? you want me try it? find me a pic!" :lol: You can go to church alone and after coming home mention to him how attractive a man of God is, tell him how it turns you on when he initiates dates and when he does initiate you better show him the appreciation. Lol!

These are things that can improve. The financial issues can be resolved by combining accounts and you handling the bills. Many women do because men are often bad with money. Don't get married if you're unsure, but do realize that no one will be perfect. Consider delaying the wedding and working on yourselves as a unit.
OP. The things you listed are not a genuine deal breaker to me tbh.

You sound like a strong woman and he is more easy going. Nothing wrong with that. I'll give you an example I know someone who was bad with finances, slob, does not take care of himself etc. He still got married to this woman who was swtiched on. And now he has completely transformed his life. He earns mega bucks and his wife manages it. They now have a cleaner. She reminds him to do things because he is so forgetful but things still get done. He says if he ever left her he would fall apart and it is true.

The saying behind every successful man is a strong woman is usually true. I think most men need some help.

Regarding hair cuts I feel you on that. My boyfriend hates doing it and I have to talk about it for weeks before it happens but I will not tolerate other people commenting on how it looks because it is not their business at all.

If you love him then it is easier to tolerate stuff like that.
A few of these things are changeable like cleaning/fixing more and managing finances.

Some of the other things are personality driven. Like being a follower, not a leader/organizer. That's something that is part of a persons nature. When a man like that is with a woman who likes to lead they can be quite compatible. David and Victoria Beckham are a good example.

I guess I feel torn about some of your complaints. In those instances I feel the only thing he's done wrong is not being your type.
You'll have to make some compromises with any man. Nobody is going to do everything the same way you do. Things like cleaning and managing finances you can work with him on as long as he's willing. If he's 100% against you managing the household finances, that could be a deal breaker.

The part about him having a passive personality is something that you can't expect to change. It's part of who he is and if it bothers you that much, maybe you aren't compatible.

You just have to decide what you can live with and make sure you're compromising and not settling.
I'm so confused. We've gotten to the nitty gritty. It is ten months before our wedding and I don't frankly know if I want to go through with it or not. I have a great man. He is smart. Great career. Ladies swooooon when they find out he's an engineer and tell me, "I did good." He treats me very well. He has never left me during my deepest times where I needed him the most. He is a family man. He loves being around my family and my family loves him. What I ask for he will get even if he doesn't have the funds Buuuuut it's so many factors that I'm trying to figure out are they my deal breakers or am I just being a petty 26 year old that doesn't understand the world out there He is not financially stable to me. I make roughly $1000 less than him monthly but he is the one that does not save, seems to have trouble with bills, and it seems really doesn't wang my help when it comes to finances. His credit is bad. Mine is good. He doesn't sabe well. The only reason I'm able to save tho is cause he splits our bills. I complain that as a married couple we need to talk finances and he seems open to the idea but we never go thru with it. We got into an argument months ago about me discovering he has less than 2000 in the bank despite him making over 50000 yearly. To this day he still doesn't save. The reasons he said is because he sacrificed a lot for me. He moved out from his mothers house to a house with me. His job is 10 min from his mothers house but one hour from our house. He commutes. As soon as he got his nice job he bought a new car (not flashy but in my head to expensive for HIM) racking up 1000 of expenses ($400 note 150 insurance $300 in gas) he also pays half the mortgage and pay Adt comcast and water. When we moved he agreed he could pay these bills. Now I see he's behind on the Adt bill. The cable had a notice saying he's $200 behind and he just now is paying water it was due last week. Water and day are in my name. He still has to pay on my ring. He claims it's not he can't pay but he forgets to pay the bill. I try not to b petty because many guys are not good with money. And I do realize he racked up a lot of bills for ME (200 monthly for the ring 400 mortgage 300 cable/Adt/water 300 gas commuting 400 reliable truck that's half of his paycheck for me) but I didn't ask him to. I was fine with us living separate. He chose to move here. In many relationships I see the man give the woman his portion if the money since she us usually better at these things than a man. He's a slob. I have to ask him to help around the house. Not beg but ask. But I hate asking. You see the house is a mess just like I do. Why can't you help clean up without me asking? Instead of washing clothes he will wear the same pants days and days until I do them. He can see things broken around the house and they don't get fixed or mentioned about. Everything is fine UNTIL I SAY SOMETHING. He will do it or fix it when I say something but until then nada. I feel that without my voice all these little things would add up and make bigger things. He feels I don't give him a chance to do these things. He's not going to jump and do things as soon as it happens like me because frankly I don't thing he has the funds or know how. Doesn't keep up appearance I know a woman can't look for swag to pay the bills or be there but dang take care of yourself. I wang him to do the basics. Keep a haircut and iron his clothes. You are a professional. He is a country boy and his appearance matters to him but His money matters more. He'd rather do his own haircut rather than pay for it because it's "too expensive and his hair grows fast" but he doesn't know how to properly line or shape. So I can b slayed to the gods and he looks like a damn grizzly bear. It's embarrassing. My friends talk about him (like say dang u know u could have told him to get a haircut or wtf does he have on) and I never know what to say cuz it's true. Should I say my man looks good even though it's been three weeks since his last haircut? He is a pushover in my head. We go bAck n forth about it. He says he is not a pushover but doesn't fight a battle that a girl doesn't want to b fought. Like I've had guys flirt with me in front of him. I don't want him to fight or b rude but instead give the impression I am his step off. His rebuttal is why would I say something and you're smiling when they flirt and don't verbally say something for yourself. Other instances are like when I have company over and they park in his spot. Instead of saying hey this is my spot. He says I should speak up and say this is my mans spot. Move. When I say I want to be taken out on a date he never plans it out it is always " whatever you want to do bae" when we went to counseling and times were rough and she would ask do u want to stay in the relationship he always says "well if depends in if she still wants me" he never has an opinion. It's whatever I want. He says he's assertive in other ways like when he tells me to do things around the house. I take it as whining. He is really unselfish though. I mean that commendable right? But annoying? I want someone who is not that darn nice all the time and "unselfish" to actually have their own opinion about things around them. Church. I have relocated because he claims my church wasn't inviting and he's in my life (moved to my city, my friends, my fam) but. It kinda like pulling teeth to get him to go even now. He makes excuses like "I wouldn't really know what to wear or I didn't know these clothes were appropriate or you weren't at the house so I assumed u weren't going. Like call me dude and ask. And I kinda want someone who will light fire to my butt and b assertive like Bad where are you? While u are out with your friends I hope u have on nice clothes so we can go to church. I want it a two way street not just a when PRISS goes to church I will too I hTe being the leader in this relationship. He causes me to verbally mean to him and go "in" to small things such as him forgetting to take out the trash or forgetting to buy me a graduation present, or not speaking up but whining to me. We haven't planned the wedding. He waits on me. He doesn't even have any idea on his groomsmen. He doesn't have any friends. He has seriously two friends. They live an hour away and are bums to me. He always has to go to them. They never come here because of funds. I see it all the time. You don't ask questions you already know the answer to but should I leave? It's hard tho. I've built this little life. The dog. The house. The couple together three years. I hate to pull away from it all and then figure out 5 years later I was being petty and won't find another that loves me unconditionally and would sacrifice anything to make me happy. Should I just do more? Iron. Take on finances. Make him get a haircut. Remind him to take out the trash. Keep urging him to church. Should I accept that guys do not exist and with the next guy he may b assertive but have other problems I don't like (kids, financial problems, not as high on the career pole as I) Should I focus on me? But how do u do that and better myself while living with a guy. Do I just have cold feet? I absolutely don't know.
Honestly, it doesn't sound like cold feet.We all have issues.. it's a matter of can you deal with HIS issues? Overall, does he meet your most core needs? Only you can answer that. On the surface, It sounds like you are going into a marriage which would make you miserable eventually. I married someone, saw the signs, ignored them and ended up divorced. Now, I am dating thus great guy who meets my basic needs. He doesn't clean up behind himself. :/ But, at least he is financially secure, attentive, supportive.. etc, He meets my core needs... i can always get a house cleaner if needed. yep
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I'm so confused. We've gotten to the nitty gritty. It is ten months before our wedding and I don't frankly know if I want to go through with it or not.

I have a great man. He is smart. Great career. Ladies swooooon when they find out he's an engineer and tell me, "I did good." He treats me very well. He has never left me during my deepest times where I needed him the most. He is a family man. He loves being around my family and my family loves him. What I ask for he will get even if he doesn't have the funds

Buuuuut it's so many factors that I'm trying to figure out are they my deal breakers or am I just being a petty 26 year old that doesn't understand the world out there

He is not financially stable to me. I make roughly $1000 less than him monthly but he is the one that does not save, seems to have trouble with bills, and it seems really doesn't wang my help when it comes to finances. His credit is bad. Mine is good. He doesn't sabe well. The only reason I'm able to save tho is cause he splits our bills. I complain that as a married couple we need to talk finances and he seems open to the idea but we never go thru with it. We got into an argument months ago about me discovering he has less than 2000 in the bank despite him making over 50000 yearly. To this day he still doesn't save. The reasons he said is because he sacrificed a lot for me.

He moved out from his mothers house to a house with me. His job is 10 min from his mothers house but one hour from our house. He commutes. As soon as he got his nice job he bought a new car (not flashy but in my head to expensive for HIM) racking up 1000 of expenses ($400 note 150 insurance $300 in gas) he also pays half the mortgage and pay Adt comcast and water. When we moved he agreed he could pay these bills. Now I see he's behind on the Adt bill. The cable had a notice saying he's $200 behind and he just now is paying water it was due last week. Water and day are in my name. He still has to pay on my ring. He claims it's not he can't pay but he forgets to pay the bill.

I try not to b petty because many guys are not good with money. And I do realize he racked up a lot of bills for ME (200 monthly for the ring 400 mortgage 300 cable/Adt/water 300 gas commuting 400 reliable truck that's half of his paycheck for me) but I didn't ask him to. I was fine with us living separate. He chose to move here. In many relationships I see the man give the woman his portion if the money since she us usually better at these things than a man.

He's a slob. I have to ask him to help around the house. Not beg but ask. But I hate asking. You see the house is a mess just like I do. Why can't you help clean up without me asking? Instead of washing clothes he will wear the same pants days and days until I do them. He can see things broken around the house and they don't get fixed or mentioned about. Everything is fine UNTIL I SAY SOMETHING. He will do it or fix it when I say something but until then nada. I feel that without my voice all these little things would add up and make bigger things. He feels I don't give him a chance to do these things. He's not going to jump and do things as soon as it happens like me because frankly I don't thing he has the funds or know how.

Doesn't keep up appearance
I know a woman can't look for swag to pay the bills or be there but dang take care of yourself. I wang him to do the basics. Keep a haircut and iron his clothes. You are a professional. He is a country boy and his appearance matters to him but His money matters more. He'd rather do his own haircut rather than pay for it because it's "too expensive and his hair grows fast" but he doesn't know how to properly line or shape. So I can b slayed to the gods and he looks like a damn grizzly bear. It's embarrassing. My friends talk about him (like say dang u know u could have told him to get a haircut or wtf does he have on) and I never know what to say cuz it's true. Should I say my man looks good even though it's been three weeks since his last haircut?

He is a pushover in my head. We go bAck n forth about it. He says he is not a pushover but doesn't fight a battle that a girl doesn't want to b fought. Like I've had guys flirt with me in front of him. I don't want him to fight or b rude but instead give the impression I am his step off. His rebuttal is why would I say something and you're smiling when they flirt and don't verbally say something for yourself. Other instances are like when I have company over and they park in his spot. Instead of saying hey this is my spot. He says I should speak up and say this is my mans spot. Move. When I say I want to be taken out on a date he never plans it out it is always " whatever you want to do bae" when we went to counseling and times were rough and she would ask do u want to stay in the relationship he always says "well if depends in if she still wants me" he never has an opinion. It's whatever I want. He says he's assertive in other ways like when he tells me to do things around the house. I take it as whining. He is really unselfish though.

I mean that commendable right? But annoying? I want someone who is not that darn nice all the time and "unselfish" to actually have their own opinion about things around them.

Church. I have relocated because he claims my church wasn't inviting and he's in my life (moved to my city, my friends, my fam) but. It kinda like pulling teeth to get him to go even now. He makes excuses like "I wouldn't really know what to wear or I didn't know these clothes were appropriate or you weren't at the house so I assumed u weren't going. Like call me dude and ask. And I kinda want someone who will light fire to my butt and b assertive like Bad where are you? While u are out with your friends I hope u have on nice clothes so we can go to church. I want it a two way street not just a when PRISS goes to church I will too

I hTe being the leader in this relationship. He causes me to verbally mean to him and go "in" to small things such as him forgetting to take out the trash or forgetting to buy me a graduation present, or not speaking up but whining to me. We haven't planned the wedding. He waits on me. He doesn't even have any idea on his groomsmen. He doesn't have any friends. He has seriously two friends. They live an hour away and are bums to me. He always has to go to them. They never come here because of funds.

I see it all the time. You don't ask questions you already know the answer to but should I leave? It's hard tho. I've built this little life. The dog. The house. The couple together three years. I hate to pull away from it all and then figure out 5 years later I was being petty and won't find another that loves me unconditionally and would sacrifice anything to make me happy.

Should I just do more? Iron. Take on finances. Make him get a haircut. Remind him to take out the trash. Keep urging him to church.

Should I accept that guys do not exist and with the next guy he may b assertive but have other problems I don't like (kids, financial problems, not as high on the career pole as I)

Should I focus on me? But how do u do that and better myself while living with a guy.

Do I just have cold feet?

I absolutely don't know.

You have expressed a lot of concerns in your post. I think you should figure out if these issues are things you are willing to work with him on to resolve. Also, he has to be willing to do the same. Then you have to be patient, especially since things may not improve overnight.

The other thing is, he may not see these things as huge flaws and may not be ready to change. Are you prepared for that reality? You didn't mention how old you are or how long you have been in the relationship, so I don't know how long you have had to "see the writing on the wall."

The first time your intuition spoke to you, what did you do? Did you listen or did you ignore it? A woman's intuition is never wrong. You have to decide if this is a man you can spend the rest of your life with, knowing what you now know.

The major issues you have addressed seem like they have the potential to turn into much bigger, more difficult issues if they go unresolved. It already sounds like you are extremely resentful as it stands, so I can imagine it will only get worse.

Clearly you love this man because despite all his shortcomings, you are still there. He has to want your help with the things you mentioned (finances, assertiveness, grooming, church, etc.) but first he has to realize the problems.

I don't want to say give him an ultimatum, because sometimes those can be disastrous. However, I think you should find a way to reiterate what you're feeling and why. Also mention the impact it can have once you're married. Give him room and time to correct tbe issues and then re-evaluate where you stand.

Are you able to push the wedding back some? I don't think you should start your marriage off with this many gaping issues to contend with.

Honestly Looking back I thought I was ready. I have a good relationship compared to my past nightmares but now I wonder was it all just for show. I could marry him but it would mean that I would suck some things up and have to learn not to blow it in his face. (Like pay bills, clean after him, get my friend guys to do favors and do stuff around the house and etc. )

This will not end well.
It sounds like he needs a personal assistant. The challenge is whether you will have to play that role. Some women seem to really enjoy that. Or maybe it is an older generation thing, because all the women who seem to enjoy that are older.
If he stays the way he is and you add two children on top of that, if you can see yourself making it work and be happy 5 or 10 years down the road then you can move forward. But otherwise I think you need to put the marriage plans on pause.

What you listed would be a deal breaker for me because it sounds like caring for a child versus having a partner. We each are willing to handle different things. You have to decide for yourself whether you are willing to live with him as he is. Listen to your own instincts. You do know what to do.
Have you been to pre-marital counseling?

I know there are some couples who take the Dave Ramsey financial course together before getting married.

Im not going to go into details I will say it sounds like many of these things can be worked out if you get some outside help. Once you have deep conversations and come to agreement on things then you will feel better about walking down the isle. If you try and things still don't work out then calling off the wedding would be a more plausible idea
Have a question, if he never ever changes any of these behaviors would you still marry him knowing that fact? That is how you need to go into this marriage. He could change but that is not a confirmation only a hope and desire, right now there is nothing that seems to make him want to do this so why would he or should he after the marriage?

You still have 10 months you can set up time to see a financial planner and a counselor these are important items to decide upon now before you say I do.

Wish you well and I truly hope things work out the right way. Praying you have some guidance and wisdom around your decision.
$50,000 - $13,500 (standard .27% tax rate) = $36,500
$36,500 - $12,000 (car) = $24,500
$24,500 - $4,800 (mortgage) = $19,700
$19,700 - $2,400 (ring) = $17,300
$17,300 - $3600 (adt/cable/water) = $13700

Calculating these bills would leave a person with about $260 a week but that doesn't take into account food, toiletries, hobbies, entertainment, etc. $50,000 isn't as much as most people think when you have a lot of bills. Maybe this is why he's having problems saving.

It doesn't seem that he's irresponsible with money, it seems that he's overextended.

ETA: These things aren't dealbreakers. They're things that most wives deal with on some level with their's DH's. It sounds like you don't really respect him as a man. If you feel that way, I don't see how you could have a fulfulling marriage.
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Personally, everything you said can be fixed.

Firstly, the relationship dynamic is that you are the leader and he's comfortable with that so it's whether you can deal with being the leader or not. You cannot change that because it's innate to him. You cannot make him take the lead. He has to be with someone who wants to be the leader and he the follower.

Secondly, finances, since he's willing to let you take the lead, you can help him. Draw up a spreadsheet and have him allocate his funds to the various bills plus to savings. If he's paying more or if you want you can have him pay the majority of the bills and allocate a portion of your money to savings. He should also have a savings account for his personal use (eg purchasing a car) but that can be minimal. I also think that the woman saving is better in case she needs to escape :look: plus it gives her better control of the household finances.

Regarding paying of bills, can he just get it automatically deducted or pay online?

Also, if he's spending more on the household, can you take up the slack and do the laundry?

Appearance, dedicate a day for you both to go get your hair done and for him to get a trim and shave.

If he only has 2 friends, he need to ask them now to be groomsmen or just have bridesmaids, you cannot live for everybody.

Also wedding planning, in many cases, the women spearhead that.

Not to be rude but did you grow up with your father? I ask because many of the things that you mention above seems "normal" to me. My dad cuts his own hair for as long as I've known and each year my mother dumps a portion of his clothing and gives us a list of clothes to get him for Father's Day.

Many of the above seems fixable and "trainable" if he's willing. However, it's up to you to decide if you want to go through with it or not. Maybe you're looking for excuses to get out or are you afraid of being single?
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If I really loved this guy and was excited about our future life together I would probably try and work through the things you've mentioned. Some I would accept - asking him to fix things and tidy up- because I doubt that would change. If he accepted me buying clothes and bits for him I'd do that.

The financial things we would have to address and find a long term solution. More counselling would be needed before we got married.

Good luck OP!
I think pretty much everything you mentioned is workable. The biggest thing is the finances piece. Which is fixable but both parties need to be open to it.
He shouldn't have to tell a man you are his or your friends not to park in his spot. You should speak up on those things.
Sounds like you are with him because you want a man, it actually sounds like he disgust you. J/O

He sounds like a good guy and both of you deserves the best and happiness.

If he worth the fight seek help.
What I ask for he will get even if he doesn't have the funds

The reasons he said is because he sacrificed a lot for me.
Is he just trying to blame you, or is this true? If he's blaming you, red flag. If it's true... you need to evaluate your role in this.

He moved out from his mothers house to a house with me.
Not only did he live with his Mom... but he lived with his Mom and STILL didn't save? This is a red flag, IMO.

I try not to b petty because many guys are not good with money.
I haven't found this to be true. Most guys I've dated have had a bigger savings than I.

He's a slob. I have to ask him to help around the house. Not beg but ask. But I hate asking.
A lot of men are like this. Most aren't naturally domestic and are used to only cleaning when being told growing up :nono:. You just have to set expectations and house rules for you both to follow.

Doesn't keep up appearance
You need to decide if you want him to save money or be Mr. GQ. A wardrobe change costs serious money. Maybe you should put this goal on the back burner until after he learns to be financially stable. The only thing worse than a broke man is a broke high maintenance man.

He is a pushover in my head. We go bAck n forth about it. He says he is not a pushover but doesn't fight a battle that a girl doesn't want to b fought.
This is part of his personality. You can't change who he is. You just need to decide if this is a deal breaker. The examples that you gave were petty, IMO and not that important to the overall picture. HOWEVER, is he a pushover to a fault where he can't protect you? Would he run if an intruder entered your home or defend his family?

I want someone who is not that darn nice all the time and "unselfish" to actually have their own opinion about things around them.
This is being petty on your part, IMO.

Church. I have relocated because he claims my church wasn't inviting and he's in my life (moved to my city, my friends, my fam) but. It kinda like pulling teeth to get him to go even now.
I have nothing to add here. I'm not religious, so my opinion doesn't count here.

I hTe being the leader in this relationship. He causes me to verbally mean to him and go "in" to small things such as him forgetting to take out the trash or forgetting to buy me a graduation present.
So... you want him to save money but "go in" on him for not buying you a gifts? Hmmm... Sounds like you're not helping the matter. Also, no one can cause you to go in on them. YOU decide when to go in on someone. Maybe you should change your approach. No one likes a nag.

I see it all the time. You don't ask questions you already know the answer to but should I leave? It's hard tho. I've built this little life.
In my opinion... he's not the only one who has to change. You both do. You have invested a lot of time, so It's worth a try, IMO. I don't think it's fair to end things before letting him know that his ways are a deal breaker and giving you both a chance to find a solution.

Should I just do more? Iron. Take on finances. Make him get a haircut. Remind him to take out the trash. Keep urging him to church.
NO! Nagging is not the life you want to live. You need to find out if you the relationship can be fixed, sans nagging.

Should I accept that guys do not exist and with the next guy he may b assertive but have other problems I don't like (kids, financial problems, not as high on the career pole as I)
The grass isn't always greener. I think it's pointless to contemplate "the next guy". He doesn't exist right now. Deal with the one you have. If it doesn't work out, move on.

Should I focus on me? But how do u do that and better myself while living with a guy.
Yes. You should always be working on improving yourself. Every day of your life. Who you live with has nothing to do with this.

Do I just have cold feet?
No. You have a relationship that has issues. However, it could be MUCH worse. Maybe these issues can be worked out. Maybe not. You both have to put in the work to find out.

I absolutely don't know.

My 2 cents in pink...
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good advice in this thread--in the end one has to ask does he make you happy?

can you accept is 80% and deal with his 20%....
some of the things posted seem like YOU have to put in work to make him the man you
want him to be---he is who he is.... so you can either accept him as he is or keep it moving....

he seems like an okay guy---he has some areas of his life that may need some attention---if he is willing to work on them ok cool..but you shouldnt have to be after him to get ish done...and you shouldn't have to put in so much work to get him to be your type he is is or isn't...
you should make a post about all the ways you are compatible because this just had me feeling like why are you with this person when your lifestyles are a complete mismatch
even if he were a billionaire prince with a small island to offer you as a wedding gift, if you don't like him, there is nothing we can say to make you change your mind.

and hopefully you wouldn't change your mind based on what others think.

in the end, after all of our observances, judgements, and "shoulding"s...what do you want?

if you do anything other than what YOU want you will be bitter and try to place blame on anyone but yourself once it goes to ****.
I don't know. The biggest thing is the financial situation but the fact that your list kept going on and on about some smaller issues makes me think he gets on your nerves. In a couple years you probably won't even be able to stand him even though you love him And the fact that you said he is a pushover makes me think that you probably are already somewhat mean to him without trying to be because he works your nerves.

All of this sounds like my ex.
I posted this in another thread:

Some of ya'll date and spend time with any one that shows you attention. Think of it as hiring for a position. You need an assistant to answer phones and type correspondence. The typing is 80% of the job duties. With all the options out here do you hire the person that can't type? Or do you buy into the mindset that you can work with him/her or don't deserve to interview those that are actually qualified for the position? Are your expectations too much because the person applying doesn't meet them or is your screening process flawed because you let an unqualified person get to the point of consideration? The person that only uses their assistant to answer phones can't give you advice on this situation because in their world you're asking for too much.

I believe you need to objectively write out what your personal job requirements are for a husband. Not what is good about this man but if you were writing out a description of the qualities you want/need in a husband what would they be? What are the must haves? What are the preferred? What are the ok but not necessary? Rank them out and then put them up against the man you agreed to marry. Are the things that are bothering you on the must have list? Are they on the ok but not necessary list? If he stays exactly the way he is will you be happy or miserable? What do you define as being equally yoked? Does he meet the minimum standard for that?

There are good people that are not good candidates for marriage.

What's important to me or others on this board may not be deal breakers for you. I realize you are venting but there are so many things on your post that make me say no but all of them together has me wondering why you said yes.

I will say this. After watching multiple marriages blow up over finances I'm surprised by so many that list his irresponsibility with money as a "can work with him" aspect. Its not that he doesn't know but that he seems unwilling to admit he needs help and to actually work on it. Having a partner drag down your credit can affect you for years.

Let me say this again - having a partner drag down your credit can affect you for years. Most people that can't live within their means at 50,000 will still find themselves in debt if they suddenly made $200,000. Its not the money its the inability to budget accordingly. THAT is definitely a red flag moment that would make me call pause on the engagement. I didn't say break up but pause and spend some more time working on some things that should be together before you get agree to be married. You both need time to work on some issues and for him to put action behind his words (that is if getting his finances together are indeed important to him). How are you planning a wedding if he is basically living check to check? Even if your parents are paying it doesn't sound as if he is in the position to assume an adult role in a marriage partnership. (Chasing behind someone to wash his own clothes???)

If you do nothing else please do not combine all of your money into joint accounts. His refusal to save will soon become the depletion of your account.

Engagement is signaling that you all together on all fronts and are moving towards the wedding/public declaration of your commitment. It is not the time to be working all these issues out. Don't discount what your instincts are telling you. It may be cold feet or not but please don't allow others to appease you by pretending that all is well when your heart knows that it isn't. I wish you well whatever you decide.
I guess I am the only one who thinks you should not marry him.

At least postpone the wedding and see if you can work on these problems or not. When you live together and have a pending wedding you feel trapped and like you have to stay the course. Postponing the wedding will give you time, space and breathing room to see if this is a good decision.

IMO finances are a deal-breaker. He has bad credit and cannot manage money. Financial problems are the number one cause of divorce.

Anything that bothers you now will murder you after marriage. Things tend to get worse rather than better.