...We never ever faught about any thing. He was super wonderful. there was something there couldnt' put my finger on it. Found out to late he wasn't the one for me but my heart just would never let go, always had hope and kept on wishing that the person I met would come back and it could be like that again. It was a child that said that person was not the real person. the person you know now is the real person, has always been the real person and you just could never see it. So thats why we are not together, but trust me I wanted this to work for many years and through a lot of pain. Until I realize I deserve better.
RE: The first bolded part, my mom and grandma told me to let my hubby see my temper
before we got married. They said, "This way, you'll see how he handles conflict with you. If he's mean and goes for the jugular because you disagree with him, don't marry him, he'll get meaner. If he cries because you told him the truth, don't marry him, he's a baby. If he listens and wants to resolve things, he's a keeper."
Shortly thereafter, I heard Wayne Dyer equating an orange with what's inside a person. I forgot the direct quote, but its meaning is if what's on the outside (orange) matches what's on the inside
when squeezed (orange juice), you're on the right path. I've met "oranges" that, when squeezed, produce onion juice.
There were a few times he woke up the beast. I'm not mean (anymore
) but I do have a temper. We had a couple issues before we married. They were resolved in a respectful, kind and adult-like manner. I'm glad my matriarchs gave me that advice, otherwise I would've been tempted to hold back and not let him know everything I was feeling with those issues.
@ the second bolded part,
Out of the Mouths of Babes is all I can say. Trudy, I'm so glad you got out of that marriage and found strength along the way.
Caramela, I totally understand why you're asking. This is my second marriage, and I didn't want to end up a 2x divorcee. One thing I feel from you is that you have the love I didn't have the first time around. I do this second time - it does make a difference. We treat our love as a growing child... we don't abuse it, we don't neglect it, we feed it, keep it happy, respect it, etc.
Our still-growing love remained first and foremost when we hit a rough patch within our household (finances, car trouble, in-law dramas, etc). That rough patch was not an excuse throw our love under a bus and forget that we're our own family now and you don't do your family wrong. That element was COMPLETELY MISSING from my first marriage.