Divorced Ladies Need Some Advice


Well-Known Member
How did you cope with the breakup of your marriage. I am in a terrible place right now. I badly need to pull it together because I have so much going on right now but it just feels impossible. I feel like my whole world has just shattered into a million pieces and I just can't fix it. How did you keep up with the everyday stuff when so much stuff is going through your mind?
I relied heavily on my friends and family to get me through... especially with the day to day stuff as I had a hard time functioning. Do you have any family support, or close friends to help you during this time?

I'm so sorry you are going through this, this may sound cliche but it really does get better! maybe not anytime soon but it will. In the mean time I would reach out to my family.
Thank you Rosebud01. All my family lives out of state of out of the country. I am in this state because he wanted to be near his terminally ill grandmother and I agreed to support him in that. I don't have friends in the area that I feel close enough to unburden myself to. We do have staff at school to talk to about personal issues so right now I have prayer, that resource and the phone. I really thank you for your reply. I think I will try to get some rest and make the best of tomorrow.
I'm not really sure how I did it. I was a miserable wreck. But life doesn't stop because I'm going through a difficult time. I guess that's what got me through it, realizing that stuff happens. I sucked it up and went on with my life, putting on a front for the people in my life (family, friends co-workers) I'm a private person and didn't want anyone's pitty. Also, at the time I was really into my religion so I was reading the bible, praying, fasting and listening to gospel music to give me peace of mind. And it worked! So, I guess I retract my earlier statement. I know that God got me through it.

Believe me, I know you're hurting and you're going through a tough time. I just hope that you can find a way to get through it. This may sound tough but try not to think about it so much. If you're a religious person pray for peace. If not, get busy. Spend time with friends and family, pick up a hobby or join a new group. Let those things consume you to the point where you have less time to think about what's really going on in your life.

And I know this sounds cliche but time heals all wounds. Just take it day by day, week by week and month by month. I swear it will eventually get better.

Hugs to you and I wish you the best.

ETA: I just realized that you do have a lot going on. You have find a way to be strong. Maybe read some self help books on coping with divorce. Affirmations or bible verses may work to. These things may help a long the way as well. At least try to make it througout the day. In the evening at home you have every right to break down. I know I did. But, get it all out so you can prepare for the next day. If you need someone to talk to you can PM me. :yep:
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You just take it one day at a time. It is very similar to a death so you have to go through the phases of the grieving process. The days where you just can't cope, go to the bathroom, cry and pull yourself back together.

I also went through Divorcecare which was very helpful.

i didnt have a problem with getting over my divorce since im the one that pushed for the divorce. i would say realize that regardless if you wanted it or not, pushed for the divorce or fought for the marriage you life will be better now. Once you realize that you can pick yourself up make friends and move on
I agree that divorce is like a death. Honestly at one point I made myself literally sick as a dog. Even though I was the one who wanted the divorce it was still VERY difficult to get through. I cried alot, I was mad alot, I prayed ALOT, and I was optimistic (sometimes lol). You go through a ton of emotions but as long as you believe that one day it will get better, all of those emotions are appropriate.

I actually ended up moving back with my parents because I moved from one state to another. So I relied heavily upon them, and they dealt with my many moods. I didn't really call on my friends because many were happy I'd left my ex and at that time I didn't want to hear all their "I told you so" convo.

As for going about your everyday task, you have to JUST DO IT!!! I mean seriously, it may be hard but you have to maintain your life. Many days it was hard to get up but I knew I HAD to do it, if I was going to ever have my happy ending.

I wish you nothing but the best and if you need to talk I am here. (I truly mean that)

All the best to you!!!!!
I cried, hollered, had pity parties, sobbed, prayed and saw a therapist. I was the one who wanted the divorce. When it was finally official, I remember walking to the car a weeping fool. The therapist was the one who told me it's like a death and that was all I needed to hear. Even though it was a hard road, knowing that what I was experiencing was normal gave me a little bit of comfort. Your body physically reacts to divorce as as it does death.

You literally have to take one day at a time. One hour at a time. There is no way around that. I look back and see that I was much stronger than I thought. It didn't feel like it at the time, but life does move on. During this time I lost my job and got very sick but somehow I got through it. My friends, faith and more so my family were there to take care of me.

You will overcome this. It gets better in time. Please feel free to PM me anytime you want to talk, vent, ask questions etc.. It's been five years since my divorce and I have been through all the emotions one goes through when divorcing and am much happier and wiser 5 years later.
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I would never be as happy as I am now without God. You must let that chapter of your life come to and end and keep moving forward. I will pray for you I know just how u feel and I say with extreme confidence it will get better and there will be peace in your heart and life again!
Although I'm not officially divorced yet..., but will be soon. It helped to have someone to talk to. I joined a divorce support group in the area and talked to family and friends who I felt I could trust.
Thank you so much for the advice ladies. I am still taking it one day at a time. Right now I am doing my best to stay focused on school rather than my wrecked relationship.
I'm retired vet so at the time I focus on getting more stripes and getting my degrees. dd was young and did not understand so I stayed focus on her. We has serious financial issues so I just concentrated on getting $$ in line. I did not date or see anyone for 5 years, like other poster said it is not easy but life goes on and you'll be fine.
It was very hard. People in the know thought it would be a piece of cake for me since I sought the divorce but it wasn't. I am not going to lie to you, I cried daily the first year of our seperation. I kept it together long enough to go to work, but after work, I was a mess. I had started counseling soon after the seperation and that did help some even though I was still a mess.

Little by little, each day got better. I started finding the positives about my situation. I read self help books and positive literature. I had constant support from my family and they let me rant in a safe environment. I never did the man bashing with my GF's. I didn't tell them about the seperation until way later. One day I realized that I had not cried in over him in a week, then a month then several months.

Tensions where high between the ex and I, because I wanted to talk about what went wrong and he didn't. Finally I said "F" it. Once I received that decree in 2007, I exhaled and smiled. Now the ex and I can talk about everything under the sun except what went wrong in our marriage. I am ok with that. I received closure in my own way. No, I do not want him back. Plus, I never did sex with the ex, which helped a lot. I stopped having sex with him 8 months before I ask for the seperation. Now if he touched me I think I would have the hebbie jebbies.

You have to make due your own way, I just would like to caution you to not let too many people into your private greiving area, because some people, mainly women, will take that opportunity to dog your ex out. Even when things were at it's worst I never dogged my ex out. No need to dog him out if I was going to stay. I hate when folks talk trash on their mate, but stay with them. Yes, the ex and I didn't work out, I think he would make a great husband for some other woman.

ETA: I went to grad school because I had too much time on my hands, I didn't have children.
I'm not going through a divorce, but I just want to say you ladies are so inspiring. I like how you all made it a point to be about YOURSELVES. I think that was my problem in the past. It was always about the other person. When it was over, I obsessed in my head, and it consumed me. Thank GOD I've learned to be more about me.
I actually found comfort in doing all of the everyday stuff like school, work, etc. It helped to keep my mind from wandering over what was--at least for a little bit.

I did find that I was stressed out and holding a lot in after a while so, I cried when I needed to. I got away when I needed to clear my head, even if it was just driving to another city or something. I also made to-do lists a lot because I found that I would become very forgetful and overwhelmed over everything that needed to be done at times.

You'll get through it. I know it's easier said than done but, it does get better.
This thread is from a long time ago. DH and I separated for awhile and I focused on getting through the semester. At the end of the term we decided to seek counseling. Fast forward to present day, we are co-habitating again and taking it day by day. I wouldn't say things are perfect, but there is a respect and appreciation that wasn't quite there before.

That being said, I came on here for more advice. Now one of my classmates is going through the same thing. We have counseling on campus but I swear they generally give some okey doke about how grad school is hard on relationships. I was pretty open with people last year when DH and I were struggling so my classmate felt she could talk to me about her situation. Her husband has been "dating" two young ladies in their hometown. She drives over an hour each way to come to school everyday and the hours are grueling. He blames her for not being there, for not taking care of the house, etc.

I don't really know what advice to give so I mostly just listen. She wants to know how I made things work but I just try to explain that every situation is unique and it really depends on how invested both people are on figuring things out and what the underlying issues are. I can totally understand his complaints. I don't get home early enough to spend time with my spouse or pets. They see me on the weekend and that's only if there are no exams on the schedule and I can afford to take a day off from experiments - and that is minus 2+ hours in the car everyday. I can only imagine how little they interact, esp because he works nights.

Anyway, I guess my question is what do I do? She has moved out of the house temporarily. I don't want to encourage her to get back with or leave her husband because ultimately it's her decision. I know how it felt when I was going through the situation and women in my family were encouraging me to leave. The rationale was that if he wasn't silently in the background supporting me he was a douche bag. I bitterly regret letting other people get into my marriage to the point where it affected my thoughts, speech and actions. How do I remain a friend and support her without negative feelings at a later date? Sorry this is so long. I just find the situation incredibly stressful. We pretty much spend significant amounts of time together everyday and I don't want to give her the okey doke like everyone else is but I also don't want it to be awkward later depending on her final decision.
i would just tell her to allow this time of separation to do some soul searching, and figure out what went wrong in her marriage, not just what her husband did. she needs to take the time to be honest with herself about what she really wants to put up with. her husband is just out there right now. no sense in putting energy into somebody that doesn't want to be part of a marriage right now. tell her to use the time to focus on herself. meditation, reading the Word daily, joining a support group, taking up something interesting she always wanted to do, etc....
I agree with shortdub78. OP Im happy that you are working things out with your H. I am in the seperating stage and now we are trying MC so I dont know what will happen. I am hopefully but realistic at the same time.