I'm finally divorced - shoutout to LHCF.

OP, I don't know the back story, but I'm glad you got out of that situation. I wish you and your kids the best as you start anew.
I remember your story. I don't think that I commented, but I definitely said a prayer when I read it. I pray that your family heals and continues to be blessed. Your children will one day know that they have a strong woman as a mother.
Ladybelle, thanks for sharing your story. I pray that your bravery and candor touches someone who may going through what you went through. I pray for you a great "new" life and well adjusted and happy children.
Girl, I know you are happy! I been there done that and to get free from an abusive spouse its like a load off your shoulders.
Also, tell your story and be proud of it. Someone telling me about their abuse and another friend telling me of their mom's abuse helped me to get out of my abusive marriage. I tell my story to anybody who will listen bc you never know how it might help.
((((BIG HUGS)))))) Yea!!! I am so happy for you!!! I tell you when one door closes another one opens. I thank God that you and your children got out of the situation with your lives intact. You seem to be in much better spirits! Again, congratulations on your new beginnings!
Ladybelle, I dont remember your thread but I will say that I wish nothing but favor and blessing from God for you and your children. This is the absolute best thread I've EVER read on LHCF and now I can say that this forum is something more than what I have been thinking and experiencing. I am in awe at your sincerity, HONESTY, and comradery you expressed on here. I'm so happy for you as if I've meet you irl. I am loving it. Thanks for the update and for making a smart life choice that may not look good on the outside to others but gave you and your children life; inside and out. Congrats Lady.

Thank you so much! You know, I agree with you on all the drama that sometimes goes on around LHCF (I try to avoid it), but in the midst of it all, there are real people on here and I am one of them who by the grace of God got through a difficult situation and the real ladies of LHCF contributed to that, so I'm grateful! I appreciate your good wishes and encouragement. :)

I remember your story. I don't think that I commented, but I definitely said a prayer when I read it. I pray that your family heals and continues to be blessed. Your children will one day know that they have a strong woman as a mother.

A prayer gets so much further than a comment, so thank you for doing that.

Ladybelle, thanks for sharing your story. I pray that your bravery and candor touches someone who may going through what you went through. I pray for you a great "new" life and well adjusted and happy children.

That's my hope. My step out there started with someone on here sharing their story with me and I thought, if she can do it- I can do it.

Girl, I know you are happy! I been there done that and to get free from an abusive spouse its like a load off your shoulders.

Hey!! you are one of the names I remember, I should have shouted you out too - I'm sorry I didn't! But, I remember you sharing your story and how you prevailed and were victorious in the end. So, (((Hugs)) to you.

Also, tell your story and be proud of it. Someone telling me about their abuse and another friend telling me of their mom's abuse helped me to get out of my abusive marriage. I tell my story to anybody who will listen bc you never know how it might help.

:yep: Yep. we are >>here<<<. The best thing about having a testimony is being able to help someone else.

((((BIG HUGS)))))) Yea!!! I am so happy for you!!! I tell you when one door closes another one opens. I thank God that you and your children got out of the situation with your lives intact. You seem to be in much better spirits! Again, congratulations on your new beginnings!

I am, I am not 100% back to myself yet - but I'm working on it every day and getting closer. So, thank you again. I appreciate you so much.
Wow! Talk about taking care of business!

I am so so so happy for you.

Your story is an inspiration to all of us!
Ladybelle. You truly are a super woman. I just know that great things lie ahead for you and your babies. I'm so very proud of you. You did it. You did it. Now it's on to your happier and greater life. Here's a huge

:bighug: and :blowkiss: for you, Ladybelle. I am crying tears of joy right now. You are so awesome and amazing. God has many blessings in store for you and your babies. Many blessings. :yep: :yep:
OP, thanks for sharing your story. I know it will help others out there in a similar situation. It's amazing how one person can change the course of events for another. Thanks again :hug3:and God Bless!!!!
i didnt see your previous threads concerning the abuse but i congratulate you on making courageous moves in your life. i pray God send happiness your way in many ways. i am so glad for you and your children. (((((((((hugs))))))))) keep your head up and your heart full. :)
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Congratulations LadyBelle, on this new and wonderful chapter in your life! :bighug: I'm so tickled for you and your beautiful children. You all deserve all the peace and happiness your hearts and hands can hold and you will have it! Isn't it something how God moves in your life to let you know you are HIS and you are SAFE and on the right path? I'm glad you came back and updated us and I'm so happy to hear how wonderfully you are doing! :yay:
I don't remember the back story either, but your thread still put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing! I hope it helps someone.
^^ Thanks ladies. I'm just so grateful to have all of this behind me and there is no turning back.

My ex keeps blaming me for taking his kids from him, and still thinks I had no reason to divorce him. I ignore his antics now, I think he is seriously delusional and needs psychiatric help. Whenever I talk to him ( I limit contact as much as possible) all I hear is blah,blah, blah.:nono: The stronghold he had on my heart & mind is gone. It's just so liberating. When I threw the deuces up, I meant it. I remember when I left the last & final time, I told him to write the date down on the calendar because that would be the last time he talked to me like that and it was. :peace:

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I'm so very blessed and I pray that any woman who is dealing with a situation like mine, gathers the courage to get out. You can pm me, you can email me: [email protected], whatever it takes and I'll try to be there for you.
Wow Asuperwoman. Glad to hear that you're doing well and that everything is working out for you. Sorry that it had to go this way, but it seems like it's for the best.
Wow Asuperwoman. Glad to hear that you're doing well and that everything is working out for you. Sorry that it had to go this way, but it seems like it's for the best.

Thanks... it certainly isnt how I wanted things to end, no one marries with the expectation to divorce, but as you said:.it is for the best.

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I had drinks yesterday with a woman who was newly divorced. She was celebrating.

It really makes me thank God that as much as I want to be married, I need to pray that God places me in the path of the right man.
please stay encouraged and faithful... i am praying for you and your children Ladybelle. i am so happy you got out... peace and blessings to you.
^^ Thanks ladies. I'm just so grateful to have all of this behind me and there is no turning back.

My ex keeps blaming me for taking his kids from him, and still thinks I had no reason to divorce him. I ignore his antics now, I think he is seriously delusional and needs psychiatric help. Whenever I talk to him ( I limit contact as much as possible) all I hear is blah,blah, blah.:nono: The stronghold he had on my heart & mind is gone. It's just so liberating. When I threw the deuces up, I meant it. I remember when I left the last & final time, I told him to write the date down on the calendar because that would be the last time he talked to me like that and it was. :peace:

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I'm so very blessed and I pray that any woman who is dealing with a situation like mine, gathers the courage to get out. You can pm me, you can email me: [email protected], whatever it takes and I'll try to be there for you.

I love the bolded! :yep: I know what you mean. You are FREEEEEE! Free to be the outstanding YOU that you always were without anyone fighting to take it away again!

I'm so happy to hear that you KNOW in your heart of hearts there is no turning back. I left my exH four times before I finally left for good and when I left for good that day....I KNEW I was friggin DONE! :lol: It's so funny, I was just telling a friend earlier today....my exH and I, when we are in the same space for the children, it's cool now. And, generally for the most part, I don't think about the past....but last weekend, he and I were together all weekend for the children (my DS had an activity that we both needed to be at) and the conversations we were having....just reminded me once again how LITTLE he and I have in common. I mean, he's not even my TYPE ! :lol: What the hell was I *THINKING*? :lol: I just had to chuckle to myself and think, "Really, ~Charlotte?, Really? Seriously?" Because he's not even the type of person I even jibe with. Why I could not see that prior to marrying him, I have no idea....or, rather, why I refused to accept it...IDK.

But, nevertheless, I got two amazing and very beautiful children out of the deal. And, YOU my dear, will have a lifetime of pride and joy from your babies and because you took back yourself from a situation that was beneath you, you get a very special and very real DO-OVER. :yep: Make the most of it and ENJOY IT! :yay:
I am so happy that you got out of it. I haven't read your previous thread but I have read countless others like yours. I commend you for putting your foot down and moving on for the sake of your children. Even though things are better for you, it will get even better. God is not finish with you yet. There are more great things to come.