Disappointed Dominican Blowout!!! Vent Part 2 - Very Pic Heavy

These are the things those who claim to be licensed certified professionals should have expertise in. That is why they pass beauty school. I already went in there with healthy hair and I have the pictures to prove it. If she truly is experienced and certified, which she needs to prove to the court, she should know how 4b hair looks/behaves when it is heat damaged, especially when its completely virgin and healthy; and should know from experience how best to deal with it.

She should have had full knowledge of what she was doing and she should have taken full responsibility I confronted her with the damages. If she was incapable of handling my hair, she shouldn't have literally tried to fight/wrestle me down to the chair to do my hair.

You don't have to agree with me but I think that these types of "let it go" attitudes are the reasons why black women aren't getting the kind of treatments they want and deserve from society. We wonder why the Koreans have taken over beauty stores catering to our needs, Dominican salons have taken over salons catering to our needs, white men have taken over hair styling treatments catering to our needs, white women have taken over skin products catering to our needs....its like we are still indirectly a slave to the world.:nono:

We don't really support eachother as much. A Dominican hairdresser severely damages virgin african hair that has never been heat damaged in 7 yrs and fellow african blood related sisters tell her she deserved it and needs to move on. Hmmm, lemme see them give a white girl a bad hair color and dats gonna be the last day they touched another head with color!

Girl, PREACH! That's why we only get but so far as a people. I so glad some of ya'll weren't around during the 1950's. Sheesh, we would've still been doing white folks' laundry, taking care of their children with no voting rights.

Anywho, OP, please PM me. I'd be willing to do some research and even go to the courthouse with you.
Oh, I am soooo sorry for you hun. It seems like you would have a valid claim to sue, however, the question is will you win the suit? In small claims here in Michigan, check your state small claims judicial rules, you can sue up to $5000 for personal and emotionally ties damages.

I agree with you. They did not take good care of your hair, and not only would I pursue this in court, I would also protest against them. People need to be aware of what they did to you. Good luck and please keep us informed.
I have a question, OP.

If the stylist was nice to you. Spoke to you in English. Shampooed and conditioned your hair. Chose not to rollerset it because she said that wouldn't work. Then proceeded to painlessly blow dry your hair on high heat. You stop her and ask for heat protectant, and she reluctantly puts on a spritz or two. She then takes out the flat iron to finish the style. You leave the salon with your hair swanging. Two weeks later, you wash it and your curl pattern is no more. Would you still sue?
OOOOH OP, i'm sorry this happened to you. I had a set back a year ago with a texturizer that went bad as my hair was coming out in my hands. You will be okay. I say take her to court.
Maybe I am crazy, or live in the twilight zone, or have insane standards, but I have never encountered a hair salon where they don't explicitly tell you their limitations, how successful you will be in attaining the style you are asking for if they don't think its possible, going on and on about maintaining the integrity of your hair, and flat out rejecting clients who will suffer extreme breakage/damage/ hair loss due to whatever service they are asking for.

This does not by any means, mean that I have loved every one of these salons, or that they all provided great service, (in fact have only stepped foot in a salon 3 times in the past 4 years). Considering you need to be licensed by your state, and carry liability insurance, I assume these are just plain old industry standards.

I have only gone to Dominican salons (and 3 "white" salons) my entire life, relaxer days natural days and all. So I think this salon that the OP went to was completely out of line, and quite frankly scary sounding.

But like I said, maybe I live in the twilight zone.

OP, your best bet is to go to the courthouse, and BBB, and find out on what applies where you live.
No they cant. That's why we have laws and courts and judges. u cant call urself a dentist and operate on people illegally. You cant open a massage palor and massage people illegally. You can't open a salon and blow dry people's hair to pieces illegally. Thats why we have a justice system.

GOOD GRIEF!! Did she literally PULL through your hair with the blow dryer??
You are right. Just because someone has a license doesn't mean they are specially trained to care for hair. I have my cosmetology license and know of people who should not have one. There are stylist out there that should have their license revoked, and are some without a license who should be Stylist of The Decade. Many people are oblivious to the fact that some cosmetology schools ONLY TEACH STUDENTS TO PASS THE STATE BOARD. Everything else ( as far as caring for hair, different popular styles and such) they would have to learn on theri own or in a salon.
And YES you may possibly have a case. If they refused to offer an alternative for the damges in which you claim, yelled at you in a disturbing and upsetting manner ( bad customer service) then I dont see a problem.
To reveive your back into a healthy state, (you've already trimmed) so, do deep penetrating conditioners twice a month, and it should be okay.
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I'm sorry this happened to you. They are incompetent and I don't know, maybe they should be sued or lose their license. I don't agree that you are paying for a style only and any damage they may do to your hair is on you. Why do they have to have a license, then? You documented the damage well. Perhaps you do have a case.
:nono: Wow, just read through a good bit of this thread.

First, I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience at that salon. I don't see why you did not get up out of the chair when they started in with the rude behavior.

Second, you do not have a case. You went to the salon to have your hair straightened with heat. She did just that. Heat damages the hair, everyone knows that, and the extent to which the hair is damaged depends on the individual.

Third, if you were unhappy with her attitude you should have left. Instead, you chose to sit there and let her do whatever she pleased with your hair. That does not make her negligent. She cannot do to you what you do not allow.

Lastly, she performed a service that you asked her to do (however horrible it was), and you paid her for it. The most you can do is complain to the BBB and ask her to at least return your 25, which she isn't obligated to do.

Your hair will bounce back over time with a little TLC. I'm sure many naturals can attest to the fact that heat has caused their hair not to revert as it did before. I hope you can take this experience as a lesson learned, cut your losses and move forward. :)
Your hair definitely looks more than just heat damaged to me OP. It looks like it has been cut haphazardly or something. I agree with the lurker who made the guest appearance (Hi :wave:) that is crux of your case; they totally ripped out your hair!
I'm so sorry to hear about that OP. Your hair is really damaged & i hope you can nurse it back to health. But you shouldn't have allowed her to do it. You should not have bothered arguing with her, you should have left when it she started hurting you
I am very sorry that this happened to your hair. I do, however, think that maybe you had unrealistic expectations as to what a blowout would do for and to your hair. I used to frequent the Dominican Salons and get a blowout and it is not a gentle process by any means. Anytime I have my hair straightened: blowout, press, flat ironed..... It never looks the same in its natural state after the first wash and I know that's because it has been altered from heat. It usually takes 2 or 3 washes for my natural pattern to emerge. I think you need to moisturize your hair NOT do a protein treatment. That's what usually works for me. :o HTH
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:nono: Wow, just read through a good bit of this thread.

First, I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience at that salon. I don't see why you did not get up out of the chair when they started in with the rude behavior.

Second, you do not have a case. You went to the salon to have your hair straightened with heat. She did just that. Heat damages the hair, everyone knows that, and the extent to which the hair is damaged depends on the individual.

Third, if you were unhappy with her attitude you should have left.
Instead, you chose to sit there and let her do whatever she pleased with your hair. That does not make her negligent. She cannot do to you what you do not allow.

Lastly, she performed a service that you asked her to do (however horrible it was), and you paid her for it. The most you can do is complain to the BBB and ask her to at least return your 25, which she isn't obligated to do.

Your hair will bounce back over time with a little TLC. I'm sure many naturals can attest to the fact that heat has caused their hair not to revert as it did before. I hope you can take this experience as a lesson learned, cut your losses and move forward. :)

Please read through all my descriptions, the thread and part 1 before jumping to conclusions. I do not remember mentioning anywhere that I just sat there; I do not remember mentioning anywhere that I did not get up and leave, because I DID. As a professional, she should know the extent to which to use the heat on my hair and she didn't. That's why I am suing her.
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You don't have to agree with me but I think that these types of "let it go" attitudes are the reasons why black women aren't getting the kind of treatments they want and deserve from society. We wonder why the Koreans have taken over beauty stores catering to our needs, Dominican salons have taken over salons catering to our needs, white men have taken over hair styling treatments catering to our needs, white women have taken over skin products catering to our needs....its like we are still indirectly a slave to the world.:nono:

We don't really support eachother as much. A Dominican hairdresser severely damages virgin african hair that has never been heat damaged in 7 yrs and fellow african blood related sisters tell her she deserved it and needs to move on.
Hmmm, lemme see them give a white girl a bad hair color and dats gonna be the last day they touched another head with color!

I know how you feel but it's really not true. There no "we" in this occasion other than the fact she took your money and ran with it and many of us agree that she did. Generalizing because you had a bad experience is not going to help anything at all.

If anything, this is a wake-up call for anybody natural or hair heat sensitive in any way toi consider any kind of blow-out or thermal relaxing of any kind. I'm so itching to say it but unless you speak Spanish and/or know the culture intimately, there is definitely an air of hatred against "nappy" heads. This, more than anything, is what I wish people would realize when they go to get a blow-out. Those funny looks are for real. Yes, they think badly of you. But since you pay the money, they don't care.
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Please read through all my descriptions and the thread before jumping to conclusions. I do not remember mentioning anywhere that I just sat there; I do not remember mentioning anywhere that I did not get up and leave, because I DID. As a professional, she should know the extent to which to use the heat on my hair and she didn't. That's why I am suing her.

She might have thought your hair could take it. My girlfriend goes to the Egyptians every two weeks and no problems but moi, it ain't happening. Anyway, call your lawyer and stop complaining here and lie about you knew the risks.
Let me just say that the problem with the "shoulda' known betta'" theory is that it's too general. We can apply that theory to medicine, law, education, clothing, nutrition, housing, etc... Hell, we "shoulda' known" that following the food pyramid would usher in an obesity epidemic because very few people in the US perform the daily activity needed to metabolize 9-11 servings of carbohydrates each day.

"You shoulda' known heat damages the hair." Well, that goes for those who get relaxers. That goes for those that dye. That goes for those who highlight. Hell, that goes for haircuts because you should know that most people can't cut in a straight line. Truth be told, she took less of a risk getting a blow dry than someone getting a chemical process because chemicals are going to be more harsh than hot air any day of the week. Actually, chemicals just manifest the heat process in a different way.

However, the onus is upon the "professional" who went to school for xxx hours of training, took a state examination, acquired a license and more than likely took or agreed to some kind of oath to perform their BEST work. She should have asked her if this was her first time getting this done and took the 5 minutes to explain to her how it goes down and what the possible effects of the procedure could be.

When she sat down, she didn't agree to heat damage, thinning, and having 10% of her hair volume ripped out. DB's are NOT permanent processes. She agreed to have a state licensed "professional" perform a NON-PERMANENT process on her hair. Now, she is sitting at home looking at (possibly) PERMANENT hair damage.

What happened here is that the stylist, after so many years of running roughshod over everyone else's head, got pissed that she was being questioned about her work. Technically, she owes her AT LEAST $35 because she didn't even finish the work.

So, again, OP, if it's worth your time, do what you need to do.
My sis says go for it, go to small claims court. However don't expect a big settlement because your hair didn't fall out. My sis says she hopes you get a black judge because a white judge might not get the heat damage thing.
I'm sorry this happened to you, OP. But I agree with a lot of the posters, here. Dominican blowouts (well the nice, swangin' Dominican blowouts) are not gonna be achieved with all hair types.

I raved about my stylist years ago (when I was relaxed) and I sent 5 gazillion Houstonians to this salon based on my hair alone, she ended up getting a newer, larger salon, because she had soo many clients, okay?

But, the b.e.a.utiful hair that I received after even just a rollerset, were not duplicated on my sister or neice or a few other sisters/dominicans/hondurans/nigerians/costa ricans whose relaxed hair texture was a bit coarser. They were very disappointed with their results and eventually stopped going. And not ONE of them was natural, either.

I've had great experiences at Dominican salons and I frequent one, now. But after reading this entire thread (please don't post anymore, op, just go to the courthouse, already) and reflecting on my own experiences, I wouldn't suggest 4b, 4c or 4z hair types frequent those salons for the famed Dominican Blow Out. You will not be pleased and you may be soooo pissed, you'll wanna sue.
I'm sorry this happened to you, OP. But I agree with a lot of the posters, here. Dominican blowouts (well the nice, swangin' Dominican blowouts) are not gonna be achieved with all hair types.

I raved about my stylist years ago (when I was relaxed) and I sent 5 gazillion Houstonians to this salon based on my hair alone, she ended up getting a newer, larger salon, because she had soo many clients, okay?

But, the b.e.a.utiful hair that I received after even just a rollerset, were not duplicated on my sister or neice or a few other sisters/dominicans/hondurans/nigerians/costa ricans whose relaxed hair texture was a bit coarser. They were very disappointed with their results and eventually stopped going. And not ONE of them was natural, either.

I've had great experiences at Dominican salons and I frequent one, now. But after reading this entire thread (please don't post anymore, op, just go to the courthouse, already) and reflecting on my own experiences, I wouldn't suggest 4b, 4c or 4z hair types frequent those salons for the famed Dominican Blow Out. You will not be pleased and you may be soooo pissed, you'll wanna sue.

:clap: Thank you.
No they cant. That's why we have laws and courts and judges. u cant call urself a dentist and operate on people illegally. You cant open a massage palor and massage people illegally. You can't open a salon and blow dry people's hair to pieces illegally. Thats why we have a justice system.

I think what she is saying is that just because a stylist passes the board and gets a piece of paper doesn't mean they are performing quality services. Shoot, I know plenty of dummies with a college degree (lol). A salon is a business. They are concerned with volume-how many people they move in and out = $$$. They aren't that concerned with maintaining the health of your hair. Yes, they are to some degree, but for the most part, they just want our duckets. It is what it is.
As far as people saying the Stylist didnt tell her the expectations or told her they don't expect to get her hair straight ahead of time--you have to remember that OP stopped the services and wouldnt let them flat iron (thankfully OP didn't let them finish and continue to use too much heat because it would have been worse)...so if they did flat iron, it may have looked better, but she would've still had damage....and you KNOW once they go to court they are going to mention that you didn't let them finish--not saying you should have let them finish.

"We don't really support eachother as much. A Dominican hairdresser severely damages virgin african hair that has never been heat damaged in 7 yrs and fellow african blood related sisters tell her she deserved it and needs to move on."

I don't feel as though we are a "slave to the world"...would you still be suing if it were a black stylist and not Dominican? This is sooo not about race and how we don't support each other and how other races are taking over our businesses. You chose to go to a Dominican salon and not support an AA salon. Not trying to start anything...just mentioning. For us to be supportive of our "african blood related sisters", doesn't mean we have to agree with you.
This has happened to several people on this board (myself included)- in fact, someone just started a heat damage thread which is amazing.

I think this thread--even though turned into something else would help because now it will help think outside the box on the case. Plus this gives other people who have had a similar situation to get a little insight.
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I had a terrible blow out too once. I never got it done again. The stylist ripped my junk, she took out soo much hair :-( it hurts just thinking of it. I had to learn my lesson the hard way.

She might have thought your hair could take it. My girlfriend goes to the Egyptians every two weeks and no problems but moi, it ain't happening. Anyway, call your lawyer and stop complaining here and lie about you knew the risks.

Lauren what do you mean by the bolded?
Good. So if you go to a highly trained pharmacist for back pain medication, and they give you medication that is fatal for blacks, and you get paralyzed, will you also say "They did what you asked them to do....they gave you back pain medication"?

I love my hair. I really, really do. But the whole physical health v. fried hair comparison is a bit over the top in my opinion :look:

Hair will grow back and 5 years from now you may never step back into a Dominican salon but you will have a rockin' fro. Health has more long term effects. Temporary v. long term consequences have different ramifications.

That being said, I'd be mad as all get out, cry and might consider suing.
I love my hair. I really, really do. But the whole physical health v. fried hair comparison is a bit over the top in my opinion :look:

Hair will grow back and 5 years from now you may never step back into a Dominican salon but you will have a rockin' fro. Health has more long term effects. Temporary v. long term consequences have different ramifications.

That being said, I'd be mad as all get out, cry and might consider suing.

I agree. It was a horrible analogy.