Disappointed Dominican Blowout!!! Vent Part 2 - Very Pic Heavy

You saw damage and you went again? When my hair fell out from the Egyptians, do you think I went back? My goodness.
Again, sorry this happened to you, but IMO suing for heat damage is ridiculous, and I don't think there is a case to be made either. Everyone's hair will react differently to different amounts of heat, some can take it and some cant.

Also, in response to your analogy about the doctors, they inform you of the risks of surgery before hand. So if a doctor performs a surgery that could potentially leave you paralyzed, and you end up paralyzed, you cant then turn around and sue the doctor. You knew that was a risk and you were willing to take it. Just like you knew that intense heat could cause damage.

While the shop owners may have been overly rude, you didn't even let them finish because you were in pain. Who knows, you may have been thrilled with the final result had u let them flat iron. I have had my hair done by the dominicans and it was not until they passed the iron over it that it looked good, it looked like a blow out i could do at home before they pressed it.
Also, in response to your analogy about the doctors, they inform you of the risks of surgery before hand. So if a doctor performs a surgery that could potentially leave you paralyzed, and you end up paralyzed, you cant then turn around and sue the doctor. You knew that was a risk and you were willing to take it. Just like you knew that intense heat could cause damage.

While the shop owners may have been overly rude, you didn't even let them finish because you were in pain. Who knows, you may have been thrilled with the final result had u let them flat iron.

I don't like to repeat myself but here we go again:
the lady said she has 20 years professional experience in natural hair, that she knows what she is doing, that i need to be keep quiet. If a doctor told you the same things and then paralyzed you, would you let it go? If the lady said she that she wasn't experienced with natural and I insisted, then that would be a different case.

My quest for suing isnt just because I wasn't happy with the results. I want to sue because it is damaged. Are you trying to tell me that if she had flat ironed it, my hair wouldn't have been DAMAGED and that I would been thrilled?:ohwell:
:lachen:She should sue because her hair didn't look cute?!?!

You gotta be kidding. :look:

I think she should sue. Not only for the heat damage but her hand did not look cute...at all. I'd sue just for the styling. You can't have people out the salon like that.

If I'm not mistaken, small claims court is a minimal fee....I think. Even if she doesn't win, it's the principle. Who knows, the salon might settle out of court.

There was nothing about their conduct or professionalism that was good. They need to be taken down!
I dont understand what this has to do with you having a case. So what she told u how much expierence she had. She didn't mess ur head up, the heat did. What did she do that was wrong when using the heat that you are saying she directly caused this damage? Your hair could not handle that amount of heat, plain and simple. Unless you can prove there was something in her technique that specifically caused this whats your point? For the one messed up head (yours), she can probably produce letters from 10 different customers who get the same amount of heat applied using the same techniques with no issues. If she applied a relaxer to the ends of your head, without your permission and without u knowing. I would say different story. If everyone sued for heat damage there would be lawsuits left and right.

And no I'm not saying your hair wouldnt of been damaged had u let her finish! What I'm saying is you are saying this woman didnt know what she was doing and ur hair looked like shyte and u didn't even let her finish.

Also, the first time someone I am paying talked to me like that, those would be the last words out of their mouth and me and my money would have been out that door.

Perhaps u could also be found negligent for not doing your research, that is if you plan on lying and saying u didnt know the risks.

I don't like to repeat myself but here we go again:
the lady said she has 20 years professional experience in natural hair, that she knows what she is doing, that i need to be keep quiet. If a doctor told you the same things and then paralyzed you, would you let it go? If the lady said she that she wasn't experienced with natural and I insisted, then that would be a different case.

My quest for suing isnt just because I wasn't happy with the results. I want to sue because it is damaged. Are you trying to tell me that if she had flat ironed it, my hair wouldn't have been DAMAGED and that I would been thrilled?:ohwell:
OP so sorry you had this horrible experience.

I don't think a blowout at a Dominican salon is meant for 4b natural hair without A LOT pulling from the brush alone. is going to cause heat damage because a lot of heat is required to straighten course hair. This method is best for 3b/3c and relaxed hair that do not require so much heat.

Is like going with natural 4a/4b to a white salon without experience. is not going to be fun.

I got my hair done in Dom salons all my life and it was never this hellish heat because i am relaxed and not all salons are created equal i have gone to terrible salons and never go back.
All of the comparisons of hair melting off due to relaxer, a dryer catching on fire and burning a patch of hair, and paralysis is sooo not the same thing as hair not 100% reverting to its natural state. Those analogies won't help your case with a lawyer. You asked if you had a case and alot of people are giving their opinions and knowledge abt this situation. I understand you are upset, I've been through it and I'm sure several others on this forum- shoot, we would all be rich from suing for heat damage if it was that simple.
no she wasnt recommended. another stylist met my mom and invited her to get her hair done at the salon. I went with her and when we arrived, we got our hair conditioned by this stylist. Then a second stylist (the manager) rudely took over my hair and started viciously blow drying it. she said my hair needs more force cuz its natural or some bull. this manager is the one who did the damage.

Makes me wonder what --her--problem was on that day?
This is why I had stopped going to the DS. I was going to the DS before most people in the 90's and love it at first. Until after a year or so my hair started to thin out. IMO, use them in moderation only and IF you have 4a-4b dense ,yet naturally fine hair DO NOT go to them PERIOD!!!! They do too much pulling on the roots which can damage fine hair.

I agree with the others, take it for what it was worth, baby your hair and DO NOT go back. Remember its just hair...it will grow back!!!!

This describes my hair and i learned the hard way..nomore dominican salons for me..
I'm sorry, but I don't think you have a case. Most stylists assume that you don't care about your natural curl pattern. They are concerned about getting it straight as possible, relaxer straight! It looks like a bad blow out and she damaged you hair to boot. But, real talk, it sounds like you had some warning sounds with these people. The rude manager, man-handling your hair, all the smoke. . . chalk it up to a bad lesson learned and get to babying your hair. Better yet, learn how to straighten it on your own.
hardly near death.. it burned a dime size in her hair. Still don't see why she can't sue...
Okay gotcha, situation sounds like it could have been tragic though. Fire and appliances, no bueno

At any rate, I have no comment with the whole suing issue.
Sorry this happened to you OP, but you only have a chance of winning a lawsuit if they made your hair fall out or gave u some type of scalp infection. You should not waste your time trying to sue, they are only guilty of unprofessional and poor styling skills.

When you go in for any type of heat straightening service you run the risk of heat damage and you cannot sue becuase of it, it was your choice.
Thank you UrbainChic.

I don't understand why some pple are saying I don't have a case because of "the risks" :ohwell::ohwell:

Ok first of all, they are professionals and are licensed. They are TRAINED to avoid those risks! I know they are not supposed to be perfect but if the damage was minor, hardly noticeable, I wouldn't be complaining. But this was MAJOR damage by people who claim to be experienced; people who claimed to be professionals; by people who claimed to have a liscence! And when i went back, they refused to take responsiblity! Just because there is a risk doesn't allow them to be negligent!!:nono::nono::nono:

Second, you cannot advertise something you cannot do!
If a doctor told you he had 20 years experience in leg surgery and u get it done by him and he cripples you, will you say "it is part of the risk"??
The manager yelled at me over and over again, that she had 20 years experience in natural hair! And that I need to stop arguing with her and stop being too hard-headed. As a professional, I shouldn't be faulted for trusting her!

Those of you who think I just sat there and did nothing, are mistaken. YES I SPOKE UP. I SPOKE UP the entire time and they kept yelling at me, saying they dont like when people come and tell them what to do, etc. I also mentioned, if you read the post, that I stopped the treatment halfway! I was supposed to get my hair flatironed because it comes with the blowout but I had enough! So yes, I DID SPEEK UP!!

And you tell me i dont have a case????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
Its only OK when it hasn't happened to you!
But you asked us. I'm confused
I dont think you should sue. I thought everyone went into Dominican salons knowing the use excessive amounts of heat they use to get your hair straight. Thats why most people go to DS to get super straight hair. That = heat damage:perplexed
I've been where you are but like another poster said you know the risk going in so I couldn't be mad. I would just take this as a lesson learned.
OP, your best bet would be to consult a lawyer. We are are not lawyers (most of us anyway :lol:) and can only give opinions. If you feel that what is being said here isn't correct and YOU feel you have a case then pursue it in court. You have a 50% chance of winning your case. But when you ask for opinions and tell the ladies here what happened they aren't going to blow smoke and just say things you may want to hear.

ps - i am truly sorry about what happened. Hopefully your hair is able to bounce back rapidly.
You went in for a hair service and they permanently altered and damaged your hair in a way you did not request, you can certainly sue in small claims court. It is no different than if you went in for a relaxer and came out burnt with permanent follicular damage.

I know many people on this board believe it's natural or bust but the amount of condescension towards OP in this thread is phenomenal. If permanently damaging your hair after ONE blowout is an 'expected outcome' of blowdrying/flatironing your hair there'd be a lot fewer 'Look at my Swang' threads by naturals trying out their new technique. Let's not act brand new.
Hi Whitedaisez :bighug: I'm sorry this happened to you. If you feel you have to, go ahead and consult a lawyer.

I did the DS thing 2 years ago and I'll never go back. I'm relaxed and it felt like excessive heat to me and I wound up with damaged ends and smelly hair. And also they put the relaxer from root to tip on my hair.

I only hope you'll take the advice given to you to baby your hair and do some protein treatments to help the transition along.

How did I know you were going to say Sahselvic? I've heard negative things about that place.
You went in for a hair service and they permanently altered and damaged your hair in a way you did not request, you can certainly sue in small claims court. It is no different than if you went in for a relaxer and came out burnt with permanent follicular damage.

I know many people on this board believe it's natural or bust but the amount of condescension towards OP in this thread is phenomenal. If permanently damaging your hair after ONE blowout is an 'expected outcome' of blowdrying/flatironing your hair there'd be a lot fewer 'Look at my Swang' threads by naturals trying out their new technique. Let's not act brand new.
You cannot compare scalp burns to heat damage to the hair, hair grows back, scalp damage can be forever.

I dont see why you think there is condescension in this thread, for one most know that DB use an extreme amount of heat unlike a flatiron or a normal blow dry. I dont see alot of threads with naturals doing DB's, but i may be wrong. I have heat straightened my hair on a few occasions and I have never had a problem with heat damage, but I know I would never get a DB which would most likely cause damage because of the research I have done on this forum
Not only do dominican blowouts use extreme high and drying heat to straighten the hair, they also repetitivly dig into and pull on your hair with a round brush, over and over and over in the same spot. Not good. DB's are not really good for our hair type, especially without a prior roller set, so when they dig the brush in shrunken natural hair, they are BOUND to break it off when they pull the hair with the brush. Try a protective style for a few months to rest and repair the hair, get rid of those ends and pray for quick healing. DEFINITLY go back, show them your pics of their damage and demand something...whatever will be a decent compromise for you. If they are right, they'll accommodate you, if not, handle your biz at the courthouse. Oh, and document any contact u have with them. Keep a record of dates, names and outcome of contact.
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Not only do dominican blowouts use extreme high and drying heat to straighten the hair, they also repetitivly dig into and pull on your hair with a round brush, over and over and over in the same spot. Not good. DB's are not really good for our hair type, especially without a prior roller set, so when they dig the brush in shrunken natural hair, they are BOUND to break it off when they pull the hair with the brush. Try a protective style for a few months to rest and repair the hair, get rid of those ends and pray for quick healing. DEFINITLY go back, show them your pics of their damage and demand something...whatever will be a decent compromise for you. If they are right, they'll accommodate you, if not, handle your biz at the courthouse. Oh, and document any contact u have with them. Keep a record of dates, names and outcome of contact.

I already did that. Thats wat i said in my post. I went back once and went back again with my dad. And they refused to take responsibility. And yes I went with pics.
I already did that. Thats wat i said in my post. I went back once and went back again with my dad. And they refused to take responsibility. And yes I went with pics.

My bad. Well, you should follow your instincts and your heart on what to do next. Our instincts are a gift from God to lead us in the right direction. If your heart tells you to sue, then you should follow your heart.
Just noticed your siggy, sorry if I came off rude. I'm not sure I did but if that was the case I'm apologizing. I was just confused as to why you seemed upset that folks were giving their opinion when you asked for it.

At any rate, I hope everything works out for you and your hair.
i wouldnt say its expected, but we all know its a definite possiblity, which is why a lot of folks steer clear of the dominican blow outs. are you saying that everyone that suffers from heat damage should be able to sue the salons???????

You went in for a hair service and they permanently altered and damaged your hair in a way you did not request, you can certainly sue in small claims court. It is no different than if you went in for a relaxer and came out burnt with permanent follicular damage.

I know many people on this board believe it's natural or bust but the amount of condescension towards OP in this thread is phenomenal. If permanently damaging your hair after ONE blowout is an 'expected outcome' of blowdrying/flatironing your hair there'd be a lot fewer 'Look at my Swang' threads by naturals trying out their new technique. Let's not act brand new.
If people had good sense, they'd become diy-ers, and not go back to the bondage from which they were freed....

I mean, really.

I just put this on the other Dominican thread but I think that people are really catching on now to the damage that the Dominican Blow-Out really can do to your hair. There are news articles popping up in recent weeks highlighting how African American hair salons are picking back up the business they once lost to the Dominican hair salons simply because of all the damage that they are getting done to their hair when they come from the Dominican salons. They have to go back to the AA salons to repair the damage.
i wouldnt say its expected, but we all know its a definite possiblity, which is why a lot of folks steer clear of the dominican blow outs. are you saying that everyone that suffers from heat damage should be able to sue the salons???????

If it is pretty extreme, why shouldn't they? Maybe these stylists will finally SIT UP and learn a lesson.:yep:
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I'm sorry this happened to you, but I am confused as to what you think you have a case for in this situation.

Yes, it absolutely sucks that your strands aren't snappy back, BUT, what exactly did the Dominican Salon promise to deliver that they did not live up to?

Everybody knows that you go to a Dominican Salon to get your hair straight when you get a blow out. Protection of underlying curl pattern is not a part of the package. If it happens, it's a bonus, but it is definitely not a given. They were on their way to giving you what they do - straight hair - when you decided that maybe a little too much was going on and you walked away.

Now, if you had gone to a natural salon who specialized in protecting your curls, that would be another issue. Also, it would be different if you walked away with bald spots, or patches of burns, but that's not the case. Unfortunately, all I see is heat damage, which is a risk that anyone takes when they straighten their natural hair. You never know when you'll come up with it.