Disappointed Dominican Blow-out

$35 but she charged me $25 cuz i was a new customer.

Geez they are charging that much???? For your length?? OMG here in jersey they charge by the length of your hair starting at $8-$30.

Yeah they should have rolled you to dry, then blow you out. You just wen tot a bad salon. Im sorry for your experience. Stuff like that pisses me off. I hate when a doobie or blowout is wacked.
Well actually rollersetting 4b hair is pretty much a waste unless they happen to have curlformers around (thats the only kind of rollersetting that works on 4b hair) type 4 coarse hair cant achieve a smooth rollerset on traditional magnetic rollers so that much is true. I would go straight to blowdrying....but they really and I stress really need to know what theyre doing. I'm mad they had the nerve to insist they knew what they were doing:nono:
Well actually rollersetting 4b hair is pretty much a waste unless they happen to have curlformers around (thats the only kind of rollersetting that works on 4b hair) type 4 coarse hair cant achieve a smooth rollerset on traditional magnetic rollers so that much is true. I would go straight to blowdrying....but they really and I stress really need to know what theyre doing. I'm mad they had the nerve to insist they knew what they were doing:nono:

Of course it wouldnt be a SMOOTH set. The purpose is it stretch the hair. I have seen it done.
Well actually rollersetting 4b hair is pretty much a waste unless they happen to have curlformers around (thats the only kind of rollersetting that works on 4b hair) type 4 coarse hair cant achieve a smooth rollerset on traditional magnetic rollers so that much is true. I would go straight to blowdrying....but they really and I stress really need to know what theyre doing. I'm mad they had the nerve to insist they knew what they were doing:nono:

insist? they were yelling at me!!! they were saying it was my fault that my hair is bad. I dont come to salon often so its not trained, its dry, its split, etc. That I dont listen, that they dont like people coming there to tell them what to do, that she is a professional, a salon owner, 20yrs experience, she knows what shes doing. Shes worked with many women who have walked into her salon with a bush but am too hard-headed.

I was supposed to get a flat iron after my blow dry. First, they forgot to put heat protectant. I reminded them and they got mad and frustrated and started grumbling and gossiping in spanish. When they finally started straightening my back, the lady pulled a huge chunk of ma hair! I told her to be gentle! The lady just unplugged her flat iron and walked away. I didn't get my hair flat ironed.:sad:

I just waited for my mom to finish, and we went home.
They even have the nerve to tell my mom not to use no-lye relaxers anymore. That lye relaxers are the best and not meant for babies :nono:
Of course it wouldnt be a SMOOTH set. The purpose is it stretch the hair. I have seen it done.
I've seen it done too and most of the time it was an epic fail:look: lol oftentimes the person that attempted it will speak of how futile it was too.

There are much more effective ways of stetching type 4 hair then that. You never want to dry kinks in place prior to straightening and thats precisely what rollersetting coarse type 4 hair does especially closer to the root. Alot of people are claiming 4b that arent even adjacent to 4b just from a simple lack of hair typing knowledge as well so thats also something to consider.

When I straighten 4b hair I blowdry with a comb attachment or for an even more thorough blowout I do small section by small section and blowdry with the concentrator and a vent brush....the hair gets very straight with those two appraoches.
insist? they were yelling at me!!! they were saying it was my fault that my hair is bad. I dont come to salon often so its not trained, its dry, its split, etc. That I dont listen, that they dont like people coming there to tell them what to do, that she is a professional, a salon owner, 20yrs experience, she knows what shes doing. Shes worked with many women who have walked into her salon with a bush but am too hard-headed.

I was supposed to get a flat iron after my blow dry. First, they forgot to put heat protectant. I reminded them and they got mad and frustrated and started grumbling and gossiping in spanish. When they finally started straightening my back, the lady pulled a huge chunk of ma hair! I told her to be gentle! The lady just unplugged her flat iron and walked away. I didn't get my hair flat ironed.:sad:

I just waited for my mom to finish, and we went home.
They even have the nerve to tell my mom not to use no-lye relaxers anymore. That lye relaxers are the best and not meant for babies :nono:
Okay that is a nightmare:nono:

As for what they were saying about the splits how do you usually care for your hair? Whats your regimen? Do you keep it stretched? Protective style?

I would advise you teach yourself to do any style you want to achieve...no one will baby your hair the way you will.
You never want to dry kinks in place prior to straightening and thats precisely what rollersetting coarse type 4 hair does especially closer to the root.

When I straighten 4b hair I blowdry with a comb attachment

when my mother blow dries my hair, she also uses a comb attachment and now that i think about it, my hair is so soft after that.

i agree with what you said about rollersets because i've done them plenty of times. my hair only turned out smooth once. for the most part, my hair was just fluffy but dry and the roots were always dry and hard to comb through. i stopped doing them. and i've never needed them for a blow out
insist? they were yelling at me!!! they were saying it was my fault that my hair is bad. I dont come to salon often so its not trained, its dry, its split, etc. That I dont listen, that they dont like people coming there to tell them what to do, that she is a professional, a salon owner, 20yrs experience, she knows what shes doing. Shes worked with many women who have walked into her salon with a bush but am too hard-headed.

I was supposed to get a flat iron after my blow dry. First, they forgot to put heat protectant. I reminded them and they got mad and frustrated and started grumbling and gossiping in spanish. When they finally started straightening my back, the lady pulled a huge chunk of ma hair! I told her to be gentle! The lady just unplugged her flat iron and walked away. I didn't get my hair flat ironed.:sad:

I just waited for my mom to finish, and we went home.
They even have the nerve to tell my mom not to use no-lye relaxers anymore. That lye relaxers are the best and not meant for babies :nono:

And you paid them?! Oh hell no.
You're so much better than me, because I wouldn't even be on LHCF right now. I'd be sitting in a holding cell waiting to be arraigned on assault charges, because that is just too wild.

I'd just like to know which of her past clients made her think that it was okay to treat paying customers like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
The dominican salon I went to refused to roller set my hair or my sister's hair. I'm a 4a natural and sis is a 4b. The stylists detangled and bantu knotted sections prior to starting the blowdry process. Both of us walked out with great looking hair, but our scalps were very sore. It was extremely painful. They used beyond the zone heat protectant and flat ironed.

In general DS do not rollerset natural hair. My outcome was close to what it looked lime when I was relaxed.
Roller set, flat iron, blow roots. It works.

On certain hair types, and relaxed ladies.... yes. But for coarse type 4 hair types a different strategy needs to be taken to avoid unnecessary breakage, burning and ripping of the hair.
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I'm very sorry you went through this OP. Before learning to straighten my hair myself I went through my share of of BAD blowouts by Russians, Dominicans and once a Jamaican who left me with singed off hairs from using a marcel iron on me :nono: and I have 3b hair which is fairly easy to straighten and very easy to stretch yet they still could not get it right most of the time! I'd leave the white salon with dry fried looking brittle hair and I'd leave the Dominican salon with weighed down, dull hair from too much product or just bad technique :nono: And the pain of that blow dryer when its aimed at your scalp used to bring tears to my eyes!!! Years later, I'd NEVER set foot in a salon again after those awful experiences for years, paying them week after week year after year through my teens and on, I have so much regret. I now do my hair myself, just using a Sedu iron in an hour or so and it's silkier than I ever got out of any salon that I paid 30 and up for.. Just had to tell that story because I'm still pissed at myself and just hairdressing in general. It's best to REALLY take the time to know your own hair and try to do it yourself even if it takes years to get it, the skill is priceless...
/\ PREACH Shahla.....PREACH:yep:

learning to do your own hair is such an empowering money saving skill that will allow your hair to thrive beyond your wildest dreams....well said. I see its not just us kinky haired ladies that get met with consistent incompetence:nono:

DIY is the way to go.
I'd be mad. OP's do does not look like a professional did it. It looks like I did it and I am not at all skilled with heat styling tools. I haven't been to a Dominican salon yet but having heard so much about the Dominican technique this is not what I'd expect. My hair is 4b - very thick strands and the only time it's been heat straightened is by my mom who uses the old school pressing comb technique. She achieves a blow out look with the hot comb, then straightens with the edge of the hot comb, then she uses curling tongs as you would a flat iron for the finish. This gets my hair to glossy straight. She does not use a blow dryer. I have tried to use a blow dryer but it comes out looking kinda like OP and the other lady on page 2 whose hair is blown out but not straightened but again I'm an unskilled amateur. I do want to try a Dominican Salon but I guess it's important to make sure they do my kind of hair first. A lot of people think all natural hair is the same but it isn't.
Geez they are charging that much???? For your length?? OMG here in jersey they charge by the length of your hair starting at $8-$30.

Yeah they should have rolled you to dry, then blow you out. You just wen tot a bad salon. Im sorry for your experience. Stuff like that pisses me off. I hate when a doobie or blowout is wacked.
I'm coming to Jersey. Mine are $35 (10 extra bc I am natural) and my sister's was $45 (bc she is natural and has "long hair" -- APL) although I think it was a texture bias. My hair is longer than hers.
Wow. Sorry about that- judging from the photos, I would have never guessed that was a Dominican blow out. I've seen DB on naturals and they are beautiful. I think you just picked the wrong ones to style your hair.

I'd be majorly upset too- all that heat for nothin'
insist? they were yelling at me!!! they were saying it was my fault that my hair is bad. I dont come to salon often so its not trained, its dry, its split, etc. That I dont listen, that they dont like people coming there to tell them what to do, that she is a professional, a salon owner, 20yrs experience, she knows what shes doing. Shes worked with many women who have walked into her salon with a bush but am too hard-headed.

I was supposed to get a flat iron after my blow dry. First, they forgot to put heat protectant. I reminded them and they got mad and frustrated and started grumbling and gossiping in spanish. When they finally started straightening my back, the lady pulled a huge chunk of ma hair! I told her to be gentle! The lady just unplugged her flat iron and walked away. I didn't get my hair flat ironed.:sad:

I just waited for my mom to finish, and we went home.
They even have the nerve to tell my mom not to use no-lye relaxers anymore. That lye relaxers are the best and not meant for babies :nono:

I have to co-sign with the other sista, you took all that verbal abuse and still gave them your hard-earned money? You are too kind! I would still be ticked for you if your hair would've turned out incredible so it's even worse that they did a bad job. I would have been FURIOUS!
learning to do your own hair is such an empowering money saving skill that will allow your hair to thrive beyond your wildest dreams....well said. I see its not just us kinky haired ladies that get met with consistent incompetence:nono:

DIY is the way to go.

I have to agree with you on that one. A couple of years ago, I used to be a slave to the salon. It took me four years to grow my hair from a short pixie cut to full shoulder length. I started doing my own hair- nothing major, just a wash/dc/rollerset every week and within a year I made it to APL.

The best person who can care for your hair is yourself.
nevermind. Everyone has pretty much already said what I was going to say. I've seen plenty of naturals get beautiful blowouts. Some were rollerset first and some were not. All needed to be finished with the flat iron.
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That's why I don't waste my time with Dominican blowouts. You probably have hair that is just as thick as mine. Girlfriend.... ain't a blowdryer in the world that can save us. You gotta get the hot comb.
The first time I got a Dominican blowout I was relaxed and it was lovely. I went back again as a natural and the lady straight up told me "The lady who can do your hair isn't here today." And I walked right out. If a stylist knows they can't properly handle type 4 natural hair, then they should just leave it alone.

Your hair should not have turned out like that - BUT I will say when I was newly natural and getting my hair pressed, my hair took a LOT of heat to get straight - blow drying, pressing, and flat iron or marcel curling. It was not "trained" and you definitely need a stylist who knows natural hair and cares about health.
So sorry this happened OP. Hopefully you have no damage in the process. When I go to DS...I've had them do both...rollerset, blow out, and sometimes lightly go through with a ceramic iron but not ALL over...Or I have had them blow me out from wet which was effective as well. Rollersetting just stretches the hair to make it easier to blow out- plus it will be detangled. I prefer that method.

Also them telling you about "trained" hair..you should've ran. If any stylist uses the word "trained", they don't know what they are doing or talking about. That means your hair has been straightened so much that it is damaged and doesn't kink up as much.

If you choose to go to another DS, definitely go to another salon because apparently they don't do natural clients. I have seen several women in the 4's go to DS and do both methods (rollerset first OR blow out from wet) and it came over very nice.
Sorry this happened to you.

I didn't know they did blowouts on WET hair?! Usually when I get a DB, I get my hair washed/conditioned then a rollerset is done. I sit under the dryer, then they use the blow dryer IF I want them to.

My blowouts turn out fine and most importantly does not hurt--even when using the blow dryer on me.

Ok so I went to a dominican hair salon for the first time to get my hair blow dried. I use heat on my hair very rarely, maybe once every two years or so.

I get there and the blow drying was SO PAINFUL!!!!!! As she was blowdrying one side, the other side would dry up and when she gets to it, she would just DIG the brush through ALL that shrinkage, OMG!!!! They DID NOT roller set my hair prior because they said the ends wouldn't lay flat.

After the blow dry, my hair did not look like a "Dominican Blowout" after ALL that extreme heat and smoke! It did not bounce, it did not shine, it just looked puffy straight. I was so disappointed, I heard that their blow dry did so much miracles yet it looked how it does when I did it myself!:perplexed

These women gave me the impression that my hair wasn't the type that would benefit from a Dominican blowout. They said that my hair is untrained & uneven, making it tangled and dry. I deep condition twice a month, cowach weekly and henna monthly; my hair is not dry. I have NO split ends, so why should i trim my hair?

Does your "Dominican Blowout" turn out like these? Or am I just too picky or grumpy? Compare my avatar pic (I blow dried my hair there myself) to these "Dominican blowout pics". These hairdressers may have damaged my hair!
Please help me, I'm a bit upset :nono:
A stylist should be first a scientist in my opinion. You guys really have to do your research first. I wouldnt give up on all cosmetologists just b/c of one experience, because there are good ones out there. But honestly, I wanted to do a demo on how to detangle natural hair and it wasn't considered important. But they all want to be shown how to do waterfall updos and senegalese twists... Everyone's motive isn't the right one and not every stylist cares about your hair's health. But some do.
I hope your hair bounces back OP, just baby it as much as possible. I suggest DC and protein and some 2 strand twists. I wouldn't even leave it out in a bush for awhile.
I think people are really catching on now to the damage that the Dominican Blow-Out really can do to your hair. There are news articles popping up in recent weeks highlighting how African American hair salons are picking back up the business they once lost to the Dominican hair salons simply because of all the damage that they are getting done to their hair when they come from the Dominican salons. They have to go back to the AA salons to repair the damage.
Roller set, flat iron, blow roots. It works.

I'd have to agree. A roller set probably isn't going to get a true head of 4b hair 'smooth' but it will stretch the hair out making the next steps easier and less damaging.


I've never had a DB, but I'm pretty sure it would be easier to get my hair straight if I started from the above roller set and proceeded to blowout and iron...


than if someone tried pull a comb through and blow out my freshly washed shrunken afro! When I do blow dry my hair, it's first stretched in some kind of way (bantus or big braids). I don't see how a roller set would be different. Actually a rollerset might be easier to work from because you've already combed and sectioned it.

To OP: I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. Hopefully your curls can be saved.
#fail...Yeah, they messed up. Dominican blow outs are not all the same- some people's techniques are better than others, just like with AA, Caucasians, etc...I'm sorry this happened to you though.