Disappointed Dominican Blowout!!! Vent Part 2 - Very Pic Heavy


Here's a clip from Judge Judy about a woman who sued because her hair broke off due to a weave. Her damage was SERIOUS. :nono: It might be useful.

You can skip to 3 minutes into the video.

Basically, Judge Judy told the plaintiff that she should have spoken up if she felt that weave was being sewn on too tightly. She gave her a few dollars for the wig she had to buy and other stuff, but the the woman did not get the compensation for pain and suffering she was seeking.

Here's a clip from Judge Judy about a woman who sued because her hair broke off due to a weave. Her damage was SERIOUS. :nono: It might be useful.

You can skip to 3 minutes into the video.

Basically, Judge Judy told the plaintiff that she should have spoken up if she felt that weave was being sewn on too tightly. She gave her a few dollars for the wig she had to buy and other stuff, but the the woman did not get the compensation for pain and suffering she was seeking.

Interesting video.
OP, I'm sorry about your hair. But I think this is a funny thing, because I actually think you could make a case for yourself in a court of law. But I don't think you have standing in LHCF Court, if that makes sense. As some ladies here have said, Dominican blowouts, much like anything pertaining to hair (from relaxers to coloring), are not for everyone. People with 4b+ hair can't expect to go into a salon and come out with swanging hair, without repercussions. 4b hair isn't made to be that straight, and when you force it to be, then there's a really high chance that you'll lose some of your texture. That's just how it is. And regardless of what she said about having 20+ years of experience, blah blah, girl...you should have known better. You're on LHCF, you know what it is! Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much experience people have, there are just some things that can't be done. Getting 4b hair to swang while keeping the texture pristine is one such thing. I mean...yes, she was nasty and mean to you, and yes...your hair looked tore up at the end. But even if she was nice to you and got your hair bone straight...it almost certainly would be damaged anyway. Most people on LHCF know this, which is probably why most people think that you don't have a case. I don't think people feel that you deserve it. Nobody deserves to have their hair work destroyed, because we all know what it is to try to grow hair. That ish is hard. But you just should have known better, is all. Attitude aside, even if she has 50 years of experience doing hair...she isn't Jesus. She can't perform the impossible, and it's not really fair to expect it of her.
But in the real world, most people won't think like that. They'll think "Oh, she's a professional, this shouldn't have happened." So you just may win your case. If you do go through with it, good luck!

And some of ya'll in here are just too much.

Sitting in a garage and telling people that you are a car? :lachen:
Accusing others of rejoicing over OP's heat damage? :lachen:
Suggesting that OP lie to a JUDGE? In a court of LAW? And she's the one suing? :nono: (Which wouldn't work, because she brought her own heat protectant and fully insisted that it be used. Quite obviously, she knew the risks concerning heat damage.) Even if you were a shoo-in to win, a judge will throw your case out with the swiftness for lying.
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Here's a clip from Judge Judy about a woman who sued because her hair broke off due to a weave. Her damage was SERIOUS. :nono: It might be useful.

You can skip to 3 minutes into the video.

Basically, Judge Judy told the plaintiff that she should have spoken up if she felt that weave was being sewn on too tightly. She gave her a few dollars for the wig she had to buy and other stuff, but the the woman did not get the compensation for pain and suffering she was seeking.

This court case is not a representation of anything CLOSE to what I went through.

I spoke up and she insisted that it was gonna be impossible for her to give me heat damage, that she is a professional, experienced, that I should stop acting like I know too much because I am not the one who is the stylist! I kept threatening to leave MANY times but I couldnt cuz ma mom was there also getting her hair done and was supporting the stylist, and thought i was being extremely rude and disrespectful; also the stylist kept dragging me down the chair and telling my mom, dang your daughter is too hard headed, etc.

Well I don't know about you guys saying oh you shoulda just walked out but YES I TRIED TO numerous times. But I was raised in an extremely strict home, you cannot just walk out of your parent like that. My mom was exremely embarrased by my behavior so some of you keep not understanding the fact that I was really quite stuck on that day.

When I went home she yelled at me; it was my birthday and she wanted me to do my hair and she thought I was being ungrateful and not appreciating the stylist by "not letting her do her job". When I told her my hair is severly damaged and the stylist is a crook, she yelled at me viciously and told me I was such a stuck up child!:nono: Why do you think when I went back the next day to confront the woman about the damages, I went with MY DAD??
OP the real people you should be trying to convince are not on LHCF, please save your energy for the small claims court and the real culprit.

Good luck
I am. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be part of the discussions. I opened this thread to discuss, and discuss we shall :D
^^^ That's cool we can discuss but the arguments are now becoming circular and i feel this maybe counterproductive to your judgment esp in deciding a course of action. At the end of the day LHCF cannot bring you the justice you deserve.
OP How old are you? And how does your mom feel know that she can see your hair was damaged?

In my culture, your parents will always parent you till death. That's how it works. It doesn't matter how old you are. If I was 50 years old, I cannot walk out on my 85 yr old mother. Thats just how it is; you're just raised to behave that way.
Sashelvis Hair Salon

938 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910

OMG! NOOOOOOOO!!!! Not that place!!! Did you do your research first about this salon??? I read reviews about this place when I was searching for a Dominican Salon, if you go to round brushhair.com you will see that they have gotten some pretty BAD reviews. click the link: http://dominicanhaircare.com/salons/phpGoogleStoreLocator-comments.php?id=110

:bighug: baby your hair and it will be back to the way it was before in no time
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I really want to add something useful to this thread but I feel that

a. What I say will be taken the wrong way, I will get "e-yelled" at, and have to force myself to stick to the OT threads

2. A lot of what I want to say has already been said

and d. This thread is kinda making me dizzy because it seems like it keeps going in circles.

Now before I get chased away with pitchforks and torches: good luck OP with whatever decision you choose.

I'm outtie
I really want to add something useful to this thread but I feel that

a. What I say will be taken the wrong way, I will get "e-yelled" at, and have to force myself to stick to the OT threads

2. A lot of what I want to say has already been said

and d. This thread is kinda making me dizzy because it seems like it keeps going in circles.

Now before I get chased away with pitchforks and torches: good luck OP with whatever decision you choose.

I'm outtie

If that stuff doesn't happen to you in this thread, it's gonna happen somewhere else. It's inevitable....forget thug life. They need to start calling it LHCF life. :lachen:
Best exercise that $6.50 and speak your mind. :grin:
The same thing happened to my sister. She has natural hair and got a Dominican blowout. When I saw her I was shocked because it looked like she had a relaxer. I knew something was definitely wrong because I've never seen natural hair look or feel that straight. When she washed her hair, the curls were gone, just like yours. It's as if they physically relaxed the hair. I have no idea how people who get dominican blowouts regularly have any hair.
I didn't come here for justice, I came here for comfort. I deserve that the most.

My LHCF sisters will definitely comfort you but will also give you their opinion which you may not like, want to read or even find comforting :lachen:. We all love our hair and I doubt truly anyone here is happy that this happened to you despite their disagreement with your actions and/or comments.

I am sorry that this happened and I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do :giveheart:.
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This sounds depressing - the stylist is verbally abusing you and your mom placed the blame on YOUR shoulders - good grief - my mom can speak her mind about me but let someone ELSE try and cop an attitude and she'll be ready to put them in their place ESPECIALLY if I was paying them for a service. I understand that you were raised a certain way but this may have been one of those occasions where you should've put your feelings first. I'm sure the VERY first time the stylist said something out of pocket, your instinct told you to get up and leave but your upbringing told you to stay there with your mom. If you had to do it all over again, would you still stay? Either way, your mom wouldn't have been pleased with you (which is unfair, IMO) and I believe she might as well be displeased and you still have all of your hair intact!

And you know, I understand that it's tough to gain respect if you were raised in a strict home but I hope you know that your needs and desires are just as valid as your mother's. If SHE, nor the stylist, didn't care about the health of your hair, that's fine but they aren't the ones who have to deal with the outcome - you do!
And I doubt all this pain and anguish that you're experiencing was worth not getting up the very same SECOND that stylist copped an attitude - eventually you ended the services, but if you had've ended them earlier - yes, your mom would've been angry but your hair would still be in perfect condition. I'm not sure how old you are or if you still reside with your parents, but it's not right that you were concerned so much about her reaction that you felt it was better to go back and forth with the stylist rather than tell her to get her grubby hands out of your head. Again, good luck, OP, and happy belated birthday! I'm really sorry this happened and I hope that your mom comes around and sees that you weren't to blame.

This court case is not a representation of anything CLOSE to what I went through.

I spoke up and she insisted that it was gonna be impossible for her to give me heat damage, that she is a professional, experienced, that I should stop acting like I know too much because I am not the one who is the stylist! I kept threatening to leave MANY times but I couldnt cuz ma mom was there also getting her hair done and was supporting the stylist, and thought i was being extremely rude and disrespectful; also the stylist kept dragging me down the chair and telling my mom, dang your daughter is too hard headed, etc.

Well I don't know about you guys saying oh you shoulda just walked out but YES I TRIED TO numerous times. But I was raised in an extremely strict home, you cannot just walk out of your parent like that. My mom was exremely embarrased by my behavior so some of you keep not understanding the fact that I was really quite stuck on that day.

When I went home she yelled at me; it was my birthday and she wanted me to do my hair and she thought I was being ungrateful and not appreciating the stylist by "not letting her do her job". When I told her my hair is severly damaged and the stylist is a crook, she yelled at me viciously and told me I was such a stuck up child!:nono: Why do you think when I went back the next day to confront the woman about the damages, I went with MY DAD??
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If you had to do it all over again, would you still stay? Either way, your mom wouldn't have been pleased with you (which is unfair, IMO) and I believe she might as well be displeased and you still have all of your hair intact!
I hope that your mom comes around and sees that you weren't to blame.

No I wouldn't have stayed.
Yes, she finally came around. Thanks.
OP, I'm sorry about your hair. But I think this is a funny thing, because I actually think you could make a case for yourself in a court of law. But I don't think you have standing in LHCF Court, if that makes sense. As some ladies here have said, Dominican blowouts, much like anything pertaining to hair (from relaxers to coloring), are not for everyone. People with 4b+ hair can't expect to go into a salon and come out with swanging hair, without repercussions. 4b hair isn't made to be that straight, and when you force it to be, then there's a really high chance that you'll lose some of your texture. That's just how it is. And regardless of what she said about having 20+ years of experience, blah blah, girl...you should have known better. You're on LHCF, you know what it is! Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much experience people have, there are just some things that can't be done. Getting 4b hair to swang while keeping the texture pristine is one such thing. I mean...yes, she was nasty and mean to you, and yes...your hair looked tore up at the end. But even if she was nice to you and got your hair bone straight...it almost certainly would be damaged anyway. Most people on LHCF know this, which is probably why most people think that you don't have a case. I don't think people feel that you deserve it. Nobody deserves to have their hair work destroyed, because we all know what it is to try to grow hair. That ish is hard. But you just should have known better, is all. Attitude aside, even if she has 50 years of experience doing hair...she isn't Jesus. She can't perform the impossible, and it's not really fair to expect it of her.
But in the real world, most people won't think like that. They'll think "Oh, she's a professional, this shouldn't have happened." So you just may win your case. If you do go through with it, good luck!

And some of ya'll in here are just too much.

Sitting in a garage and telling people that you are a car? :lachen:
Accusing others of rejoicing over OP's heat damage? :lachen:
Suggesting that OP lie to a JUDGE? In a court of LAW? And she's the one suing? :nono: (Which wouldn't work, because she brought her own heat protectant and fully insisted that it be used. Quite obviously, she knew the risks concerning heat damage.) Even if you were a shoo-in to win, a judge will throw your case out with the swiftness for lying.

What I 'm saying, if she goes before the judge and says she new the risks-her words- the judge my not be as sympathetic. Question for the OP, did you not understand the full consequence of getting your hair done like that? Have you called a lawyer? I invite you over to the heat damage support thread.
What I 'm saying, if she goes before the judge and says she new the risks-her words- the judge my not be as sympathetic. Question for the OP, did you not understand the full consequence of getting your hair done like that? Have you called a lawyer? I invite you over to the heat damage support thread.

No. I have blow dried my hair before and have never had heat damage. Even when I newly went natural at 13, I used heat without protection and my hair didn't look like it did now. So no, I did not know the consequence especially since I thought I was going to a professional.

I dont need a lawyer to go to small claims court so no, I have not called one.
Cmon now. You have been a member here for how long?? and possibly a lurker before that. You can't tell me you didn't know what a dominican blow out consisted of, and how they over do it on the heat. AGAIN, not that this is your fault, but I think the posters are getting more annoyed with the fact that you are acting like you didn't know this type of damage was a very real possiblity when getting this kind of service. Which is why there is so much back and forth. I believe there is a big difference between a professional grade dryer and a regular one as well.

No. I have blow dried my hair before and have never had heat damage. Even when I newly went natural at 13, I used heat without protection and my hair didn't look like it did now. So no, I did not know the consequence especially since I thought I was going to a professional.

I dont need a lawyer to go to small claims court so no, I have not called one.
I never post but I had to chime in on this. OP, I think you are focusing on the wrong aspect of what happened to your hair. From your original pictures, your hair was a lot thicker compared to what happened after the salon visit. It looks as if she ripped your hair out trying to blow dry it. That is your case, not the heat damage. Heat damage just means the bonds of your hair were altered by excessive heat. You can try protein treatments or other methods but that is about it. Now the severity of how much hair you lost is a different matter. A professional should know the proper techniques to blow dry hair with minimal shedding. It seems to me that they didn't give a crap about saving your hair so much as just getting it straight. You can plead damage to your hair follicles as you are not guaranteed that every follicle will grow hair from it again. Someone else said it correctly - a Professional should know what they are doing. We need to stop making excuses for people we go to who jack our hair up. When one pays for a service, it is our right to get what we ask for. Remember in business, the customer is always right.

As for the other people who responded, you do not need a lawyer for small claims court; you can consult with one to see the strength of your case if you want. Court may require missing a day of work and a fee but if you feel so strongly, it is worth it in my opinion. Also follow through with the Better Business Bureau as it will help others in the long run. We live in a very litigous society - you can take a person to court for almost anything. You may not win, but it is your right. Plus it now becomes Public Record and if it happens to someone else, they have a stronger case.

You should post more often! :yep: Great post...I agree with everything you said. OP, you deserve to have your voice heard whether or not you win the case. People are so quick to say it's not worth it, but for your peace of mind I say seek justice! People get trampled on everyday and say nothing. People get raped and keep quiet, get abused, get taken advantage of, and many are told that they can't do anything about it so they should just leave it alone and move on...the damage was done. All the while their emotions on the matter haunt them for the rest of their life! People can sue for mental anguish alone and it's clear that this situation that went down at the salon was traumatizing enough for her to do so.

I feel your pain....I went through a similar situation, but my hair woes was shared on a global level. I was a victim of the Rio "natural" relaxer system that was shown in an infomercial in the early 90s. I ended up getting thin, lifeless hair which eventually fell out. I didn't have to go to court since anyone who purchased it was guaranteed monetary compensation, but I wish I did have my day in court just so that I would have the opprtunity to vent my feelings of the pain and embarrassment it caused me to lose my hair.

I wish you all of the luck in seeking the justice you deserve. Much blessings to you.
Cmon now. You have been a member here for how long?? and possibly a lurker before that. You can't tell me you didn't know what a dominican blow out consisted of, and how they over do it on the heat. AGAIN, not that this is your fault, but I think the posters are getting more annoyed with the fact that you are acting like you didn't know this type of damage was a very real possiblity when getting this kind of service. Which is why there is so much back and forth. I believe there is a big difference between a professional grade dryer and a regular one as well.

I know what it consisted of which is why I went there to tell them how I wanted my hair handled. You are acting like I went in there wanting to come out with permanently straight hair. I have never in my life had heat damage even in the years I did not take care of my hair as a natural. Those that want to be annoyed can go ahead and suite themselves. This is a forum for closure, nobody should be getting annoyed about anything. We aren't on personal terms here.
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Man if I was a stylist I would have people sign release forms for blowouts, relaxers and permanent dye. Because it is not worth all of this.

There is a risk of heat damage when using heat. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but you can always learn from it.
I'm not acting like anything. Aside from all the legal blee-blah, how is ur hair doing? Have you done some hardcore protiens to try and help it out a bit?? Have you managed to get it to snap back at all?

I know what it consisted of which is why I went there to tell them how I wanted my hair handled. You are acting like I went in there wanting to come out with permanently straight hair. I have never in my life had heat damage even in the years I did not take care of my hair as a natural. Those that want to be annoyed can go ahead and suite themselves. This is a forum for closure, nobody should be getting annoyed about anything. We aren't on personal terms here.