Did you marry in your 30's or 40's?


New Member
Did you marry for the FIRST time in your 30s or 40s?

If so, do you mind stating how old you and your spouse both were when you married?

Any particular reason(s) why you married a little later in life? Any regrets on waiting? Did you have kids?

As someone who will be at least 33 when she gets married (because I'm 33 now and don't even have a boyfriend :lol:) I am interested in responses :yep:
Interested to see the replies.

I will be married for the first(and only, I hope!) time in my 30's. Turning 35 very soon. :yep:
I was 32 and DH was 37.
DH's 2nd, my first. I had no children before, we have one together now.
I got married late, because for many years I was'nt sure I even wanted to get married. I was really enjoying my freedom and doing and exploring on my own. when I turned 30, I started thinking that marriage was something for me and I decided I wanted children.

I'm glad it worked out the way it did. I fell so good at my place in life right now. I feel like I can be the best Mama and wife that I can be, because I don't feel like I missed anything or am being held back from anything.
My parents got married in their thirties. :yep: It was my mom's first time getting married and my dad's second. My mom was 33 and Dad was 34. I know my mom used her teens and twenties to focus on school and her career. She worked her way up in the fast food industry and also owned apartment buildings. My parents met when my mom was about 30 and they had me when my mom was 31. My sister came along and they decided to get married after she was born. :yep: They have been married for 26 years now. :yep:
I got married the day after I turned 34 which was in June of this year. My husband is 28 and I have no regrets about waiting this late in life. I'm a very independent person and spent much of my life concentrating on school, career and travelling. I do not have any children and he doesn't either. This is a first marriage (and hopefully last) for both of us!
I got married the day after I turned 34 which was in June of this year. My husband is 28 and I have no regrets about waiting this late in life. I'm a very independent person and spent much of my life concentrating on school, career and travelling. I do not have any children and he doesn't either. This is a first marriage (and hopefully last) for both of us!

Thank you so much for posting this. I'm 34 not 24!!! and I have a gut feeling that I will end up marrying a younger man. I'm also a very independent person and spent much of my life focusing on school, career and traveling.

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I got married when I was 30.My husband just turned 33.We had one son already.It was both of our first marriage.Some regrets in marrying later because we were together for 5yrs,and even he had regrets saying we should have married sooner ,well n**** you should have asked sooner,:lol: but it all worked out in the end.My husband is my best friend.:yep:
I met my husband when I was 30 and he was 41. We got engaged after 8 months of dating. We had an 18 month engagement and married when I was 32 and he was 43. We celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary this September.
I met my husband when I was 30 and he was 41. We got engaged after 8 months of dating. We had an 18 month engagement and married when I was 32 and he was 43. We celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary this September.

Was this the first marriage for the both of you?
I got married at 32. He is 30. It's is the first wedding for both. Neither of us have kids. We met in grad school 4 years ago. The delay was due to him not wanting to be married before 30. We got engaged a few,months after his 30 bday. And got married 1 month before his 31 birthday. We had a 8 month engagement.
Did you marry for the FIRST time in your 30s or 40s?

If so, do you mind stating how old you and your spouse both were when you married?

Any particular reason(s) why you married a little later in life? Any regrets on waiting? Did you have kids?

I married for the first time at age 34. DH was divorced and was 37.

The only reason I married so late was that I wasted several years of my life messing around with a loser. I guess I had some maturing to do though and it was all for the best. Married life is wonderful when everything is in place!! :grin: Not so much when things aren't right. :look:

The only drawback to marrying late is that you have to rush to have kids. You don't get to spend a few years enjoying each other. I had my first at age 36 and if I want to have more I can't really space them more than 1-2 years apart.
My first time at age 44 and his first at 47. We both just never found anyone worth marrrying, so glad I waited, I love being his wife.
I love this thread! It gives me hope because it feels like things won't be happening for me in my 20's. I'd actually prefer to get married in my 30's but I struggle with being patient. Luckily, I'm at the beginning of my career and that has kept me occupied.
My first time at age 44 and his first at 47. We both just never found anyone worth marrrying, so glad I waited, I love being his wife.

Sounds like this will be us. We are both 43 and first timers.

I have no problem having come this far. Rather have a solid happy marriage in my 40s than to have made hasty bad decisions while trying to live in a fantasy world in my 20s--when I was engaged but had no clue about marriage.
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I got married when I was 30 and he was just about to turn 44. I married at that age because that's when everything worked out as far as timing and chemistry and so on. We were both on the same page about what we wanted. We met, fell in love and got married in less than a year. Best thing that ever happened to me. Best person in my life. I feel so lucky, even all these years later.
I married for the first time at age 34. DH was divorced and was 37.

The only reason I married so late was that I wasted several years of my life messing around with a loser. I guess I had some maturing to do though and it was all for the best. Married life is wonderful when everything is in place!! :grin: Not so much when things aren't right. :look:

The only drawback to marrying late is that you have to rush to have kids. You don't get to spend a few years enjoying each other. I had my first at age 36 and if I want to have more I can't really space them more than 1-2 years apart.

caltron..thank you for keeping it 100% honest! Most of us were busy dating /dealing with losers and don't realize it till much later. ..Don't be hard on yourself about rushing to have kids.. its a Blessing you found a good man to be a family with:yep:
I married at 37 and had my first child at 37:sekret::look:. Hubby is 36.

My husband and I were on and off (mostly off) for 3 years and before that I was dating either losers or incompatible men. Quite frankly, because those relationships never lasted long, I was single for most of my life.

I do regret not marrying my husband sooner. I think of all the time we wasted. We only truly got to know each other when we got married. I would've loved to have that time to travel, go out to dinner and do 'married without children' stuff.
I really and truly could not see myself married in my 20s.. and it's not even b/c I have sooo many things to do b/c I could do that with my husband. I just feel like I would not have been ready and I def did not meet anyone that was worth even marrying. Now at 29, the person I'm seeing def has marriage potential, so if we ever do get married it will be in our early 30s.