I really don't know what I will do but this is something that I've given much thought to and I'm not even anticipating getting married until late 20s/30s.
Here's my predicament: I already have a hyphenated last name (I have 4 names total) and after briefly resenting my name as a child, I've grown to love it. It truly embodies who I am and I just love the way it sounds. On the other hand, there's a part of me that's very conservative and wants to be Mrs. [insert future husband name here]. On the other hand, there's a tradition in my family of hyphenating names and I like this practice! After thinking about it, my options are:
- Get rid of my whole last name and take dh's name
- Get rid of one of my last names and hyphenate the remaining one with DH's name. I like having a hyphenated name, so I wouldn't mind the "maiden name"-"dh name" combination, but which one of my maiden names would I get rid of? I feel like I have to carry on my mother's family name bc, due to her side not procreating that much, the family name will die if I don't carry it on. The same is true of my father's family name and I feel an obligation to him as well. How would I choose without letting a piece of my family be lost forever????
-Hyphenate my current last name with DH's last name, resulting in "maiden name1"-"maiden name 2"-"dh last name". That sounds like a bit much, no?
-Add my maiden names to my middle name
- Use my old name professionally and my married name personally
Am I being too petty or obsessive about this?