Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I just took my nightly shower and used the DE, my ski feels so smooth and clean! I am now drinking cranberry juice with 1 heaping tablespoon of it and look forward to sleeping like a baby tonight! I expect to have another vivid dream as well, hope it aint a nightmare! I also noticed that I am having what feels like menstrual cramps even though I just got off my cycle.
Since DE is a detoxifier, it will just eat your vits all up. This is way I stopped taking it so regularly and now I try to take it at night just before bed when I remember.

I am only taking it at night, then about 12 hours later in the a.m. I take my vitamins.
Do you all think that this DE would really reduce your risk of cancer if your lifestyle is otherwise healthy? I just watched a friend of mine die from cancer a couple of weeks ago and it was so scary and emotional. I'm not afraid of dying because I know we all have to go I just don't want to die of cancer.
Guys even though we sometimes take information as GOLD on here- we have got to take some responsibility - you have got do your own research - especially when something is ingested. I ran this by my physician and my sister (nurse) as I was looking at all of the other health benefits and at the time wanted to give it to my parents. My doctor is even trying this as he could see the logic in it working and he will let me know in a month of what his thoughts are....

Thanks for sharing, I think every now and then we all need a reminder. My apologies if this has already been discussed, but did your doctor and sister ever give you feedback? I will keep reading this thread but wanted to ask before I forget :)
Since DE is a detoxifier, it will just eat your vits all up. This is way I stopped taking it so regularly and now I try to take it at night just before bed when I remember.

I'm glad I went back and read that. I am just going to try just taking it at night. Something seems a little off. I've been eating less, but seem to be gaining weight. Feel like I've recently fell off the fat truck. :sad: I will go back on my vitamins in the am.
Checking in once more...

This stuff is amazing! I am only taking 1 heaping tablespoon at night, I mix it in with some cranberry juice. I sleep so good, wake up refreshed and have energy all day. As others have said, mental clarity has improved immensely! My appetite is suppressed but since I am not trying to lose weight, this works well in my cravings for red meat since I am trying to cut back on the amount of it that I eat. I am passing some mucous and have slight cramping in my lower belly, like menstrual cramps. I love the chalky consistency of it.

The only bad thing about it is that it is giving me some slight heart palpitations, I think. I am hoping that over time it will completely go away but I am keeping my eye on it.
OK ladies I have read and ordered my first supply. I hope to report back some of the same great results you are having!
Checking in once more...

This stuff is amazing! I am only taking 1 heaping tablespoon at night, I mix it in with some cranberry juice. I sleep so good, wake up refreshed and have energy all day. As others have said, mental clarity has improved immensely! My appetite is suppressed but since I am not trying to lose weight, this works well in my cravings for red meat since I am trying to cut back on the amount of it that I eat. I am passing some mucous and have slight cramping in my lower belly, like menstrual cramps. I love the chalky consistency of it.

The only bad thing about it is that it is giving me some slight heart palpitations, I think. I am hoping that over time it will completely go away but I am keeping my eye on it.

My sister-in-law used to eat starch...I asked her what it tasted like...she said - chalk! (yuk)

I'm waiting for my D.E. to come in the mail. Thank you to everyone here for the info. When I first saw the link, I was like WHAT!!?!? I was looking up D.E. info for my friend who has bed bugs...
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My sister-in-law used to eat starch...I asked her what it tasted like...she said - chalk! (yuk)

I'm waiting for my D.E. to come in the mail. Thank you to everyone here for the info. When I first saw the link, I was like WHAT!!?!? I was looking up D.E. info for my friend who has bed bugs...

Yes, I suffer from something called Pica, where I crave non-food items that have a chalk like consistency, so this works for me. LOL!
UPDATE: been taking this for 1 week and 5 days and a few days ago I was suddenly getting HORRIBLE detox symptoms. The past two days I have been nauseous, constipated, and just feeling bad. I felt extremely hot one minute, then really cold the next, I woke up with a stuffy nose and sneezing and felt like I had a really bad cold, I was blowing my nose every 5 seconds. My head hurt for the past two days really badly and I finally gave in that morning and took Ibuprofen, even though I think that defeats the detoxing purpose but I couldn't handle it. Overall my whole body felt weak all day the first detox day and I just went to sleep as soon as I got home (like 6pm) and kept taking naps and sleeping through till the morning. Good thing I was off work the next day. My entire body just felt weak. The headache is nonexistent now and I read detox symptoms can last up to 3 days and it lasted about 2 and a half for me. It's not completely unbearable but it's def not pleasant. Anybody else have detox symptoms? I prob jumped into this kinda hard but I’m still glad I did it this way (quickly instead of building up to 1 tbsp). Now I feel better than before, more energetic and more patient with customers in my store. I'm also more regular. The only unpleasant thing I have going now is the breakouts that are still on my face but I'm trying to handle them with black soap. I also know detox symptoms can come in cycles so I may go thru it again in a few weeks but I know it's all a good thing.
I have been thinking about this but I was scared. So I ordered Silica tablets instead. I am still considering ordering this when my tablets run out.

Ladies how long have you been using it? Basically has anyone used it 30+days straight.
I read somewhere to use it 10 days on then 10 days off for 90 days.
I have been thinking about this but I was scared. So I ordered Silica tablets instead. I am still considering ordering this when my tablets run out.

Ladies how long have you been using it? Basically has anyone used it 30+days straight.
I read somewhere to use it 10 days on then 10 days off for 90 days.

Wanted to let you ladies know of another alternative. I use msm and the brand I use (vitamin world) has only one other ingredient listed: silica.

Might be a great way to get two good hair growth bangs (msm and silica) for your buck. You can view the label by clicking the button:

One word of caution. If you try msm powder, don't bother trying to put it into a shot glass of any type of liquid. It'll be so bitter it'll make you want to cry. A teaspoon in a tall glass of water, however, is tasteless.

I have been taking DE for a little over a week now and have not had any detox symptoms like what you have described. I am taking 1 heaping tablespoon in a tall glass of cranberry juice every night, I tried to do 2 heaping tablespoon one day but could not take the headache, so I scaled back to 1 and will keep myself at this dosage.

The only detox symptoms I had were some vaginal mucous and maybe the slight heart palpitations which have seem to subsided. I am still having deep sleeps that make me wake up feeling refreshed, energy all day, reduced appetite, smooth skin since I put DE on my exfoliating gloves when I shower at night. Yesterday, I did not eat a thing because I was not hungry, just drank water and juice all day, plus it was so hot I just lounged around and did not feel like cooking. This is a good thing cuz I usually crave red meat. I have about 15 pounds of this stuff and will definitely be putting my family on it and this will be something that I will be using for life.
Details, mama. Details! What kind of growth are you gettting?

Also, I hear DE gives an initial growth spurt but returns to normal shortly thereafter. Any comments on that ladies? Inquiring minds wanna know.

Last night when I co-washed my hair, I noticed that I did have some significant growth, whether it was DE or just the fact that it is hot and I am co-washing a lot, I dunno, but I do NOT want increased hair growth because this will mess with my 12-16 week stretches. Plus, it's a pain to get to my stylist since she is on the other side of town.
Ladies how long have you been using it? Basically has anyone used it 30+days straight.
I read somewhere to use it 10 days on then 10 days off for 90 days.

Just like I take my multivitamins every single morning, I plan to take the DE every single night. This is part of my daily health regiment from now on. The benefits are too good to not be on it.
Yes, I suffer from something called Pica, where I crave non-food items that have a chalk like consistency, so this works for me. LOL!
I have PICA too. I was told that that's due to low blood. I have anemia. Once my blood levels got back to the healthy range, my cravings for baking soda :lick: are down to 0%
How long does this last before you have to use it all or throw it? Does it have an expiration date? I guess it would be better to buy smaller quantities. I am really considering buying this. Use for 30days straight then rotate every other month. I am still scared about over usage.
Question for you ladies:

How long does it take to receive the DE from Earthworks? I ordered on Saturday and have not heard anything back on my order. I sent an email yesterday w/no response & just send a 2nd email this morning.

Just wondering if it takes a long time or if anyone has had problems with the company.


ETA: Nevermind, the package arrived today.
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Another UPDATE: 3 weeks in (this is the longest I've stuck with any detox program) and I have lost 15 pounds. I didn't wanna weigh myself for awhile because then I would be rushing it and would've been discouraged if I saw 5 pounds after one week (I'm very impatient). So I finally weighed myself yesterday and I went from 160 to 145 (and I'm 5'7'' if that helps visualize). Very excited. As far as hair growth, haven't been paying attention. If it grows any faster cool, if not, still cool. Sorry for those looking for hair updates because I just wouldn't know. I don't measure but maybe a month from now if my hair is down my back, I can attribute it to DE. I After the detox symptoms I reduced my dose to 1 heaping tbsp a day in the morning but reading online I saw a guy who took up to 3 tbsp daily. I want to build back up to at least 2 tbsp a day. No more detox symptoms, just results such as weight loss, vaginal mucus like RossBoss, and running (but not stuffy) nose every now and then.
OK, I think I'm going to get DE!:grin:

Hey DD...I have been using it since Feb and it has been a Godsend with the weightloss, hair growth, (on the flipside - having to wax facial hair a little more often :lachen:) and skin....I started off with 1lb that lasted me about 3 months (using 1 to 2 tbsp a day)...I purchased it from www.morethanalive.com ...All the detox that the previous poster mentioned is on point - especially with the vag.. mucus...but I think this is one of the best investments I have made since joining this board. It has helped my parents with their arthritis/joint issues and helped my dad with his Type 2 diabetes to the point that his physician has cut back on insulin...

Just thought I would add my two cents...:grin:
How do you deal with vag. mucous? Wear a maxi pad or just change? I am trying to figure out what to start off with.:blush:
Another UPDATE: 3 weeks in (this is the longest I've stuck with any detox program) and I have lost 15 pounds. I didn't wanna weigh myself for awhile because then I would be rushing it and would've been discouraged if I saw 5 pounds after one week (I'm very impatient). So I finally weighed myself yesterday and I went from 160 to 145 (and I'm 5'7'' if that helps visualize). Very excited.

Wow, 5 lbs. per week, you must have not been eating anything. This had suppressed my appetite initially, but 2 weeks in, I notice that my appetite is not as suppressed as it was when I first started taking it, I only take 1 tablespoon at night.
I ordered a 10lb bag from earthworks weeks ago for ants. Wouldn't you know the ants skipped town just as soon as the pckg arrived? I haven't opened it yet b/c I'm still a little scurred to take it internally. (DH called it anthrax :perplexed)
posting to subscribe to this thread. I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and a lot of the internet researching I have done mentioned silica. One site mentioned the DE specifically for treatment. Off to read the thread from the beginning while my ds spends the day with my dh to give me a little time to myself. Thank God for my DH.
Hey DD...I have been using it since Feb and it has been a Godsend with the weightloss, hair growth, (on the flipside - having to wax facial hair a little more often :lachen:) and skin....I started off with 1lb that lasted me about 3 months (using 1 to 2 tbsp a day)...I purchased it from www.morethanalive.com ...All the detox that the previous poster mentioned is on point - especially with the vag.. mucus...but I think this is one of the best investments I have made since joining this board. It has helped my parents with their arthritis/joint issues and helped my dad with his Type 2 diabetes to the point that his physician has cut back on insulin...

Just thought I would add my two cents...:grin:

Did they say how it helped them with the joint issues?