Although I've been keeping up on my 2X/week DC I haven't kept up on my posting. I continue to DC 2x /wk, and am under the dryer now. DC'd with Alter Ego Garlic + Davines with steam and heat for 40 min.
Are you still accepting people to join this challenge? If so, I'd like to be in. I DC my hair tonight using hydratherma natural moisture boosting deep conditioner with some honey.
I know that it's hard to do this in every post but , I feel sorry for a newbie.

Please keep in mind that not everyone has been here since forever and even though I've been a member for a while I just started posting the last couple of months and sometimes ...a lot of times I don't have a clue as to what y'all are talking about, using abbreviations and all. I just read a page and I felt like I was reading a foreign language.

If u have the time please type out the name of what you are talking about. I say this with all due respect and not 1 bit of snarkiness.
I know that it's hard to do this in every post but , I feel sorry for a newbie.

Please keep in mind that not everyone has been here since forever and even though I've been a member for a while I just started posting the last couple of months and sometimes ...a lot of times I don't have a clue as to what y'all are talking about, using abbreviations and all. I just read a page and I felt like I was reading a foreign language.

If u have the time please type out the name of what you are talking about. I say this with all due respect and not 1 bit of snarkiness.

Hi MsDeeVee...I hope you don't mind me intervening...check out this link, this may help
Although I am not one of the challengers, I wanted to post a 'delicious' deep conditioner that I made a few days a go, which my hair (3c/4a) just loved.. so considering this is a deep conditioning challenge, for those who like making hair stuff at home, you may benefit from it

4 Tbs honey
5 Tbs EVOO
Half on the mix- le kair cholesterol
3 TBS Pure Hemp seed oil
4 Tbs coconut cream
5 Tbs melted Shea butter
1 Tbs glycerine
5TBS Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor

Mix up and apply... leave on for an hour or two.. rinse out....

When I used this my hair detangled like a dream in the shower, and air dried very moisturised (without me using any moisturiser after the wash)

hope this works for others.

Thanks for sharing - I love homemade recipes!

So, do you use it on washed hair? You rinse it out, seal, style and go right?
I DC'ed today with silicon mix for a few hours with no heat. I had a bad week last week, I didn't do anything to my hair ,my apartment was being painted and hair was the last thing on my mind.:perplexed I'm paying for it this week though my hair is acting funny..:nono: I lost a lot of hair this wash, well a lot to me.:perplexed
that doesnt look like alot IMO...
i wont be deep condition again until sunday but i've already been thinking about what im going to do.
im going to pre poo on dry hair for no less than 4 hours with shescentit's olive and orange conditioner, then shampoo with my castile soap mix, then deep condition with heat for no less than 30 minutes with mizani(either moisture fuze or fulfyl-havent use any of these in a long time). im not sure if i will do my usual protein treatment.
I've been DCing twice a week religiously but I haven't been posting at all :sad:

I have a mixture of Alter Ego Garlic Tretament and AO Honey Suckle Rose on right now. Will leave on for 2 hours no heat.
I DC'ed today with silicon mix for a few hours with no heat. I had a bad week last week, I didn't do anything to my hair ,my apartment was being painted and hair was the last thing on my mind.:perplexed I'm paying for it this week though my hair is acting funny..:nono: I lost a lot of hair this wash, well a lot to me.:perplexed

This is bad but not that bad especially if you haven't done anything to your hair for a whole week.
Are you still accepting people to join this challenge? If so, I'd like to be in. I DC my hair tonight using hydratherma natural moisture boosting deep conditioner with some honey.
Welcome to the challenge Skent.
I know that it's hard to do this in every post but , I feel sorry for a newbie.

Please keep in mind that not everyone has been here since forever and even though I've been a member for a while I just started posting the last couple of months and sometimes ...a lot of times I don't have a clue as to what y'all are talking about, using abbreviations and all. I just read a page and I felt like I was reading a foreign language.

If u have the time please type out the name of what you are talking about. I say this with all due respect and not 1 bit of snarkiness.

Hi msdeevee, I am sorry you feel a litle lost with all the acronyms in this thread, but there is a sticky on the front page that has a thread with all the abbreviations but not all of the products we use as we learn them from being on the forum so often. I will try to spell them out as much as I can for you. Here's the thread with some of the acronyms we use and check this one out too I know it's gonna be a lot of reading but I hope this helps you out a little.
OMG!!! I read this and had to tell my friend who is sitting next to me right now!! WOW!! I got to try this

Yeah J Glazin, a girl's gatta do what a girl's gatta do:lachen:. It's the survival of the fittest:grin:. My hair likes a lot of attention and I give it to her:yep:.
Prepoo'ed on wet hair with coconut oil then placed MT on top...let it sit for a little while (hours) rinsed shampoo'ed dc with Kenra
Ooooops! I forgot to post my DC update yesterday. First I did a protein treatment with Duo Tex mixed with Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor and then I DC'ed with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose (AO HSR) mixed with AO White Camellia (AOWC)and Mizani Moisturefuse for an hour.
deep conditioned with a mixture of ors and keracare humecto on dry hair for 1 hour. I do not usually mix these together but each bottle had a small amount that I needed to use up. Hair is nice and soft today. A co-worker dug her hands into my fro:perplexed:nono:.(I hate when people do that). Anyway I do not know if she was expecting to feel steel wool but she was so surprised at how soft my hair is. This deep conditioning challenge is working
Last night I dc'd one hour with and hour without heat with Hairveda's Moist PRO, wheat protein, and egg.
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I think this is the first time this year i have dc'ed my hair (twice i've had it done by a stylist), i feel really ashamed. It's amazing how much build up and gunk i could feel when my hair was only saturated by the water from the shower. Long story short i'll be the hooded dryer for 15 minutes with this Uans Intensive Reconstructor. This stuff IS really, really amazing! My hair was soooo tangled after i got out the shower i just took a rattail comb and divided my hair into sections to apply this, product. Let me tell you! I didn't even use a comb to detangle my hair and when i got done applying the product throughout my hair it looked as if i did!:blush: But the strange thing is i don't see any cones in the ingredients listed. i hope my tangles just melt away when i get ready to rinse. After this i'll proceed to rollerset using the anchor method. It feels so good to get back in the swing of things.:grin:
I havn't been keeping up with posting, but I have been deep conditioning twice a week with all sorts of different conditioners. My hair loves this.
Is it to late to JOIN? I wana I wana.

I will be using all sorts of stuff. But atleast once a week megatek and I have to figure what out of my mini store I will use.