Doing my first DC on dry hair right now. I liked applying it because I could tell that EVERY strand was being coated easier than when my hair is wet. I was finishing up bottles and I'm ashamed to tell you all the things I mixed together, BUT if it comes out nice I'll spill the beans later!
i want to buy a heating cap soon.

one of those soft bonnet ones or whatever.

anyway...i did dc my hair last night and then did an avocado butter rinse...guess it's sorta like an oil rinse. i'll probably rinse again tomorrow (just a water rinse, nothing more added)

i need more conditioner...probably get some more on the weekend because i'll probably want to DC on saturday or sunday.
Hey ladies

Just want to update. I've been having a lazy hair week this week, just haven't been in the mood for hair. I'm DC'ing right now with Pratial silk worm moisture DC. I also DC on Valentines day with GVP conditioning balm.
I'm horrible at posting updates on this but I have been DCing weekly. I'm DC right now with GVP deep penetrating reconstucting stuff (Joico versoin of K-PAK) :spinning:
Dc'd on dry hair fa fo' hours w/HV Sitrinillah :love: Cowashed w/GVP Conditioning Balm/AO Island Naturals mix. Sitrinillah leaves my hair so soft and detangled, I really didn't wanna cowash afterward but went on and did it anyway.
Doing my first DC on dry hair right now. I liked applying it because I could tell that EVERY strand was being coated easier than when my hair is wet. I was finishing up bottles and I'm ashamed to tell you all the things I mixed together, BUT if it comes out nice I'll spill the beans later!

I can't wait to hear this one:grin::yep:.

Well - shampooed last night with Kenra MS - used Ultra Sheen DT - fell asleep with it in my hair (totally accidental!!!) - when I woke up around 5:30, it had dried in my hair - I was in panic mode!!! :pullhair: Jumped in the shower - rinsed - it was a little tangly - followed up with both Humectress and Kenra MC....fortunately, my hair turned out fine -

Cats and Kittens DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! :nono2::nono2:
I am sorry to have to do this but the lead post has grown longer than 10,000 digits and I have to remove names of non-active members from the thread to allow names of the active ones to be added. To be an active member of the DC thread, members should check in at least once every 2 weeks to qualify and keep their positions. I apologize for any inconvenience.

I just added the above paragraph on the front page for the new challengers to read before joining as well just for awareness sake. Thanks for your understanding.
Doing my first DC on dry hair right now. I liked applying it because I could tell that EVERY strand was being coated easier than when my hair is wet. I was finishing up bottles and I'm ashamed to tell you all the things I mixed together, BUT if it comes out nice I'll spill the beans later!

So I bought sample sizes of Hairveda sitrinillah and shescentit banana brulee. I loved them both, but had only a little left of both and didn't want to waste I wanted to combat breakage with my weekly alter ego garlic I felt I needed a little protein so I added some Aphogee 2 min..finally I paniced thinking the little sitrinillah and banana brulee were not enough moisture so I put in some HO Honeysuckle Rose. Typing it all, it sounds crazier than it did when I was the mixtress last night...Anyway, I kept it on for 2 hours and washed out...I won't do that again! No damage, nothing spectacular just average. All my favorites probably knocked each other out and made one average
I haven't seen you for a minute HH. How have you been? You know you are more than welcomed to join in at anytime. Welcome....again:yep:.

Whew, takin a deep breath..ok, Aggie you would be so proud, prouder than a mother hen because I have been deep conditioning on the real! I have been just blessed, and girl your hair is looking "Delightfully Delicious" so I wanna be just like you! It really looks so shiny and healthy and Looong. As for me, I have got to get up with some new pics but in the year I have been following, tracking, lurking and occasionally inputing here, my hair has reached shoulder length when flat ironed but the funny thing is, as a wash and go, it looks no longer than Florida Evans lil bitty fro, it is the strangest thing. My husband came home for R and R so I had my hair straightened and both me and my girl that was doing my hair was like "where did all this hair come from"??? Anyway, sorry so long, it was all those repressed posts hemmed up inside of me over the last year (smile).
Will report back soon!:grin:
So I bought sample sizes of Hairveda sitrinillah and shescentit banana brulee. I loved them both, but had only a little left of both and didn't want to waste I wanted to combat breakage with my weekly alter ego garlic I felt I needed a little protein so I added some Aphogee 2 min..finally I paniced thinking the little sitrinillah and banana brulee were not enough moisture so I put in some HO Honeysuckle Rose. Typing it all, it sounds crazier than it did when I was the mixtress last night...Anyway, I kept it on for 2 hours and washed out...I won't do that again! No damage, nothing spectacular just average. All my favorites probably knocked each other out and made one average

Thanks for posting your results JD.

Whew, takin a deep breath..ok, Aggie you would be so proud, prouder than a mother hen because I have been deep conditioning on the real! I have been just blessed, and girl your hair is looking "Delightfully Delicious" so I wanna be just like you! It really looks so shiny and healthy and Looong. As for me, I have got to get up with some new pics but in the year I have been following, tracking, lurking and occasionally inputing here, my hair has reached shoulder length when flat ironed but the funny thing is, as a wash and go, it looks no longer than Florida Evans lil bitty fro, it is the strangest thing. My husband came home for R and R so I had my hair straightened and both me and my girl that was doing my hair was like "where did all this hair come from"??? Anyway, sorry so long, it was all those repressed posts hemmed up inside of me over the last year (smile).
Will report back soon!:grin:

As it appears, I am proud of you HH. Congrats on your efforts so far. Keep posting your progress for us.
Washed with a new Olive Oil bar (I'll start a thread if my hair likes it)
DC with ORS replenishing Pack (1hr, no heat)
leave-in and detangle
wet bun since it's late
I did a hot oil preconditioning treatment for a couple of hours. I then shampooed and Deep conditioned with Nexxus Emergencee for 20 minutes under the heat cap. After rinsingthe conditioner I applied my oil moisturizer.
I don't know if this counts, but I co washed today for 2 hours, I used my Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner, avacado, alittle Amla oil,Pepermint oil,one egg, and couple other organic oils and blend it together in a blender, set on my hair,and used a plastic cap, and washed out, and let my hair air dry in a ponytail.:yep:
Overnight DC with my Dc mix of GVP Conditioning Balm, Aussie Moist, Suave coconut, castor oil, avocado butter and honey.
Then shampooing with GVP Extra Gentle tmrw and quickie conditioning with VO5 Free Me Freesia
Hi! I'd like to rejoin. I have been conditioning my hair twice a week with either Jane carter solution or Shescentit banana brulee. I love them both. My hair feels good lately as it isn't dry anymore. I also joined the rollersetting challenge which helps.
Forgot to add that I also use halt from time to time by sizta2sizta and I think it makes my hair stronger and definately softer.
Deep conditioned last night for 2 hrs. without heat with protein & moisture co. My hair looks and feels like a 10. Gosh, I just love protein.:yep:

Unfortunately, this was my first dc for the week(I was a bit stressed this week and my schedule got so crazy/hectic).
DC'ing again today w/Sitrinillah on dry hair. My scalp is super tender in one spot (hormonal, I know) so I added a bit of tea tree and peppermint to the conditioner to soothe it. I've really been slipping on adding B vitamins to my condish, I need to get back on that asap.
I haven't posted in a few weeks, but I've been dc'ing as I should. I'm going to try to strecth my relaxer for 12 weeks. I'm currently 7 weeks post with an inch of new growth. I want to reduce my relaxing to 4x's a year.

This dc'ing is really helping me maintain maximum moisture. I've been noticing that my hair is shedding, not sure if it's an abnormal amount. But, I plan to use Alphogee 2 min Reconstructor and ORS for dc'ing.
I haven't been here in a while, my punishment for using my blow dryer to finish drying my hair 2 weeks ago because I had to go out.

I dc'ed on Monday for about 20 hours with ORS. I had a slight cold and feel asleep before I washed out the conditioner. Well I did rollerset and air dry the next day. I'm getting better at the roller setting. My mom and one of my friends asked if it was not time for a perm because of the new growth. Don't know if they were being sarcastic or not but I did a perm on Jan. 17, it's only been a month but my mom says she sees my hair has grown. yippee.

I am sooo sooo soooo soooo happy and silly. After posting this, I had to come back to add this section in because thinking about what my mom said, I went digging for where did I write how many inches I need to SL and b/c of this challenge, I have gained 1 inch of length in the shortest parts of my hair and 3/ 4 in the longer parts. Yippee indeed.

I am about o condition with ORS for a few hours, then do a rollerset and air dry.
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Today is a blizzard, so since I'm stuck in the house I figured I'd dc for a few hours with Silicone mix, Suave, NTM, a few of my ayurveda herbs and a little Bhringhaj oil.