Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

DCing on dry hair with AOIN, AOHSR and Wheat germ oil. Will freshen up my cornrows for tomorrow trip to see the parents:)

oooh, that combo sounds yummy, Winona!:yep:

i have that combo right now, but have never tried them together.

is there any specific difference that you notice when doing so? thanks!

ok ladies, i'm back on schedule of dc'ing on dry hair overnight under baggy and bonnet at least twice a week.

i had fallen off the wagon for a couple of days, but what do we do when that happens? we get right back up and on it!:yep:
i'm going hard because i'm not going home, lol!
Dc'd overnight with Jessicurl WDT. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not steam on Wednesdays just Sunday. I'm just too freaking tired during the work week.
I hope it's not to late to join! I already started back dc'ing 2x a week my hair looks and feels so much better with this. Gonna dc tonight w/ my favorite dc lustrasilk shea butter mango :D
I hope it's not to late to join! I already started back dc'ing 2x a week my hair looks and feels so much better with this. Gonna dc tonight w/ my favorite dc lustrasilk shea butter mango :D

No it's not too late. I will add you to the list. Are there any otherdc's you like to use?
Did the usual Friday routine: prepoo'd with Mane n Tail, rinsed, cowashed scalp with Tresemme Naturals, and deep bunned with Knot Today, honey, aloe gel, and the Shea Moisture DC.

Honestly, I've been using the Shea Moisture DC for 6 weeks and the jar is not even half empty! This jar will probably last me until September at the earliest! Now that I know I don't have to slather my hair in product to get the results, my product and my money are really lasting a long time.
May I please join? I was a member of LHCF for some time and I dropped off for no reason really; I simultaneously stopped DC'ing and truly caring for my hair. Well lesson learned, had some breakage in the front but I think I can get it under control. So about my hair: I BC's July 4th 2009 at that point my hair was 1inch now it's shoulder length on the sides and at my collar bone in the back; I wear and have worn a lace front wig for more than a year (don't think the breakage was caused by the wig b/c I wear a wig cap under the wig but I can't really say why it happened). I guess my hair is long enough for me to wear it out but I just don't feel like it, after all the years of abuse and chemicals I think my hair deserves this break.
I wash once a week with Arithra soap, then use Amla, Branja(sp), Bhrami and Shakaki (sorry I can't spell these) powder mix for about 30 minutes; then wash out and DC with AO HSR and DR Miracle DC pack. Before I started DC'ing recently there was so much hair in the shower and in the comb; I couldn't figure out why my hair was coming out, I just figured it was due to shedding since my hair was hidden under the wig for 5 days at a time; Now that I'm DC's every 5 days my hair is super super soft, there's barely no hair in the shower and when I detangle I only loose a few strands. Obviously I'm convinced that DC'ing is what turned my hair around.
I recently purchase a steamer which I will use for DC’s; last night I washed and baggy over night. I'm going to stop being lazy and maybe not tape down the wig or at least wash every 5 days. Oh one last thing instead of cornrows to the back, I'm doing two strand twists coated with either EVOO or Castor Oil. My hair is so soft and buttery I really don't know whose hair it is right now b/c it's never felt this good.
May I please join? I was a member of LHCF for some time and I dropped off for no reason really; I simultaneously stopped DC'ing and truly caring for my hair. Well lesson learned, had some breakage in the front but I think I can get it under control. So about my hair: I BC's July 4th 2009 at that point my hair was 1inch now it's shoulder length on the sides and at my collar bone in the back; I wear and have worn a lace front wig for more than a year (don't think the breakage was caused by the wig b/c I wear a wig cap under the wig but I can't really say why it happened). I guess my hair is long enough for me to wear it out but I just don't feel like it, after all the years of abuse and chemicals I think my hair deserves this break.
I wash once a week with Arithra soap, then use Amla, Branja(sp), Bhrami and Shakaki (sorry I can't spell these) powder mix for about 30 minutes; then wash out and DC with AO HSR and DR Miracle DC pack. Before I started DC'ing recently there was so much hair in the shower and in the comb; I couldn't figure out why my hair was coming out, I just figured it was due to shedding since my hair was hidden under the wig for 5 days at a time; Now that I'm DC's every 5 days my hair is super super soft, there's barely no hair in the shower and when I detangle I only loose a few strands. Obviously I'm convinced that DC'ing is what turned my hair around.
I recently purchase a steamer which I will use for DC’s; last night I washed and baggy over night. I'm going to stop being lazy and maybe not tape down the wig or at least wash every 5 days. Oh one last thing instead of cornrows to the back, I'm doing two strand twists coated with either EVOO or Castor Oil. My hair is so soft and buttery I really don't know whose hair it is right now b/c it's never felt this good.

Yes, I will add you to the list.
oooh, that combo sounds yummy, Winona!:yep:

i have that combo right now, but have never tried them together.

is there any specific difference that you notice when doing so? thanks!

ok ladies, i'm back on schedule of dc'ing on dry hair overnight under baggy and bonnet at least twice a week.

i had fallen off the wagon for a couple of days, but what do we do when that happens? we get right back up and on it!:yep:
i'm going hard because i'm not going home, lol!

My hair felt super moist but truth be told I was trying to use up my AOHSR. I have a crap load of it and I was transitioning to homemade conditioners not that I have found the perfect mix for me:) There was no specific difference that I noticed from the way my hair is normally. Unless I use too much protein but that hardly ever happens.
Just checking in. DCing overnight with my favorite conditioner mix and EVOO. I am so happy I decided to transition! I can definitely tell a difference in the thickness of my hair at the scalp versus the thickness further down the hair strand. I am finally getting it right and my hair is loving me for it. I've even been receiving more compliments lately - even on my simple PS buns and braided styles.

I'm SO happy I joined LHCF! My hair hasn't been this healthy since I was a kid.
I DC'd with Curl Junkie Rehab for the first time and I love it!!! My hair was so moisturized and very smooth and silky. Nice and soft, too. Definite keeper!!
Yesterday I mixed some biolage hydrating balm with a vial of ceramides and steamed it in. I got busy doing laundry and threw a plastic cap and scarf over it and slept in it all night. I just washed it out and my hair feels strong and soft. That was a nice combo.
So I did another DC yesterday because i decided to henna my hair. I used AO WC. It softened my hair up really well after the henna :yep:
I DCed w/o heat overnite w/ Nexxus Humectress hydrating treatment deep conditioner and aussie moist conditioner. I'm about to rinse it out in an hour or so. I feel like my hair is slowly but surely recovering from protein overload.
I know i have not checked in for a looooooooong minute, but I have been lazy/busy and really did not feel like waiting an entire day for these hip-length braids to dry after washing and Dcing.

However, I am DCing today with Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner and Avalon Organics Rosemary Mint Conditioner mixed together. I may not DC again for another week and a half from now. I may try some cowashing within that time but that's about it. Wow, I am really taking this low manipulation regimen seriously this time:yep:.
I'm DC'ing now after 4hrs of henna; my hair was rough after I washed out the henna but I'm under the heat cap (for 1hr) with AOHSR mixed with honey and EVOO; this is my first time trying this mix so I'm excited to see how my hair feels after I wash it off. I'll baggy overnight just for additional moisture; I'm a 4b natural with very thirsty hair.

I have used Dr. Miracle DC packs in the past and they've worked wonders for my hair but the reviews in other threads aren't very good. Can someone recommend an alternative to the Dr. Miracle DC Pack? my hair is thirsty and so I need something good; thankfully my steamer arrives tomorrow so maybe I'll stick with the AOHSR mix and the steamer for now.
I'm DC'ing now after 4hrs of henna; my hair was rough after I washed out the henna but I'm under the heat cap (for 1hr) with AOHSR mixed with honey and EVOO; this is my first time trying this mix so I'm excited to see how my hair feels after I wash it off. I'll baggy overnight just for additional moisture; I'm a 4b natural with very thirsty hair.

I have used Dr. Miracle DC packs in the past and they've worked wonders for my hair but the reviews in other threads aren't very good. Can someone recommend an alternative to the Dr. Miracle DC Pack? my hair is thirsty and so I need something good; thankfully my steamer arrives tomorrow so maybe I'll stick with the AOHSR mix and the steamer for now.

If you feel the Dr. Miracle DC packs work for your hair I say keep with it :yep:. Everything doesn't work for everybody but if that works for you no need to change.
Dcing with steam using Anita Grant's Rhassoul DC cubes mixed with water, honey, and TJ Nourish Spa.

Okay this right here is a keeper :yep:. I think I can use different condishes but use the same basic recipe. At some point I will try it without any conditioner added. I'm just experimenting a little.
Checking in!
I used Nexus Emergencee for 15 minutes today without heat, and then DCed with Nexxus Humectress for about four hours.
I got some good results with hair feels very silky and soft, and I saw only five hairs in the comb after I rollerset my hair.
But since Emergencee is strong, I won't be using it every week. I plan on continuing to use Aphogee 2 Minute weekly, and then substituting in Emergencee every other or every two weeks.
Got home last night from my vacation :)
DC on dry hair with homemade avocado conditioner and AO blue green algae mask with microwave heat cap and left overnight:)
Doing another wash today was playing in my hair and my fingers had a hint of red. There's still some henna in my hair. Thats probably why my scalp is itching...

Pre-pooing with Rice bran oil
Pt on relaxed hair with Aphogee 2 min
DC with AOWC
Doing another wash today was playing in my hair and my fingers had a hint of red. There's still some henna in my hair. Thats probably why my scalp is itching...

Pre-pooing with Rice bran oil
Pt on relaxed hair with Aphogee 2 min
DC with AOWC

Girl, you have to rinse for an Eternity and when you think it's all out.....Rinse some more.

Washing it out with Conditioner helps alot too.:yep: