Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

Missed a few weeks posting but i've been keeping up. Prev 2 weeks DC'ed with Kenra Masque and Biolage Hydratherapie conditioning balm (do not love for DC'ing but worked well for co washing). Last night I DC'ed with Mizani Hydrafuse for 10 mins under a heating cap. That was my first time tryin it and my hair feels wow wow silky!
Did a hardcore aphogee on the relaxed hair. Following up with TW enhancing condish for about 2hrs, no heat.
I finally used the new Bee Mine deep conditioner last night. :yep: It was great!! It's not as thick as I would like but it did my hair right! Melted right in and rinsed so nicely!! My hair was very soft, silky, and moisturized. And it dried really nice. I just need a different scent :look:
tonight is going to be the overnight dc on dry hair treatment.

this will prepare the slate for tomorrow's Ayurveda and that dc on my dry hair just does wonders!
i've had the Jason Biotin Conditioner, AO HSR, aloe vera juice, coconut oil, hemp oil and jbco in my head since last night....gonna take it off today, but already last night, i felt the slip on that mix of products....incredible!

gotta do that one more often....
I have not checked in for a while but I am still keeping up with my deep conditioning and I just gave myself one 2 days ago.
DC'ed with Nairobi Humecta-sil. Its meh on its pwn but I added some hempseed oil and it was pretty nice, I must say. Will not repurchase though, I don't like DC's that I have to add stuff to just for them to work.
On a strict twisting regimen til December so I've been DCing once a week. This weekend I'll be trying out my Silicon Mix Proteina de Perla DC with steam for 30 minutes.
Last night after I washed my hair with diluted shampoo I sprayed my scalp/hair with tea and applied AOHSR overnight.

This morning I did a 40 min aerobic workout and rinsed my hair in the shower afterwards. SOOOO Soft:) I have it airdrying in braids now.
This morning I prepoo'd on wet hair with Mane n Tail for an hour, and now I'm deep bunning with Knot Today, aloe gel, honey, and the Shea Moisture DC. Will add oil tonight, and will rinse and detangle in the morning.
I've been bad about posting, but I have been conditioning consistently—it's like brushing my teeth, I just do it, every week.

Today I DC'd with Castor oil only, having finished up my honey/olive oil/Castor oil mix. My hair still felt nice and soft after shampooing (with Chagrin Valley's Ayurvedic shampoo bar, good stuff!) and I'm tempted to let it be w/out adding moisturizers or oils to it. We'll see once it starts trying up some more.
I DC'd with SitriNillah. No good. I can use it as a prepoo on dry hair but it is not moisturizing to be using as a DC. Not for me. Oh, well.
DC'ed with that new con I bought, Relax with Leisure, added hempseed oil. Its was ok, I've had better. Its seems like another one that would be good with more oils = more work.
I DCed overnight on July 8th and forgot to post. I used my honey, cholesterol, and Aphogee mix. I DCed this past Friday, July 16th, with ORS Replenishing Conditioner for one hour with heat.
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I used Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor for two hours (I'm planning to relax this week, and thought my hair could use the extra protein), and then DCed for three hours with Nexxus Humectress. I didn't use external heat, but I did exercise (both with the Aphogee and Nexxus) so it got a little steamy up there.
My ends feel a little dry (I need to lay off the coconut oil), but besides that, my hair feels very nice. Soft, hydrated, and strong.

lol, I can't believe the year's already over halfway done.
last night i put AO HSR on my dry hair and slept with it like that under my bag.

i'll take it off some time today.....
On Wed, will do a light pt with AO island naturals on the relaxed hair, followed by a DC with Taliah Waajid condish.
DC'd Saturday overnight with WDT since I had went to the Shore the earlier and the salt and sandy plus the sun were drying my hair out.

Will DC today with WDT again or some BB for 2 hours after rinsing out the henna i have in now.
Not sure if this counts

Last night I wanted to try something that I saw on the "tweeks" thread

heated homemade conditioner 20secs
Applied to back of hair (part that were in twists so I didnt disturb my cornrows)
Applied microwave heat cap for 30 mins
Warm rinse
I liked that it uppped my conditioners moisture ability. I will redo this weekend over my entire head to
DCed Saturday with aphogee2min mixed with a little megatek for 2 hours then I DCed overnight with Suave Humectant mixed w EVCO, rosemary oil, and NTM deep recovery mask.