Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

I'm prepooing with black seed and aragon oil. Will shampoo with nunulove handmades Honey & Flower poo, double tea rinse, then steam with either AOHSR or Claudie's Moisturizing conditioner.
Washed and Clarified with ORS Aloe Rid. Now DC'ing with ORS replenishing mask. I cowashed three times last week...loving how soft my hair feels!
I oil rinsed with CO, then used the Roux control washed that out, now sitting with a mix of DPR+, AO HSR, EVOO and Honey under steamer. Pls Fingers crossed it turns out ok for me!!
I shampooed with JASON Apricot and now I'm deep conditioning with Redken All Soft Heavy Cream Under the heating cap for 1 hour.
Checking in!
Yesterday, I sat with Motions CPR for ten minutes, and then steamed with Keracare Humecto for 45 minutes. I let it cool for thirty and rinsed it out with cool water.

I only used it once so far, so I can't rave, but I think I love Humecto. When I was rinsing, my hair just kind of fell apart under the water. And when I ran my comb through, there was no resistance, nor was there a hair in the teeth. And my hair is really soft now. Next week, I'm gonna add some stuff to it and see if it gets better.
Ended my 12 week stretch today. Sat w/ Aphohee Intensive for 15 minutes and Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator for 15 minutes.
Quick question, is Nexxus Humectress a DC? The bottle says to use it as a leave-in or a quick rinse. How do we know it's okay to use as a DC? I have a few bottles I'm trying to use up.
Pre-poo'ed with a mix of Alfaparf nourishing cream aphogee 2min & EVOO. Then Dc'ed with ORS repleneshing.
Quick question, is Nexxus Humectress a DC? The bottle says to use it as a leave-in or a quick rinse. How do we know it's okay to use as a DC? I have a few bottles I'm trying to use up.

Does it say leave it in for 2-3 minutes in rinse or does it say leave it in for 10-15 minutes? What's the consistency like? If it is thick I say try it.
For some reason, I just didn't feel like DCing yesterday. It's funny bc Sunday is my "me" day and I've been doing the same routine for almost a year now with little thought - apply DC, watch my fave web show live, rinse out DC (eventually:look: ). Anyways, I sucked it up and DC'd. :lol:

I used up the last of my AOWC (best believe I cut open that bottle to scrape it out), mixed with some olive oil, an unintentional dab of AOGPB and a glob of AOHSR. Saran-wrapped my head and put on my heat cap. Rinsed out throughly. Hair feels good.

I'll be taking out my cornrows next week, so that's when I'll really get a complete idea of how this DCing on cornrows is faring. I'm planning to pre-poo(?) clarify, henna, do a super-moisturizing DC, straighten and trim (we'll see how that goes).
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That's awesome Chaos, I love stories like this. Did you get humecto in the tub?

I only used it once so far, so I can't rave, but I think I love Humecto. When I was rinsing, my hair just kind of fell apart under the water. And when I ran my comb through, there was no resistance, nor was there a hair in the teeth. And my hair is really soft now. Next week, I'm gonna add some stuff to it and see if it gets better.

Quick question, is Nexxus Humectress a DC? The bottle says to use it as a leave-in or a quick rinse. How do we know it's okay to use as a DC? I have a few bottles I'm trying to use up.

I'm using it as a DC right now.
This used to be my staple DC in the beginning of my journey in March. Then I complained about something on here and someone told me that I should start using a more serious conditioner for DCing, since Humectress ain't that serious.
So I bought AO HSR
I really loved the way Nexxus makes my hair feel though. Back in the day when I used to use it though, my hair would airdry dry, but I'm sure that was due to other factors. I was a newbie and I was probably doing a host of other things wrong.
I don't think it can hurt to use it as a DC. As far as I know it has ceramides and hey, humecto is not really a "DC" either (dr. syed ali or whatever his name is said that himself) and people swear by it on this board.

This is my first time DCing with it in awhile because I'm trying to use up my stuff. :drunk:

Anyway, I came to check in. I'm DCing with humectress lol, mixed with silk amino acids and honeyquat and some of that burts bees avocado prepoo.
If my hair feels too soft and mushy in the shower, I'll put some joico k-pak reconstruct conditioner on it for a minute.
DC'd yesterday with Nexxus Emergencee, followed by Nexxus Humectin mixed w/Olive Oil and honey, followed by rinse with Nexxus Color Ensure, GVP Anti-Snap Leave-in and sealed w/Grapeseed oil.
I've applied MT mixed w castor and wheat germ oil everynight this week so I needed to clarify w ORS creamy aloe shampoo. Slathered on some more wheat germ oil to the length of my hair along with Joico intense reconstructer, let that sit for 10 min and then rinsed with luke warm water. DCed for 3 hrs w/o heat with Matrix BIolage hydrating balm. Applied my leave ins and air dried in a braded ponytail. That's all!
That's awesome Chaos, I love stories like this. Did you get humecto in the tub?

I'm using it as a DC right now.
This used to be my staple DC in the beginning of my journey in March. Then I complained about something on here and someone told me that I should start using a more serious conditioner for DCing, since Humectress ain't that serious.
So I bought AO HSR
I really loved the way Nexxus makes my hair feel though. Back in the day when I used to use it though, my hair would airdry dry, but I'm sure that was due to other factors. I was a newbie and I was probably doing a host of other things wrong.
I don't think it can hurt to use it as a DC. As far as I know it has ceramides and hey, humecto is not really a "DC" either (dr. syed ali or whatever his name is said that himself) and people swear by it on this board.

This is my first time DCing with it in awhile because I'm trying to use up my stuff. :drunk:

Anyway, I came to check in. I'm DCing with humectress lol, mixed with silk amino acids and honeyquat and some of that burts bees avocado prepoo.
If my hair feels too soft and mushy in the shower, I'll put some joico k-pak reconstruct conditioner on it for a minute.

Oh, no...I have the kind in the bottle. It was my first time buying it, and I wasn't prepared to use up 5 pounds of DC that I may not even like. :rofl:

And yeahh, I cosign with the using Humectress as a DC.
I don't know why it doesn't have DC's a great DC, as far as I'm concerned.
But apparently, there is a Humectress Hydrating Deep Conditioner. I can't find it for sale's only on their website. Maybe it's new.

But I really want to try it...if Humectress is their rinse out, I'm dying to see what their real DC is like. :drunk:
I'm washing my hair tomorrow so I have started the pre-poo process. I wanted to treat my hair tonight, because I have been a little lazy lately. I mixed together Giovanni Nutrafix, ORS hair mayonnaise, the last of my hydratherma naturals protein conditioner, the last of my aphogee 2 minute, some molasses and applied to dry hair. (Yes, heavy on the protein!) I'm trying to use up products right now, my hair needs protein, and I like to mix things. :spinning:

Then I mixed together EVOO, JBCO, wheat germ oil, and amla oil to coat the hair on top of the conditioner, which aids in detangling. Sat under the heating cap for about an hour and will wash it all out tomorrow.
I can't remember the last time I posted, but I've been hitting the shop weekly and she's been DC'ing me with KC Humecto. My last appointment was the week before last so I DC'd myself Sat with KC Humecto, planning to DC probaby tomorrow night and Friday night as I'm finished with my shop visits until early Fall.
Checking in:

DC'ed on dry hair using the Patchouli85 method (tried something new) using a mixture of conditioners and oils - Silicon Mix, ORS Hair Mayo, LeKair Cholesterol, honey, castor oil, neem oil, amla oil, avocado oil; this is definitely a keeper.
Pre-pooing now with a mix of jojoba hot oil treatment, coconut oil, castor oil, and olive oil. Going to shampoo with Avalon Organics Biotin B-Complex Shampoo then mild protein with Le Kair Cholesterol Plus, following with SE MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment. It's my first time using these DCs.
DC'd twice this week do to bad hair styles and trying to use up some of my stash. DC'd with my Lustrasilk mix that I just keep adding stuff to depending on what my hair needs. I henna'd yesterday and used up the rest of one jar of Lustrasilk. I was a lil nervous to use that to DC after henna but after doctoring it up my hair felt great. Can't wait to try something "new" to DC with.
The regi is gonna change up a bit. I'm putting myself on a personal 6 month twisting for growth challenge. I'm DCing right now and I'm waking up early to do my hair. My twist spray is a mix of Mane N Tail Original Conditioner, my liquid leave-in cocktail, olive oil, coconut oil, and water. I'm gonna wash/dc and retwist once a week, and moisturize as needed.
Still dc'ing each week. Today was my first of two dc sessions each week. My next will be Thursday, which is my wash day.

I added avocado oil to my dc and it was fabulous.
I don't know why it doesn't have DC's a great DC, as far as I'm concerned.
But apparently, there is a Humectress Hydrating Deep Conditioner. I can't find it for sale's only on their website. Maybe it's new.

But I really want to try it...if Humectress is their rinse out, I'm dying to see what their real DC is like. :drunk:

okay???? :lachen:

I've never heard of this hydrating deep to check their website.