Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

DCing right now with my ors mayo/ors replenishing/evco mixture and a plastic cap. Not sure if this is gonna make a difference but i warmed the condish up before i put it in my hair.
Checking in!
This evening, I DCed with Nexxus Humectress, honey, and castor oil.
I put the mixture on my dry hair, spritzed plain water on top of it, put a grocery bag on my head, and then sat under my hood dryer for an hour. Then I got out, spritzed my hair with cold water, and let my hair cool off for thirty minutes before rinsing out the DC.
Later on today i'll be doin some dc'n with what..i'm noooottt exactly sure yet, however I do know it will happen then my first flexi set..woohoooo i'm excited!!
"This helps to inform the newbies in that we'll know if they are using the correct conditioners for their hair in an effort to avoid protein/moisture overload. "

THANK YOU!! I have that issue of not knowing if I'm over-do'ing it!
I got some SSI Fortifying Masque from one of my girls on here so I'm going to use that this week. Can't week! I love that conditioner. I'll follow it up with some KBB or Smooth Down Butter Treat for a bit of moisture.
Checking in!
This evening, I DCed with Nexxus Humectress, honey, and castor oil.
I put the mixture on my dry hair, spritzed plain water on top of it, put a grocery bag on my head, and then sat under my hood dryer for an hour. Then I got out, spritzed my hair with cold water, and let my hair cool off for thirty minutes before rinsing out the DC.

How'd your hair feel afterwards?
And i'm sold. Warming up the dc/oil mix made the oil actually do something and it almost felt like i did a pure hot oil treatment after i rinsed it out. I will be rotating between the 2 until i use up every dc I own.
How'd your hair feel afterwards?

Like butter. It was very soft and moist. :lick:

I'm actually looking at my steamer kind of sideways now, because when everything was done and my hair was dry, it actually felt better with the bag and hood dryer than it did when I steamed it on Saturday.

I don't know if that's because of the honey and castor oil with the Nexxus (I've never tried that mix before), or because I just don't know how to make the steamer work for me. There's probably something that I'm doing wrong.

Or my steamer is possessed by Satan.
Who knows?
Just checking in! I have been really busy with family and school. I have still been dc twice a week. I am in love wit AOHSR! I haven't used it as a dc yet just as a cowash. I do plan on trying it ad a dc'er.
i co-washed the oils and auyervedic powders out yesterday and dc'd with alterna life and used joico k-pak to restructure with protein.

i still can't tell if my hair likes joico or aphogee tea&keratin for protein.....which one is best for your experience, ladies?
Last weekend, deep conditioned with ORS Replenishing Conditioner with EVOO. This week, co-washed with a mix of VO5 moisture milk and Tressemme moisture rich conditioner. I really think my hair does not like Tressemme conditioners at all cause it always feels kinda hard afterwards. Oh well.
Later on today i'll be doin some dc'n with what..i'm noooottt exactly sure yet, however I do know it will happen then my first flexi set..woohoooo i'm excited!!
I think I will do a flexi set tonight too.

Like butter. It was very soft and moist. :lick:

I'm actually looking at my steamer kind of sideways now, because when everything was done and my hair was dry, it actually felt better with the bag and hood dryer than it did when I steamed it on Saturday.

I don't know if that's because of the honey and castor oil with the Nexxus (I've never tried that mix before), or because I just don't know how to make the steamer work for me. There's probably something that I'm doing wrong.

Or my steamer is possessed by Satan.
Who knows?

Honey is a humectant so that could be it. Also you're steaming without a plastic cap, right?

After doing a hot oil treatment I will be dcing with steam on dry hair with Giovanni's Nutrafix Reconstructor.
I think I will do a flexi set tonight too.

Honey is a humectant so that could be it. Also you're steaming without a plastic cap, right?

After doing a hot oil treatment I will be dcing with steam on dry hair with Giovanni's Nutrafix Reconstructor.

Yep...I slather my hair in condish and then hop under the steamer. No cap or bag or anything.

I'm going to try the honey and castor oil mixture when I steam this weekend.

But I've been thinking about this all day (yes, it has been disturbing me that much) and I think that I might be overdoing it. My hair is fine and chemically processed, so I thought that lots and lots of steam would be good. I was using it on its highest setting for over an hour. But maybe less is more with the salon, they never steam me for more than 45 minutes. Next time, I'm going to do it for 45 minutes, and see if there's any improvement.

Sorry for highjacking the thread with my steamer issues. *flees*
I'm about to co-wash with shescentit's honey conditioning rinse and then DC with Hairveda's Stirinilah (sp?) overnight on towel-dried hair. I'll rinse it out in the morning and go to work with a wet bun (sealed ends with vatika frosting) as my PS.
Tonight I did my weekly DC with UBH conditioner under the dryer for 30 minutes. I use the same dc each week. I did try Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Pre-shampoo treatment on my wet hair for one hour before shampooing. I also added porosity control conditioner as my final rinse out. I rollerset my hair and I am sitting under the dryer now. Can't wait to see how it turns out this time.

I like to try different things, but my core products (deep conditioner, daily moisturizers, and oils) are ALWAYS the same. There's something to be said for consistency.
checking in. I haven't been DC like I would like to because I think it's a waste in my braids. I plan to go full throttle when I take them out though. No if's and's or but's.
i'm presently dc'ing with coconut milk mixed with molasses, a tbsp of aloe vera juice and a tbsp of rosemary water. (i also added a few drops of essential oils: thyme, lavender, ginger rosemary and cedarwood)

i've had it on for 2 hours now (i wrapped my hair in saran wrap then put a towel over it).

i'm gonna take it off in a few then let my hair airdry before i begin the next steps.....
Rinsed my hair in the shower this morning in preparation for my dc's this afternoon.

Prepoo with Mane n Tail and coconut oil for 30 mins with heat.
Wash with Hair One.
Deep Condition with Pantene Time Renewal and castor/olive oil for 60 mins with heat.
Detangle with new Ouidad Detangling comb!!!
Hey there ladies,

Today, I am pre-pooing/deep conditioning with CON porosity co, Lanza volume booster, and co. In a couple of hours, I will shampoo and conditioner rinse my hair and bun it up to air dry and call it a day.
I know I haven't posted in here in a minute. I have been dc'ing my hair.

I've used
Queen Helene Hot olive oil hot oil treatment (meh)
Creme of Nature Moisture something conditioner (terrible, but Sunshyne is right, it makes a good co-wash)

And something else I can't remember.

Today I'll be dc'ing with LeKair Cholesterol Plus.
So just checking in, I recently wanted to try the Aussie Moist Mask, because certain people were raving about it, so far nothing bad but I started using Giovanni Direct Leave in this past week, used it like 3 times. HATE IT!!! :down: And it's the old kind, so I think I'll be offering that up for swap. I want to try the Aubrey organics but money won't permit that for a while so it'll be the Aussie and Hair Mayo, which I did last week as well.
Did hard protein trmt (relaxer next week) followed by DC w/heat w/ mix of Smooth Down, Humectin, Color Ensure, olive oil, honey, clear Jazzing.
Relaxer next week so aphogee 2 step treatment then deep condition with Matrix Biolage ultra hydrating balm, aussie moist 3 min miracle, NTM and evoo under heat for 15 min and w/o heat for 1 hour. Applied my leave ins and air dried.
3hr Apply Anita Grant Rhassoul Clay and coconut cream
Rinse and detangle hair with YTCumber
Section hair Overnight DC with AOHSR and Castor Oil
Use brown sugar scrub and YTC to get rid of buildup on scalp
Apply YTC+macadamia nut oil and Homemade Leave in to cornrow hair to dry
Checking in- DC today with Paul Mitchell hair repair treatment followed by Silk elements luxury moisturising conditioner. DC with heat for 1 hour each.