Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

In an Continued Effort to Use things Up.....Next wash day, I will be DC'ing w/Steam a Combination of Lustrasilk's Shea & Mango Cholestrol Treatment mixed with my last Corner of Coconut Oil.

Determined to Stash Reduce in 2010.:rolleyes:
Finger detangle
Wash with diluted Elucence Shampoo (1oz/8oz)
Detangle with shower comb and Oyin HH
DC under dryer (med) 30min AOHSR and Castor Oil
Apply YTCucumbers and Macadamia Nut oil to hair in section and airdry(stretched)
I am deep conditioning with a moisture and protien mixture of Aphogee Reconstructor and Ausie 3 minute miracle. I also mixed in some EVOO. I have my heating cap on; will condition for 3 more hours while I rest/nap.
I'm mixing my dc concoction now. I will be steaming with a mix of AOHSR, Hairveda's Asha Omega oil (just trying to use this up), and honeyquat.
DCing under heating cap on dry hair with Alter Ego Linange restructuring mask. Trying to curb an abnormal amount of shedding and breakage.....
Hey ladies just checking in I co-washed and deep conditioned on saturday my hair is starting to feel like cotton so soft I LOVE IT
Checking in. DC'd last night as follows:

pre-poo: neem oil for scalp and Joico K-PAK for hair and then Tea rinsed.
Poo: CON green label
DC: Joico Moisture Recovery Balm
Leave in: NTM

Then dried under hood dry on low/med for 15 - 20 mins.
washed and dced yesterday with Baba De Caracol, 30mn with heating cap.

I missed my DC session this past weekend. I didn't have alot of time.

hey ladies!

TAFA01, where did you find the baba de caracol? i've been looking all over and can't find it anywhere! thanks! (hopefully online?)

MZZ MAC, i LOVE that t-shirt! PERFECT for doing length checks! do you know where i could order one online maybe? thanks!

tonight i should pre poo with my oils (cayenne, castor, essential oils &amla all mixed up and massaged in....) then tomorrow will have to be dc & co wash time or i'll be forced to do a p style with all those oils in! lol!
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I was wondering this myself. Just using a little bit of this as a final rinse wreaked havoc with my hair. I tried to use it just as often as I did my acv rinses and that was :nono:.

I'm really sorry to hear that. :(
I personally love PC, but it really is such a hit or miss product. It just doesn't get along with some folks' hair, and for others, it's wonderful.

I can't imagine DCing with it though, and I've read reports that leaving it on too long will jack your head up.

The first wash day after a relaxer, I'll leave it on for ten minutes and then follow with a cold rinse. But normally, I'll only let it sit anywhere from 30 seconds - 2 minutes.
Have henna in my hair right now. Will DC with Sitrinillah and AOHSR. Trying to use up the AOHSR will not repurchase. I found the Sitrinillah under some other things and it was almost empty so I mixed them with some HOT oil (mostly EVOO and EVCO). Will DC with and without heat for some unknown period of time. I will twist it up for the week since I work.
I'm still hanging in there.

I'm prepooing with V05 Passion Fruit Smoothie. I'll detangle after 20 minutes ago and put my hair in loose twists for a wash w/ Coconut Milk Shampoo Bar (Chagrin Valley). Then I'll DC for about 30 minutes with Yes to Carrots. I've never used it before, so hopefully it'll be a delightful experience. :lick: Afterwards I'll do a tea & ACV rinse, apply leave-in, moisturize, seal, & twist.
Have henna in my hair right now. Will DC with Sitrinillah and AOHSR. Trying to use up the AOHSR will not repurchase. I found the Sitrinillah under some other things and it was almost empty so I mixed them with some HOT oil (mostly EVOO and EVCO). Will DC with and without heat for some unknown period of time. I will twist it up for the week since I work.

Hmmm. I need to henna this week. ...maybe Friday.
I'm still keeping up with my DCs. I'd straightened my hair last week and had a bunch of cones in it, so I washed with ORS Creamy Aloe, then DCd with Shescentit Tea Tree & Grapefruit mixed with garlic oil and Amla oil under my steamer for 20 minutes. My mother commented on how quickly my hair shrunk back down to nothingness :grin:! Good--no heat damage!
Washed with Profectiv MegaGrowth and DC w/Suave Radiant Brunette on Friday. My hair was really soft and shiny. Tonight I deep conditioned with LeKair Cholesterol conditioner under the dryer for an hr. then co-washed with Suave Radiant Brunette, cool blow dry and twist for twist-out.
npryncess--Did you change your screen name? I don't have you listed as a challenger but I will go add you now.
Did my 1st post relaxer DC. Used Burt's Bees Avocado pre-poo treatment, Aquage Sea Extend (protein) then 30 min under the dryer with Moisture Velvet.
hey ladies!

TAFA01, where did you find the baba de caracol? i've been looking all over and can't find it anywhere! thanks! (hopefully online?)

MZZ MAC, i LOVE that t-shirt! PERFECT for doing length checks! do you know where i could order one online maybe? thanks!

tonight i should pre poo with my oils (cayenne, castor, essential oils &amla all mixed up and massaged in....) then tomorrow will have to be dc & co wash time or i'll be forced to do a p style with all those oils in! lol!

I got a half gallon when I went to DR recently lol. BUT the first time I tried it (when I fell in love), it was from this website:
DC'd last night on dry hair w/ Phytojojoba, Motions Moisture Plus (trying to use up), EVOO, and honey under the heating cap for 30min, then around the house for about 2 hours. Wonderful feeling.

I wanted to try the DC on dry hair then shampoo, which turned out ok, but it just didn't feel right shampooing after that wonderful DC. I tried to keep it to my scalp, and was too paranoid to do a second lather, which I am accustomed to doing. Followed up w/ a rinse of Hello Hydration, then Porosity Control.

My hair feels great. Though, I'll stick to Shampooing first, hopping out of the shower to DC, then hopping back in to finish up.

I used Silicon Mix Leave-in and Infusium 23 Leave-in, air dried overnight, then put some Joico Color Intense Shine Serum (I forgot what it's called).

Again, hair feels great. I think it's the EVOO and Honey.

Also, this is probably the first time that I used only moisture DCs. I've been sort of addicted to protein, and I'm trying to see what will happen if I do moisture only every so often.
Did a Fantasia IC Reconstructor for a few minutes and I'm currently DCing with Silk Elements Megasilk Olive Moisturizing Treatment.