Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2010 Edition

You ladies and these useful challenged. I'm in. I need to step up my DC game. I never do it, except immediately after relaxing. Would you recomment alternating DC between protein and moisture from week to week or can I kill two birds with one stone and combine a moisture DC with a protein DC once a week?
You ladies and these useful challenged. I'm in. I need to step up my DC game. I never do it, except immediately after relaxing. Would you recomment alternating DC between protein and moisture from week to week or can I kill two birds with one stone and combine a moisture DC with a protein DC once a week?

Trial and error really, how does your hair respond to protein? what dcs will you be using?
I do know ladies that do both of the things you mentioned.
Trial and error really, how does your hair respond to protein? what dcs will you be using?
I do know ladies that do both of the things you mentioned.

I don't know yet. I am familiar with the ORS replenishing pak. That is moisture and protein isn't it?(all these years on the hair board and I still can't identify moisture products from protein ones, unless the package specifically states it)

I've also used Dr. Miracles condish and it was loverly.
You ladies and these useful challenged. I'm in. I need to step up my DC game. I never do it, except immediately after relaxing. Would you recomment alternating DC between protein and moisture from week to week or can I kill two birds with one stone and combine a moisture DC with a protein DC once a week?

I alternate but thinking of combining every now and then just for something different. I added you to the challenge.
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I deep conditioned today with ORS replenishing pak:grin:, I was hunting for this stuff:sekret: all the BSS around my area was sold out...all the had was the bottle formula:bat: after taking a trip to rite aid I finally found it:spinning:

I did the trubo steam method and it was magnificent:lick: my hair was so soft after it was air dried

.....can you say heaven....:blush:
I deep conditioned today with ORS replenishing pak:grin:, I was hunting for this stuff:sekret: all the BSS around my area was sold out...all the had was the bottle formula:bat: after taking a trip to rite aid I finally found it:spinning:

I did the trubo steam method and it was magnificent:lick: my hair was so soft after it was air dried

.....can you say heaven....:blush:

Whats the turbo steam method???
Just checking in.

I DC'ed overnight (and most of the day today) on dry hair under a cap with my doctored LeKair Cholesterol. Then, used an ORS pak under a cap with no heat during the shampooing process for about three hours.
I DC'ed with Silicon Mix with EVOO and honey. I loved it! My hair was shiny and easy to detangle. It smells like lotion though....
I'm in. I've been lazy and only DCing every other week (hey, I'm pregnant and tired, gimme a break! :lachen:), but I'll try to step back up to once per week at least until the baby is here.
I'll update my products later.
I would like to join if possible.. I have really been neglecting my hair and since I have color.. It's dry to me..I get compliments on my hair all the time.. In my mind I think if you only knew how good it could be.. Obviously you are not Nikos Cousin..

So, I will come back with pictures and the product I am going to use.. I would actually like to learn how to rollerset my hair.. Maybe the rubber band method..

I think I am going to get my hair this week.. So, I will have progress pictures after that part is done..
Gosh this thread has gotten long and I almost backed out. I have not been DC as I am supposed to. I am still in my yarn braids. I will be cleansing my scalp tomorrow so I will squeeze a DC in then and report back.
Deep conditioned yesterday with half and half of Mizani Fulfyl condish and ORS Replinishing pak for one hour without heat. Hair was soo soft afterwards.
Waiting on my newly purchased DC and hair steamer to arrive in the mail. I am so excited about this challenge!!
I don't know yet. I am familiar with the ORS replenishing pak. That is moisture and protein isn't it?(all these years on the hair board and I still can't identify moisture products from protein ones, unless the package specifically states it)

I've also used Dr. Miracles condish and it was loverly.

Yes it's both, people say it has a small amount of protein.
That seems like a good one to start with
people love that condish, it didn't work for me though
I'm in. I've been lazy and only DCing every other week (hey, I'm pregnant and tired, gimme a break! :lachen:), but I'll try to step back up to once per week at least until the baby is here.
I'll update my products later.

I would like to join if possible.. I have really been neglecting my hair and since I have color.. It's dry to me..I get compliments on my hair all the time.. In my mind I think if you only knew how good it could be.. Obviously you are not Nikos Cousin..

So, I will come back with pictures and the product I am going to use.. I would actually like to learn how to rollerset my hair.. Maybe the rubber band method..

I think I am going to get my hair this week.. So, I will have progress pictures after that part is done..

You ladies have been added.
I did a 45 minute protein treatment with Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor, and am currently DCing with Nexxus Humectress and Vatika Oil.
I don't have a hood dryer or heating cap, so I have some wool scarves wrapped around my head and a towel on top of that.
I'm doing a dry DC with the Motions CPR (it has mineral oil in it but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt). Afterwards I'm going to wash condition and use lutrasilk DC on wet hair. I've been dcing once a week so I've been good in that aspect.
Hey everybody!! Yesterday, I did the Aphogee 2 Step Treatment, and followed up with Joico Intense Hydration. Hair feels strong and moist. Getting my relaxer this weekend, so that will probably be my last DC for a while (IDK, maybe two weeks or so...).
Joining... I'm doing a dry DC right now with Aussie Moist Deeeep mixed with Goldwell Kerasilk Treatment for Dry Hair and organic coconut oil. I'm letting it sit in a plastic cap for about an hour, no heat.
After work, I am going to race home to DC with ORS Replenishing Conditioner mixed with a little bit of warmed JBCO. Will DC on dry hair for an hour or two. I am really trying to DC twice a week in 2010. Ok, so now I am down one week, 51 one more to go. Almost there!
I did a 45 minute protein treatment with Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor, and am currently DCing with Nexxus Humectress and Vatika Oil.
I don't have a hood dryer or heating cap, so I have some wool scarves wrapped around my head and a towel on top of that.
:lick: I just used these but mixed them together and it was nice. I hit 2 birds with one stone.
Currently D'cing with Silicon Mix. Am bidding on a table top hair steamer on ebay, but I can't bear it if I lose it, anyways I'm detremined to get one before the week is out!!!
Count me in! This past Saturday, I DC'd with DooGro Mega Thick Intense Repair Treatment (mixed with a little coconut oil). I plan to DC again this weekend with Kerastase Masquintense for Dry/Thick Hair. Will check in then...
I washed and Dc'ed 30mn with heat this morning with Rusk Wellness bedew. Its air drying under a wig right now.
i cant wait until my next deep conditioning session which wont be until the weekend. i plan on making amix for my pre poo/deep condition on dry hair. that mix will be curl junkie rehab, kbb ll hair mask, jbco and honey. im making this mix because that'll be the last of my curl junkie and kbb mask(well i have one more kbb mask but this jar will be gone).