Delightfully Delicious Challenge 2011 (Pt.1)

DCing with Keracare humecto on my ng and ORS replenishsing on the relaxed ends, will go for ~1hr no heat.
Sooo delayed! Sooo delayed! Boo @ finals and the week before finals crunch time. However, I've been pre-poo'n and dc'n for a minimum of 30 minutes under the hooded dryer. Still a fan of KeraCare Humecto (sometimes mixed with EVOO and Coconut Oil)
Used my sulfur mix on my scalp last night. I'm almost down to the last bit in the jar but have more to mix with my oils. Currently using coconut and Grapeseed on my ends at night and sometimes on my scalp with another mix which includes EVOO, Jojoba, Castor oil and rosemary essential.
OT: I know steaming with/without a plastic cap was debated in another thread but I prefer to ask the question within this thread --- The steaming thread that I lurked indicated that steaming with a plastic cap was pointless. Not trying to derail this thread but do you all feel the same? I ask because when I steam at home, I don't use a cap but this new salon I tried steamed me with a plastic cap.

I always steam w/o Plastic Cap. But I would have been curious to hear what they said at the Salon Plastic Cap vs w/o Plastic Cap.

I wish you woulda' asked them their perspective on it.

Wonder if it's simply so water won't drip on the client, or if it's something else?:ohwell:

Maybe you can ask next time you visit.
I forgot that I was even in this challenge. I DC once a week, yesterday I dc using Mega Thick Intense Repair.
Steamed dc'd for 30 mins w/ Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner and a spoonful of Lustrasilk Herbal w/Argan oil (for stretching purposes). It was alright but I wasn't blown away. Maybe I should've stuck with the Honey Hemp alone :ohwell:...
@IDareT'sHair - I only plan to visit for TUs so it will be about 10 weeks before I see her again but I will ask and definitely get back to you. I wanted to ask the other day but I had already asked a million-n-1 other questions that I felt one more question may be a little much. :grin:

ETA: I may just ask when I call to make my next appt. The stylist knows I have a steamer so I will just ask from the perspective of how should I steam at home - with/without a cap and what's the overall difference. :yep:
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I haven't had a proper dc in over two weeks. I used aussie three minute miracle over the weekend. It was only in long enough for me to finish my shower. I'm just so strapped for time :wallbash: Il try to get back on track this weekend.
DC'ing with ORS Replenishing for an hour and then Yes To Carrots Hair and Mud Mask. I might actually try a wash n go style today. I don't know what to do with this hair.:dazed:
@IDareT'sHair - I only plan to visit for TUs so it will be about 10 weeks before I see her again but I will ask and definitely get back to you. I wanted to ask the other day but I had already asked a million-n-1 other questions that I felt one more question may be a little much. :grin:

ETA: I may just ask when I call to make my next appt. The stylist knows I have a steamer so I will just ask from the perspective of how should I steam at home - with/without a cap and what's the overall difference. :yep:


Thanks Girl for collecting that Research. I'll await your feedback on that one.

I've never Formed a "Pro or Con" regarding it. I just have always done it w/o a Cap.

This is interesting. And No.....I'm not hijacking the thread:lol:

btw: Ya'll I am DC'ing today with HV Sitrinillah. I just felt like doing my hair today.:drunk:
I took inventory of all my conditioners and man oh man, I really need to get on the ball and DC more to rid myself of product.
Pre poo/wash entire head..keracare sulfate free poo/Dc with darcys pumpkin conditioner 40min.sealed rice-bran,pumpkin seed,medowform in the front...sunflower oil in the back...Hair feels so nice & soft...
I DC'd on Monday with Alter Ego Energizing & Rebalancing Cream.

I'm going to Henna tonight or tomorrow and follow up with a DC of either the Alter Ego or CON's Argan Oil DC packet. I want to try other DCs once a month or so because the Alter Ego was discontinued years ago and I need a back up plan. So far, it's the only thing that has softened my NG and allowed me to stretch relaxers.

By "stretch," I mean only ~10 weeks. My hair is thick and grows so fast, I can't imagine how people stretch for months on end, especially without direct heat (or is everyone blowing out or flat-ironing their roots?). My hair starts acting funky around week 7, but I'd love to get to 12 or 16 weeks. I have trouble detangling and parting it for rollersets once the new growth is past an inch, even though I detangle small sections, working up from ends to roots an inch or so at a time.
DC'd yesterday with HE HH and Mizani Reconstructing masque for about 2 hours. Also did a hot oil treatment using EVOO.

OAN: SO and friends complimented us on our hair the other day which was kind of surprising since they can be a harsh group at times. SO was like "feel her hair" :stop: of course I gave him the side eyes because I'm not too keen on people touching my hair but I agreed. His friends were in awe "Wow, your hair is so soft and silky" "You can't find too many chicks like "us" whose hair feels like that". After I :swearing: them all out at the notion that all of "us" have hard, kinked up, "nappy" hair I thanked them for the compliment and directed their attention to our beloved board :yep:. They were amazed at all the healthy, real growing, long, full heads of hair on "us". Just thought I'd share :drunk:.
So I did a prepoo with a mix of ceramide oils on top of my last bit of SE mayo and some Hairveda Methi Step 1, washed with Aveda DR poo, and DC'd with BFH Custom DC.
Will Steam tomorrow with Hydratherma Naturals:

Mixing the Protein DC'er w/the Moisturizing DC'er for 1 hour Deep Conditioning Session.:lick:
DC'ed after a henna treatment with Nacidit Crema Acondicionadora Germen de Trigo (wheat germ) and my hair feels like butter and my curls look better than ever.
Did a light/med protein treatment with Aphogee 2min, now DCing with ORS replenishing for ~1hr, no heat.
Haven't been in here for a minute; I've had my hair straighten for the last 2 wks. I soaked overnight with my oil mixture. DC'd with ORS Relenishing Condish w/ heat for 15 mins today.
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I'm so far behind on updating my challenges that I'm about to be known as "divachyk who"? I'm still around; work is just pressing me. I'll resurface soon. Don't forget who divachyk is while she remains MIA.