Delightful Deep Condition Challenge 2012 Part 4 (Oct 1st- Dec 31st)

DCing today using Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment, I will add some EVCO to the mix.

3:32pm started the DCing process. Aiming for 2 hours because my DC last week was horrible :nono:

I will never add salt to anything else, it made my DC runny.
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This morning after my wash I put in some Giovanni's Nutrafix reconstructor used my heating cap for 10min then on top of the Nutrafix I slathered on Aussie 3min DC went back under heating cap for 30, waited about an hr the added some GSO went back under heating cap for another 20 mins left it all on for another 2 hrs before rinsing: )
DCed today with castor and coconut oil layered over Keracare Humecto under dryer for 30 minutes.

My son broke my soft bonnet dryer so I had to use my hooded dryer. So cumbersome! :(

daviine...I know what you mean bc I have a pibbs, but it's such a hassle to dread it out and sit under it...I've gotten spoiled by lounging on the couch with a heat cap on that my mom gave me. Actually debating in selling my pibbs bc I rarely ever use it...but I like to think one day I might get a life and need to set my hair to go out and not have time for it to dry lol...then it would be very handy.
@daviine...I know what you mean bc I have a pibbs, but it's such a hassle to dread it out and sit under it...I've gotten spoiled by lounging on the couch with a heat cap on that my mom gave me. Actually debating in selling my pibbs bc I rarely ever use it...but I like to think one day I might get a life and need to set my hair to go out and not have time for it to dry lol...then it would be very handy.

I should add that it's a tabletop and that I have to prop it up on the ironing board to use it. I can't remember the last time I used it but I also liked to think that I might get a life and may need it. Which heating cap do you have? I'm not sure if I'm going to replace the soft bonnet with a new one or a heating cap. This is not what I wanted to spend my hair allowance on. :nono:
I dc'ed yesterday under my pibbs for 20 minutes with Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Intense Moisturizing Treatment.
I should add that it's a tabletop and that I have to prop it up on the ironing board to use it. I can't remember the last time I used it but I also liked to think that I might get a life and may need it. Which heating cap do you have? I'm not sure if I'm going to replace the soft bonnet with a new one or a heating cap. This is not what I wanted to spend my hair allowance on. :nono:

daviine I used the ironing board when I has a tabletop too..I thought I was brilliant to think ofthat idea lol. The heating cap is this one...I love it.
Currently under the dryer. Got under here at 11:23p. Said I'd just be here until 12a. Got somebody waiting on me though. Then I have to rollerset my hair after, but I'm just airdrying that so no big deal. Oh and just using Moisturefuse. I really didn't want to deal w/ possible seeds ect. from CPR.
dc'ing right now.

banana, sour cream, coconut oil.
currently under dryer.

said i wasnt going to do anything to my hair this weekend, but i couldnt help myself

will see how the mixture works.
Wow. I don't remember the last time I DC'ed, but I forgot about this creamy buttery feeling afterwards. I can just imagine the condition of my hair w/ regular maintenance of this. Where have I been?
Prepooing with EVCO EVCO. Will not be using a mix of delightful DC's, I'm using Joico Moisture Recovery after I clarify.

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DCing with AO Blue Chamomile under my heat cap. Think I will do 45 minutes today instead of my usual 30.
Dc'ing under a steamer with Pantene moisture renewal conditioner, yes to carrots conditioner, Evco, acv, herbal tea mix, Wgho, jbco, peppermint e.o

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dc with joico didnt sit under steamer as i had loads to do. left it on almost two hrs then rinsed used kimmay tube leave in and shea butter then banded ready for next day
Been MIA for a hot minute, but I've been good at sticking with my DCing, will start updating here now that I am back!
DC'ed last night for 30 mins with Curl Junkie Curl Rehab. Just about done with this product and will go back to Mixed Chicks DC'er.
Prepoo'ed with IC super reconstructor over night. Gonna clarify with ORS aloe shampoo. Gonna DC with milk protein and olive oil packet i have for about 2 hrs with heat.
I pre-pooed last night with HQ Coconut Mango Rx. I used WEN Pomegranate. Then DC'd overnight with Graham Webb Silk Repair Advanced Therapy Treatment. I rinsed this morning then applied PM The Conditioner.
I just put some Sitrinillah on dry hair for 30 mins. I'm about to wash and go today.

eta: 30 mins turned into 1 hr :grin: off to go wash this out.
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