Delightful Deep Condition Challenge 2012 Part 4 (Oct 1st- Dec 31st)

Dc'ed today with Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner mixed with EVOO, castor oil, and honey for 30 minutes under a dryer.

I didn't post but I DC'ed last week as well. Will try to stay on top of posting. :)
Wash day today. Didn't prepoo like i wanted but shampoo'ed with SD go moist shampoo and DC'ed with a new conditioner caramel apple under heat cap for 2 hrs.
I DC'd with Shea Moisture Purification Mask for about 2 hours without heat. Then for about 10 minutes I used the blow dryer for some external heat. I love that mask :lick:
will scale back to 1 dc a week with these twists in.

the next dc will be an overnight saturday into sunday deal. not sure what i'll use yet. might do a crazy mixture of some sort. have a few days to figure it out. ; )
DC'ed last night first with Curl Junkie Repair Me for 15 mins and then 15 mins with Curl Junkie Curl Rehab. Hair looked great this morning after taking out my night braids.
I'm currently deep conditioning with KC Intensive Restorative Masque and will follow it up with Kerastase Masque Substantif for moisture.
Any of you using two conditioners back to back? What and how are you doing that. Basically, in my case it would be my regular moisturizing conditioner after my protein.
Any of you using two conditioners back to back? What and how are you doing that. Basically, in my case it would be my regular moisturizing conditioner after my protein.

That's how I normally do mine protein then moisture but I want to try a new method I saw on YouTube that consists of layering my conditioners first protein then moisture then oil
I'm currently dc'ing with heat cap for 40mins-1 hour w/ AOHSR & hempseed oil....also I will be doing a cellophane treatment tonight.
That's how I normally do mine protein then moisture but I want to try a new method I saw on YouTube that consists of layering my conditioners first protein then moisture then oil

With your original method, for how long do you do each? Oh and can you post the Youtube video
Did a ceramide rich DC with SD Choclate Bliss, SD Wheat Germ Conditioner, Sunflower Oil and Aphogee Balancing Conditioner... all mixed together under heat for 45 minutes.

ETA: Hair feels amazing!
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DCed today with castor and coconut oil layered over Keracare Humecto under dryer for 30 minutes.

My son broke my soft bonnet dryer so I had to use my hooded dryer. So cumbersome! :(
Over night pre- poo w/ an oil mix that I made
Dc'd w/ Hollywood beauty cholesterol, & B.A.S.K cocoa bark
Clarified my hair today , followed up with Aphoghee 2 mins and now Dcing with AOHRS mixed with Honey, EVOO & JBCO