Deep Conditioining Challenge


New Member
Deep Conditioning Challenge

Im terrible at keeping up with challenges and even worse at Dc'ing my hair. So I thought (with the push and help of Aggie :) ...) that I would do this since I dont think there is one.

Im going to keep it really simple because I need it that way for my own sanity and to be able to actually do the darn thing.

Here it is:
deep Condition your hair AT LEAST three times per week for an hour each time.
It can be with or without heat/steam/cap/towel.

I will do this at the sauna at the gym...since I can't work out yet Im just going to plaster my (dry) hair with any conditioner (I'm on a personal challenge to not spend more than £3 per Deep Conditioner!) cheap or otherwise and sit in the steam and sauna for half an hour each. Failing that I will be putting conditioner in my hair at home and putting on a cap and leaving, overnight if I dare. Then rinsing out and con washing, applying a conditioner and bunning.

How does everybody feel to keep up the challenge for 15 weeks so that should take us to April 29th - might as well start it today since Im going to the sauna this evening.

Anybody else wanna join...Im volunteering

Thanks ladies.


Wonderful ladies on this challenge:
Hair Iam
MonaLisa (on a speshul pass)

Sorry if I missed anybody let me know and I'll add you.
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I'm on it! I've been doing 2X/week for 30 minutes with heat. I'll do 3X/week 30 minutes with heat and 30 minutes without.

Great challenge! My hair thinks anything less than 20 minutes is a joke. :spinning:
Hey Sareca...Thanks for joining!

Elle...Im just going to use up stuff I have, I did my last DC with D&L Ultra cholesterol. But i have a couple of jars of Pantene Intsenive Treatment, but once they run out I will be using just normal conditioner with oil or an egg or just some regular mayo with honey and sunflower oil. My hair used to love that but I got lazy lol...oh and glad to have you on board.

Count me in. I usually deep condition for at least 45 minutes. A steady hour, three times a week will be a nice change. My plan is to try to walk for an hour on the treadmill three times a week with the conditioner on.

Great challenge!
I think I'm going to do two moisture and one light protein.

For moisture I usually use Aveda DR, Aveda Brilliant, or Nexxus Humectress.
For protein I usually use Silicon Mix, Aveda DR treatment, or MegaTek.
I am in! This is great for me since I am entering the whole shoulder - apl problematic stage.

I will do two moisture treatments and a light protein.

Moisture- paul mitchell supercharged, kenra mc, capilo avocado, pantene mask

Protein- ORS replenishing

I also have some new conditioners to try out so this is great. I plan on doing this while I study. It will help me get in my reading time I need for my hard biology classes this semester.
Wow! This is great!
I'm in!Especially since i'm back in braids now.
I usually deep condition for 30mins,about three times a week.
When i replenish my Kenra stash,i'll be dc'ing with this mixed w/ a little Jheri Redding natural protein conditioner. I'll probably incorporate a protein treatment also,and for this i'll use my Peter Coppola Protein Pack(i think that's the name).All for an hour each now.
Great challenge!
EDIT:My protein treatment is "Peter Coppola Makeover Protein Pack"
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I am in! This is great for me since I am entering the whole shoulder - apl problematic stage.

I will do two moisture treatments and a light protein.

Moisture- paul mitchell supercharged, kenra mc, capilo avocado, pantene mask

Protein- ORS replenishing

I also have some new conditioners to try out so this is great. I plan on doing this while I study. It will help me get in my reading time I need for my hard biology classes this semester.

Congrats on making SL :dance7:
Congrats on making SL :dance7:

Thanks! When I lean my hair back, I look like I am apl :lol: I gotta get a small trim today but It shouldn't be anything TOO major. I don't have many splits which is a plus. Oh yeah, I bought some of that Aveda Brillant you and Monalisa are always talking about. I will get to try it out in this challenge.

It really is amazing what can happen if you are just patient. My hair today is 10x thicker and darker than it was just two years ago. It doesn't even look like the same hair.
Count me in!

Since I've been using my mn mix, I had to stop daily co-washing, because my hair absolutely HATES oil while it's wet. So now I have to revamp my regimen, AGAIN.

DCing three times a week is perfect, I can dc and apply my mn mix on alternating days. I just dc'ed last night, so I'll be doing the mn today. This challenge came right on time! :yep:
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Yeah!!!! A challenge I can handle. I'm all over it.

I'll try Sareca & Gym's method - 2 moisture and 1 light protein DC's. I have lot to just use up.
Oh im really pleased that you ladies have joined!

Should we report weekly to confirm we did what we said we would do?

I just finished my first hour long DC in ages! I can already feel the difference in my hair. :yep:
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I am just finishing up my first hour -- I mixed humectress with oil for the deep conditioner. I haven't decided ifI should wash/rinse it out or just wait until I regularly wash in the morning.

Is anyone leaving the conditioner in overnight?
I would like to Join this challenge. I will DC 2 times a week with Capilo Avocado or with Aveda DR and Penetrait or Aphogee for protein.
THis is a good challenge to be on it works out perfectly with my Cathy Howse Regimen. I'm in but I can only DC 2 times a week, is that ok?
Yes twice a week is ok if thats all you can manage...its better than nothing. Will you be leaving it on for longer than hour perhaps?


I am in! This is great for me since I am entering the whole shoulder - apl problematic stage.I will do two moisture treatments and a light protein.

couldn't agree more gymfreak336!

Moisture: Kenra MC or Suave's knock-off Humectress

Protein: ORS Hair Mayo

....hope this helps b/c I'm starting to worry!
I brought 30 new plastic caps from Sally's for $3.99. :drunk: I also ordered a 32oz size jar of Silicon Mix. I love when products come in salon sizes. My next one's tonight with Aveda Brilliant. your hair is gorgeous!!!
Sareca I love that too I have a liter size of sap moss (poo & con) which I have yet to use up...girl your hair is blinding...i love it!!!! your hair is gorgeous!!!
Sareca I love that too I have a liter size of sap moss (poo & con) which I have yet to use up...girl your hair is blinding...i love it!!!!

Thanks :blush: Me and malachi share the same goal length and look. That weave is awesome!
I just dc'ed yesterday with ORS mayo. I hadn't used protein in a while, so I decided to give my hair a little bit. My hair isn't too fond of protein and it's pretty mad at me right now for using the mayo, but :ohwell:

Is anyone shampoo'ing every time they dc? I'm just gonna use poo once a week, the other times I'm dc'ing on dry hair and rinsing in the shower :yep: