Deciding when to get married?


New Member
How'd you do it, ladies? Wait until you had enough money saved up for the wedding? Wait until finished with school or some other life goal? Wait until knew each other for a certain amount of time?

It's something my bf and I are thinking about and we want to go about it the right way. Love can be blind sometimes so we're trying to be smart about it. We originally planned to wait until July 2013 to give us time to save up (we would be paying for most of the wedding ourselves, out-of-pocket, no debt), but we are getting to a point where we want more time together and getting married would allow us to do that. And, of course, we feel we know each other deeply and are confident we want to be each other's lifelong partner. Not to mention, the big financial benefit.

Please share your experiences. When did you and your DH decide it was time? Or was it something that happened independent of you and he just popped the question one day, you guys didn't talk too much about it?
We talked about it alot and went to counseling individually and as a couple before getting engaged. There were certain milestones that we wanted reached before getting married.
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We talked a lot about marriage etc before getting engaged. I knew I wanted a wedding, always dreamed of having one, so picking a date into the future was a factor into the when as we are also paying for everything ourselves. Career wise we were both done with our graduate degrees so that wasn't really a factor.
In hindsight I wish we'd done a shorter engagement just because I want to spend a few years with just the two of us before we have kids. I'm not old but will be turning 32 this year so I kind of feel the bio clock ticking just a little as far as having kids goes.
We always knew we wanted to get married. But he popped the question sooner than expected...So we set a date about 18 mos after we got engaged.....BUT we didn't want to wait that long so we actually got married 9 mos later during the Spring Break of my last year in Grad School.

He had been saving $ secretly anyways before he proposed and I used (gasp) some of my financial aid money (bad girl---no shame) and some money I saved from working. Our budget was like 6-7K...We spent 10K...But thats including both rings (so HE spent that) and the money for the hotel for the honeymoon.
We had 150 guests/nice, fun wedding....The actual wedding stuff was like 6k. Had a planner. Best day of my life!
Bumping as I find this interesting, regardless of whether I have any potential prospects or not... (which I do not)
No way we planned for July 2013 too!

He proposed in April of this year, and that at the time it was just that.....a proposal....:perplexed
We are young and broke and still trying to get our lives together, but we knew that once one of us moved up in life then we could actually get basically we were hoping things would change before July 2013, and it did actually this month because he finally got a promotion.
So yeah we did set a date, but it was just so we could have enough time to get ready financially.....otherwise we would of been married by now. For us its just about the money.
We decided to wait until I finished grad school and relocated I wanted to be able to pay for the wedding in full with cash and make sure we had enough time to pay for everything in our budget, with the long distance move and me finding a job there in my field its a must that we gave ourself enough time.