Dealing With Leos

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I stuck this thread in the Dating thread but it is really in reference to dealing with leos period. I have a son, brother, sister and a friend that are Leos. They drive this poor Aries nuts. They can be really fun people, take charge and great leaders. They can be a pain in the Butt too. Very stubborn. WHAT'S YOUR DATING EXPERIENCE WITH LEOS.
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Love them. I knew one and they were very "real" in nature like some Taureans, but was not that overbearing serious to an almost borderline anal.
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:
i had the worst experience with leos. im a libra and we are supposed to be really compatible but i dont know. ill fall hard for the. and then they do me dirty. the last guy i dated was a leo and he played soooo many games.
i had the worst experience with leos. im a libra and we are supposed to be really compatible but i dont know. ill fall hard for the. and then they do me dirty. the last guy i dated was a leo and he played soooo many games.

I had the worst experience with a Leo. He was just too much with the constant need of attention all the friggin' time but never want to reciprocate. I had had enough with the coddling and walking on eggshells so I just ended it...BTW I'm a Libra as well
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

I'm a Leo as well and this completely on point.
A Leo is also the most generous and loyal. It might take some work to get in but once you are you will have a true friend for life.
My mom's a Leo, but she's on the Leo/Virgo cusp. And I had an ex who was a Leo, but again he was closer to that same cusp. From my experience, they are cool people but are to be taken in doses. I don't see myself dating one purposely
Well.. I met another Leo last night. I take back my answer... until further notice :lol:

Been there and I'll never do it again.

Relationships require compromise and I got tired of being the only one doing the leg work. STUBBORN.
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I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

I'm a Leo as well and this completely on point.
A Leo is also the most generous and loyal. It might take some work to get in but once you are you will have a true friend for life.

OHHH..This is me to a tee.....
The Leo man I dated was very loyal and honest with me, even when it hurt my feelings. He didn't do this purposely, he was just really blunt when he spoke his mind. This didn't sit well with my poor, sensitive, diplomatic Libra heart. :perplexed

He was one of those "hey, look at me" types too, which got annoying, especially when we went out. I would just roll my eyes and shake my head.

This man loved to talk me to DEATH. I think I was his favorite audience to listen to him talk about his thoughts and opinions about life. He would say, SB, you're the only one I can talk with about this stuff. Unfortunately, while he was great at speaking, he SUCKED at just listening.

He was also very passionate and upfront about his feelings. He said I was the best friend he ever had, he loved me, I was such a good woman, and he wasn't ever gonna let me go - even when he started ****** up to the point that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore. :look:

What ultimately did us in was his "my way or the highway" attitude about relationships. I felt like I was doing ALL of the compromising - and I got tired of it, so I cut him loose. And yes, he's still trying to get back with me. :nono:

ETA: I would date another Leo again. The chemistry/connection between us was wonderful, and when our relationship was good, it was VERY GOOD. But this particular relationship I was in went South due to some effed up decisions he made in his life, and being stubborn and unwilling to compromise with me to make it work.
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The Leo man I dated was very loyal and honest with me, even when it hurt my feelings. He didn't do this purposely, he was just really blunt when he spoke his mind. This didn't sit well with my poor, sensitive, diplomatic Libra heart. :perplexed

He was one of those "hey, look at me" types too, which got annoying, especially when we went out. I would just roll my eyes and shake my head.

This man loved to talk me to DEATH. I think I was his favorite audience to listen to his talk about his thoughts and opinions about life. :look:

He was also very passionate and upfront about his feelings. He said I was the best friend he ever had, he loved me, I was such a good woman, and he wasn't ever gonna let me go - even when he started ****** up to the point that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore. :look:

What ultimately did us in was his "my way or the highway" attitude about relationships. He wasn't very good at listening and responding to my feelings. And I felt like I was doing ALL of the compromising - and I got tired of it, so I cut him loose.

And yes, he's still trying to get back with me. :nono:

ETA: I would date another Leo again. The chemistry/connection between us was wonderful when it was good, but this particular relationship I was in went South due to some effed up decisions he made in his life, and being stubborn and unwilling to compromise with me to make it work.

Never really dated a leo but I can believe it bc I do it a female who is a leo.
I never dated my own sign..but knowing how much we love attention and must be the center of it, I can see why dating one would be overwhelming at times. However, leos, both men and women are loyal to family and friends..I mean will fight for you as long as we know you are loyal to us.
I have leo male friends...they are stubborn but not more than naries or taurus...UGHH..another Leo men will communicate with you when they feel most comfortable and have gained a level of trust with the woman. Good luck.
I am a Leo and my brother is a leo. We can talk on the phone all day everyday but when we are in person we do not get along at all its like cats in dogs. He is very irritating and I think is very opposite of me outside of us both liking to take care of loved ones. LEO men and LEO women have the same morals and values but personality wise I think very different!
with the Leo's I dated, it wasnt even about the need for attention, that wasnt an issue, they just all played games...I've had two heartaches and both were with Leos. Now that doesnt mean there arent good ones but thats just been my luck with them.
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My baby is a leo. He likes lots of attention, very loyal but that mug is stubborn too. When you cross him, he is through with you.

My brother is a Leo. Likes attention, very self centered, the world revolves around him.

My sister is a Leo. Moody. Likes to be the center of attention too.

They are good peeps, when they want to be they can be a lot of fun.

I am dating a Leo on the cusp of Virgo. So he is more mellow than my Leo brethren. I do see the pride thing. He seems very loyal to his friends.
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

I'm a Leo as well and this completely on point.
A Leo is also the most generous and loyal. It might take some work to get in but once you are you will have a true friend for life.

I never dated my own sign..but knowing how much we love attention and must be the center of it, I can see why dating one would be overwhelming at times. However, leos, both men and women are loyal to family and friends..I mean will fight for you as long as we know you are loyal to us.
I have leo male friends...they are stubborn but not more than naries or taurus...UGHH..another Leo men will communicate with you when they feel most comfortable and have gained a level of trust with the woman. Good luck.

I agree with these posts 100%.

Oh yeah, and I'm a Leo.
I am a Leo and my brother is a leo. We can talk on the phone all day everyday but when we are in person we do not get along at all its like cats in dogs. He is very irritating and I think is very opposite of me outside of us both liking to take care of loved ones. LEO men and LEO women have the same morals and values but personality wise I think very different!

Sounds like me and my brother. Our birthdays are a day apart (by 5 years). My house could get pretty loud when we were growing up.
I'm an Aries, my SO is a Leo. While that could be a recipe for disaster, he's the peanut butter to my jelly. We're such a great match. He's the most generous, loyal, funniest person I've ever known. Yes, he has a lot of pride, but he never lets it get in the way of our relationship. He's taught me a lot about owning up to my mistakes and I'm a better person because of him. I love my sexy lion. :love:
I was with a leo for 4 years. From my experience they are driven, fun, devoted men, in both their relationships and friendships. It takes them a little while to open up, but they can be very loyal when they do. They can be very upfront and honest about things; so they are the type of people you want to interact with if you want to know the truth, no chaser. But they are veeeerrrrry stubborn and not very quick to let things go. They are never wrong; its everyone else in the world that can't get it together. They would rather sweep things under the rug rather than discuss issues. I also agree that they tend to need a lot of reassurance and ego/confidence stroking.
Being a Leo myself, I don't understand what you people are talking about. :lol:

Me either :lol:.

The women are very nice in my experience, very friendly. My mom is a Leo but the men:nono:

Thank you:grin:, I am a Leo and I am very friendly and as many have said extremely loyal. I didn't know folks had problems with Leos:nono:, I've never met a Leo I didn't like. My dh is a Sag, I love love love Sags and Aries:yep:. The signs that drive me nuts: Taurus (too bullheaded, stubborn, bossy), some Virgos (some are so focussed on business and don't know how to have fun), and Libras (far too diplomatic for my taste, want everything all balanced and fair lol).
Me either :lol:.

Thank you:grin:, I am a Leo and I am very friendly and as many have said extremely loyal. I didn't know folks had problems with Leos:nono:, I've never met a Leo I didn't like. My dh is a Sag, I love love love Sags and Aries:yep:. The signs that drive me nuts: Taurus (too bullheaded, stubborn, bossy), some Virgos (some are so focussed on business and don't know how to have fun), and Libras (far too diplomatic for my taste, want everything all balanced and fair lol).

yeah I am guilty of that. I need balance in my life :lol:

I should have know you were a Leo ;) you're seem like a very sweet person.