*sigh* What is the protocol for dealing with an "ex"??

Yeah, unfortunately I think it may end up coming to this. :ohwell:

So now the question still remains.... :scratchch

Should I have a talk with him and call him out on his behavior?

YES. kindly inform him, in the presence of the new girl, that he's been acting weird.

also, inform the both of them that you mean no harm towards their current relationship, but you're not quite sure why he's so mean to you in her presence.

that ought to stuff his foot right back in his mouth.
YES. kindly inform him, in the presence of the new girl, that he's been acting weird.

also, inform the both of them that you mean no harm towards their current relationship, but you're not quite sure why he's so mean to you in her presence.

that ought to stuff his foot right back in his mouth.

LOL!!! :lachen: Yeah, that should do it. :yep:

I really don't see why all the animosity. :nono: Only when she's around though!

I'll play it by ear. If it seems like the right thing to do, I"ll let him know. If it doesn't seem like a good time to talk with him, then I"ll just let it slide. I'm not saying anything at all after this week though. So it's either this week or just let it slide...until the "next" run-in. :rolleyes:


Okay...here's an update:

I ended up NOT going through with the calling out. :nono: Plus, his gf was around too, so there was definitely NO way I was going to go through with it. But I had already decided to just let him and his wishy-washy, rude behavior go long time ago.

I realized... you know what?? It's not worth it! HE's NOT worth it! :nono:

I have decided to just avoid him and not even engage him if he's around. Now, if he comes up to me and says hello, then of course I'll say hello back to him. But the way he has treated me over the years is NOT the way you would treat even a so-called "friend", and the fact that there is so much subtle animosity or resentment between us lets me know that there was probably "something there" between the two of us that we just never addressed, and the fact that it didn't work out and there was no real hard-core "Communication" addressing any of our feelings just adds to the frustration or whatnot. Because I honestly believe that if we were "just friends", he would be THRILLED to show off his gf, and he wouldn't feel the need to make me feel "bad" whenever I'm around in thier vicinity. :rolleyes:

OH well... I'm glad I'm able to now put this behind me. :yep: It's time to move on for good!
Smart move Crystalicequeen...ignore his a$z!

If you don't mind me asking ...how has he treated you over the years? Has he always been this shady?
Smart move Crystalicequeen...ignore his a$z!

If you don't mind me asking ...how has he treated you over the years? Has he always been this shady?

Ummmm...yes and no.

When I we first met, he was as sweet as pie. :) I thought he was sooo nice. In fact, that was what first attracted me...aside from the fact that he was showing me attention. :look: And to a certain degree, he still is a "nice guy", but I have come to learn that he can be very moody and have a mean streak. :(

Over the years yes, it has sort of been an up and down rollercoaster between us both. Always this underlying "tension". Especially when we were a couple years younger. Actually, I was "mean" too sometimes over the years because I would feel like he was playing games. We would always be mad at each other for stupid stuff, but then we'd make up and things would be cool. We would never stay mad at each other for long. Last year we started being more "cool" w/each other on a more "consistent" basis. :lol:

But ever since he started officially dating his new gf a few months ago, he's been acting noticeably worse towards me...and it hasn't been warranted. BEFORE in the past, he would just be a little aloof because I was being aloof w/him. But now that I've moved on and have tried to just be consistently "cool" around him, he's been getting an attitude...especially when his gf is around! In fact, I'd say that the only time he has been so "mean" to me has always been when his gf was present. :nono: Because when she's not around, we're usually cool with each other.

But last weekend took the cake! He has never been that upset/mean towards me for no good reason like that. So, I figured that it probably had to do more so with the fact that I was there when his gf was there. I think it has more to do w/her or w/him than it does w/me. I'm usually a very easy-going cool person. So, he really has no reason to "hate" me, so that's why I think it's something deeper. :rolleyes:

Oh well! Like I said, I'm keeping my distance. Obviously he doesn't know how to behave around me when the girlfriend is present, so he resorts to being mean. :rolleyes: Whatever...I don't have time for childish games.
I'd go wherever I felt like going--regardless if he is possibly going to be there or not!!

You said said he treated you mean when he GREETED YOU. Well, I would make it my business to not even be anywhere near him, to even give him a chance to 'greet me'.!!
I'm sure these social events are large enough to maneuver so that you don't even have to be near this busta.

Ignore his azzz...and keep on moving!!
And if he happens to attempt to greet you at any event, then STILL ignore his ***--whether his girlfriend is around OR NOT.

All it takes is ONE TIME to be shady with me, and you don't exist in my life from that moment on!!