OMG! I can't get away from Geminis. My dad is a Gemini and more than half the guys I date are too. :perplexed They can be GREAT, but then they can be not so great. They definitely have 2 personalities (moody/outgoing, quiet/talkative, friendly/standoffish). You never know what combo your Gemini will have. They are intriguing people and very interesting. I feel like they like a fun challenge. However, in my experiences they aren't quick to commit even though they're usually quick to initially fire up the romance. These are just my experiences.
Like having a different man every hour of the day is what you'll get:spinning:. A man who will not hold grudges,has integrity and a stickler for the 'rules' of life, will make a date then back out at the last minute...a man who'll never forget important dates, anniversaries although may pretend they do not exist! You'll have a contradictory mess on your hands!!! We Gemini females can be just as bad.
*HUGS* (Your going to need it, lol) I have been dating one for five years. I got my training early on, my first cousin was a Gemini. They are very difficult to deal with and they are not for the weak hearted. You have to be consistent because there is no consistency sometimes with their multiple personalities. Sometimes I have a nice educated guy and the next a rude ******* :look: It just depends on who wakes up that morning. You gotta be on your p's and q's to be able to deal with it.
Loved him....but had to keep a spare in the rotation to make it work. Would rather have predictable moodiness ie.....Capricorn :ohwell:
lol at all the gemini traits.......yes it is all true...spoken by a true gemini who is currently dating a gemini...YIIIKKKKESSSS.....i never saw so much in myself thru another person..its scary...but we get along b.c. i KNOW EXACTLY how he thinks, moves, etc... b.c. i'm the same way
My SO is a gemini and I don't see that tendency in him. if anything he's very personable with pretty much everybody. Sure with me he's different but I'm his girl so he better be.

Anybody can be jekyll and hyde, and turn on/off personalities, and its a people thing, not a sign thing.

Current SO is a Gemini (we break up & get back together all the time), my ex was a Gemini also (we were together on/off 6 years). If for some reason my SO and I don't make it, I'm done w/Geminis for good. Short attention span/watch too much TV/moody, urrrgghh. Two of my besties are Geminis they tell me all the time they would never date one. I'm a Taurus and although I'm not an astrology junkie I don't believe that I'm all that compatible w/a Gemini:ohwell:

ETA: Peep this irony my ex was a twin and they share the same bday w/the Olsen twins.
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As a gemini, I can say that I give my SO hell! I'm moody as heck for no reason. As I get older, I'm starting to catch myself and correct my tude' before it gets out of hand but I still have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't date a Gemini. My dad is a Gemini too and he was no walk in the park with my mom!
Like having a different man every hour of the day is what you'll get:spinning:. A man who will not hold grudges,has integrity and a stickler for the 'rules' of life, will make a date then back out at the last minute...a man who'll never forget important dates, anniversaries although may pretend they do not exist! You'll have a contradictory mess on your hands!!! We Gemini females can be just as bad.
Agreed! I know I can be somewhat just depends on who it is...i definitely have my reasons for doin so

lol at all the gemini traits.......yes it is all true...spoken by a true gemini who is currently dating a gemini...YIIIKKKKESSSS.....i never saw so much in myself thru another person..its scary...but we get along b.c. i KNOW EXACTLY how he thinks, moves, etc... b.c. i'm the same way

YIKES is right I tried it twice....never again, we were both stubborn and stuckin our ways and no one wanted to give in..needless to say they weren't long relationships....i'm talking a matter of months:spinning:

Current SO is a Gemini (we break up & get back together all the time), my ex was a Gemini also (we were together on/off 6 years). If for some reason my SO and I don't make it, I'm done w/Geminis for good. Short attention span/watch too much TV/moody, urrrgghh. Two of my besties are Geminis they tell me all the time they would never date one. I'm a Taurus and although I'm not an astrology junkie I don't believe that I'm all that compatible w/a Gemini:ohwell:

ETA: Peep this irony my ex was a twin and they share the same bday w/the Olsen twins.

Now this i disagree with...we are very attentive and not too moody. I don't understand why people think that we are two faced...i really don't see this with myself...I am myself with everyone....but don't get me wrong you cross me and that other girl will come out and she's not nice, but it takes a lot for her to appear...i won't let you get the satisfaction of getting me upset :look:

I am a Gemini..never dated another Gemini. I am like a light switch (on/off). I don't know why but it is what it is:ohwell:
I dated a gemini for two years. I work with a gemini. I realize that I am 0/2 with gemini men. The gemini I dated was singularly the worst dating experience of my life. My coworker is OK, but that God I don't work with him on the daily, or I'd slit my wrists.:spinning:
I dated one and it was a great experience. Not so much split personalities but... I'm raising a 5 yr. old son who is a Gemini... he truly has the split personality syndrome. One minute he's so affectionate and can't stop touching me and kissing me. The next minute, he just wants to be left alone. Every morning it's a toss up what mood he'll wake up in.

My dad is a Gemini too!!
OMG! I can't get away from Geminis. My dad is a Gemini and more than half the guys I date are too. :perplexed They can be GREAT, but then they can be not so great. They definitely have 2 personalities (moody/outgoing, quiet/talkative, friendly/standoffish). You never know what combo your Gemini will have. They are intriguing people and very interesting. I feel like they like a fun challenge. However, in my experiences they aren't quick to commit even though they're usually quick to initially fire up the romance. These are just my experiences.

:yep:That describes me to a T

Gemini female checking it and I am all of the above. God bless my SO!

LOL yup:yep:

As a gemini, I can say that I give my SO hell! I'm moody as heck for no reason. As I get older, I'm starting to catch myself and correct my tude' before it gets out of hand but I still have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't date a Gemini. My dad is a Gemini too and he was no walk in the park with my mom!

:yep::yep::yep: same here again. I feel bad for the SO sometimes. **cues Beyonce's Flaws and All**
DH is a gemini and I often say to myself that I didn't sign up for this sheyet! :lol:

Sometimes I love him....sometimes I can't stand his moody arse but I've learned to tune him out because he gets over whatever is bugging him quickly. He knows I don't give a gawd damn anyway....I'm a taurus!! :lachen: I'm always amazed how someone could be so angry one minute and then act like nothing ever happened the next. **** dat. I carry grudges for days....years even. I'm getting better though. Truth be told I think Geminis are bipolar or manic to some degree! Those mood swings are vicious :lol:

DH is a good provider, loving and caring to his chillins. He's romantic and even remembers anniversaries and dates. He adores me most of all and tells me all the time.

DD is a gemini too. I think DH met his match because he is getting everything back that little terror dishes out. She sure can work his sorry butt.
Ok, Im a gemini and we can be nice people until u cross us. We can be loving and sensitive and we can be a**holes if you make us that way! I hate it sometimes though cause I cant help the moodswings and it makes me mad sometimes. Pray for us all!
Well I am a libra and Gemini's and libras are suppose to be compatible. I dated a gemini for 4 years and although we had a lot in common, we had MANY differences. He was very superficial person and just not "deep" spirited enough for me.
I dont have dual personalities or any of the mentioned above. But most of the men I get along wiht are Leos.
I spend a lot of time with a Gemini man...we get along great. He can handle my big personality:look:, and I laugh when he gets mad:lachen: which never lasts for long.
It's a perfect match.

Yes!!!! I'm a Gemini and my best friend and the folks I get along with well are LEO's!!!!!

One of my closest friends is a Gemini...I'm the Leo :grin:.

Ok, Im a gemini and we can be nice people until u cross us. We can be loving and sensitive and we can be a**holes if you make us that way! I hate it sometimes though cause I cant help the moodswings and it makes me mad sometimes. Pray for us all!

So true!
I am a Gemini..never dated another Gemini. I am like a light switch (on/off). I don't know why but it is what it is:ohwell:
I have not either, I don't know how that could work :perplexed

Ok, Im a gemini and we can be nice people until u cross us. We can be loving and sensitive and we can be a**holes if you make us that way! I hate it sometimes though cause I cant help the moodswings and it makes me mad sometimes. Pray for us all!

I could not agree more with this!

Co signing. My worst dating experience EVER was with a gemini. Won't do it. (speaking purely for myself)

I dated a gemini for two years. I work with a gemini. I realize that I am 0/2 with gemini men. The gemini I dated was singularly the worst dating experience of my life. My coworker is OK, but that God I don't work with him on the daily, or I'd slit my wrists.:spinning:

I concur with the bolded.

Ok, Im a gemini and we can be nice people until u cross us. We can be loving and sensitive and we can be a**holes if you make us that way! I hate it sometimes though cause I cant help the moodswings and it makes me mad sometimes. Pray for us all!
Moodswings are classic to me. I am good friends with Gemini's but I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with another Gemini. JMO.
All of your descriptions are so dead on..... I said I was staying out of the relationship forum but this Thread brought me in.... The person who I thought was the love of my life.. My current SO/EX is a Gemini.... Well I must have only saw the Good Side for the first 7 months... I think the Horrific Side.. Maybe because I kept saying Gemini's have to sides.. He was insistent that I wrong..

He has this amazing personality.. He is very sweet and tender and considerate.. Other times he is a terror.. He never keeps his word then act like there is something wrong with me when, I act accordingly..

I am a Leo and He tells me all the time we are compatible... Umm, I guess when he is the good one but if your not so great side comes out on things that are very important to life and a relationship.. I pass.

OMG.. He is a totally different person.. Sometimes It is like he is demonic... LOL.. My problem is that I truly am in love with the Great Side... Oh well.. I will never date a Gemini again... They have split personalities... Good Luck all.. You can have them..
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i'm a gemini. i don't think we're that bad. It depends on the person. I am pretty consistent with my personality, but I do have some flakiness, and mood swings that come out. I'm currently dating a gemini(nothing serious), and so far so good. I kinda get him, and I like that I can change the subject and he can keep up. I usually date leos too.

I think gemini's have a great adventurous spirit and are alot of fun. very good at knowing a little bit about alot of things(so great resources), and very loving. when it comes to commitment we might be hesitant, but tend to give our all once you catch us, and attention span well he hear what we want, and are very able to manipulate(worst charateristic).
Ok, Im a gemini and we can be nice people until u cross us. We can be loving and sensitive and we can be a**holes if you make us that way! I hate it sometimes though cause I cant help the moodswings and it makes me mad sometimes. Pray for us all!

I agree and IMO or my advice is to factor other thing in too birth order, family upbringing ect. My bff is a texted book gemini. I am not . Our mood is sensitive, it is so easily provoked. I think our generic mood is pleasing to whoever is in our company. Most of us are very sweet, loving, genuine people. We wear our emotions on our sleeves. That’s why you know when we are happy then all of a sudden you know when we are mad. Be it, someone hurt our feelings (and I think they get hurt super easy), we are stressed, try to get over on us, we are busy, we feel shy, we feel embarrassed, you know it. We can hold grudges but we can let them go so easy (just make us laugh). We are analytic. It’s always, well I think this or well I think it is like that. We can get a wild hair up our butts then if we all of a sudden think it won’t work we are on to the next thing. But this is just my opinion.
All of your descriptions are so dead on..... I said I was staying out of the relationship forum but this Thread brought me in.... The person who I thought was the love of my life.. My current SO/EX is a Gemini.... Well I must have only saw the Good Side for the first 7 months... I think the Horrific Side.. Maybe because I kept saying Gemini's have to sides.. He was insistent that I wrong..

He has this amazing personality.. He is very sweet and tender and considerate.. Other times he is a terror.. He never keeps his word then act like there is something wrong with me when, I act accordingly..

I am a Leo and He tells me all the time we are compatible... Umm, I guess when he is the good one but if your not so great side comes out on things that are very important to life and a relationship.. I pass.

OMG.. He is a totally different person.. Sometimes It is like he is demonic... LOL.. My problem is that I truly am in love with the Great Side... Oh well.. I will never date a Gemini again... They have split personalities... Good Luck all.. You can have them..

I think you are very hurt right now. There are good and bad in every zodiac sign. You have to factor other things in as well an *** hole is gonna be just that an *** hole no matter what sign they are. If you judge someone solely on a zodiac sign you are selling yourself short. When you read about my sign (gemini) it always says that we have roving eyes before anything else. Well guess what I don't? Why cause one I am really shy which i try to cover up and two I come from a loyal and faithful upbringing and three I am kinda insecure from some childhood things.
My SO is a cancer and we arent suppose to get along at all. But that is the love of my life. The things we arent suppose to have in common, we do.