Crying all morning!!


Active Member
I'm going to be bald. My hair is coming out by the hand full. It's in my bath tub, on my sink, in the bed, and all over the bathroom floor. I've tried everything, and it only gets worse. After trying something Tracy told me about last night, it didn't lessen even a little bit. I looked at picture taken just 3 weeks ago and compared to how my hair looks now and I've been in tears ever since.

I called a good Black demologist here and, of course, it's going to be 3 weeks before I can get in to see him. I should be good and bald by then.

I don't know what my stylist did but I really believe she did something and on purpose. Not just from hair envy, I believe it's everything about me. My car, My job, where I live and the fact that my hair was beginning to look good. She was always asking a lot of questions, but I thought it was just conversion.

I called her, and she has changed shops and won't give me the address. She didn't tell me she was moving and her phone number changed, but one the stylist in the old salon gave me her new number. Doesn't that sound funny?
What did the stylist do to your hair? Can't you go to the emergency room if it is coming out in a noticeable way?

Did you sense the envy the entire time you were going to her? Did she do hair that well?

I don't know what to suggest regarding the hair loss. I have emu oil and that is said to stop shedding. If you can get to a health food store, I would suggest that you go buy some emu oil and part your hair and put some on your scalp. I have used emu oil on aches and pains, peeling skin and everything else and it has always worked. I would definitely give it a try.

Sorry this is happening to you, but definitely try to get to a general doctor or emergency room person if the emu oil doesn't stop the hair loss. Also, could you post again what she did to your hair.
Sorry this is happening to you Diamondlady. Forget about that stylist. right now you need to focus on getting your hair in order. Hvae you thought of trying the garlic shampoo and conditioner? Many ladies here have had great success with it and shedding/breakage. It could also be something internal. You should get yourself a B-Complex, just to be on the safe side and you can get to the derm. Good luck hun. I hope things turn around soon
OMGosh! That is so horrible, it sounds like this lady knows she did something wrong to your hair to be trying to duck you like she is. Call her and demand that she tell you what she did to your hair, even if you have to call her bluff (if she tells you she didn't do anything) tell her you already talked to your dermatologist and he said someone chemically/maliciously destroyed your hair and tell her the next call is going to your lawyer!
There is something SO fishy about this hair stylist. Right now worry about your hair, but after that--we should sue the pants off of her
honey the same thing happened to me when I dyed my hair and relaxed it in the same week. it was coming out in hand fulls. In a few weeks I was bald on two sides of my hair. THen I used the Aphogee for Damaged Hair, bc obviously my hair was too weak; some ORS temple balm for the sides, and massaged my hair everyday with ORS olive oil. My hair was beginning to come back nicely.
(((Diamondlady))) so sorry... Sth does smell fishy... But I agree with the ladies, let's forget her for now and focus on your hair.

What did the stylist do to your hair? Can't you go to the emergency room if it is coming out in a noticeable way?

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Yeah, that's a thought. Why not go to the ER if you're afraid you won't be able to wait 3 weeks? I know I would.

What DID she do to your hair on your last visit?

I don't have any suggestions. I'm just sorry this happened to you.
How long had you been going to her? It's odd that she would just disappear and not tell you where she was going. Stylists are normally too greedy for that... And never let anyone who seems jealous of you put their hands in your hair again!
I think she knows something went wrong and she is avoiding you. If your derm tells you it was chemical damage, you should go after her.
With an attorney--not a butcher knife.
OMG I'm soo sorry. What in the world did that lady do to your hair. Did you call that number. Man I just want to scream. This haters are just everywhere.
I'm sorry this happenend to you but what I would suggest is going to a good hairstylist in your area and get a treatment for your hair to stop the shedding. I had a problem with my hair falling out like yours when I got a relaxer one week and two weeks later I got a perment color. I had no idea why it came out since I did wait the recommended time. However the treatment stopped the shedding and I went back every week and just got a doobie wrap so I wouldnt have to use heat or manipulate my hair. I hope this helps you.
I got a retouch in December, she told me to put Motions CPR on the next time I washed. I did as she told me but my hair was already shedding and breaking. After about 3 weeks, I tried Nexxus emergencee and used lots of moisturizers. It kept breaking and shedding, then a few of weeks later I pulled the big guns and put Aphogee treatment, again with lots of moisturizers. The breakage stopped a little but the shedding continued. I put in the braids cause I was really getting depressing. I took the braids out this weekend, and yes I expected more hair to come out due to the fact the hair that would have shed while the braids were up would be trapped.

A tremendous amount of hair is falling out all over the place. It's so depressing. Everything that I've worked for (on my hair) in the last 19 months is rapidly going down the drain. Just 3 weeks ago, it still looked full and thick, but now the back looks thin and chewed up.

I can go to my regular doctor, immediately but I don't feel she would really know what to do. She would probably just tell me to get some Rogaine or something like that. I wanted to go to my Black doctor who specializes in skin, hair and nails and him, I know and trust.
I am really sorry to hear this. I think you should get in contact with her to find out what she put in your hair. She is just horrible.
I called her, and she has changed shops and won't give me the address. She didn't tell me she was moving and her phone number changed.....
Whatever she did, it sounds like she did it on purpose
sassygirl125 said:
diamondlady said:
I called her, and she has changed shops and won't give me the address.

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Oh no she didn't!
Go to the site below and type the phone number in. The address of her new shop should come up.

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Sassy, that works if her number is listed and if the # diamondlady has isn't a cell phone #.
did you tell your dermatologist that your hair was coming out so and it was an emergency?? i can't believe they're making you wait three weeks and not trying to squeeze you in!
Diamondlady, I hope you find out what she did to your hair. This is why a do my own touch-ups. Two years ago a hairdresser burnt off the length of my hair on the left side. I took months for it to recover and grow back. From that point on I have always done my own hairdressing at home.
I'm also suffering from hair loss (alopecia) and overall thinning and have been battling this and so far winning! If you can't get in to see the dermatologist, go in to see your regular doctor and get some medication for your scalp QUICKLY!! Try to calm down since nerves only make hair loss worse. Believe me, I know what you are going through. My stylist helped to make my hair come out but she was not 100% of the cause. If you in any way suspect that your hair loss is a hormonal or any other medically related issue, ask your regular doctor to perform blood tests on you for hair loss (» Hormone levels (DHEAS, Testosterone, Androstenedione, Prolactin, Follicular
Stimulating Hormone, and Leutinizing Hormone,Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin, TIBC (Total Iron Binding capacity),Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), VDRL,Complete Blood Count (CBC). Most Dr.'s won't want to perform all these tests at once due to the cost but insist on them. With blood test results in hand, the dermatoligst will have a major head start on figuring out what is going on. Don't put anything harsh on your hair or scalp right now including extensions, rubber bands or a wig. For best results, you MUST find a dermatolosit who specializes in hair loss. Most dermatologists really don't know that much about hair loss and pretty much test things out while trying to figure out your problem. If there is a medical school in your area, they can assist you in finding someone. If not, call Dr. Vera Price at UC San Francisco who is the BEST IN THE WORLD and ask for a referral (415) 476-9350. As we all know, hair grows slowly, so don't even think of seeing major improvement after damage for at least 4-6 months. Right now, forget about "the big payback" on your ex-stylist--she will get hers in due time if this was her fault-concentrate on doing something about your scalp and hair. Good luck and stay strong. Reporting her to the State Board of Cosmetology is a start but you may get little consolation. As another cosmetologist will review the case and they rarely find fault. There will be light at the end of the tunnel.
diamondlady said:

The phone number is a cell phone not the salon number.

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Girl, I thought you called the salon and she wouldn't tell you where it was! Cell phone #s are traceable, but not on the 'net as far as I know... A friend of mine paid someone to track down a deadbeat dad when all she had was a cell phone #.
diamondlady said:
I got a retouch in December, she told me to put Motions CPR on the next time I washed. I did as she told me but my hair was already shedding and breaking. After about 3 weeks, I tried Nexxus emergencee and used lots of moisturizers. It kept breaking and shedding, then a few of weeks later I pulled the big guns and put Aphogee treatment, again with lots of moisturizers. The breakage stopped a little but the shedding continued. I put in the braids cause I was really getting depressing. I took the braids out this weekend, and yes I expected more hair to come out due to the fact the hair that would have shed while the braids were up would be trapped.

A tremendous amount of hair is falling out all over the place. It's so depressing. Everything that I've worked for (on my hair) in the last 19 months is rapidly going down the drain. Just 3 weeks ago, it still looked full and thick, but now the back looks thin and chewed up.

I can go to my regular doctor, immediately but I don't feel she would really know what to do. She would probably just tell me to get some Rogaine or something like that. I wanted to go to my Black doctor who specializes in skin, hair and nails and him, I know and trust.

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I'm sorry this is happening to you and I know you want to go to a Black doctor, but you should try to find ANY doctor that could possibly help you sooner then 3 weeks. Have you tried looking up a Trichologist?
No SassyGirl,

I called the old salon and they gave me her new cell number. I called her and asked her about my hair and the shedding and she said it was my fault because I needed a relaxer. When I explained to her that it had been shedding since the last relaxer. She said "yall don't come in like you should and then when you have problems, you think it's our fault. See, you need to come everyweek". I asked her where the new salon was. She said "Well, it's not fixed up yet". I give you a call back with the address and everything and let you know when we get it going".

I don't have to tell you I haven't received a call. She no longer answers the cell. But like everyone has been saying, Forget her. I just want to keep my hair now. That is my biggest concern.

Motions CPR was my hair problem culprit. In about 2000 or 2001, I found the Black Hair Care Super Grow Out Board. Everyone raved about Motions CPR. I bought some and put it on my hair. About two weeks later, my hair was coming out and it was scary because the hair felt like straw. Later, I discovered that Motions CPR is a strong protein conditioner that needs to be followed by a heavy moisturizer.

Needless to say, I threw out the Motions CPR and started using Howse's conditioner (see the recipe board) to rebuild the hair. The hair recovered.

If you have used Motions CPR, you need a moisturizer to rebuild. I again recommend the Emu Oil. In the alternative, go to the other beautician as suggested and get a treatment from a beautician. I bet your problem though is the Motions CPR followed by the braids.
I tried looking up a Trichologist on the net but the information on that was nil. There was nothing in my area and mostly there was all this about getting jobs and education for the job and little about finding one.


I knew you would try to help, but right now I just want to keep the little hair I have. Like the ladies, FORGET HER.
sassygirl125 said:

I don't have any suggestions. I'm just sorry this happened to you.
How long had you been going to her? It's odd that she would just disappear and not tell you where she was going. Stylists are normally too greedy for that... And never let anyone who seems jealous of you put their hands in your hair again!
I think she knows something went wrong and she is avoiding you. If your derm tells you it was chemical damage, you should go after her.
With an attorney--not a butcher knife.

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diamondlady said:
No SassyGirl,

I called the old salon and they gave me her new cell number. I called her and asked her about my hair and the shedding and she said it was my fault because I needed a relaxer. When I explained to her that it had been shedding since the last relaxer. She said "yall don't come in like you should and then when you have problems, you think it's our fault. See, you need to come everyweek". I asked her where the new salon was. She said "Well, it's not fixed up yet". I give you a call back with the address and everything and let you know when we get it going".

I don't have to tell you I haven't received a call. She no longer answers the cell. But like everyone has been saying, Forget her. I just want to keep my hair now. That is my biggest concern.

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I hope you and your derm can find out what's the culprit. It seems odd that the lady is ducking and dodging you. I am wondering if she skipped using a neutralizing shampoo. If you do find out if the stylist was the cause of the hair loss I would seek legal advice to find out if its worth your time suing her. She should not be allowed to keep her license if she is destroying people's hair.
She no longer answers the cell. But like everyone has been saying, Forget her. I just want to keep my hair now. That is my biggest concern.

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ITA. The health of your hair should be your #1 concern right now.
And worrying about the psycho stylist may even make the situation worse. I also agree with the poster who suggested going to any derm who is available ASAP.

But if your derm tells you something went wrong with the chemical application you should go after her. She can't get away with this. The one thing they should learn in school is how to properly apply chemicals.
Sorry I don't have any suggestions but it sounds like she didn't neutralize you properly? I know it's been a while but an ACV rinse shouldn't hurt and may help by normalizing the ph in your hair.

I hope you get in to see the derm. Maybe you can take a day and just go and wait at his office. People cancel and don't show up for appointments all the time you may be able to get in. Shoot sit there and cry, it's possible a generous sista with a less pressing issue will understand your predicament and give you her appointment.

Lastly, when your hair is in recovery: I'm not sure about TX but in CA sylists have to be licensed. Go to the licensing dept. in your state (call or look them up on the web) and simply verify her license. They will give you her address, possibly her phone number, it's public record! And since she's in transition that address will likely be her home address. Then me and Supergirl will pay her a lil' visit.
Seriously though, document everything that's happening and pursue her in a court of law.
I wouldn't be worried about the stylist at all right now because this happened in December and, in court, you need a such thing as direct causal evidence and it is now March. Thus, you need to just worry about getting your hair right and finding another beautician.
Bettie said:
I bet your problem though is the Motions CPR followed by the braids.

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DigitalRain said:
I am wondering if she skipped using a neutralizing shampoo.

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I'm betting it's all three.

Diamondlady, have you considered shampooing with a neutralizing shampoo then following with heavy duty moisturizers?

Sorry for all the hair drama you're going through. {{{hugs}}}