Crying all morning!!

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, Diamondlady....

The ladies have really given good tips...definitely document everything and make sure to report her to the Better Business Bureau even if you don't take any further action..
I am so sorry DiamondLady... Maybe I missed it in the thread, but what services did you go in for? Also, what is the breakage like? Is it breaking at a certain point or coming out from the scalp?

I would do Aphoghee for Damanged Hair treatments. Washing the hair first, then completely saturating it with Aphoghee (don't agitate it as it dries) and sit under the dryer until it's completely dry. Rinse thoroughly and follow-up with a super moisturizing conditioner...Aphoghee has one or I would suggest Nexxus Humectress. I actually use the Aphoghee one in addition to Dark & Lovely Cholesterol. After you've done this treatment, I would wash my hair at least once weekly and leave-in a moisturizing conditioner (not necessarily a leave-in) and wear a protective style.

Surge spray has also completely eliminated shedding in my hair as well.

This has worked for me when I've had exteme shedding or breakage. Of course like everything else on here, it's just a suggestion.

I sincerely hope everything works out for you!!!
@ DiamondLady

It does sound like she didnt neutralize your hair very well, or at all.

She also may have used a Super strength relaxer.

I went to a stylist once and had a super strength put on my head. Same story as yours, my hair was falling out took a while for it to recover...but it did recover.

Dont stress out, It sucks but it could be sooooo much worse. It happens to alot of women no matter how professional or unprofessional there stylist is (Happenned to Oprah, Aaliyah, Beyonce all of which were going to "uppity" stylists)

Just patiently wait. Rock some braids, massage your scalp, vitamins, exercise and a good workout routine will get you back on track within the next few MONTHS. So dont worry, hair grows back

Also, you might want to try texturizing your hair instead of relaxing it. Itll be easier on your scalp...and wait a while b4 your next chemical treatment.
Well, you could give me the cell (maybe she'll answer if she sees a different #) and I could call and pretend to make an appointment & then I'd have the address
Supergirl said:

If you need me to go with you to confront her, I WILL

seriously though, I will

[/ QUOTE ]

SUPERGIRL, your such a sweetheart! You should go, to remove DL's foot from that stylist a$$,once she finds her.

I tried the neutralizing shampoo, that was Tracy's idea and I tried it last night. It is so awful. I saw big globs of hair going down the drain as I rinsed. If I just run my hands down my hair (without pulling) I get a handful of hair.

There is a lot of drama around here. I've been crying, my husband has been trying to comfort me. Neither of us went to work today. We're working at home. Seems like a lot of drama for a little hair, when there are other problems that people have that are so much worse. Yet, I'm worried, hurt, depressed, totally upset. What is my next step? What doctor can I go to immediately that would know what they are talking about?


I'm not trying to think about my EX-stylist right now. Anger toward her is something that comes and goes but my hair is constantly going and that's my concern right now. What to do about that.
Just my 2cents! Whenever using a protient treatment - no matter what the strength, be sure to rinse the product from the hair for a full 5 minuets.
Supergirl said:
Well, you could give me the cell (maybe she'll answer if she sees a different #) and I could call and pretend to make an appointment & then I'd have the address

[/ QUOTE ]

Nowwwwww, you're talkin'! Great idea

DL - I don't have any advice either, but I just wanted to show a little support
I'm so sorry this happened to you. The ladies have given you great advice - especially about going to the emergency room asap & the emu oil. Please keep us updated.
you need to see a doc NOW. call your primary care physian and either ask to see him/her immediately or ask them to refer you directly to a dermatologist. some pcp's want to see you before referring you.
I am very sorry to hear what happened to you.I can just imagine what it feels like to have years of work going down the drain after 1 bad stylist
Your hair will grow back with time.Speed up the process through exercise,scalp massage and eating right(maybe even try drinking (young)coconut water daily if you can find it;I know my mom's hair grows almost 2 inches a month from drinking coconut water)
Have you ever thought of relaxing your hair yourself?
Im so sorry your going through this...i have been there (more than once)

about two or so years ago my hair starting coming out in clumps, and i too blamed my hairdresser and called him and interogated him as to what he might have done different or used. how fast it was coming out i too was about to go bald and i knew hair dresser didnt claim to have done anything different. well , it turned out i had an illness that was causing it. if you dont have a good vitamin regmin i say get one and get one now. that is the only thing that finally stopped my thinning hair , not before i lost half of of the thickness though.

btw someone suggested that CPR might be the culprit, i dont agree with that , i have done overnight and even more than one day treatments with CPR for years and never had a problem..and if the problem was protein build up , the hair would be hard and tangled, not just falling out at the touch (that i know of)

go see a doctor sweetie , as soon as you can, in the meantime if you believe in prayer , PRAY! and take a good vitamin regimin

i immediately took
a multi
b complex 100
1000 to 2000 vitamin c
400mg vitamin e
magnesium 400mg/calcium 1000mg
and a comprehensive protien supplement (very important)
flax seed oil
these stopped my fall out all together
if it is due to chemical damage all you can do is give it time and in the meantime to the vitamins to keep it growing back in strong. hugsss i know the tears i shed and how hard it was to see clump and globs of hair coming out...this too shall pass
I'd try Neutrogena Triple Moisture shampoo, masque, leave-ins, Surge, and melt some shea butter add oils and let your hair rest.
Get your hair under control and when you change your mind and are ready to deal with this woman, the following website can assist you. Good luck!
:cry2: Sorry for u hair lose, I think all the women have given some good advice, deal with your hair now, take photos, even if it hurts, take them now, and photos of how much hair u lost, have that as evidents, and focus on your hair and getting it heathly and stop it from falling out, put take photos now, if u plan to take action
All the advice these ladies have given you seem great. I'll be praying for you, and always try and remember that things can be a whole lot worse. The best of luck!
It starts with positve cognition, be wise enough to understand that you cant change the past but you can make a a lot of difference in your future. The stress of worrying about what has been will contribute to further hair loss. Something similair had happened to me and as soon as I saw it as an opporunity to do better, to have better hair than I did before, I felt better about myself and my situation. Don't get me wrong, it can be very hard. Your husband seems very supportive, my partner is very similar, be greatful for him as there are alot of individuals who would wonder what all the fuss is about. Treat it as a learning experience, I don't mean to sound patronising, just supportive and positive, god bless.
btw someone suggested that CPR might be the culprit, i dont agree with that , i have done overnight and even more than one day treatments with CPR for years and never had a problem..and if the problem was protein build up , the hair would be hard and tangled, not just falling out at the touch (that i know of)
I said this and many others have had problems with Motions CPR but each person's hair is different and we should acknowlege that.
Ok first of all it is hard but you have to mentally take control and stay calm.
I have had this before and it was a telegen effluvium from hormones. Sbaker wrote about this. It just started out of the blue one day.
My hair was literally falling out esp when I washed and combed it. My hair also felt dead.
I rushed to the dr panicking but they dont do anything cos they dont hair loss seriously. "Are you stressed? blah blah"
Nixoin shampoo and conditioner really helps cos it washes the testorone of your scalp but I got tired of using it. I even bought rogaine but got tired of that too.
My hair eventually stopped after 3 months of coming out and I didnt notice any difference in the thickness.
I basically went online and found out all I could there is alot of info available.
I washed my hair every other day combed it when necessary and just wore it slicked back in a ponytail.

I wont lie it was a NIGHTMARE but once I took control and stopped stressing it was so much easier. Then one day it just stopped coming out and my hair was back to normal.

You are not going to end up bald !!! Stay positive !!
Thanks to all for the concern, support and advice. I called my doctor and made an appointment. I'm still crying.

I have thyroid problems and I've had those for over 9 years and I was dignosed 9 years ago. I have never had hair problems because of the thyroid problems, I mention that because I have to have regular blood tests to make sure that my levels are ok. I don't have any disease or medications that may have caused this. I take supplements regularly, exercise, drink water.

I have been at this hair growing thing for a year and a half. It's been very important to me and that's why I'm so upset.
I am sorry to hear that this is happening to you. Nioxin products will definitely stop the hairs from falling out. It's not breakage right? Nixoin actually stops hairs from falling out and you will notice a difference after a couple of uses. If you do get it make sure that you get the line for chemically treated hair. If you have a Wal-Mart salon near you, you can always return that products if you don't like them. I wish you well and will pray for you.
I feel your pain Diamondlady and I'm sorry this has happened to you.

I went through a period of great hair loss (not from a salon though) that started out of the blue and I couldn't figure it out. I was losing thickness and length quickly and I cried too. I believe in the power of prayer and I prayed day and night for an answer. I was led to a great doctor who immediately suspected anemia and did a blood test right away. I learned I had a severe case of anemia - my red blood cell count was dangerously low. After taking iron supplements my hair loss stopped within a day or so and this hasn't happened again. I must always take iron supplements as well as eat food high in iron.

If you haven't already, you may want to pray for guidance and to be quickly led to the right doctor or person who can help you right away.
I had this happen to me twice with two different stylist and my sister had it happen to her. Each time, a stylist was giving us a relaxer retouch and used the "super" strength instead of the "regular". My hair didn't start to fall out that day but it did after a couple of weeks. My last stylist tried to force me to wear fingerwaves in order to cover up the damage she caused. Of course they never admitted to it but it was pretty obvious.
DiamondLady I truly understand you frustration and pain. I think 85% or more of us have been thru this type of situation and that is what led us to this type of forum. I have lost hair to the point of severe depression, but I made a comeback. I will continue to add you in my prayers because I know what you are feeling. The ladies here have given so many great ideas on how to handle your problem the only thing that I would say at this point is don't manipulate the hair too much because I have noticed the more I comb and run my fingers through my hair the more comes out. Maybe wear a protective style until your appointment? I've been there - it's going to be OK.
I'm really sorry this is happening to you and I hope that it will not be as bad as you think. I also hope that some of the advice the other ladies have offered will be of help.
I'm so sorry. If you can't find her, you can surely report this to your local news source. In Washington DC, one of our local stations consistenly encourage citizens to call when terrible situations are affecting them. Once you report it, it is likely that they will feature your story on the news. I don't know if they will place the blame on your stylist but they will surely make the general issue known. I'm sure hair industry professionals will pass the word along (about the featured story) and it will get back to her. At that time, if there was ill will on her part, she'll let her nerves get the best of her. Sometimes, a person's guilty conscious, etc., will stress them out. And as we all know, stress can have devastating effects on people. Regarding the stylist....karma is real.

Your hair will strengthen and begin to grow back. You may want to give Aveda's "Curessence" shampoo and conditoner a chance. Also, use Aphogee's "Treatment for Damaged Hair". Make sure you take your choice of vitamins as well.

Diamond, I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
For my part I suffered breakage (and still am) from an overlapped relaxer at the hands of a "professional". If not for this setback I would probably be at bra-strap by fall.
I finally learned how to relax my hair and hope never to have to take my chances with a stylist again. I cut about 1.5 inches off and will probably have to cut about 2 more inches next time I wash to stop the breakage. It was VERY depressing because I had been working at this for about a year, and after thinking that I'd NEVER have long hair it was finally in sight, and then BAM! Months of hard work down the drain.
I have hope now because I can do my own hair.
All I'm trying to say is, hang in there, it WILL grow back.
And post the name of the stylist on the Salon Review board so that no other LHCF-ers make the mistake of going there.
I am so sorry about what has happened to you. Ihave been in your situation and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I will keep you in my prayers. I think you have gotten excellent advice from the ladies here at LHCF so I will only add that you should rember to pray. Try to remember that this too shall pass! I had to remind myself that my hair would grow back. And it did. Keep telling yourself that.

Keep trying to get to the dermatologist and don't let them put you off!