Crying all morning!!

diamond lady im soooooooooo soory this happened to you but try not to fret as the stress will make it worse. try washing your hair every 4 days with a moisturizing shampoo like humectress followed by a deep conditioning treatment.
hope everything works out
stay blessed.
Keep us posted on what is happening with your hair. I just started using Aubrey Organics GPB...and man does it work wonders. It helped Boadicea out when she was having a problem after her relaxer. Perhaps you could try that?! Sorry that this is happening to you now. My mother is experiencing a huge amount of hair loss. It took her a while..but it is getting back on track. The same will happen to you!
diamondlady said:
I saw big globs of hair going down the drain as I rinsed. If I just run my hands down my hair (without pulling) I get a handful of hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

DL, I've been in the same situation (years ago, in my hair experimentation days...
) so I know exactly what you're going through. There's nothing more scary that watching all your hair go down the drain while you're washing it... It's just awful. It definitely sounds to me as though your hair was badly overprocessed. Your stylist probably either left the relaxer in too long, or used a formula that was too strong for your hair.

You should take some close-up pictures of your hair. Can you see sections of your hair where the hair is short and broken off?? If so, make sure you take good pictures of that. Then, if you do decide to pursue legal action against your stylist, you will have documentation. Hopefully you also have pics of your hair in it's previous healthy state.

Good luck and let us know what the dermatologist says!!
DiamondLady, I am so sorry this is happening to you. I truly hope everything works out and your hair recovers.
Diamond lady? are you having a vitamin deficiency? Are you taking any supplements? What dosage are you taking? Hold off on those for a while. Have u tried the MSM on your scalp?

I'll see if I can find a suggestion that will help between now and your doctor's visit.
Thanks again to everyone for your support, especially those who took the time to PM.

Update- I went to the doctor today and she took blood. The results will be in tomorrow. She thought it could be my thyroid, but I don't think so. She didn't even know what a relaxer was, but I thought I would make sure there is not a physical reason for my hair loss before I go to the dermotologist.

Then I called my dermatologist and cried some more and got my appointment moved up to March 19. Until then, I'll try not to manipulate my hair too much. Keep it in light catch-up buns and pray, pray, pray.

Again, thank each and everyone of you. God bless my support system.
DL I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience.

I'm just at a loss. I wish I were there to really SEE your hair...

I think you're doing the right thing though by checking out all the possible medical reasons and leaving your hair alone.

I'm so sorry. I really thought the neutralizer would help - but it must have been to late.

(Sigh) I am so sorry that this happened. Just stay positive - your hair will grow back. I will keep you in my prayers. (I am being watched for thyroid too, so I know how you feel)

I don't know what type of hair you used for your braids but if they were synthetic I can tell you that you just put MORE chemicals on top of damaged hair. Also, why did you put braids into your fragile damaged hair? I don't know how long they were but if they were long that is extra weight onto damaged locks and follicles. Now if the stylist saw that damage she should have been professional enough to know better and worked to get your hair back in a good enough condition before putting any additonal chemicals in your hair. I cannot believe that someone would purposely damage your hair. I DO believe that she saw the damage after your chemcial and was too scared to tell you what happened.
I'm sorry this happened to you Diamond! I'll be praying for your speedy recovery and that God will give you wisdom on how to handle this situation.
diamondlady said:
Thanks again to everyone for your support, especially those who took the time to PM.

Update- I went to the doctor today and she took blood. The results will be in tomorrow. She thought it could be my thyroid, but I don't think so. She didn't even know what a relaxer was, but I thought I would make sure there is not a physical reason for my hair loss before I go to the dermotologist.

Then I called my dermatologist and cried some more and got my appointment moved up to March 19. Until then, I'll try not to manipulate my hair too much. Keep it in light catch-up buns and pray, pray, pray.

Again, thank each and everyone of you. God bless my support system.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH MY!!! I just read the thread and I am so sorry to hear this. If that lady purposely damaged your hair I would be mad
. She better watch out as well because karma is a b$@$@ and she will get hers. But in the meantime remain calm. I dont think being stressed out will help your hair even though its hard to be calm when your hair is coming out in clumps. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Man it makes me so mad that people can do nonesense like that. I hope the advice from the ladies here can help you on your road back and I hope that the dermatologist and the doctor can come up with some answers for you. God bless you all.
I want to offer my support to you and your husband. I'm kinda going through some hair breakage/shedding issues myself, so I know what you're going through. My husband feels my pain and would do anything to help me. I was watching my hair go down the shower too, and when I used my wide tooth comb to detangle -clumps of hair was coming out. I also had little knot balls of hair that I was cutting out everyday and night. At the rate I was losing hair, I thought I'd be bald within a month. Then I read my Cathy Howse book, again, and found out what my problem was. I hadn't been deep heat conditioning my hair with protein in months. Two weeks ago I started doing the deep heat conditioning twice a week and I am seeing some improvements. There is still breakage and shedding, however, not as drastically as before. You might want to deep condition your hair under the hair dryer for 30 minutes - twice a week to get your hair strong again. Please keep us posted on your progress. I hope you take comfort in knowing that we are here for you 24/7.
diamondlady said:
I got a retouch in December, she told me to put Motions CPR on the next time I washed. I did as she told me but my hair was already shedding and breaking.

That really burns me up! I'd like to know how long you were going to her? Was your hair shedding before the touch-up? Maybe she didn't use a neutralizer shampoo when she washed it or she left it in too long or didn't wash it out good. I would definitely track that chick down!
If you can't find the Update thread, most of it is below:

I've been MIA on the board because I get depressed thinking about my hair. Well, 2 doctors and 2 weeks later, still shedding, less crying.

I immediately went to my Primary Care Physician. She took blood tests. She didn't even look at my hair. I took the baggie full of hair and she acted as if she was afraid to touch it. She looked at it and smiled. She didn't know what a relaxer was and asked how often I needed to do this. She smiled a lot and said maybe it was my thyroid and told me to take some hair vitamins. I assured her that I took hair vitamins everyday.

She called me the next day and told me my thyroid medicine was too strong and that it could possibly be the reason for the hair loss.

Today, I went to the Black doctor who spealizes in skin, hair and nails. He looked at my scalp, pulled hair from my head, checked the strength of my hair strands, looked at the hair I brought in the baggie, asked many questions. He said he could not discount the thyroid problems but told me my hair was definitely chemically damaged.
He gave me a prescription for an oinment to use on my scalp each day, some shampoo to use once a week and he gave me some hair vitamins.

I told him about the vitamins I took: UltraNourisHair, biotin, MSM, evening primrose, flaxseed oil, calcium, Centrium. He told me to stop the UltraNourisHair, in favor of the vitamin he gave me and continue with everything else.

I have another appointment in 4 weeks. He praised me for only relaxing 3-to-4 times a year.

I'll keep you updated, he said I should see a lot of progress in the next 4 week
Glad you're okay DL.
It is really nice to go to a Dr.(no matter the race) who is knowlegable about black hair care. I have a 70 year old white drem who knows about perms and recommends washing the hair twice a week as opposed to every day like most white drs I've been to.
I know I'm coming late to this discussion, but ((((hug)))) DiamondLady, I'm glad you've found a physician who can help. I went searching on (American Academy of Dermatology) to the Public Resources section, because Buffalo Soldier had mentioned telegen effluvium and I wanted to know what it was.

<ul type="square"> [*]Anyway, I found a section on women and hair loss that supports your initial reluctance to go to your primary care physician:

[*]<font color="brown">"Women usually pay pretty close attention to their hair and often notice signs of thinning or unusual patches of hair loss," said Dr. McMichael. "The problem is that if they talk about hair loss with one of their doctors who may not be quite as familiar with the early warning signs of hair loss as a dermatologist, they might be told that their hair loss is merely ‘hereditary thinning’ or ‘hormonal’ instead of really getting to the root of the problem."

[*]There are several different types of hair loss that women may experience, and treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. Typically, dermatologists diagnose hair disorders by a thorough history, exam, biopsy and categorization.</font>

[*]There's also support for thyroid problems causing dramatic hair loss:

[*]<font color="brown">Telogen effluvium, or resting hair loss, is marked by diffuse hair loss that is not concentrated in one particular area of the scalp. Usually, telogen effluvium occurs three-to-six months after a triggering event such as childbirth, major surgery, crash diets, thyroid disease, a severe infection or high fever. In addition, hair loss can accompany flares of autoimmune diseases including lupus, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.</font> [/list]

If you have time, surf around that site and check out the info.

<font color="brown"> <ul type="square"> [*]Today, there are more ways to treat hair loss than ever before. Oral medications, topical creams, injections of corticosteroids, hair transplants, scalp reductions, skin flaps and behavior modifications are all successful methods to treating common forms of hair loss.

[*]"As with almost any type of medical condition, hair loss can respond well to treatment if it is caught early enough," said Dr. McMichael. "The key is paying close attention to any changes in the hair’s appearance or texture and seeing a dermatologist for a correct diagnosis."</font> [/list]

For what it's worth, (((((DiamondLady))))) I hope this helps.
Thanks for your concern. I'm always amazed at the ladies on the forum, because they are always so sweet and thoughtful. --AND THEY SAY BLACK WOMEN CAN'T GET ALONG.

Michelle &amp; Melodee,
Thanks to the both of you, also for your kind words, concern and support.

The doctor wanted me to use a hair vitamin not sold over the counter and one he recommended. He said the one I used was probably okay but he would prefer I used the one he prescribed.

Thanks for the information. That was so nice of you. I'm not ready to believe it's the thyriod disease. Like I've said, I had it for over 9 years with no adverse effects on my hair. The dermatologist said my hair was chemcially damaged. My hair is coming out in certain spots. All my kitchen is gone, the sides of the crown is coming out. It seems if it was the disease it would come out all over.
Thanks for your concern. I'm always amazed at the ladies on the forum, because they are always so sweet and thoughtful. --AND THEY SAY BLACK WOMEN CAN'T GET ALONG.

Michelle &amp; Melodee,
Thanks to the both of you, also for your kind words, concern and support.

The doctor wanted me to use a hair vitamin not sold over the counter and one he recommended. He said the one I used was probably okay but he would prefer I used the one he prescribed.

Thanks for the information. That was so nice of you. I'm not ready to believe it's the thyriod disease. Like I've said, I had it for over 9 years with no adverse effects on my hair. The dermatologist said my hair was chemcially damaged. My hair is coming out in certain spots. All my kitchen is gone, the sides of the crown is coming out. It seems if it was the disease it would come out all over.

Hi diamondlady, I am new to LHCF. Just read your thread. How is your hair doing now I hope it is a lot better??

Regards Michelle