Critic of LHCF


New Member
I was looking at Cathy Howse's new reviews on Amazon and found this (actually it was what led me to LHCF in May):

Customer Review

6 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
Useful Book, April 26, 2007
By Veronica Beaverhousen
I have read this book a couple times and it can be used for a reference if you should have any questions. Look, it is a quick read. Cathy is just a consumer who got smart and educated about learning about what makes our black hair grow. Sure it's common sense-eat right, sleep right, excerise, drink water, and so on so forth. Things you should be doing anyway.
Please by all means DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!! Back to Cathy - she isn't going for a Pulitzer in literature here so do let the bad grammar if any surprise you.
This book help me so much about why my hair was so dry and itchy all the time. I wasn't moisturizing my hair at all. Well Duh! Now I dont have to be under dermatologist care or cost to deal with dryness and itch. I highly recommend this book. Hey if cost a factor, you can check it out at the public library like I did................

After becoming a member, I discovered it was patently false. I did notice that some LHCF members responded to her. I wonder why someone would post it, especially since Howse has no affliation with LHCF. Interesting...
There was another thread about this some where back... That's petty neat, this comment actually lead you to us!?
Thanks poohbear, I figured there would have be a thread on it...I was too lazy to search.

Yeah, it is cool that ironically it added more members to the forum.
OOH!!! My ears are red:brucelee:and I am "38"!! Who was the stoopid **** that wrote that B.S.?!! my "lacefront" that obvious?:lachen:
OOH!!! My ears are red:brucelee:and I am "38"!! Who was the stoopid **** that wrote that B.S.?!! my "lacefront" that obvious?:lachen:

Calm down there girl.... look at it this way, we don't have to worry about Negative Nellie being on this board and working on our nerves!:grin:
Well... on the plus side my purty LHCF is still a secret, *pats her teeny weeny afro lacefront* :sekret::spinning:
She probably was a member here who didn't pay her pay/renew her subscription or got ran off because of her negativity. Sounds like to me she might have gotten a bad rep here and got banned, so her revenge was to make LHCF out to be a bad place. She was probably a scruffy ol' chicken head with stringy and thin edges, razor sharp and dry ends, and no growth. In any event, no matter what bad experience she may had here, she shouldn't have taken it out on LHCF. That was just wrong. The nerve of some people. I've had nothing but wonderful experiences since I've been a member of this board, and I won't let anyone tell me different.

BTW: if the critic of LHCF is reading this, I don't have any lacefronts, weaves, or whatever it is you want to call fake hair. Everything on top of my head is 100% genunine and all mine babes!! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
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She probably was a member here who didn't pay her pay/renew her subscription or got ran off because of her negativity. Sounds like to me she might have gotten a bad rep here and got banned, so her revenge was to make LHCF out to be a bad place. She was probably a scruffy ol' chicken head with stringy and thin edges, razor sharp and dry ends, and no growth. In any event, no matter what bad experience she may had here, she shouldn't have taken it out on LHCF. That was just wrong. The nerve of some people. I've had nothing but wonderful experiences since I've been a member of this board, and I won't let anyone tell me different.

BTW: if the critic of LHCF is reading this, I don't have any lacefronts, weaves, or whatever it is you want to call fake hair. Everything on top of my head is 100% genunine and all mine babes!! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!

Dang Miss_Cherokee, (rubbing your back in a circular motion) are u ok? do you need a drink of water?:lachen::lachen::lachen:
:lachen:Check out my mood........I'm just a little grouchy this morning....I vent every now and then.......:grin:

I understand! Like who in the hell is going to be walking around with a heavy ass lace front, with make-up packed around to blend into your forhead. I dont care you can spot a lace front a mile away, even Beyonce and Tyra have trouble hiding theirs!
Funny. I ordered Cathy Howse's book and products......and kept looking for help. I found LHCF, and my hair is thriving, and I personally can't WAIT until my weave grows to WL...ooops! :sekret: Did I say "weave", I hair....hmm. :lachen::lachen:
It seems counterintuitive that Cathy Howse would bash LHCF when she is spoken of highly here. I had never heard of her before LHCF. I guess some people feel they must be the only pebble on the beach.:nono:
I think it's funny how despite many pics and fotki's of the ladies hair on here that it's still assumed that their hair is fake, yet, this same person will blindly take Howse's word for it that it's her real hair...
This chick should have been at my house last night to help me wash and detangle my hair, she would have changed her jaded tune, hummph!

I was looking at Cathy Howse's new reviews on Amazon and found this (actually it was what led me to LHCF in May):

Customer Review

6 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
Useful Book, April 26, 2007
By Veronica Beaverhousen
I have read this book a couple times and it can be used for a reference if you should have any questions. Look, it is a quick read. Cathy is just a consumer who got smart and educated about learning about what makes our black hair grow. Sure it's common sense-eat right, sleep right, excerise, drink water, and so on so forth. Things you should be doing anyway.
Please by all means DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!! Back to Cathy - she isn't going for a Pulitzer in literature here so do let the bad grammar if any surprise you.
This book help me so much about why my hair was so dry and itchy all the time. I wasn't moisturizing my hair at all. Well Duh! Now I dont have to be under dermatologist care or cost to deal with dryness and itch. I highly recommend this book. Hey if cost a factor, you can check it out at the public library like I did................

After becoming a member, I discovered it was patently false. I did notice that some LHCF members responded to her. I wonder why someone would post it, especially since Howse has no affliation with LHCF. Interesting...

I'm thinking she could be one of two people: a member on here who doesn't want anyone coming to this site or someone who works for Cathy.:lachen:
I think it's funny how despite many pics and fotki's of the ladies hair on here that it's still assumed that their hair is fake, yet, this same person will blindly take Howse's word for it that it's her real hair...

I didn't even think about that.....great point! Someone else it could be is a member of nappurality or bhm!:lachen:
And who is Veronica Beaverhousen?:sleep8:

She obviously watches Will and Grace. Karen calls herself Anastasia Beaverhousen when she is in a bar and doesn't want anyone to know who she is. So I guess this chick scared and don't want nobody to know who she is also. And if she is reading this right now, I think she a punk A$% Tinky winky. I wonder how jacked her hair is.
I was looking at Cathy Howse's new reviews on Amazon and found this (actually it was what led me to LHCF in May):

Customer Review

6 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
Useful Book, April 26, 2007
By Veronica Beaverhousen
I have read this book a couple times and it can be used for a reference if you should have any questions. Look, it is a quick read. Cathy is just a consumer who got smart and educated about learning about what makes our black hair grow. Sure it's common sense-eat right, sleep right, excerise, drink water, and so on so forth. Things you should be doing anyway.
Please by all means DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!! Back to Cathy - she isn't going for a Pulitzer in literature here so do let the bad grammar if any surprise you.
This book help me so much about why my hair was so dry and itchy all the time. I wasn't moisturizing my hair at all. Well Duh! Now I dont have to be under dermatologist care or cost to deal with dryness and itch. I highly recommend this book. Hey if cost a factor, you can check it out at the public library like I did................

After becoming a member, I discovered it was patently false. I did notice that some LHCF members responded to her. I wonder why someone would post it, especially since Howse has no affliation with LHCF. Interesting...

Wow this is the exact same review that lead me here too only a month a and half ago! lol I found it also to be totally false. But thanks to her review I found this place!:grin:
My first hair purchase on my journey was her book

and I was so tired of hearing about dew I never looked in it again LOL

I still have it though if someone wants it!!
Funny. I ordered Cathy Howse's book and products......and kept looking for help. I found LHCF, and my hair is thriving, and I personally can't WAIT until my weave grows to WL...ooops! :sekret: Did I say "weave", I hair....hmm. :lachen::lachen:
funny, this is how I got involved. I was trying to find the real people that joine Cathy Howse website and still looking for more info and someone showed me where to go and I been here since and my hair is longer then it has ever been in my life. But if I read that article or her statement I would still had come in here just to see what its all about. usually thats the case isn't it. You tell someone something negative and they all want to go and "see" for themselves so she sent us hundreds of new people. that could be good or bad don't know. :look:. but I am a lifer.
Wow...that's funny. I actually was lead here after researching Cathy Howse's website and her reviews on I actually was stalking a certain member who provided a testimonial, which led to her fotki, which lead here so that I could get her password. :lachen::lachen:Then, I've been hooked here ever since.