Suerte said: is sad...and pisses me off.

I *know* that my hair has grown and is much healthier thanks to tips I've seen on this site...and I *KNOW* Boundless Tresses will help me achieve my hair goals within the next two years. And when I talk about the Bible, I'm not fussing, just stating my non-Christian viewpoint on things.

I think we all know what real hair looks like...especially when you watch someone grow it out their scalp for years.

That's bull-ishh.

Probably some bald headed ashy scalped thirsty hair follicle having backsliding chick who is too afraid to show up at her own church cuz she can't find enough crazy glue to glue a hat down to her crazy head.

:lachen: Stop it stop it!:lachen:
oh no she didn't.....................That heffer (sorry). She is proably still walking around with dry, short, brittle hair...And still hating on black women with long hair.
nycutiepie said:
I'm sorry ladies but I couldn't help myself...........I know it's a cheap shot but the "Bible" reference made me do it. I left the following as a response comment:

Veronica Beaverwhateva........WTF do you mean by this and why are you addressing it in a book review:

"DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!!"

Sounds like you're a Hair HATA and probably pissed due to any the following:
A)you're obviously too ignorant to take the time to educate yourself on the dynamics of AA haircare irrespective of where the info can be found
B) you're bald and not by choice
C) just plain ignorant
D) all of the above

I do believe in free speech but listen up Beaver and listen up real good.......please refrain from making such disparaging remarks about LHCF because PLEASE BELIEVE the hair is REAL on the site. Let me repeat that.......the hair is REAL and when it's not, it's clearly and openly stated. I rest my case.

Y'all are killin' me!!!!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
HoneyDew said:
I dunno. I really want to give her more credit than that. She can be kinda cold and harsh in her writings, but as a mom and business woman, I would hope that this sista just would not go there for her own "benefit". She did bash a few other writers in her book - okay maybe not bash, but she put them out there. But, even then she was not disrespectful, I don't think.

I was thinking this too. She put a lot of folks on blast in her book and told how she felt about their strategies and what not. I don't think she would post her opinion about LHCF on Amazon and not on her own site. Wait a minute.... off to check UBH site...
texasqt said:
I was thinking this too. She put a lot of folks on blast in her book and told how she felt about their strategies and what not. I don't think she would post her opinion about LHCF on Amazon and not on her own site. Wait a minute.... off to check UBH site...

I was reading her book and rolling my eyes and hissing at the pages because I can feel the arrogant attitute jumping off of the pages of the book and yes please go to her site and read her question and answer forum, she snaps on ppl who asks her questions in regards to growing her hair I was rolling reading her answers, she's a mess:lol:
mermaid said:
Okay, I didn't read all the pages of replies..
WHO outed Creole, lol????
Every time something comes up, it always goes back to her. For her not to be liked people sure do bring her up. Trust if it was her she would have no problem putting her real name or her common screename out there. Plus her stuff is written a whole lot better than that. It's not like she can get banned again. For the 1000th time she is not thinking about this board. I know some people come back after they get banned but trust she is not one of them. Let it go!!! SMH I just think it was either to bring publicity or another bitter, banned member or someone who never felt like they "fit in". Q
Now that is just sad. I KNOW my hair is real. Its near BSL and it's been below mid back before. All my life I've had very long hair. Don't need a weave.

And I have a host of other beautiful black women who has very long hair also.

Sounds like a silly kid with nathan else to do but be jealous ! Hphm ! (folding my arms)
BlkOnyx488 said:
I bet her nasty attitude made her hair fall out!:lol:

Well I have been her for a little over a month, and the fact that my hair grew 1 inch in like 3 weeks makes me wanna shout, cuz it never did that before
thanks LHCF:grin:

Your hair grew an inch in 3 wks ? what the h-ll you do ?
queeny20 said:
Every time something comes up, it always goes back to her. For her not to be liked people sure do bring her up. Trust if it was her she would have no problem putting her real name or her common screename out there. Plus her stuff is written a whole lot better than that. It's not like she can get banned again. For the 1000th time she is not thinking about this board. I know some people come back after they get banned but trust she is not one of them. Let it go!!! SMH I just think it was either to bring publicity or another bitter, banned member or someone who never felt like they "fit in". Q

I can think of a couple of posters like this. Actually, when I saw it I thought of someone in particular who was likable, but had strange posts and seems to be MIA.
ThursdayGirl said:
I can think of a couple of posters like this. Actually, when I saw it I thought of someone in particular who was likable, but had strange posts and seems to be MIA.
Me too, lol. But it is not who people seem to think. She is straightforward with her stuff. People may not like her but, she is bold and won't hide behind some fake name. Q
queeny20 said:
Every time something comes up, it always goes back to her. For her not to be liked people sure do bring her up. Trust if it was her she would have no problem putting her real name or her common screename out there. Plus her stuff is written a whole lot better than that. It's not like she can get banned again. For the 1000th time she is not thinking about this board. I know some people come back after they get banned but trust she is not one of them. Let it go!!! SMH I just think it was either to bring publicity or another bitter, banned member or someone who never felt like they "fit in". Q
Heyyyyy, I didn't say it was her, I asked who DID say it was her.
mermaid said:
Heyyyyy, I didn't say it was her, I asked who DID say it was her.
Girl I know you didn't say it, lol. I was just responding because I know she was mentioned already. Sorry I didn't mean to come off as going after you. I quoted you because I was just agreeing that her name was brought up once again. How are those cute little twin grandbabies? Q
tsmith said:
I was reading her book and rolling my eyes and hissing at the pages because I can feel the arrogant attitute jumping off of the pages of the book and yes please go to her site and read her question and answer forum, she snaps on ppl who asks her questions in regards to growing her hair I was rolling reading her answers, she's a mess:lol:

I agree with you. I think that is why I was not interested in her new book. I just really like Carolyn Gray's attitude much better. She even mentions in her book that she was getting some drama from a hair board because people said she needed a trim. She seems as if she was like :look: "Do I" and went to check herself. It's like she wanted to take the advice of the board instead of being arrogant. That is just one example of several where she just seems to be more of a down to Earth person.
nycutiepie said:
I'm sorry ladies but I couldn't help myself...........I know it's a cheap shot but the "Bible" reference made me do it. I left the following as a response comment:

Veronica Beaverwhateva........WTF do you mean by this and why are you addressing it in a book review:

"DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!!"

Sounds like you're a Hair HATA and probably pissed due to any the following:
A)you're obviously too ignorant to take the time to educate yourself on the dynamics of AA haircare irrespective of where the info can be found
B) you're bald and not by choice
C) just plain ignorant
D) all of the above

I do believe in free speech but listen up Beaver and listen up real good.......please refrain from making such disparaging remarks about LHCF because PLEASE BELIEVE the hair is REAL on the site. Let me repeat that.......the hair is REAL and when it's not, it's clearly and openly stated. I rest my case.

Oh girl now that is funny. lol
I haven't been called out yet but I know I need to update my album. I got pictures on my camera that I never uploaded. I just looked at my fotki and I certainly see a big difference. Huge difference.
ya'll are too much man. it's ok, it really is. I mean I guess it's annoying but I really dont see it as something to get your panties in a bunch over. It's not like her comment will shut down the board.

I don't mean to sound dismissive, but I feel like I'm missing something that would cause me to be outraged.
daaang!!! somebody is bitter!!! :eek: :perplexed

that was totally unnecessary...:perplexed
Sistaslick said:
She is probably a loyal posting member... just trying to keep the Cathy Howse chicks off of LHCF so she can have it for herself. Too many people kept mentioning LHCF in their reviews so she had to distract folks so that she could continue read up over here in peace.:fan: I mean, what good is it to have everybody swangin'? It's only special when its just you... riiiiiiiight? :nuts:

and shoot, if my hair was weave, I should have kept my reciept and headed on back over there for a refund. This airdried monstrosity over here must be the .99cent swap meet packs or something:lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: ITA with the bolded
queeny20 said:
Me too, lol. But it is not who people seem to think. She is straightforward with her stuff. People may not like her but, she is bold and won't hide behind some fake name. Q

I didn't mean her... I meant someone else :) .
queeny20 said:
Girl I know you didn't say it, lol. I was just responding because I know she was mentioned already. Sorry I didn't mean to come off as going after you. I quoted you because I was just agreeing that her name was brought up once again. How are those cute little twin grandbabies? Q
Lol! Okay, I kinda figured that's what you meant, but I wanted to clarify- just in case!!
The babies are just that- CUTE!
As a lot of ya'll know (Especially those who have been following their "story" since before they were born:lol: ), they were preemies, born at 31 weeks, so although they are nearly 10 months old, their gestational age is only 7.5-8 months and so their milestones are that of babies in the 7-8 month range. Sooo, they started forward crawling a few weeks ago and we attempting to pull themselves up on the furniture, but couldn't get a good hold so only got to their knees.
My daughter said the other day that she walked in the girls room because they were waking from their naps and Zoey had pulled herself up in the crib and now they both are doing the walk around the coffee table thing, lol!
Oh yeah, they moved out of my house last month and into their own house, but I do still end up with some extended babysitting (like 3-4 days at a time).
LocksOfLuV said:
"I have read this book a couple times and it can be used for a reference if you should have any questions. Look, it is a quick read. Cathy is just a consumer who got smart and educated about learning about what makes our black hair grow. Sure it's common sense-eat right, sleep right, excerise, drink water, and so on so forth. Things you should be doing anyway.
Please by all means DO NOT go on it was a joke and a waste of time. Some if not most people on their are wearing weaves and lace front wigs, lying about how their hair grew so long in a matter of weeks, and how their hair will be growing down to their ankles by year's end, and fussing who said what about the Bible, pure craziness!!!! Back to Cathy - she isn't going for a Pulitzer in literature here so do let the bad grammar if any surprise you.
This book help me so much about why my hair was so dry and itchy all the time. I wasn't moisturizing my hair at all. Well Duh! Now I dont have to be under dermatologist care or cost to deal with dryness and itch. I highly recommend this book. Hey if cost a factor, you can check it out at the public library like I did................ "

OMG ROFL! :lachen: :lachen: People act like it's impossible for Black people to have wonderful hair growth :(
ella said:
I think something smells funny.
On the one hand she put's Cathy Howse's Book on a pedastal and on the other slams LHCF on which you get MORE information and support for LESS money...
Sounds like the oldest trick in the world to me...:cool:

You are right on the money;)
It's so foolish to go around saying "Don't go to LHCF!!" Umm..everyone knows whenever you tell someone not to look at something (like a website) or not to do something they have not experienced themselves to conjure up their own opinion, they will do just the opposite just to see what the heck you are talking about and why it's that important for you to mention. It is not always just an assumption that people are 'hating' for lack of better explanation for their negative opinion. Those people spell that out on their own especially in situations that are just un-called for and nobody asked you what you thought about it. If you are just volunteering that information, you're too emotionally attached.

Another foolish reason, there are hundreds of paid members and probably even more lurkers that have been on this site and have been growing long lengths for years and still log on everyday and still join everyday. There's so much support, information, and for the most part has a positive vibe of people devoting their time to what they are interested in improving and learning more about, which is their hair....what's so bad about it again? :lol:
Hey, I am a newbie and I have nothing but love for you laides that have grown your hair. You have inspired me and I am not discouraged:D
her post is hilarious. it's funny how she talks about cathy's bad grammar and goes on to use bad grammer herself :lol: no sweat off my back. keepin' it movin :lol: