I need Mindymouse-where is she? (CHowse related)


New Member
I am seriously considereing trying Cathy Howse's methods this year. I have ordered her book and once I read it I will decide whether or not i can follow it. I haven't seen Mindymouse around these parts for a while. She was a Cathy howse fanatic. I have some questions for those on the Howse challenge? Any challengers in the "Howse"(sorry, stupid pun:lol: )?
I reread her book all the time. I use alot of her tips, except her use of the curling iron or flat iron to straighten new growth weekly.
Did you do a search. I know there was a thread weeks ago about starting a CH challenge. If I find it I will post.

I have her book as well and I love her deep conditioner and dew.

Good Luck
I think Mindy had talked about quitting the board, she had alot of personal stuff going on. I haven't seen her around in just ages.
I use her methods {when I'm not in braids} and have been using them for awhile. That was the first site I ran across when I wanted to "grow my hair". I read and re-read her books many times and use most of her products. Did you have specific questions?
Me!! I have been doing her regiem for a year now, It is awesome.. You basically deep conditioner your hair every 3 days with a protein conditioner and moisturize daily. My hair has truely done a 180 :grin:
I have a bottle of her condish that I will not be using. My hair is a natural 4a, and the protein was a little much for me. Maybe we could work out something and I could mail it to you to try. I will not be using it.
I really like her methods too, I've been using it off and on for the past 3 years and I've had nothing but success so I think it's a good idea to try.:)
Ms. Howse definitely got me started on the right path...got to meet her when she came to Harlem in New York....she got my godsister back on to the path as well.

I'm better with the every three days washing during the summer than the winter, I've found...the once a week seems to be working for me...but...now looking at that Dana chick...I'm reconsidering...
Am I the only one who thinks Cathy Howse IS Mindymouse???