Cowashing and bunning the key to wsl hair!

How many of you dry bun?

I was thinking of roller set, wrap then dry bun every day
I like the messy bun does it make a difference.

I rollerset, I don't wrap though, I just comb the curls out. Then I do a messy bun. To me it looks better that way because my ends have a lil bend to it. I did it yesterday and got a lot of comliments on it! :yep:
Not to be a party pooper, but I think low mani, moisture, and any true protective styles are the real keys.

Sylver2 didn't co-wash or bun every single day during her 1 year stretch. She wore LOTS of down styles and washed every 7-15 days or when she knew she needed to do so or had time (if she was sick.)

But...she was a stickler for moisture, low manipulation and PSing, whether that meant buns, twist outs, braidouts, bant knot outs, etc...

I could not bun or co-wash every day with my hair texture once it reaches SL or's too thick.

What do you guys think? Hope that didn't come off wrong, but Sylver2 is the first person I thought about on this particular thread...


low manipulation, no combing, dusting and oiling ends and constant moisture work for me for both stretching and non stretching. i have to do tht constantly. it allows me to enjoy my hair and not have to do these buns and protective styling. listen to your hair.

I don't think it is wrong at all. IMO, what helped Slyver was her stretch (from the relaxers, which meant her protein bonds in her hair wasn't broken which can lead to dryness), her low manipulation and protective styling. They point is that very rarely will a person stretch their relaxers for a year like Sylver did. In essence, that is exactly what co-washing and bunning is. Co-washing is just keeping water in the head (moisture) and bunning is PS'ing.

I love Slver's method. I don't think that we should look over the fact that she did a 1 year stretch, which helped strengthen her hair. I just don't think her method would be so successful had she been relaxing every 6-8 weeks as normal. her method took a lot of effort and we shouldn't take that away from her.

huh? you are very wrong about what helped me! My regimen is the same stretching or non stretching and its been like that for years. i didn't stretch all the time and ive never done protective styling.
keys are no manipulation, moisture, constant dusting, oiling and caring for the ends help. and yes i use to relax evry 4 weeks. every 6 weeks, every 8weeks etc
i don't co wash or bun. i enjoy my hair although i have to stay on all that other stuff to enjoy and retain.

You have to find what works for you. Sylver has found what works for her and something she can live with. That's not gonna work for everyone else or it might, IDK. Braidouts didn't work for me.

Well all have to find that thing that works for us.

exactly ..find what works for you. if my hair could just WASH N' GO like yours i wouldn't do braidouts either. and i'd probably be in buns to if i didn't find an alternative and didn't feel like doing anything to it. i enjoy wearing my hair out and work hard to keep it out and retain length. i believe others can to. its not just 'me'
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I attempted to adopt this practice myself, but I lose sooo much hair when co-washing ( with the detangling ) because I also stretch my relaxers...I have fine, weak hair so I am thinking that I should hold off on the stretching and co-washing until my hair is strong again...but I certainly agree that these methods will retain length!:yep:
My hair is the same way. Im thinking about adding water and con or HS 14n1 to a spray and just spritz bun daily.:look:
ok you guys talked me into it ! :grin:

I really love wearing my hair down and full ..
But, my hair is getting longer and my nape is suffering from it ... so I will start bunning and wearing my hair up .. which is good because summer is coming and all this hair in my face will not be cute lol ..
I already wash 2x a week and mist my hair daily so I will keep doing this .
I'm sure this will help me on my way to MBL :yay:
I've been bunning all my life and I definitely get bored with it. I always wet bun because my hair dry is a HAM (big wavy curly dry mess). I don't alway cowash though - I've yet to find my perfect cowash.
I've recently started finding more ideas thanks to ya'll (DLewis, Tiffers, et al).

Here are a few of my favorites.






Gel and a scarf honey - that's all I do, lol. It works wonders!

Your hair is beautiful. I think we may be hair twins?

low manipulation, no combing, dusting and oiling ends and constant moisture work for me for both stretching and non stretching. i have to do tht constantly. it allows me to enjoy my hair and not have to do these buns and protective styling. listen to your hair.

huh? you are very wrong about what helped me! My regimen is the same stretching or non stretching and its been like that for years. i didn't stretch all the time and ive never done protective styling.
keys are no manipulation, moisture, constant dusting, oiling and caring for the ends help. and yes i use to relax evry 4 weeks. every 6 weeks, every 8weeks etc
i don't co wash or bun. i enjoy my hair although i have to stay on all that other stuff to enjoy and retain.

exactly ..find what works for you. if my hair could just WASH N' GO like yours i wouldn't do braidouts either. and i'd probably be in buns to if i didn't find an alternative and didn't feel like doing anything to it. i enjoy wearing my hair out and work hard to keep it out and retain length. i believe others can to. its not just 'me'

I'm glad you said something. I know people listen more when it comes from your idol.:yep:
I've been bunning all my life and I definitely get bored with it. I always wet bun because my hair dry is a HAM (big wavy curly dry mess). I don't alway cowash though - I've yet to find my perfect cowash.
I've recently started finding more ideas thanks to ya'll (DLewis, Tiffers, et al).

Here are a few of my favorites.






You hair is so pretty ! thanks for the bun ideas :grin:
I have been a member here for awhile and I realized something. The two things most of the mbl and wsl ladies share on here. They all cowash and bun daily. Only allowing their hair down for special occasions. Anyone else realize this too?

No, that wasn't the case for me. I wore my hair out every day and washed weekly and I got to MBL just fine.:yep:
I've been bunning all my life and I definitely get bored with it. I always wet bun because my hair dry is a HAM (big wavy curly dry mess). I don't alway cowash though - I've yet to find my perfect cowash.
I've recently started finding more ideas thanks to ya'll (DLewis, Tiffers, et al).

Here are a few of my favorites.






I LOVE your BUNS these are so beautiful.

Thank you a trillion times you gave me some wonderful ideas.:grin:
Wow Lauren, I love your hair. It is so pretty and thick, I've finally found my hair twin.:yep: I had never seen your relaxed hair before ... tell me what are you gonna do to detangle all that hair when you'll be WL. Please let me know when you get there. If you find the solution, I may transition, you never know:grin: Take care Sweetie:yep:

It's been awhile. I had to dig these up. :lol:






It looks like my hair was attacking me. :giggle:
huh? you are very wrong about what helped me! My regimen is the same stretching or non stretching and its been like that for years. i didn't stretch all the time and ive never done protective styling.
keys are no manipulation, moisture, constant dusting, oiling and caring for the ends help. and yes i use to relax evry 4 weeks. every 6 weeks, every 8weeks etc
i don't co wash or bun. i enjoy my hair although i have to stay on all that other stuff to enjoy and retain

I must have you mixed up with another poster. I thought you were the same as somene else who stretched their relaxer for a whole year (18 months) and only PS'ed without getting touch ups.

My bad. Got my heads all messed up. Didn't mean to offend you
I must have you mixed up with another poster. I thought you were the same as somene else who stretched their relaxer for a whole year (18 months) and only PS'ed without getting touch ups.

My bad. Got my heads all messed up. Didn't mean to offend you

yeh u def got me mixed up.:lol: i did just do a 1 year stretch(12 months) though but never protective styled.
Wow Lauren, I love your hair. It is so pretty and thick, I've finally found my hair twin.:yep: I had never seen your relaxed hair before ... tell me what are you gonna do to detangle all that hair when you'll be WL. Please let me know when you get there. If you find the solution, I may transition, you never know:grin: Take care Sweetie:yep:

Thank you, Mamato! I love your hair, too.:yep:

I also wonder how my hair will be as it gets longer. It's APL now and it takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes, depending on how thorough I want to be. Nowadays the only time I really detangle is when I straighten my hair. The rest of the time I finger comb or just leave it alone.

I'll definitely let you know.:yep:
I don't bun but I do a great pin up. I haven't learned how to bun the Beast yet! Maybe something I will learn this summer.

Cowashing and pining up have been working for me. Since I went back to cowashing regularly at least 3-4 times a week my hair is really thriving.
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That's how I got WL hair too and not on purpose. I had natural (I'm texlaxed and BKT'd now) hair that was very thick and curly so to keep it out of the way I would co wash and clip it or or where a bun. My hair got to my waist stat! My I still retain all of my growth wearing it out everyday especially with my BKT, my hair isn't nearly as dry.
When Co washing how do you deal with the tangles and dreading?

I don't have dreading but I do have tangles but only when I let my bun down at night. As long as I don't take the bun down until cw day I'm ok with the tangles/ they aren't so bad.

When I detangle, I fingercomb first and then apply the conditioner and comb with a seamless comb. The longer I stretch the more tangles I have.
Thank you. I stalk'd the fotki and couldnt find it.

ETA: I have used Vitale Mo Body Relaxer last two relaxers and love it. I am also tired of expensive conditioners so I am going to try the Mane n' Tail. I saw alot of people have good success with it.

Sally's have Mane and Tail on sale right now.:yep:
So for the ladies that cowash and bun daily. You don't mind going to work EVERYDAY with a bun? I am sure you get alot of comments from coworkers etc. Not that it matters :look:

I don't mind. When I want to get "cute" I throw on a 1/2 wig with a soft headband. But co-washing is easy and by far is the thing that has helped me retain the most length ever! :yep:

Do you detangle your hair everytime you cowash. I'd like to cowash more often but I just dont like the idea of using a comb in my hair too often.

Yes! I didn't used to. But I had some tangling issues. When I learned how to detangle and comb in the shower with a Jilbere Shower comb I found I had much less hair loss and no tangles! I don't comb my hair while it's dry. And I use a baby soft brush to smooth my hair down outside of the shower.