Cowashing and bunning the key to wsl hair!

I was just going to say, half-wigs are great for protection for me. Literally, I retain every single millimeter. I don't baggy though. When I'm wigging, I rinse my hair in the morning (already in braids), add castor oil, put on my wig, and go. My hair actually stays damp pretty much the whole day. You could put a cap on first though. I may start doing that.

Gotta second this- I do bun, but I also use half wigs on top of the bun. No one knows the bun is under the half wig:lachen:.

I wash once a week with a no sulfate poo and every other week with Aloe Rid.
Yup, I concur. Kinda got away from it when hair hit mid-back then it occurred to me, "Dummy, it's what got you here, don't stop now"; so I'm back in the groove. Co-wash then bun. I do several times a week. I used to do it everyday. My cousin was fussing at me about going out in the winter with wet hair (geez, had on a cap) that's when I got away from doing it daily. Being that summer is on the way (I hope) I will go back to daily. I liked the clean feeling I had from co-washing daily.
Although I think the bunning and cowashing are contributors, I think this is just as important. Reduction in heat!! The less heat you use the better. I believe if you cowashed and bunned, but still used heat evertime, you would not get the same results. Just my opinion, but my hair has gotten tremendously thicker (even DH noticed) and I have worn buns for years. Never saw this type of improvement though - so I think it is a combination of all three.

No doubt there. good point, I co-wash deep condition sometimes henna and use absolutely no kind of heat, haven't in years. If i'm getting my hair braided I may blow dry for a few but thats it. And stretching my relaxers :wallbash: a minimum of 10 weeks. Sometimes the thickness is close to a naturals texture. I will put some of everything in it to tame it...NO HEAT
True for me :ohwell:...

so I'll live vicariously through the heads that can do it...and watch who it works for from afar...
One of the smartest comments i've read yet. If it's not for you...let it go. Co-washing working pretty good for me, shampooing was making my hair soooo dry it was crispy :lachen:Seldom use it at all now. I have some cleansing agents in my ayurvedic powders. And bunning I think most hair would benefit from, the less you do to it (constant curling & flat ironing) the more it will grow, for me anyways.
Which leads to my question how often do you guys (co-washers) use shampoo?

I use shampoo every 7-10 days or every 14 days; I go by how my hair feels and if it starts to look straw-like or unresponsive, I immediately wash the next day or next time water touches my hair.
Does anyone bun with the ends tucked under? This the only way I do it. I apply Healthy Ends by Profectiv on the ends (of course) and tuck the bun. I'm a big fan of protein and my strands feel strong..but I want to make sure I'm not asking for damage.
Self Styled--Thanks! I would hit the THANKS button but its mysteriously vanished. I've been bunning this way for a while now...I like wet bunning but my hair looks boring LOL. I'm so used to my sew ins and tree braids.
I use to bun but I got bored with it. I am somewhere between APL and BSL and I condition wash daily and then french roll. I secure it with a couple of hair pins.

Usually I just run my fingers thru the ends, rub on the NTM, put in a bun and put on a head scarf to flatten my edges. Right before I leave I remove the scarf and bun and let my hair air dry while I drive to work. Once it's dry or mostly dry then I fluff and pin up in a french roll. Occasionally, if the ends are looking tangled then I gently comb out with a shower comb.
So you ladies actually wet your hair every single day and then bun it and have good results. That's a lot! Well does anyone co-wash then bun the hair and then not touch it say until 3 days later the next co-wash. Seems to me this would be less manipulation allowing you to retain more length.

This is what I do.
You have to find what works for you. Sylver has found what works for her and something she can live with. That's not gonna work for everyone else or it might, IDK. Braidouts didn't work for me.

Well all have to find that thing that works for us.

I know I use too many words to say one thing, but you said exactly what I was trying to say.

We have to find what works. I agree with you!!! :grin: Sorry so late for the response.

low manipulation, no combing, dusting and oiling ends and constant moisture work for me for both stretching and non stretching. i have to do tht constantly. it allows me to enjoy my hair and not have to do these buns and protective styling. listen to your hair.

huh? you are very wrong about what helped me! My regimen is the same stretching or non stretching and its been like that for years. i didn't stretch all the time and ive never done protective styling.
keys are no manipulation, moisture, constant dusting, oiling and caring for the ends help. and yes i use to relax evry 4 weeks. every 6 weeks, every 8weeks etc
i don't co wash or bun. i enjoy my hair although i have to stay on all that other stuff to enjoy and retain.

exactly ..find what works for you. if my hair could just WASH N' GO like yours i wouldn't do braidouts either. and i'd probably be in buns to if i didn't find an alternative and didn't feel like doing anything to it. i enjoy wearing my hair out and work hard to keep it out and retain length. i believe others can to. its not just 'me'

Yes...everything you said. I need to type LESS. I was trying to say to do what works for your hair. You did it so much better than I did. Sorry 'bout that. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I've been wearing my hair in a pincurl bun for ages, but never co washed--currently BSB. For me, the magic trick has been the wet set, and frequent washing to keep the scalp healthy (in addition to the pin curl bun at least 3 -4 days/week). I really think the key is finding the right shampoo. But if you can't, co washing is definitely the way to go. GL ladies!
ok I am going to start today. Will it make a difference of conditioner is protein or moiture?

And this is my bun -- I like the messy look -- do I have to learn how to donut the bun?

The messy look is cute!!! I :heart2:the messy bun!!
i agree! i noticed that my hair was just growin' away when all i'd do it it was bun it!

but for me, i'm unable to cowash too often. my strands are way too fine, and they are extremely fragile when wet. i wash my hair just once a week, let it air dry, and pin it up into a cute lil' jungle on the top of my head.

i'm about an inch away from APL now, and hopefully keeping this up for the next 2 years, i'll be waist length!!!
I'm currently using the Totally Twisted... it's been so-so. I miss my Cantu so i'll either go back to that or try something cone free. Right now the front of my hair is too short to be pulled back so i'll part my hair in two sections and bun that way
Bumping for reply to post #260 (regarding wet bunning individuals) Will it make my hair mushy or mildew?
HH is a good co washing conditioner, lots of people use it and love it. Didn't work for me though, dried my hair out somethin fierce


Hello Hydration was created by Satan in the ninth circle of hell!
Bumping for reply to post #260 (regarding wet bunning individuals) Will it make my hair mushy or mildew?

I co wash all the time and never had the mushies or mildew.. At the end of the day i would sometimes let my hair down and it would dry..I made sure to keep my hair lathered down with a leavein and a good butter...
Back in 2003, I was on a tanning mission and went to the beach 3 or 4 times a week. Since I like going into the water, I was wetting my hair drowning it in conditioner and then letting it air dry. Little did I know that this was "co-washing" and that it was so good for my hair. I thought I was just countering effects of the salt water by the over conditioning. Well, that summer my hair grew like weeds!!! I had hair down to my bra strap within a matter of months. :drunk:

I stopped doing it because the summertime was okay for wash and go hair, but now I'm going back to doing it often!!! I just hope I can keep up with it when it gets cold out.
sadly-----cowashing does not work for me. I wash n dc w/heat 2x's per week. Moisturize daily. Protective styling 24/7 until December 31st 2009!!
I'm always afraid the hair tie will damage my ends when I bun... I normally just put my hair in a pony tail and wrap the hair tie around my pony tail again but don't pull it through. Is that not a proper way to bun?

I really like this one for my ponytails

it feels like hose and it stretches as much as I need it to .....

then I fasten with something non slip and not pulling .....

these come in really small versions....I like those too HTH
ooops sorry, im not WL yet... but i think co washing is the healthiest way to wash hair and i only bun 20% of time. i mostly wear hair in those big monster clips all the time.
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I've been cowashing frequently and bunning just about every day (under my wigs) and I've noticed a considerable improvement in my hair. Now back to growth!