Could You Marry A Guy Who...

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has a small peen? Serious question. So I once dated this one guy for a couple months, we never got intimate the first couple of months but when we did and I noticed how small he was, I immediately lost interest and the relationship ended. But now I find out he's engaged and I'm kinda confused because sexual compatibility is important in any relationship.

I also currently have a situation going on with this one guy who is not as small as the guy above, but he's smaller than average. I really like the guy but I'm really questioning if I would seriously consider him as a mate. Am I being vain? Do women really marry guys with small peens and get sexually satisfied?

Mods, I hope I don't get banned. This is a real-life situation!! lol.
Smaller then average maaaybe. Really small no. Been there. It slipped out. Alot. I said "why dont we just watch a movie". Lol. It was awkward. I have no guilt about it. I'm not a snob either about peen size. I don't need a massive eggplant but damn.... I'd like to a least know it's in there.
Smaller then average maaaybe. Really small no. Been there. It slipped out. Alot. I said "why dont we just watch a movie". Lol. It was awkward. I have no guilt about it. I'm not a snob either about peen size. I don't need a massive eggplant but damn.... I'd like to a least know it's in there.
Right, that's why I can't believe someone is willing to marry him. Maybe I'm missing something.
Absolutely not. That's an insult. I did however go out with a guy who wore makeup- like a full face of it which is more than I do nowadays.
So many variables here.
There's someone for everybody and each persons body is different.
Different shape, curvature, depth vaginas, so what's small to one may be okay for another.
Plus many women don't love vaginal sex, but prefer other sexual stimulation, so if he is good at other things, she'll be satisfied.

I don' particularly like smaller peen. I've had great sex with smaller men and really really bad sex with another. However, there's so much more to a man and a sexual relationship, so I wouldn't completely rule anyone out because of size.
So many variables here.
There's someone for everybody and each persons body is different.
Different shape, curvature, depth vaginas, so what's small to one may be okay for another.
Plus many women don't love vaginal sex, but prefer other sexual stimulation, so if he is good at other things, she'll be satisfied.

Agreed. For some women, sex isn't the only determining factor for marriage either. But considering there are so many available methods for both parties to be satisfied in all things sexual, it has to be something that they work at together as a couple. Sexual satisfaction shouldn't be one sided.
I have been with a very small guy....I loved him anyway. He got comfortable from my ego stroking and stopped treating me didnt last long from there.

Small peen men get married everyday. Most of them are probably experts at oral...even to the point of bragging about it. I also bet they tend to have/earn decent money....other wise what's the point?
My friend once dated a guy with a micro penis. She said it was the size of a ChapStick tube. Could not feel anything. They broke up after the 2nd time they had sex. He is now a pastor and married.
I have never seen a small penis in person and don't wish to.

That's a true micro....smallest I ever dated was about the size of those 2 oz travel bottle. I barely got anything out of that, so I can't imagine.
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