Continued Contact Because They Care What You Think...why?

And it's not that he used the app from linked in to message any emails in his account because I have never communicated with him via email from my govt nor my writer's email accounts. Now I'ma hafta put ole boy on the watch list....smh....
OP could stop him from contacting her if she really wanted to. It's weird that he has contacted her so many times and she hasn't put a stop to it. I think it probably gives her some kind of pleasure thinking that he is pining for her.
She did say she blocked him and he's using different phone numbers and email addresses to keep contacting her.
My ex fiance hurried up and married some woman a few months after we broke up. Well they're already divorced... then he texted me telling me how he was mad at me and jealous so he went and got married.! Dude don't come at me with that nonsense and hold your friggin corner.

Another guy I went out with ONE time kept contacting me to say hi.. right... then the last thing I remember from him was a message he sent me via linked in to tell me how he was engaged and getting married in 3 months and how happy he was. Then he was btw way I hope you're happy and doing well. I actually responded....Yes I'm well. I just celebrated my 1 yr anniversary. I hope you and fiance enjoy the journey into marital bliss.

I haven't heard from him since....
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I've stopped responding to this thread y'all, so please stop quoting me.

Because my opinion is different and is causing a lot of distress, I've decided to back out of this thread. Please respect my decision and stop quoting me.

Thank you very much! CP
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My ex fiance hurried up and married some woman a few months after we broke up. Well they're already divorced... then he texted me telling me how he was mad at me and jealous so he went and got married.! Dude don't come at me with that nonsense and hold your friggin corner.

Another guy I went out with ONE time kept contacting me to say hi.. right... then the last thing I remember from him was a message he sent me via linked in to tell me how he was engaged and getting married in 3 months and how happy he was. Then he was btw way I hope you're happy and doing well. I actually responded....Yes I'm well. I just celebrated my 1 yr anniversary. I hope you and fiance enjoy the journey into marital bliss.

I never heard from him since....

These guys are beside themselves with regrets and what's makes them think you'd be waiting around for them to get it right...after they so obviously got it wrong. See that just goes to prove, people like to say women are emotional and always bring drama...I'ma say it again...a woman ain't got nothing on a b!tch made man...they put the D in drama.

Now, Imagine if I were to share all his tender thoughts with the new dummy...his life would change. But I'm not that chic...we can have fun here and laugh about it and ponder the levels to his crazy....but that's about as far as I will go.

I do believe he must be miserable and having some regrets....I on the other hand am fricking elated to be free. Free to make the right moves, the wrong moves, the dammit just because moves.
I think that he, like most men, doesn't want anyone out there thinking he's the "bad guy". So if you can be friendly with him now, he can assure himself that he wasn't that bad in the marriage. I don't think he has ulterior motives or that he's unhappy with his new wife or he regrets your divorce or that he misses you. He just wants to know that you think he's a good guy and you aren't badmouthing him all over town(or online).
I think that he, like most men, doesn't want anyone out there thinking he's the "bad guy". So if you can be friendly with him now, he can assure himself that he wasn't that bad in the marriage. I don't think he has ulterior motives or that he's unhappy with his new wife or he regrets your divorce or that he misses you. He just wants to know that you think he's a good guy and you aren't badmouthing him all over town(or online).

Is you him? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
No. I'm just familiar with his kind.

Well...his kind is the miserable kind. Nothing will ever make him truly happy...hence them papers. Now I'm blessed to be free.

And we all know the blessed don't beef with the miserable (who said that anyway...anyone know?)

Honestly looking back he always invited drama into our marriage with either the first or the second wife. I used to wonder why after I capped the first wife...Jesus let me say that in a different way, after I explained Texas Penal Code 33.07 to her and made it clear to them both DA's love these types of cases...she got in line...he on the other hand seemed honestly miserable that she was no longer able to bother him. So what would he do...go to pick up his daughter and of course naturally a fvck you no fvck you shouting match would break out.

That spoke volumes to me and pretty much lit a fuse (he likes confusion) that eventually went boom (Let's not do this marriage thing no mo)
I think that he, like most men, doesn't want anyone out there thinking he's the "bad guy". So if you can be friendly with him now, he can assure himself that he wasn't that bad in the marriage. I don't think he has ulterior motives or that he's unhappy with his new wife or he regrets your divorce or that he misses you. He just wants to know that you think he's a good guy and you aren't badmouthing him all over town(or online).

But wait even if all that you said were true...why would he care? I promise on everything with I'm with my new guy...I'm hard pressed to even remember I was married. But for him inserting himself back into my thoughts with his ponderings about what I think about him....he doesn't exist. Who cares what I think about him he should be wondering what the new Mrs. Dummy thinks. Dude erase me from your memory bank...I never was all a dream.
But wait even if all that you said were true...why would he care? I promise on everything with I'm with my new guy...I'm hard pressed to even remember I was married. But for him inserting himself back into my thoughts with his ponderings about what I think about him....he doesn't exist. Who cares what I think about him he should be wondering what the new Mrs. Dummy thinks. Dude erase me from your memory bank...I never was all a dream.
Because he has a certain image of himself and he needs everyone to validate that impression.
Because he has a certain image of himself and he needs everyone to validate that impression.

Oh I don't disagree...this is so true...except it's all in his head. No one is going to validate what does not exist. I don't practice lying to folks about who they think they are....nor am I about to start. He's got some things that he needs to deal with or accept himself as he really is...just because you run around with a towel wrapped around your shoulders jumping off couches...does not make you able to fly.

I'm just lurking but good luck. Hopefully he'll stop before crazy this time lol

But if he doesn't be sure to start a thread about it :lachen:

And you know I will....but girl don't lurk chime in...I've always love your prose and unabashedness....

As to him....he's probably somewhere...fingertips sweating...reading all this sh!t...wondering what can he say that won't confirm everything I've written. I told him when I met him...don't fvck'll wind up in a chapter.....:lachen::lachen::lachen: Hell even SC knows all about it. He asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was ever going to publish our book...OUR? Tigga what...:look:
Is this the guy you wrote about years ago? The one you met online? If so, I'm sorry to see how things ended up. It was a sweet love story.

Thank you sweetie. But gosh no, SC is the guy I wrote about and we broke up shortly after Ike hit and my dad died. He also got married...but still insist on keeping in touch...but he's a sweetheart and never was anything other than a gentleman...just didn't make my 1yr move rule.

My ex-husband is also very much a gentleman and can be a sweetheart...but is very... quite... absolutely passive aggressive and is as we've learned these past few days controlling. But if anyone wants a man who will go to work everyday, come home and cook, clean, wash, plow the fields, feed the was just tew much...I don't need a man to do all that, because at some point it becomes compensating....and therein lies the issue. What are we compensating for?
And you know I will....but girl don't lurk chime in...I've always love your prose and unabashedness....

As to him....he's probably somewhere...fingertips sweating...reading all this sh!t...wondering what can he say that won't confirm everything I've written. I told him when I met him...don't fvck'll wind up in a chapter.....:lachen::lachen::lachen: Hell even SC knows all about it. He asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was ever going to publish our book...OUR? Tigga what...:look:

Oh Snap! ... Not SC, girl! I was there for that, that my dear was one of, if not the most, epic thread of all time up in this camp ... I'm still waiting on the grown folks edition...:lachen: